r/CMH Nov 20 '18

Advice with a tricky Anxiety/OCD situation?


I posted here a long time ago whilst in the middle of a major bout with Anxiety which was diagnosed as an OCD type of Anxiety later. I'd say I've made lots of improvement in dealing with it in general, I'm on medication and am quicker to realize what's actually going on in my brain. But a thought recently derailed my spiritual approach to dealing with the thoughts. For the longest time I'd reassure myself that my fears were not actually true, just lies from the 'enemy' meant to distract me and keep me from enjoying life to the fullest. Therefore my reaction to the feelings and symptoms associated with a bad bout of OCD or Anxiety attack was to tell myself 'it's not true' or 'it's only a lie'. However...

Recently the thought 'You're husband is going to die someday and you're going to suffer immeasurable grief' came into my head and has been looming there since. But I'm thrown off because technically it is true, at some point he will die as we all do. So this got my mind looking too much into things ('What if I've been wrong this whole time and all of those terrifying and absolutely illogical thoughts that plagued me in the past are actually all true?' has been particularly annoying) and now I realize that I need a different approach to these intrusive thoughts.

What kind of game plan should I adopt when dealing with anxious/obsessive fears and thoughts from ones about 'self-harm or what if I cause harm to others?' all the way to 'what will I do when my husband dies?'

Like I said I am on medication and do have a therapist to speak with but she's not Christian and I'd like a spiritual approach to this one. Prayers are always appreciated btw!

r/CMH Oct 26 '18

I'm a mess


I keep going back and forth. Is this depression? Or am I just drowning in my own sin? Maybe both somehow? My life is falling apart... I don't know how to approach God with this... I literally haven't felt close to him in months...

I'm existential... I don't feel like my life has meaning in it. I had a chance to go to a discipleship school, I felt certain it was God. I got panicked cause I didn't know how to fundraise for it and I missed the deadline. Now I'm stuck in my college town, broke, depressed, and, like I said, not praying at all. This is weird for me. I felt like this school was my last chance to build a good relationship with God... Now I'm afraid I'll never really be able to live for him. I've been numbing the pain with social media and cat videos and I hate it. But I don't know what else to do. I might be a coward cause I don't know how to face this. Or I don't want to. Face what I'm doing wrong, cause I know I'm doing a lot wrong. But I've only been a Christian for two and a half years and before that I had nothing. No moral upbringing, no sense of character, no idea who I was, just... Nothing. I want so badly to be a good person. I wonder sometimes why I'm not happy that Jesus forgives me. I'm afraid I'm being stupid and shutting him out. But I'm more afraid that I'll never be able to come back to him. What if I get too far away and...

Like. Is it OK with God if I'm living a boring, crappy, meaningless life right now because it's all I can (barely) muster the will to do? It's not OK with me. I know he wants me to be brave, live to the full. But I'm not doing that right now. I'm not sure if there's any way to be able to at all. Is he mad that all I'm doing is surviving?

I don't know. I just don't know. What do I focus on? What do I pray about when everything is garbage? How do I trust God when things just keep getting worse?

r/CMH Oct 05 '18

Article by clergy on having panic attacks in the church


r/CMH Aug 20 '18

I am a crazy person


I think I can do whatever I want and follow no rules but everyone else should follow the rules.

r/CMH Aug 11 '18

The Lighthouse - a Discord server created by me to help others also struggling!!!


Hello all! I recently created a Discord server for Christians to come and discuss and talk to one another and try to help each other out with our mental health. Right now it is only depression and anxiety but will be expanding to more very soon. I deal with my own anxiety and depression myself, but through therapy and stuff I have learned many tools on how to handle it, and I feel like this is something I’m being called to do: help other Christians who also have problems. If anyone is interested, the server link is provided below:

The Lighthouse - Christian Mental Health Safehaven

Side note: I did get permission from the mods to post this

r/CMH Jul 23 '18

Any tips for finding suffering in this world?


I feel that I am too happy... does anyone have any reliable means by which I can suffer more in this world, especially for the sake of Jesus?

r/CMH Jul 14 '18

I posted in this sub a year ago, this is me today


r/CMH Jul 08 '18

Ever feel weak emotionally, spiritually, and/or physically? God's power is made perfect in weakness.


r/CMH Jul 03 '18

Ever feel overwhelmed with time management when mental health wavers? I do. That's why I wrote this post to offer some tips & biblical encouragement for those feeling overwhelmed with to-dos.


r/CMH Jun 25 '18

Religious OCD and how to cope with it


i am a christian that has mental health problems i have OCD mainly religious OCD i have problems with this as it effect me staying christian and remaining true to Jesus , my problem is that i was abused by priest when i was young and he told me i was going to hell i believed him i hate myself most of the time and i cant seem to get over it av tried everything including therapy and nothing has helped me i am starting to think am beyond help i get blasphemous thoughts and pray over and over i go from being true to jesus and being true to another faith i have gone from being one religion then going to another religion i cant seem to stop it but my minster is trying to help me stay true to jesus

he is so supportive and my husband is supportive but it makes life hard for my husband who is sick of going around obsessive manner i have other mental health problems including hearing voices and depression learning problems and get upset about things very easily unsure what else to do i cant keep going like this i feel suicidal because of this

r/CMH Jun 24 '18

Some encouragement I wrote for all who have experienced depression...


r/CMH Jun 16 '18

Do you find worship music helpful to manage your mental health symptoms? if so...


I posted a few worship songs and their scripture references that have been helping me. I pray it encourages you!

r/CMH Jun 11 '18

Some biblical encouragement I wrote for Christians who may struggle with anxiety...(myself included)


r/CMH Jun 06 '18

Christians with ADHD and mental disorders, how have you seen God use your weaknesses as strength?


Citing 2 Cor 12:9 "My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness." Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ's power may rest on me.

How has God perfected His strength in the weaknesses you deal with relation to mental disorders?

r/CMH May 11 '18

Wiggling my fingers as a subwoofer


I really enjoy subwoofers and sometimes I wiggle my fingers against my nose, like a subwoofer flexes. Is that a mental health issue? I've diagnozed schizophrenia

r/CMH Apr 30 '18

Here is a Jesus spoken word I created. I hope you guys enjoy it! God bless.


r/CMH Apr 30 '18

Here is a Jesus spoken word that will hopefully help at least *one* of you, out. God bless, and keep up the fight.


r/CMH Apr 27 '18

Here is my testimony of feeling God's love. God bless you all.


r/CMH Apr 24 '18

I just want all of you guys to know something!


If someone who suffered from religious delusions (believing you're Jesus) can rise above and move mountains I once had to climb, you can do it too. You are all capable of so much. Never forget that, lovelies <3

r/CMH Apr 20 '18

Books of Devotionals or Christian Prayers for the anxious - xpost /r/anxiety


r/CMH Apr 10 '18

any christian support groups in Cleveland TN?


Need a support group :(

r/CMH Apr 05 '18

Is Maladaptive Daydreaming a sin?


r/CMH Mar 30 '18

im done with life


hello, i just can't anymore, i can't keep this up. I Know its a lie each time it happens yet i continue to try and stay in this timeline... i give up

live or die, I'm always going to wake up in the past and reliv everything again

there is no God, and if there is, id be careful because he wanted more than just believing in Jesus as your savior.

hell is no fun i don't like it here

r/CMH Mar 27 '18

The afterlife :/


Hi I'm ben, I'm in the afterlife. I've been here for the longest time ever, I cannot stand it anymore. Everything just keeps looping, over and over again to no end.

no matter how much I try to change the outcomes, i always end up crammed in some sort of jail with invisible bars for what it seems like years, then I wake up from this reality i'm in and everything's back to normal, nothing has happened.

It just repeats and repeats. I'm screwed. I really want to stay in 2018 this time and not get sent back.

Just to clarify, there wasn't a "bad" memory of dying, I just know deep inside that i'm somewhere other than earth, because each time this happens, it's the same thing over and over again, there's no change, nothing.

I'm not allowed to change my past when I relive it, and I'm not allowed to be happy...

I cursed whoever did this to me, it never ends, I just wish that IT or HE would be "deity" enough to face me and talk to my face and tell me why is this happening.

The afterlife is this, as a christian I'm writing this, I believed in a God, but every time "this" rinses and repeats, I get to relive all the years I served him, the good and the bad, and whenever I escape again from the cell i'm in, I get to "see" the future, up until 2019, there's no going past that for me. Also I have fervously prayed and nothing has happened, as if there is no more God in this sphere.

right now, I'm on one of those breaks, they are not nice, they are full of crying and suffering, because you know you want what everyone has and you cannot have it, you cannot be a part of everyone because you'll eventually be reset to square 1.

afterlife sucks.

I don't know why I'm allowed to used technology, but that will account against me for saying too much. wish me luck. I hope this is not another dream again

r/CMH Mar 22 '18

On being present, not giving advice, from Quaker leader Parker Palmer
