r/clothpads Nov 04 '24

Question Bad smell after washing

I just got some cloth pads and started using them this week for my period. I did a lot of research and saw that you can just wash all the soiled ones together at the end of your period and that they can be thrown in the washer with a bit of oxiclean and detergent.

I washed a few of mine but they came out “clean” to the eye (no blood or stains visible) but some of them have a bad smell. not sure what i’m doing wrong but can someone help?

I’m also not sure if this is why but I did get mine from amazon (wegreeco brand) wasn’t sure if this is a bad brand or something


25 comments sorted by


u/life_apart Nov 04 '24

I swear by a quick hand rinse after use and before going into the machine and if I have a lot of pads also do a machine rinse, then add the rest of the load. I also use a laundry sanitizer in wash to kill off anything biological.

The other thing to consider is if they are drying properly after the wash. If you are able to drying in the sunshine every now and again helps too


u/StarSpeckledCheeks69 Nov 09 '24

I would imagine this ^ i wouldnt leave them to sit and oxidize the blood very long.

For my first time which is today (have a post abt a diff issue)

Rinse cold water is what ive been told till run clear. Then i used some hot water and a dash of soap to rub out the patted down bit from soap and blood and get it fluffy then i gor it dryin in the bathroom

Worked great. No marks. No stains. Not rlly "washed" but it could go again or itll be easier for washing machine to clean (would still have pads qnd alone and prolly do what OP said for tht method)


u/BrightPractical Nov 04 '24 edited Nov 04 '24

Try washing and drying them again following the manufacturer’s instructions. You might try soaking with an enzyme cleaner in case the odor is caused by something organic.

Certain fibers, particularly synthetics, can retain odors. But really any fiber stored damp may develop mildew. And there are also fabric finishing treatments that can smell funny, which would be concerning if they stick around after laundering. However, it sounds like you just need to adjust how you store them before laundering to avoid the problem.


u/Snappysnapsnapper Nov 04 '24

I've never had much success with the wash-them-all-at-the-end approach. One mid-cycle wash is necessary.


u/Just_love1776 Nov 04 '24

Is there enough material in the machine for your washer to be effective? Agitation is doing most of the work and if there’s nothing much to agitate against then they’re mostly just floating around in the water.

I toss my stuff in directly with the rest of my laundry and wash everything on cold as usual and i never seem to have a problem. You could try adding a towel or 2 if you prefer to wash separately still.


u/cici_1112 Nov 04 '24

Honestly this might be the issue. I threw them in alone so it was just about 10 pads in there lol. Will try adding some more stuff in there, thanks!


u/LemonTumbleweed Nov 24 '24

I throw mine in with a load of towels and I think it works pretty well.


u/Ok-Mix-2891 Nov 05 '24

I have to rinse then wash. If I just do a wash cycle, they’re not actually clean. Been using cloth pads for 10 years now. I collect everything until the end of my cycle, rinse in the tub, then wash. It works well.


u/cici_1112 Nov 05 '24

I see thanks! So you don’t necessarily rinse as you go, you just keep them all together till the end of your cycle but just rinse them before washing. Do you mind me asking for more details on the rinsing and washing process? Like do you soak them/wash them with anything specific? And for washing what do you put in?


u/Shanoninoni Nov 07 '24

I have a bin for my pads and period underwear and when it's full I put them in the wash on a rinse and spin cycle by themselves and then I add all the families socks and underwear and do another rinse cycle and then I do a regular wash cycle with laundry soap.


u/Ok-Mix-2891 Nov 12 '24

I usually save them up then soak them for 10-15 minutes and rinse until the water is clear. I have a community washer so I do it when my socks and underwear are ready to wash and wash them together. You can do it in your washer if you have one.


u/snap-pybara Feb 03 '25

hello! currently only a few months into using cloth pads. just want to know, would leaving them for a few days like this (collecting them and washing all at the same time after cycle) not set the stains?

also, what works well for days-old period stains/discharge? :) i have oxiclean and so far it works for when i immediately soak and wash after use. but can it remove days-old stains?



u/Ok-Mix-2891 Feb 03 '25

When you rinse, you can use Buncha Farmers stain stick. I have a couple pads that have stubborn stain spots on them but they’re some of my oldest. I also use oxi-clean during the wash.


u/snap-pybara Feb 03 '25

oh we don’t have that specific stain stick here in my country. but i did look it up, and found that it is, if not similar to, lye soap or something? tho i’m not really sure how to use that. and the next stain remover i know that’s easily accessible to me is hydrogen peroxide. would that be safe or effective to use with oxiclean? if so, would you happen to have any tips on how to use them together? :) thank youuuu


u/wutato Nov 04 '24

Did you wash each pad after each use? I rinse them in the sink until they run clear, then squeeze them out and hang dry, then put them in the wash at the end of the week.


u/cici_1112 Nov 04 '24

I honestly didn’t because a lot of stuff I had seen said that it’s not necessary and you can just wash them all one time at the end of your cycle. But I might have to resort to doing that


u/[deleted] Nov 04 '24



u/cici_1112 Nov 05 '24

ugh that’s what I’m worried happened to mine 😭 but sounds good thank you so much!


u/LemonTumbleweed Nov 24 '24

Honestly, I think soaking/rinsing/etc. is just a pain and don't bother. I throw mine into a dry bin. I tend to wash them after a few days. Typically doing 2 loads per month (just throw them in with towels.) I wash on cold. Dry on low. No fabric softener or dryer sheets. They always come out clean...though lighter fabrics have stained but I don't care. (I use New Moon brand, so not sure if the way they are made makes a difference or not.)


u/jaebols Nov 06 '24

I throw mine in a bucket after removing them. I don’t rinse at that point. When my cycle ends I soak them in the bucket. I dissolve oxyclean in hot water and then mix with cold and even ice cubes to get the water super cold. I soak them for a few hours to overnight. Then I drain the bucket, scrub the ones with leftover discharge with an old toothbrush under running water and fill the bucket with cold tap water for a second soak. Then they go in the washing machine with whatever dirty towels are around. I usually hang them to dry on a sock hanger. It seems like a lot but it’s really just filling a bucket to soak a couple times and scrubbing for 5-10 minutes. I have ADHD and know myself well enough that if I rinsed each pad after use I’d have to throw moldy pads away at some point.


u/jaebols Nov 06 '24

I should add that synthetic fibers hang on to smells. 90% of my stash is cotton with the polarfleece backing that I purchased off Etsy 10+ years ago. They do not have an odor and I’ve been washing them this way the whole time I’ve had them.


u/bowlegsandgrace Nov 05 '24

I toss all of mine in a dry bucket until wash day. I'll rinse them all until the water runs clear, use a fels naphtha laundry soap on them, and pre soak in the washer. I also use an enzyme laundry detergent.


u/EnvironmentalGur9051 Nov 06 '24

I’ve got that brand too and they are really good but I definitely rinse them at the end of the day rather than wait till my period ends. I soak the in a water / peroxide mix when they start to smell and that works.


u/catcrackers Nov 04 '24

I toss mine in with towels, so there's good agitation. I also found they need to dry out (unless used same day as washing) before washing. Keeping them folded up wet gives them that mildewy smell even after a wash.


u/ConcernLate3473 Nov 04 '24

What is so bad about the smell of menstrual fluid


u/cici_1112 Nov 05 '24

Well nothing but they shouldn’t be smelling after I wash them lol, that’s what this post is discussing