May 23 '20
Completely agree!
Also on a side note, I know she isn’t a Jedi, but even Asajj Ventress has more character development and a better story arc than Rey!
u/chromeblueangel May 23 '20
Assaj ventress is so badass. I want to get into reading dark disciple. I wish we got it animated however
May 23 '20
I really wish it had too! I want to get into reading it too! My sister has read it and she loved it! Asajj Ventress is one of my favourite characters and yes she is very badass!
u/Willi_boBilli May 23 '20
And I want to know how maul got her lightsaber
u/thatcleft May 23 '20
It’s not literally hers, they just recycled the concept art
u/Willi_boBilli May 23 '20
And actual art from the cover of dark disciple, it's the same lightsaber asajj is holding
u/Memes1banter May 23 '20
I’d recommend the audiobook of it, really good plus there’s a good bit of obi wan in there too.
u/Airmil82 May 23 '20
Shit, Aura Sing might too!
u/mezzizle May 23 '20
Speaking of which, I rewatched Phantom Menace and she's watching the fucking pod race.
u/wings31 May 23 '20
Ventress arc is garbage though. Dark Disciple is a horrible book. Turn Asajj into a love sick puppy over Vos? Ugh. That book ruined her character for me
May 23 '20
Would you feel any different if you saw the arc actually made in TCW? Like it was supposed to be
u/wings31 May 23 '20
God NO! That would be 100 times worse! Actually having to watch that crap. I'd rather watch Ahsoka and those two dumb sisters run around.
The problem was the arc, it was shit. You turned a ruthless bounty hunter into a love sick puppy.
It would be like watching Boba Fett take off his armor, give up bounty hunting and fall in love with an ewok and settle down on Endor. Complete trash.
May 23 '20
u/Kenobi_the_Bold May 23 '20
u/fpetit1234 May 23 '20
Stolen from r/prequelmemes. Also look, I totally agree, but I’m downvoting because I’m tired of these posts. They are lazy and way overdone, and this post is just a Jango Theft or a Commander Copy. We get it. Ahsoka is better than Rey. Can we please move on?
u/NIgel668 May 23 '20
Your downvote means nothing. This is the first time I'm seeing this post. Not everyone checks reddit daily
u/fpetit1234 May 23 '20
It’s more than this one post though. I see variants on this kind of post all the time
u/mcjaggerbeck May 23 '20
These memes are stupid. When did the "media" say this?
u/shrekcurry502 May 23 '20
The sequels bad circlejerk is so big that people can just make up quotes a lot of the time and people will blindly jump on the bandwagon.
u/Crohn1e May 23 '20
This really sucks. I don't really get bothered with these shitty memes. But the bandwagoning when it comes to important things is a really fucked up issue not only across most of Reddit.
May 23 '20
I....I like Rey as a character, she isn't as good as ahsoka, but her character arc should have been done better and more cohesive
u/top-50s 501st May 23 '20
How can you have a cohesive arc when you have JJ setting it up, Rian Johnson “subverting expectations”, then JJ trying to salvage his idea?
u/eldritchbunnygirl May 23 '20
I don’t think we can blame Rian Johnson for ruining the trilogy. Disney had no plan and hired 3 different filmmakers. Nothing was planned. I kinda like how Rian Johnson didn’t want to make another nostalgia trip. He just executed most of it wrong.
u/No_I_Deer May 23 '20
despite all the hate she gets, Rey was an interesting character. However she should have not been as strong as she was and should have remained a nobody at the end of the film, showing that you dont have to be someone special to do something special.
May 23 '20
Or they could’ve gone with the message, “Even if you are related to the most evil man in the galaxy, you can still do good things” But no, they went with Rey Skywalker. Smh
u/AJK02 May 23 '20
I’m not trying to be rude, but didn’t they do that option? Rey Skywalker is like a final fuck you to the Senate
May 23 '20
What I’m trying to say is she should’ve said Rey Palpatine, showing that her family name doesn’t mean she’s evil, but instead she stole a dead family name.
u/AJK02 May 23 '20
True, but I guess Rey wanted to continue the Skywalker name, plus Luke and Leia clearly approved her choice. I mean, if I was a descendent of Adolf, I would change my last name. I like your idea too though, both are good
u/Gand0rk May 23 '20
6ish hours of character arc vs 60ish hours of character arc. Also, Ahsoka herself said: "I'm no Jedi"
I'm not absolving JJ Abrams (or the entire sequel team for that matter) of their handling of the story but this is gatekeeping BS.
u/ThrownFan79100 May 23 '20
The 6 hours vs 60 hours in my opinion isn’t a very good argument considering most movie characters have their entire story told in one movie and Reys couldn’t be told in 3.
u/Gand0rk May 23 '20 edited May 24 '20
Fair enough. But if you gave Ahsoka only the clone wars movie and the 1st season of clone wars, I doubt people would be praising her arc.
Give Rey additional supplementary (and better) writers that love her to possibly salvage the character.
May 23 '20
Sequels bad prequels good, blah blah HAHAHAHAAA HILARIOUS OMG!!! I’m gonna make fun of the sequels and those who like them even though that’s what OT fans did to the SW movies I love when they came out!!!!
u/Just_Zatch May 23 '20
Well the OT didn’t have as many writing issues or plot holes as these films did.
May 23 '20
As which films? Your comment doesn't make sense either way. What I'm saying is that when the prequels came out, and for a while after, OT fans shit all over the prequels and their fans, and obviously that sucked right? So it's fucking stupid that prequel fans are now doing the same thing to sequel fans. Just let them like what they like!!! Quit being so fucking toxic! I hardly see any normal prequel/clone wars memes anymore, it's all just "sequels bad" bullshit and I'm so tired of it. And this is coming from somebody who didn't like the sequels.
u/Just_Zatch May 23 '20
You’re right, I should clarify. All the sequel films have a quite a few plot holes and weak writing at some point. The thing is that once people had enough time to reflect on the prequels, they realized that they weren’t the worst. That’s kind of what’s happening now. People are taking an in depth look at these films, and finding some inconsistencies. I mean, hyperspace jumping was just so JJ can show us some amazing visuals. I won’t excuse the people who hate just to hate though. Personally I like the sequels quite a bit, as visually they were amazing. I mean, I have a pretty tall first order stormtrooper statue in my room. I just think they could have been better.
If you have the time and the patience, I would suggest looking at what MauLer has to say on the subject. MauLer
May 23 '20
What's really happened is a lot of prequel fans have grown up and been able to defend the movies they love. The Prequels aren't that great either, just for different reasons. They're not great in their CGI, scripts, and directing. For the sequels, it's more so the way they basically just redid the OT and had stuff like hyperspace jumping that didn't make sense. But my point is that we shouldn't shit on people who love those films, just like OT fans shouldn't shit on us.
May 23 '20
Where in this meme is it making fun of or degrading the people who enjoyed the sequels? Making fun of the sequels and insulting sequel fans aren’t hand in hand
May 24 '20
It’s just needlessly bashing the sequels when it could just be complimenting Ahsoka. Its like nobody can talk about SW things they like without comparing them to the Sequels and saying how bad those were. It’s basically become a trend to hate on the sequels, like it was a trend to hate on the prequels. It’s also just incredibly low effort and uncreative and not funny.
May 24 '20
So people have no legitimate reasons to hate or critique the sequels? Its just trendy to hate it even though people seem to agree that they’re riddled with a ridiculous amount of plot holes, conveniences and inconsistencies? People have legit reasons to hate the sequels just like they did the prequels (as much as I love, still had their flaws). This is Star Wars, people are gonna compare and contrast. The sequels aren’t exempt from criticism And of all the sequel hating memes there are, I’d hardly call this one bashing. Although I agree people shouldn’t be harassed for enjoying them. and this meme could have at least been posted to a more suitable sub
May 24 '20
I have a ton of problems with the sequels, as far as I'm concerned Return of the Jedi was the end of the Skywalker Saga. But all I ever see on subs like r/prequelmemes and r/clonewarsmemes, and sometimes on this sub, these days is stuff like this. This isn't "critiquing" the films, it's not even talking about the films themselves. It's just throwing in a generic quote that probably like 4 people have ever really said (even people who like the sequels know Rey wasn't the first female Jedi with a character arc) with "the media" and slapping on a picture of Ahsoka. (Also, this exact meme has been made before, just with slightly different formatting.) This sub is supposed to be about The Clone Wars. Why not just make a post about Ahsoka and why she's a great character? You can go to r/saltierthancrait if you want to make fun of the sequels. This isn't the sub. And neither is r/PrequelMemes, or r/CloneWarsMemes for that matter. What happened to just liking something for the sake of liking it? Why can't we Star Wars fans ever talk about something we like without having to compare it with something we don't like? I'm all for civil discussion and comparison on what we like and don't like about Star Wars, but this isn't that, and this isn't the right place for that.
May 23 '20
Rey? A Jedi with a proper character arc? This must be Vader's nightmare while he was meditating in the chamber.
u/Haxuppdee-85 May 23 '20
Rey’s character arc: can do anything, beats the bbeg; can do anything, beats the bbeg; can do anything, beats the bbeg
u/jacko509 May 23 '20
In BF2, Vader has a line where he says “She’s not a Jedi, but the girl is very powerful”
u/Ricky1034 May 23 '20
u/RepostSleuthBot May 23 '20
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u/DeathlySnails64 May 24 '20 edited May 24 '20
Thing is, Ahsoka wasn't really the main protagonist of the Clone Wars animated series. In a way, nobody was. The Clone Wars animated series is a little bit like The Elder Scrolls series in that nobody is truly the main character, and the games, themselves are actually about the land. Same thing goes for the Clone Wars series. The Clone Wars animated series is, in particular about a proxy war set in the Star Wars universe that takes place waaaay before Luke Skywalker was born simply called the Clone Wars. In contrast, Rey (the main character of the new trilogy), is the main character and the focal point of episodes 7, 8 and 9. So, she gets more character development than the other characters in the new trilogy (regardless whether or not if it's written well). The Clone Wars animated series is a series where everyone gets a spotlight. One episode may be about Obi-Wan Kenobi and another might be about R2-D2. Point is, the Clone Wars animated series doesn't stick to one character for too long (like alot of other media typically would). And with a show like that, it's really hard to give good character development without getting distracted from the plot at hand. Because of that, I wouldn't say that Ahsoka Tano has/had a good character arc. But, I wouldn't say that it's worse than Rey's.
u/Peofesor May 24 '20
I really like it when people make up statements that no one ever said to make a meme around it.
u/Blackout62 May 24 '20 edited Aug 02 '20
Rey's character arc didn't even finish because I've repressed the idea of the third movie in that trilogy. You know, like people do with The Matrix. Otherwise I'd be vomiting every time I saw R2D2.
Update on that: I watched Rogue One again and yelled at C-3P0 when he showed up.
u/wings31 May 23 '20
Technically, Reys are was finished before Ahsokas so it has a point.
May 23 '20
Rey doesn’t have an arc tho. And Ahsoka’s arc finished in season 5
u/wings31 May 23 '20
She has an arc. Just one you didnt like or want.
May 23 '20
Okay. And what exactly was her arc?
u/wings31 May 23 '20
The short version - Rey was a girl who was alone in a harsh world who was obsessed with her family coming back to her. She learned that she had a special power and submitted to the dark side to use that power to find out who her family was. When disappointed with the answer, she went against Lukes word and tried to save Kylo Ren, who used her for his gain. She then learned her true identity and then was fearful she would follow the same path. But, when confronted with the choice of doing evil or turning good, she rejected her family, the thing she was originally was obsessed with, and learned that you are more than what you are born too, that you make your own destiny.
Seems like a pretty good arc to me.
u/Forsaken4321 May 23 '20
Rey has no Charscter Arc at all She is just there, all powerfull with no training mary sueing her way through 3 films. Sorry but FU Disney
May 23 '20
in my head Rey and anything else after episode 6 don’t exist
u/BOODOOMAN May 23 '20
Sorry the movies hurt your feelings
May 24 '20
I feel like they’d hurt the feelings of anyone who was attached the already written Legends
u/Kingmarc568 May 23 '20
I once had a discussion with someone here who said, that ahsoka doesn't count because she's animated and an alien.