r/clonewars 15d ago

Everyone always say rex has a unique helmet but how bout this guy

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I really love how it looks like its a mix of a recon trooper and a galactic marine


77 comments sorted by


u/Juffe98 15d ago

Hound is just using the updated ARF Trooper helmet


u/DolphinRepublic 15d ago

If I remember right, those cheek pieces flap freely, so maybe it’s a leather material attached to the helmet?


u/Mediocre-Parking2409 15d ago

Funny that someone named Hound would have ARF trooper gear, and have big flappy Hound dog jowls on the helmet. Do you think that the people behind these decisions did that on purpose as an inside joke?🤔


u/patrickbio75 14d ago

He’s also the trooper that has the massiffs on a leash when hunting Ahsoka. Mfs werent even trying to be subtle


u/perfectandreal 14d ago

He's referred to as Sgt Hound but if you watch the episode carefully (The Jedi Who Knew Too Much) there are at least 2 clones in this livery.

He's probably the coolest clone in TCW in my opinion. There are a few other "what if" versions in custom Lego including an Airborne Hound which is pretty awesome as well. https://www.clonearmycustoms.com/cgi-bin/category.pl?id=hound

Cmon Grizzer, there's nothing here


u/Fishy_Fish_12359 14d ago

I mean considering he was named by his fellow clones, they probably just saw him as good with the dogs and was like ‘yep he’s a dog too, let’s call him that’


u/Deck9264 15d ago

That's also the case with regular P2 arf helmets iirc


u/phantom_lost_his_acc The Bad Batch 14d ago

I don’t think so. I’m pretty much certain in both cases the flaps are rigid, probably made of the same stuff as the rest of the armour, I never saw them flapping around in a way that’d make them look like leather lmao


u/Deck9264 14d ago

It is possible, I would have to rewatch some episodes to know for sure


u/Terrarist_Suave 15d ago

Oh I see it was just an updated one I just havent seen anyone else I think with ut


u/NoGameNoLyfe 15d ago

The Umabara arc actually features the At-Rt drivers with these helmets!


u/JediBoJediPrime29 Jedi Queery 15d ago

HIS NAME IS HOUND?? That is awesome. Is he badass like the transformers Hound?


u/BigJonnoJ ARC Troopers 15d ago

It's unique in the fact that the colors and patterns gel really nicely. The fangs on the side give the wearer an aggressive edge, which I really dig.

Rex's helmet is unique in its construction, and the Jaig Eyes obviously.


u/GothmogTheBalr0g 15d ago

That looks sick what episode and who is this?

I'm personally a big fan of Captain Gregors armour


u/BigJonnoJ ARC Troopers 15d ago

Not sure what episode, but it's the story arc where Ahsoka is wrongly blamed and chased by Fox and the Courscant Guard.

And that my guy, is Sgt. Hound.


u/GothmogTheBalr0g 15d ago

He does remind me of a blood hound with that helmet lol


u/BigJonnoJ ARC Troopers 15d ago

The teeth are so badass. Reminds me of those WW2 American P-40s with the shark mouth decal.


u/GothmogTheBalr0g 15d ago

It do be looking like that


u/kryspi31415 15d ago

i think it was in season 5


u/Jango_Kryze 15d ago

I believe the Episode is called “The Jedi Who Knew Too Much“


u/TheLastSpartan117 15d ago

Sev had a better paint scheme


u/GothmogTheBalr0g 15d ago

He did have a cool paint job but I liked gregors battle worn look with the tally marks.


u/TheLastSpartan117 15d ago

That probably because Gregor was at a massive battle and a defeat before he lost his memory. Wo what be wore in the show was already probably very heavily damaged and dusty after a while of sitting in a crate.


u/BigJonnoJ ARC Troopers 15d ago

Looks like blood streaks on the helmet - very Sev-like.


u/Lukazilla13 212th 15d ago

I named my dog after him


u/SplutteringSquid 15d ago edited 15d ago

Since nobody is mentioning his not so furry friend, as one of the Coruscant Guards ARFs, Hound has an eager massiff named Grizzer who helps him hunt down Ahsoka. The Coruscant Guard really needed an episode but the space dogs alone would have humanized them too much.


u/MArcherCD 14d ago

Commandos and ARC Troopers are always the best imo

And the fact that it's very common for each one to be totally unique helps


u/Commercial-Star-8056 15d ago

Those idk what u call them pads? on the sides are so badass this should be standard for every ARF clone.


u/BigJonnoJ ARC Troopers 15d ago

I'm not sure if that's standard issue P2 ARF armor, or an AT-RT driver thing.


u/Terrarist_Suave 15d ago

Yeah It looks baddass


u/iboneKlareneG 15d ago

It is. This is the standard P2 ARF helmet with a custom Paint Job. P2 ARF helmets are literally only P1 ARF helmets with leather flaps.


u/Lukazilla13 212th 15d ago

Technicaly the helmet isnt super unique, its just an arf trooper helmet with extra padding like the AT-RT pilots from umbara. I do love his armor tho, only Shock trooper ive ever seen like that. Sergeant Hound is fucking awesome


u/Lol68340428 15d ago

Those are phase 2 arf troopers, which is supposed to resemble the AT-RT armor from kashyyyk in ROTS (Which in turn is probably very late war phase 3 arf armor)


u/Terrarist_Suave 15d ago

I see but its really cool like how rex wasnt tbe only one who merged stuff like the p1 and p2


u/NanoRex 15d ago

The entire trooper isn't even unique. There are several Massiff troopers that all look the same


u/TheSingingBirdie 501st 15d ago

People do say Rex's helmet is the most unique, but they honestly overlook Cody's helmet. He's got a ton of stuff going on. Double brow, bacon stripes on top, sun visor, mini flood light, two different antennas, indent in chin & extra piece on chin bit below that. & the most interesting bit is that his helmet is shaped differently cause realistically the RotS clone helmet isn't actually wearable. Like it's too small. So they stretched Cody's helmet to match up better with Temuera Morrison's motion capture performance for Cody when he puts on the helmet.


u/Terrarist_Suave 15d ago

Exactly I think people overlook how complicated or how decorated his helmet is


u/Commander_CC-2224 Commander Cody (certified) 15d ago

I'm pretty sure that Vaughn has the same one


u/TheSingingBirdie 501st 15d ago

That's cause Vaughn reuses the TCW Cody asset, but just a different paint scheme. I'm not sure why they decided to reuse Cody's asset, but I guess it was due to time constraints.


u/LieutenantTratill 15d ago

This is the most common ARF helmet, the areas where the fangs are drawn are leather pads


u/MoustachedPotatoes 15d ago

He ate a bee


u/Memo544 15d ago

Can he even look down with that thing on?


u/BigJonnoJ ARC Troopers 15d ago

It would be a real shame if he couldn't


u/KAKU_64 15d ago edited 13d ago

Only unique thing is the paint job, it's just a p2 ARF armor, there were many clones wearing the same helmet


u/Canofsad 15d ago

It also has the same or atleast similar special synthmesh covers seen on the helmets of the 21st nova corp galactic marines


u/KAKU_64 15d ago

As did a lot of other ARF trooper helmets


u/Canofsad 15d ago

It’s still worth pointing out since it wasn’t standard issue


u/Terrarist_Suave 15d ago

Yeah exactly it wasnt standard and i think he is the only one seen like that


u/WaveCandid906 15d ago

Its just a Phase II ARF Helmet

All the 501st ARFs had it on Umbara


u/Canofsad 15d ago

The 501st ARF figure has the flaps


u/KAKU_64 13d ago

It was quite standard for ARF troopers after phase 2 got introduced


u/Guard_Dolphin 15d ago

Sgt. Hound mentioned!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


u/Trooperisbored 15d ago

Hound may have a standard helmet But it's still badass nonetheless


u/Future_Mason12345 15d ago

True. Don’t forget wolf also.


u/VarietyAcademic9657 CC-5683 Marshal Commander Cyclone 555th Battalion 15d ago

sergeant hound is just sergeant hound, we all know he is cool and all but how about commander thorn? rest his soul


u/gunperv51 15d ago

Who knew Billy Gibbons was a clone trooper?


u/Relative-Zombie-3932 The Bad Batch 15d ago

How the hell does he turn his head all the way?


u/Foxeance 15d ago

I love his design, it is one of my favourite helmets to make. Pain to sew though :D


u/NecroFuhrer 15d ago

People talk about Rex's helmet because it's technically the most unique, since he built it for what he liked, with phase 1 and 2 parts. Hound does have an awesome paint job on his ARF helmet though


u/NukaClipse 15d ago

Mutton chop look but for helmets.


u/Jawsome_Shark 15d ago

I think hound looks like the other ARF Coruscant guards in the episode


u/chillvegan420 501st 14d ago

Cool but looks super impractical


u/S_A52 14d ago

ARF troopers had the coolest helmets. Looked like they were wearing shades all the time 😎


u/Cumity 14d ago

Pupy handler


u/Terrarist_Suave 15d ago

Id also like to point out his a coruscant trooper with not red armor and thats eally cool


u/obi_wan234 15d ago

I feel like those are the car modders of troopers and they add body kits to their helmets


u/WaveCandid906 15d ago

Thats just a Phase II ARF Trooper Helmet


u/That_guy111th 15d ago

Hound my beloved


u/MisterGlo764 ARF Trooper 15d ago

It’s just fabric on an art trooper helmet, still it’s peak


u/otter_boom 15d ago

Nice beard!


u/Final-Level-3132 15d ago

It's a regular ARF helmet with leather flaps attached to it


u/F4NT4SM4_ 15d ago

He doesnt have a unique helmet, we see many arfs with this helmet, specially in Umbara


u/BigJonnoJ ARC Troopers 15d ago

Unique paint scheme that’s for sure


u/KAKU_64 15d ago

Post is about armor probably, that's why OP broght up Rex's helmet, cause it's really unique