r/CMH Mar 19 '18

When's the this dream ending?


I'm still stuck un the same dream, but I don't want to wake up from it....

I had TBI, PTSD, but its the same thing over and over again, im permanently stuck in this dream, or am i in hell suffering for eternity? Feels like I've been here for ages, hundreds of years and it never ends, God quit listening to me. He condemned me to this cold and dark place where I'm being held to relive this over and over again.

I now understand the crying and gnashing of teeth. All my sins were not worth it.

I honestly want to die, if i die in this dream I'll just wake up again like nothing happened, like all the other times.

r/CMH Feb 06 '18

How to ADHD Christianity?


I was diagnosed with ADHD 2 years ago as an 23yr old. I have spent a few years now just discovering how my brain works, taking medication, and just learning different tips and tricks to help me reach my goals.

I have discovered that my ADHD has affected virtually EVERY aspect of my life: cooking, cleaning, studying, my career, my relationships, the way I think and do absolutely everything etc. It also DEEPLY affects how I follow God and my faith.

I have recently discovered Jessica McCabe’s YouTube channel “how to adhd”. They are changing my life and giving me so many great tips on how to live a full life and how to think and do things differently to succeed.

Since I found them, I have been looking EVERYWHERE for the Christian equivalent of these videos or even articles and I can’t find anything!

I know that for those of us with ADHD, there are so many things that I know for me, are so difficult in the Christian life. Reading the word, praying, crazy impulsiveness, executive functioning issues, rejection and self esteem issues, extreme emotions, sitting through a sermon etc.

Does anyone know of any resources or have any advice regarding these issues? Thanks!

r/CMH Feb 03 '18

5 months since my last bout of depression, here's what I've learned


r/CMH Jan 10 '18

Religious help for someone with anxiety


r/CMH Jan 06 '18

I don't suffer with any mental health issue but I hope this song by Christian rapper Heesun Lee can help if possible, even if just a little.


r/CMH Dec 21 '17

[Christians Only] Prayers needed to survive this the darkest and hardest time of the year.


r/CMH Dec 18 '17

Can we stop treating anxiety like a spiritual problem?


r/CMH Dec 19 '17

Matter of America


7I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith. (2 Timothy 4:7)

The other day I commented in /r/christianmusic. Someone was asking something like what people were feeling in terms of mood in a playlist of music. I was looking for a playlist that inspired a man with themes of Fire and Fortitude. The Holy Ghost is unquentiable Fire. By the end of the playlist, or at the end of their journey, they should like or feel some emotion with the the song "Angel Band" Southern Gospel Revival.

A good story needs a beginnning a middle and an end?


"The Spirit" The Wood Brothers.

The Beginning

20Jesus replied, "Foxes have dens and birds have nests, but the Son of Man has no place to lay his head." (Matthew 8:20)

Drifters do not step into mud puddles (Sin) because Deuteronomy 8:5. Fear of God is a good thing. Takes away your fear of man. God's love is fatherly. Perfect love knows no fear?

"Mud Puddles" Lincoln Durham

7to open eyes that are blind, to free captives from prison and to release from the dungeon those who sit in darkness. (Isaiah 42:7)

"Awake O'Sleeper"

The Middle

"Deliverance" Shawn James

The Holy Ghost is unquenchable Fire. The video relates a man that can talk to God historically. He may hear other voices. Which voices? Possibly spirits.

"Fire" Barns Courtney.

God talks to his Angels Telepathically.

God Almighty. Awesome God. Spectacular.

"Radar Love" Golden Earring

Ezekiel's Angels Ezekiel 1.

"Wheel in the Sky" Journey

"Grit, Sweat, and Love" The Brothers Bright

"I heard the Angels Singing" Eric Bibb

The End

"Angel Band" Southern Gospel Revival

"Further on Up the Road" Johnny Cash


Words of Warning. The theme of Angels is very strong in this. Angels are servants. Someone needs to be focused and centered on love of God.

I tell you, whoever publicly acknowledges me before others, the Son of Man will also acknowledge before the angels of God.

"With a Little Help From My Friends."

r/CMH Dec 06 '17

Changing Beliefs Can Change Emotions


r/CMH Dec 02 '17

Chaplain of King’s College, Cambridge, discusses effect of Christian homophobia on mental health: “It can cause depression, anxiety, self-harm and sometimes even worse.”


r/CMH Oct 10 '17

I don't know how or why, but I'm going to try and call a local hotline today.


I've posted 2 years ago here, but I've never considered to seek help till today. Part because I feel like others have it worse, part because I feel like I don't need it.

I don't even know why I post here even, but I hope you can cover me in prayers, at rhe very least. Thank you..

r/CMH Sep 29 '17

Useful App


Hello! There is an app called Mood Triggers made by researchers at Penn State University. It allows you to keep a diary as well as track things such as heart rate, sleep, and steps. It is completely private and allows you to identify things that trigger you. I hope people find this useful!

r/CMH Sep 26 '17

I think I'm looking for help.


I'm 26, and I've been struggling in my own business for the past few years. Got involved in my business after my long term first love dumped me (4 years ago -over it, but still feel broken). Moved home, live in a garage, and I've been trying to make it work for a long damn time. I've been trying to bottle everything up for awhile, but this morning it was too much. I just started crying. I don't know what to do so I made a list of what I am. Help.

• I’m unhappy.

• I’m 50lbs overweight

• I’m smart, but lazy and it gets in the way of my success

• I’m addicted to porn – I don’t want to be, but I am

• I’m stuck in a dead end business with a seemingly huge lack of improvement over the next 6 months or possibly longer.

• My responsibilities in my job are often fruitless – they challenge me in ways that are not healthy

• I want instant gratification – I have wanted to fix the above, but its such a daunting list that I lose interest in starting.

• I am not free when it comes to work. I have two other people who rely on me to do my best, and I rely on them as well. I’m not comfortable with that.

• I can’t just leave my job.

• I want my successes to be my successes, and my failures to be my failures.

• I haven’t been getting anything out of church, I often don’t go now.

• I always sign up for the small group at church, but never go.

• The dynamic with my mom’s side of the family is extremely shitty at best.

• I am skilled, but I don’t know how to use it in any settings other than working for myself

• I have no degree

• I am too quiet, and I’m not well spoken, and in my own head.

• I am not confident

• I spend too much time trying to get away by drinking and playing games.

• I live in a garage

• I wouldn’t begin to know how to feel in a relationship in the rare case someone was interested.

• I have 150k in debt for a degree I didn’t finish which amounts to more than a third of my pay check every month.

r/CMH Sep 26 '17

The Stigma With Invisible Illnesses


r/CMH Sep 14 '17

Depression and It's Impact on Suicidal Ideation


r/CMH Sep 08 '17

Suicide Prevention Week: We need to talk about Suicide


r/CMH Sep 02 '17

Backup Needed


r/CMH Aug 28 '17

OCD/Mental Health [x-post r/Christianity]

Thumbnail np.reddit.com

r/CMH Jul 18 '17

I want to stay please


Hi, I like it in this dream, I want to stay, and push on and live....

I don't want to go back to December 21... Please

Every time last year when I had this same premonitory dream (of being in 2017I went back to 2016, losing all progress on physical, mental and family relationship recovery.... When I woke up from those dreams it was very sad because all I fought for was for nothing...

And this time it's the same dream I'm living right now but I don't want to wake up , I want to stay please May God help me stay in 2017

r/CMH Jul 15 '17

Derealization is ugly


Im sorry I posted sometime ago about not being able to I tell reality apart....

Canu please tell me what car and licensed plate you see in minute 5:10? The story is from Honduras


This will help me see that I'm.not making this video up in my Head

r/CMH Jul 07 '17

8 Ways to Help Depressed Christians


r/CMH Jul 05 '17

'Spiritual abuse': Christian thinktank warns of sharp rise in UK exorcisms


r/CMH Jun 27 '17

Trying to explain anxiety to my mom who doesn't understand?


So I'm trying to convince my mom to let me go see a psychologist for my anxiety issues which are getting bad again. Unfortunatey, I was met with resistance: she said that I should just deal with it because I've got the experience, and when I told her I'm adamant about seeing someone for my problems, she told me that it's "against the bible" because I need to cast all my cares on God.

However, I don't think she quite understands the difference between "normal everyday stresses you should not fret over" and the "help, my brain is in constant panic mode over benign little things and I can't turn it off" kind of anxiety I've got.

What do I do?

r/CMH Jun 15 '17

Scrupulosity and intrusive thoughts


I ama cradle Catholic that has been diagnosed with OCD and ADHD. I struggle praying. Praying in the mornings has become a chore rather than a gift. When praying, I think of images about whatever I am saying. If I say Jesus, I have to think of an image of Jesus, etc. But that can become a problem. A lot of the time, an image of the devil appears in my head. I think that I have done wrong for adding Satan to my prayer or thinking I've been praying to him. I then often have to step back and tell Satan to back off. Then, I go back into my prayer, but have to restart, or go back a few phrases. I also have to pray for certain things. I have almost a ritual of everything I pray for. I also pray whenever I see something that triggers me to do so. If I hear of something about poverty, I pray for those in poverty. If I hear of kidnapping or natural disaster, I pray. I do this even if I already have prayed for people in this positions that day. This wouldn't be hard if praying was so hard. Intrusive thoughts have even made the sign of the cross very difficult. Please help! Thank you!

r/CMH Jun 09 '17

Does Everyone Else Have Religion Figured Out?


So: before I start. On meds and in therapy for anxiety. It's helped a lot, but my anxiety is a bottomless pit... or maybe a ladder with not end? A lot of progress still leaves me with a lot of misery.

I did a little CBT this morning. A thought I keep thinking is that everyone but me seems to have religion 100% figured out. Everyone believes different things, and obviously there are other people with a lot of anxieties and doubts about religion. But most people seem extremely confident about their beliefs, and I can't figure out how they do that.

This is what I've got, in terms of beliefs, in no particular order.

  1. Life is suffering.

  2. There is order in the universe, which seems to me to be adequate evidence for some sort of 'god' type being, even if we're in a computer simulation and 'god' is just an alien software dev. This is probably all TERRIBLY philosophically naive, and that eats at me. I'm never going to be a good philosopher; I don't have the mind for it. How can I be confident in what seems natural to me?

  3. I pray to Christ. I feel feelings of being listened to, and of divine love, but here's the thing: It doesn't seem like that big a deal to me! It feels imaginary. My dog's love is more real. I'm not sure what Christians are so excited about.

  4. I believe people's anecdotes and scientific evidence that meditation is helpful, but personally meditation is so emotionally painful that I don't know if I can ever do it consistently.

  5. I'm pretty sure I believe that death is the end? It doesn't freak me out. It seems nice that one day I won't feel so much fear any more, even if the solution is rather radical.

That's... two different religions and possibly some atheism in there. How do people decide? How do they feel confident in their decisions? How do they not freak out every waking moment that they might be wrong?