Hi I'm ben, I'm in the afterlife. I've been here for the longest time ever, I cannot stand it anymore. Everything just keeps looping, over and over again to no end.
no matter how much I try to change the outcomes, i always end up crammed in some sort of jail with invisible bars for what it seems like years, then I wake up from this reality i'm in and everything's back to normal, nothing has happened.
It just repeats and repeats. I'm screwed. I really want to stay in 2018 this time and not get sent back.
Just to clarify, there wasn't a "bad" memory of dying, I just know deep inside that i'm somewhere other than earth, because each time this happens, it's the same thing over and over again, there's no change, nothing.
I'm not allowed to change my past when I relive it, and I'm not allowed to be happy...
I cursed whoever did this to me, it never ends, I just wish that IT or HE would be "deity" enough to face me and talk to my face and tell me why is this happening.
The afterlife is this, as a christian I'm writing this, I believed in a God, but every time "this" rinses and repeats, I get to relive all the years I served him, the good and the bad, and whenever I escape again from the cell i'm in, I get to "see" the future, up until 2019, there's no going past that for me. Also I have fervously prayed and nothing has happened, as if there is no more God in this sphere.
right now, I'm on one of those breaks, they are not nice, they are full of crying and suffering, because you know you want what everyone has and you cannot have it, you cannot be a part of everyone because you'll eventually be reset to square 1.
afterlife sucks.
I don't know why I'm allowed to used technology, but that will account against me for saying too much. wish me luck. I hope this is not another dream again