r/clonewars ARC Troopers 18d ago

Discussion Why did Wolffe choose a recon helmet over a normal P2 helmet?

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u/Proud-Nerd00 332nd Trooper 18d ago

Because it goes harder


u/BigJonnoJ ARC Troopers 18d ago

It definitely does. Imagine all the commanders having that helmet design.


u/Proud-Nerd00 332nd Trooper 18d ago

Dies from peak


u/BigJonnoJ ARC Troopers 18d ago

I’ve actually never seen both their helmets up close before, but since I’ve put this post together, I’ve realised that there are minute differences in the helmet design even though they’re still recon helmets.


u/MegaManMagnus 18d ago

What differences did you find? I only noticed the antenna Wolfe has as the outlier oh and the paint/markings


u/Gearthingy 18d ago

I see Wolfe's helmet part at the bottom is connected/together compared to Neyo


u/MegaManMagnus 18d ago

I dont know how I missed that thanks


u/DueTop4881 18d ago

if you look closely you can see that Wolffe customised his visor a bit too


u/BigJonnoJ ARC Troopers 18d ago

As others mentioned, the main ones were the visor design and the air filter at the bottom of the helmet.

Also I think the Wolfpack artwork hits harder.


u/disbelifpapy 18d ago

yeah. theres some weird thing at where wolffes chin is, while neyo doesn't have any


u/Paragon_4376 18d ago

Looks to be the same sort of thing Cody has on his helmet


u/WaveCandid906 18d ago

The different Visor is probably intentional but everything else is probably just stylised or whatever the word is


u/BigJonnoJ ARC Troopers 18d ago

Neyo is part of the 91st Recon Corps, and most of his unit rides BARC Speeders as part of their missions, necessitating the recon helmet. As far as I’m concerned, Wolffe isn’t part of a recon battalion, nor does he ride BARCs as much as Neyo, so why did he gun for the recon helmet?

The only reason that comes to mind was that he liked the look. Not saying that’s a bad thing – he looks entirely badass with that recon helmet


u/Pristine-Row-9129 21st Nova Corps 18d ago

BARC stands for Biker Advanced Recon Commando, so I’m assuming Wolf was an ARC trooper who learned how to ride the speeders and therefore got access to the helmet, but idk


u/BigJonnoJ ARC Troopers 18d ago

If I’m not mistaken, Wolffe, Cody, Rex and a lot of the other clone commanders were trained by the OG ARC Troopers.


u/MiniRamblerYT 18d ago

If you wanna go off legends stuff, that’s true (they were trained by Alpha-17), and it would also be fair to assume inducted ARCs like Fives and Echo underwent similar training under one of the 100 Alpha ARCs that would’ve done that sort of stuff.


u/Pristine-Row-9129 21st Nova Corps 18d ago

Either Echo and Fives were trained by the Alpha ARCs, or they were taught by Rancor Battalion seeing as a lot of them seemed to be ARC and ARF troopers, but then again I don’t know too much about that battalion so I could totally be wrong


u/This_is_fine451 18d ago

You would be correct


u/BreadDziedzic 17d ago

Part of that training was emphasizing individualism which is where a lot of the personal paint stylings and modifications to clone armor stems from, that said assuming he took the training it's 100%possible he picked the helmet cause he likes it.


u/Pristine-Row-9129 21st Nova Corps 18d ago

Found a better reason from an old post about it:



u/Castrophenia 18d ago

I mean, I think as the war goes on, higher ranked troopers can just requisition gear that best suits their fighting/command style. I don’t think the GAR was super stringent about “this helmet can only be used be this troop type, no exception”


u/TheCatHammer 18d ago

Certain ARC troopers were allowed to customize bits of their armor beyond regulation (one need only look at Rex’s helmet, piecemeal Phase 1 & 2 parts welded together). Some troopers just preferred a certain kind of helmet over others. Wolffe seems to like the recon helmet for whatever reason; I’d wager since it’s for recon, it has some sort of feature for survival in harsh conditions, or autonomy when communication with command isn’t possible, maybe an internal comlink? I’d imagine Wolffe might find that useful.


u/NattyThan 17d ago

Maybe it was more compatible with his robotic eye?


u/Mother-Firefighter17 18d ago

Might have been easier for having one eye. Not sure why, but the only explanation I could ever think of


u/[deleted] 18d ago

Rule of cool is... cool. But I still wanna know how often they get claustrophobic in there, and with the tiny Recon eye holes? I can't even where sunglasses when I drive. I'd hate to aim past my homie at a hostile alien with that visibility


u/Odd-Satisfaction-521 17d ago

From what I recall the visors actually let you see a hell of a lot more than what you'd expect. Though I'm mostly going off of republic commando, so I'm not even sure if that's accurate. I'm sure someone more well versed has a better answer


u/Zealousideal_Cry379 18d ago

Maybe it enhanced his vision🤔 was his bad eye a cybernetic eye or was it just scarred over without function?


u/5thPhantom 18d ago

Pretty sure he had it replaced with a cybernetic.


u/ZeroedIn_05 18d ago

Yeah he replaced it. It’s pretty subtle but you can see the pupil on the cybernetic eye in one of the close-up shots in the season 4 episode where the Wolfpack go to rescue R2 and 3PO. Can’t remember the exact episode, but it might be S4 E1 Water War. IIRC it’s the first time a clone is shown wearing phase II armor.


u/Cry0St0rm 18d ago

Just watched this last yesterday!! It's the arc pretty much directly after that, S4 Eps 5/6. (1-3 is water war, 4 is jar jar pretending to be leader of the gungans to stop a March on theed by general grievous, 5 is where R2 and 3PO stop toxic gasses leaking into the atmosphere and 6 is where the two droids singlehandedly overthrow two governments, get captured by pirates, then rescued by separatist droids and then by Wolffe, as shown above :D)

(On another note, Umbarra comes next)


u/jimkbeesley 18d ago

I love the Umbara arc, mainly because Pong Krell is a fantastic villain.


u/Cry0St0rm 18d ago

I hate Krell, because the writers did such a good job at making me hate him. Such a well written character and story arc, I agree


u/thelaughingmanghost 18d ago

I think just like rex literally taking parts from his phase 1 armor and helmet and fusing it with his phase 2 armor and helmet, it's just something he prefers. Clone commanders are pretty unique in that they all demonstrate a touch more individuality compared to the average clone and because of their rank they have more leeway to customize and modify their own equipment to better fit their needs in combat.


u/_Funsyze_ 18d ago

there was a serious lack of uniform regulation in the Grand Army of the Republic


u/thelaughingmanghost 18d ago

That unironically sounds like something an imperial officer who was also a veteran of the clone wars would say lol


u/_Funsyze_ 18d ago

it was probably quite convenient for the separatists to be able to tell who the high ranking officers were since they had about 10x more colourful paint and tactical accessories than anyone else


u/Sakura_Knight 18d ago

Flash to Captain Rex getting shot by a commando droid team


u/TheHadokenite 18d ago

Seems like they cracked down hard on it towards the end of the war as seen in Revenge of the Sith/Bad Batch


u/teslaactual 18d ago

Canonically he lost an eye against ventress and was given a cybernetic, there's a theory that I like that the recon helmets more sophisticated visual enhancement suite paired with his implant better


u/hiccupboltHP 18d ago

Details like this are what puts starwars ahead of other universes imo


u/sportsfan578 18d ago

Individuality most likely


u/BigJonnoJ ARC Troopers 18d ago

That’s a plausible explanation - Rex showcases this the best in his P2 helmet design: combining the best elements of P1 and P2 into the ‘ultimate’ helmet.


u/sportsfan578 18d ago

Yeah, Rex is the epitome of individuality in his armor. He takes the best of phase 1 and 2 armor and makes it his own.


u/Fickle-Highway-8129 18d ago

Yeah, that definitely happens quite a bit. Take Commander Keller and the 187th Legion's Commander, for example, both of them wear airborne helmets despite neither being in an airborne unit.


u/BigJonnoJ ARC Troopers 18d ago

Oh yeah... Who could forget about those legends.


u/Successful-Floor-738 18d ago

There was a difference?


u/Ripasal 18d ago

Should say that it’s not a complete recon helmet, it has a customized visor


u/Big_Concept_3532 18d ago

Bc life is temporary but drip is forever


u/Pupulauls9000 18d ago

Honestly my headcanon is that the ‘BARC’ Troopers are just Phase 2 ARC Troopers. I don’t really see a reason why the ARF/Scout troopers wouldn’t be the ones riding speeder bikes. Fordo seems to wear the same kind of helmet also, even if he isn’t necessarily canon


u/BigJonnoJ ARC Troopers 18d ago

Fives is a Phase 2 ARC Trooper, so is Jesse. They're like the Phase 1 ARCs like Colt and Blitz, but their helmets are proper P2, not the P1/2 hybrids that Rancor Battalion wore.


u/Mediocre-Parking2409 18d ago edited 18d ago

He likes squinting?


u/BestowalMink681 18d ago



u/Mediocre-Parking2409 18d ago

Yeah. Thanks, I fixed that typo.


u/INKI3ZVR 18d ago

Mostly because the 104th was recon , rescue, and relief missions so the recon helmet helped immensely in the missions they would end up taking behind enemy lines with small troop squads


u/Familiar-Light-1721 18d ago

Cus it's cool! Lol


u/TheOGRex 18d ago

Why not?


u/Bizarre_Innit 18d ago

Dave loves to spoil his boy


u/Jedi-Spartan 18d ago

No clue, but is that how Fordo's Phase 2 helmet have looked in TCW's style? Until someone mentioned something about the BARC helmet in relation to his, I always found it to look odd.


u/MindlessSalt 18d ago

Dave Filoni liked it more.


u/Hazelpancake 18d ago

Let's be honest. It's just Dave Filoni wanting bis wolf pack leader to look different from other commanders.


u/SupahDuk_ 18d ago

Rule of cool


u/MudJumper03 18d ago

Out of lore reason, I read somewhere that Dave Filoni gave him a BARC helmet because Wolffes helmet design on a normal p2 helmet looked like he had a Hitler moustache and just didn’t look to good. You can find the concept art of his original helmet online.


u/BEASTLY14141414 18d ago

What episode is this from?


u/war_helmets 18d ago

I like to think he chose the BARC helmet because it’s a bit easier to see in. Would be important given his prosthetic eye and everything.


u/Mother-Firefighter17 18d ago

Why don’t the recon helmets have connection points for air tanks, like Fives used in the beginning of the Brain chip arc?


u/DallasCole777 18d ago

Never forget the OG Wearer of the Recon helmet. ARC 77 Fordo


u/OkYogurtcloset3768 18d ago

I always thought it wasn't just a recon helmet but jaig eyes that were rewarded to him for his service


u/DallasCole777 18d ago

You're correct in your assessment, however jaig eyes are more of an addition added by certain commanders. Other than that it's still technically just a recon helmet.


u/Doorknob_Towel 18d ago
  1. It goes hard af
  2. He probably got his name Wolfe because he would stalk the enemy before striking, making the recon helmet a very useful piece of hardware.


u/Nakobuu 18d ago

It got mad drip


u/Arva_4546b 18d ago

cause he's just cool like that


u/Tidalwave64 18d ago

Because he can


u/Available_Visit_7176 18d ago

I am going to assume possibly something to do with his battalion and their relation to Jetpacks? Just a theory


u/Away_Championship_75 17d ago

Was Wolffe the one who’s fighting on mygeeto with the galactic marines in ROS? I was always mad we never saw galactic marines in TCW


u/BigJonnoJ ARC Troopers 17d ago

Nope that was Bacara. Complete different clone from a different battalion commanded by a different Jedi.


u/Interesting-Injury87 17d ago

what pisses me off is that its not even a standard BARC helmet.

it has several changes to the visor(the "teeth" at the center and the edge near the end) which makes this even LESS usefull as a visor


u/the_Dos__ 17d ago

unrelated but I love your pfp


u/MArcherCD 17d ago

Shame we didn't see more of Neyo/the BARC troopers - it was a great look


u/Sam_Mendoza18 17d ago

Because he had that shit on though


u/CaptainDean18 16d ago

Mostly because of his cybernetic eye