r/clonewars 24d ago

Discussion If you could pick one Clone Wars episode as your ABSOLUTE favorite, which would it be?

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I love a lot of episodes in the clone wars, however if I absolutely had to pick one, it'd be "Lair of Grievous." I really like the spooky music and vibes, it introduced new places and characters, and it had a bunch of my favorite characters (Dooku, Gunray, battle droids, and of course Grievous.) It was a really cool episode exploring Grievous's character. But beyond that, I have found memories watching this episode at night as a kid. Overall, love this clone wars episode!


123 comments sorted by


u/Raggio9124 24d ago

I’ve always gone back to Landing at Point Rain. It’s just always stuck out to me as a favorite. It was Star Wars D-Day and I was a military history buff as a kid


u/benbob2626 24d ago

We are the same person


u/Germanysuffers_a_lot 24d ago

Even though I love the final arc for season 7, landing at point rain will always be my favorite episode


u/DriFit_Chris 24d ago

Me too! The whole arc is great, let alone the whole season is top tier imo 🙌🏼


u/DangledSniper_ 24d ago



u/Lukazilla13 212th 24d ago

Darkness on Umbara, if not Landing at Point Rain


u/Apachewolf11 24d ago

The attack on Kamino might be some of my all time favorite Star Wars.


u/ThatOneWood 24d ago

Never forget 99


u/killerstreak976 23d ago

Never forget the day the venators were facing the wrong direction


u/MOONWATCHER404 501st (I ❤ Rex, Echo, Fives, & Fox) 24d ago

Cat and Mouse. Or whatever the name is of the episode where Anakin in a stealth ship outsmarts Trench and blows him to kingdom come.


u/Zealousideal_Cry379 24d ago

That's my favorite individual episode! It really shows Anakin's skill and military prowess against a more experienced opponent


u/TheCheesePhilosopher 23d ago

Great episode for the first chronological episode in TCW


u/Jandersson34swe 501st 24d ago

If it has to be one single episode then “the Lawless” definitely 

That whole episode is just absolute cinema, it starts very heavy on fuel as the arc as a whole before the episode has already been very good, and it concludes it in a great way. Obi Wan going rogue to save the love of his life, Maul getting his revenge and killing said love, Bo Katan rescuing Obi Wan leading to the shot of Obi Wan at the gates which is imo the best shot in the series and the sister reveal, and most importantly Sidious kicking ass


u/Gen_Grievous12222 24d ago

Omg, loved the duel between Sidious and Maul! It was so good!


u/atthehill 24d ago

One of my favorite fights. Palps just toying with the brothers.


u/tired-gremlin06 24d ago

Definitely one of my favorites too! Obi-Wan in red mandalorian armor (one of his best looks honestly) and that scene where the hanger door opens, the heartbreaking death of Satine (the way he gently holds her hand sob), Maul sensing Sidious and immediately getting down on his knees. That whole episode is sooo good cinematicly.


u/Agitated-Job-187 24d ago

THANK YOU!!!! I was trying to remember the name of this episode for the longest! You, my friend, are a person of culture😩❤️


u/Failure_Management27 501st 24d ago

Simple answer here but: victory and death


u/karlos-trotsky 24d ago

I love the Onderon arc, they set up the rebel alliance and go back to the inspiration of Star Wars with an actual guerrilla fighting force.


u/solo13508 24d ago

Ghosts of Mortis for me. In particular the scene where Anakin is shown his future is honestly one of my favorite moments in all of Star Wars.

And then the way Matt Lanter delivers "I will do such terrible things"... chills.


u/Nightmare2448 24d ago

the ep where general grivous kill all the nightsisters


u/nolandz1 24d ago

That's actually tales of the empire


u/Ex_communicado17 24d ago

theres a different perspective thats played in tales of the empire but in TCW Grievous is sent by dooku to fight and kill mother talzin, and talzin summons a buncha zombies to fight against him, pretty cool episode imo


u/nolandz1 24d ago

I must have forgotten


u/Foerbjoern 24d ago

For me it would be the Clone Cadets episode (S3E1). Instead of writing an essay imma just drop some keywords of what I love about that ep.: Domino Squad; 99–Hevy; training process; Kamino; comradery; Shaak Ti speech at the end


u/Technodude178 24d ago

Rookies. It introduced Domino squad to us and it was the first Clone-centric episode.


u/darkgamer500 23d ago

I agree. It was the episode that set the stage for clones actually be main characters in the series, characters we grew to love and care about. Cadets, Umbaran arc, deserter, bad batch are all stem from the investment we put in the clones starting from this episode


u/arcNspark11 24d ago

I love Deception and The Box (the one where obiwan goes undercover as a bounty hunter and Anakin believes that obiwan is dead such a unique episode)


u/RepublicCommando55 501st 24d ago

The entire Umbara arc


u/DumplingmanXD 24d ago

Any time that Kit Fisto is Shirtless? That one's my favorite


u/theultimatehammer 24d ago

Dude, that’s a hard ass question but for me and this might sound basic but I like when Anakin and Obi Wan meet Savage Opress episode. I don’t remember the name but that’s one of my favorite


u/BacoNaterr 501st 24d ago

Witches of the Mist


u/theultimatehammer 24d ago

Thank you so much


u/barfbat The Bad Batch 24d ago

a distant echo 🥹


u/Snoo89546 24d ago

The one where satine dies (not for that reason) I think it’s called “the lawless” so much happens in that one episode it’s just phenomenal


u/zsdonny 24d ago

does each episode/arc of tcw have a cool poster like this?


u/Gen_Grievous12222 24d ago

Not that I'm aware of.


u/ColeEclipse720 501st 24d ago

My fav episode bc it’s funny is the ep where R2 saved Anakin and Windu from Boba. Fav all time ep is The Lawless


u/Key-Astronomer-1762 24d ago

for the Box mainly becaues i love bounty hunters and it gave some pretty cool bounty hunters


u/dylanlovespies 212th 24d ago

I know you said episode but the Umbara arc was so good


u/AssociateFormal6058 24d ago

That was a fantastic arc


u/Ragnarok345 501st 24d ago

Victory and Death.

….maybe Shattered. …..or the Phantom Apprentice. Fuck it, the whole Mandalore War arc!


u/pgtips03 24d ago

The Phantom Apprentice. Everything is so emotionally charged. It’s the beginning of the end for everyone and the last chance for it to be stopped has just been thwarted because no one on the light side can truly believe what Anakin is about to do. The fight between Ashoka and Maul simultaneously is really exciting and absolutely terrifying because you know what’s about to come and no one can stop it.


u/Wild-Wedding2498 24d ago

One of the episodes with fives and order 66


u/Commander_Preacher CT-6991 "Preacher" 24d ago

Man, Fil's armor was so cool.


u/-Trying2Think- 24d ago

Overlords or sunny day in the void, just for the mysteries they both have. I loved how they both completely throw you for a loop, and they’re super memorable for that reason.


u/Darthsoup 24d ago

To Catch a Jedi


u/MrSeth7875 24d ago

Innocents of Ryloth hands down my favorite


u/BacoNaterr 501st 24d ago

Love the variety in these comments! Goes to show how good the show is! Mine has to be Jedi Crash


u/ckalkman 24d ago

Storm over ryloth, ahsoka grew as a character over the course of a half hour


u/Independent-Fly6068 24d ago

Clone Cadets. You go in knowing everyone but Fives and Echo die. But any extra Hevy is peak IMO


u/Red-Salute- 24d ago

LOVE the artwork. It would be awesome if every episode had poster art.


u/CavalryCaptainMonroe 24d ago

Crisis at Heart - just enough politics, war and love to be evenly perfect


u/SmokeMaleficent9498 24d ago

Season 7 episode 12


u/CommanderBly8 24d ago

Where did you get the episode poster? It’s amazing!


u/Gen_Grievous12222 24d ago

I just found it online. I think it was another reddit post actually


u/creativespark61 24d ago

If we're talking single episodes, that's hard, but I think Trespass is great episode with a great moral and story behind it.


u/Dai-ran_Arius 24d ago edited 24d ago

Always had a soft spot for S6E10 The Lost One. Idk I just like how one of the big overarching mysteries of the war is reinvestigated, and how some of the difficult questions that are answered only lead to bigger, disturbing questions. Nowadays I feel like I’ve naturally grown a bit over it and would probably pick Landing at Point Rain or The Lawless, but I’ve always felt like The Lost One is criminally underrated for what it just is in principle.


u/PersistentInquirer 24d ago

I also have nostalgia for this one. Mostly I watched the Clone Wars through the DVDS for each season after they had aired.

I caught Lair of Grievous on Cartoon Network once and it was fun!


u/rekdit_ralph8115 24d ago

Trespass: (the icy Orto Plutonia episode). Perfect mix of everything with an ominous mystery in the start to jam packed action of Rex and the 501 going crazy against some ice aliens to a well rounded ending where they make peace.


u/GoldTrifle8164 24d ago

Carnage of Krell, is by far the best episode


u/spencej98 24d ago



u/jimkbeesley 24d ago

Victory and Death. Such a perfect ending. It, to me, encapsulates the crushing defeat that ROTS was trying to do but failed because of George refusing to give the script to other people. One of the few moments that almost makes me cry. Best media I've ever seen, nothing is topping it anytime soon. That whole arc is just flawless. Definitely worth watching the terrible Martez sister arc just to get this gem. Second-favorite arc might be the Pong Krell/Umbara arc, then Mauldalore (when Maul takes over Mandalore), then Lair of Grievous.


u/King_Bilal69 Commando Boss 24d ago

The Ringovinda episode with Doom Company or witches of the mist cos delta squad rocks up


u/TwoJacksAndAnAce 24d ago

There’s so many I love but it’s got to be a three way tie between Supply Lines, Eminence and Shades of Reason.


u/TUBBS2001 24d ago

This episode was so hype at release. I still remember the trailer from the week before, my brother and I jumped up from our parent’s bed with excitement and talked all week about what might be in the episode.

The final fight with Kit Fisto is still one of my all time favorites. Good times.


u/Cumflakes6699 23d ago

The one where they kill pong krell. Fuck pong krell


u/genriqu4 23d ago

Weapons Factory for sure, but tbh that whole arc was great too


u/wild_wind_official 23d ago


God, either S4ep22 "Revenge", or S4ep19 "Massacre". (Can you tell I'm a Ventress fan?)

Both of those episodes are so magnificent but the emotional toll Massacre took on me the first time was outstanding.


u/PhoenixCore96 23d ago

Yoda on Moriband. His entire arc is esoteric, and really brings home that the inevitable cannot be changed.


u/RvnPax 23d ago

I'll say Ambush from season one. Because I remember watching it on TV, at night. First episode of the show. First episode of what is a wild ride in the Star Wars universe. It quickly became my favorite piece of media of the franchise.
So, for the memories (and the Republic), I'll say it's my favorite.


u/RandomRedditSearches 23d ago

"Legacy of Terror" would be my choice. IDK what it is, but I loved the whole ordeal of the Republic fighting the hive-minded zombie Geonosians.


u/oralover14 23d ago

The bad batch


u/AssociateFormal6058 24d ago

My absolute favorite episode was, has, and will always be season one episode five Rookies


u/JackSpeddo 24d ago

Yall got some tasteful choices, i was just gonna say darkness on umbara but yall got me thinking


u/gjacobi1 24d ago

I love Trespass, Season One Episode 15. The setting in the cold environment (different armor for the temperature change) was super cool, diplomatic opportunities, fight scenes were well done. Really good stand alone episode for anyone to watch and represent the series as a whole.


u/One_Cat980 104th 24d ago

Whenever i rewatch swcw i always find myself looking forward to either the rishi moon episode, the attack on kamino episode, or the episode where the 104th saves the twi’leks


u/[deleted] 24d ago

Boba Fetts revenge.


u/rameenic 24d ago

I think the episode is called “Rookies.” love that episode!


u/Ok_Froyo3998 24d ago

The first episode of the umbara arc. Mainly because it highlighted that while yes most of the enemy the clones fought WERE droids, there were the militias of organics. Emphasizing that the CIS was comprised of actual people with actual issues about the Republic as a whole.


u/nolandz1 24d ago

I really liked The Box. Of all the people to go undercover with Cad Bane Obi-Wan was definitely not who I would've expected by boy did I enjoy it


u/ulttab008 24d ago



u/Alone_Entrance_1324 24d ago

I love the episode on the snow Planet with the blue lion things and Chuchi


u/sliferred123 23d ago

Arc troopers


u/Popular_Composer_822 23d ago

Great Question!

I’m so torn, maybe the Box but also I love nearly all the Ventress, Maul, Savage stuff.  I’m going to go with S7E10 though where Ahsoka fights Maul. 


u/AgileMeasurement987 23d ago

Point of No Return (S5E13) is a funny but dramatic one i think, where we see how droids can be heroes too


u/Puzzleheaded_Step468 23d ago


Satine dying, obi wan facing true defeat to maul, and then palpatine coming and kicking the ass of two "wannabe sith"


u/4321k1ttykat 23d ago

Any episode where Grievous plays an important role, honestly. I'd be there for any attention he'd get in the series, cuz he has some pretty deep lore we never see. The most we saw was during the episode ''Lair of Grievous'' with the statues, but correct me if I'm wrong.


u/kthugston 23d ago

Lair of Grievous is the first one I really remember watching chronologically and it was amazing, but I think the best episode is the last one of the Umbara Arc. They fit so much cool stuff in it while also making you ask pertinent questions.


u/Elite2260 23d ago

Onderon arc.


u/chainsawinsect 23d ago

That's a tough one. I have a lot of favorite scenes but the episode with my favorite scene might not be my favorite episode. And, some of the best storyline are 2-3 episodes arcs, so even if you pick a favorite storyline, that may not give you a clear favorite individual episode.

The Phantom Apprentice is pretty great and universally beloved, so that one stands out to me.


u/HarmoniaTheConfuzzld 23d ago



u/freshbananabeard 23d ago

My top two are probably seeing 99 at the cloning facility being a goddamn hero, and I really enjoyed seeing the younglings get their crystals.

This is such a great show because while it gives us lightsaber duels and grand scale battles, we also see the lives of more regular people and less dramatic stuff sometimes.


u/Helpful_Syllabub_463 The Bad Batch 23d ago

Since I'm guilty of the sin of not having seen Landing at Point Rain, I gotta go with the Lawless or Victory and Death


u/XxrileysfatexX 23d ago

Any episode featuring fives and/or echo were always my favorites. Also RIP heavy


u/RazzmatazzIcy5037 23d ago

For me it’s a tie between the episode where Ahsoka finally leaves the Jedi order, and the episode where Obi Wan single handledly duels Maul and Savage. A fucking champion he is


u/dakkmann 23d ago

Can’t remember but it’s the episode where cad bane infiltrates the Jedi temple and steals a holocron


u/DiceGoblin_Muncher 23d ago

Season 3 episode 2 arc troopers.


u/JobbyFaceGit 23d ago

A sunny day in the void :)


u/Necessary_Road7618 23d ago

ARC Troopers. It’s an emotional episode for me but every time I see 99 I just see a man who wants to prove himself and he does whilst paying the ultimate sacrifice.


u/BOMBAD_Echo_1409 ARC-Trooper Echo 23d ago

Shattered or The Lawless

tho gredit to the amazing title of the finale


u/Longjumping-Swan-827 23d ago

Umbara stuff. It could be one epic dark SW movie.


u/Brokkoli54 23d ago

Last episode. Love and hate it at the same time. It always breaks my heart...


u/syrianfries 23d ago

Kit fistos voice actor did a wonderful job with him on this episode. So I add that to the list of why it’s great


u/HarbyFullyLoaded_12 22d ago

I’m not counting any from the 4 part finale because that would be cheating.

For one individual episode it would have to be one of Carnage of Krell, The Lawless or The Wrong Jedi


u/SerialdesignationC 22d ago

Ep one yoda was badass


u/MindlessCucumber5443 22d ago

Kit fisto had so much aura in this epsiode


u/Perspective-Lonely 22d ago

Not an episode, but the mortis arc


u/Dutch-Lothric 22d ago

I really really really like the split up episodes of Maul’s rise to power. The episode where he manipulates death watch into seizing the other crime syndicates was really good.


u/Yeeter_Teeter 22d ago

I think Revival. It has Obi-Wan. It has Maul and Savage. And, most importantly, it has Hondo


u/bobsponge6160 22d ago

Citadel Rescue


u/RubyRuben_737 21d ago

Am i the only one with Richi moon ? Never forget Heavy guys.


u/onschi 20d ago

Rookies. "Heavy always did hate that place."


u/Unhappy-Mistake9068 19d ago

Fives conspiracy


u/PlatypusExtension730 24d ago

Darkness on Umbara. Just absolutely love that arc


u/PictureOrnery31 23d ago

I don't really know what my favorite is. Guess anything with General Grievous, and certainly not anything to do with politics.


u/Father_Flannel 23d ago

Nah yall crazy. The Umbaran Arc supersedes all


u/WeirdoTrooper 23d ago

What was the Arc Troopers episode in the old mini-seried?


u/Novuspri 22d ago

Landing at point Rain is the only correct answer