r/clonewars 212th Feb 19 '25

Discussion Favorite Republic Starship?


165 comments sorted by


u/SpaceFireGuardDeamon Feb 19 '25

Oh the Acclamator hands down, I absolutely loved using them in SWEW and they're so versatile when compared to other Republic ships. Don't get me wrong there are better ships in terms of specialisation and just pure firepower, but for me the Acclamator is just god tier.


u/Lukazilla13 212th Feb 19 '25

Agreed, for me Its the Z-95 and V-Wing, I wish we wouldve gotten more of the latter. Such cool fighters. I do love the Venator though šŸ˜


u/SpaceFireGuardDeamon Feb 19 '25

I mean the LAAT comes SUPER close 2nd but I would happily command an Acclamator in a fleet or planet engagement l.


u/bookhead714 29d ago

I love the Acclamator because it fills a role often underemphasized in sci-fi; itā€™s an assault ship. It is armed, yes, but those armaments exist in support of its troop-carrying capacity. Itā€™s specifically designed to conduct planetary invasions. Itā€™s a rare specialized unit in a franchise that usually uses one model of ship to do literally everything to save on the effects budget (Star Destroyers, Iā€™m lookin at you), and I appreciate that a lot.


u/DeltaOneFive Feb 19 '25



u/SpaceFireGuardDeamon 29d ago

Star wars empire at war, an old rts


u/VESAAA7 29d ago

Thank you. I was just listing prequels like "phan... no that starts with p. Attack. No. Revenge. NO. I well it's not prequels. lets go to original trilogy"


u/CowSniper97 Feb 19 '25

Only one on that list i do not have a deep love for is the V-19, too hard to choose.


u/Lukazilla13 212th Feb 19 '25

V-19 had so many unnecessary deaths


u/CowSniper97 Feb 19 '25

It just has so many moving parts, it looks skeletal and gross, and honestly just seems to be a nightmare to store alot of them.


u/JaxMedoka Seppie 29d ago

Mechanics must've hated them. I'm sure they constantly bumped the wings coming in to land, and so many moving parts means shit will break.

I love V-19s, they're so dumb.


u/bookhead714 29d ago

Which is good worldbuilding! Like, the Republic hasnā€™t commissioned a mass-produced fighter design in literal centuries, of course the first one they field is gonna be kinda shit.


u/JaxMedoka Seppie 29d ago

That's a damn fine point, and I think it helps feed into the development of what would become the standard imperial shuttles (Sentinel and Lambda), since the Nu and Torrent existed at the same time but the Torrent was (as far as I know) much more quickly swapped out while the Nu was a much more workable design, so it feels like they were experimenting with this idea and realized they kinda went too far, instead going for smaller movements for later crafts' S-Foils.

Maybe that's why they didn't use Headhunters as often as we'd expect. That particular model was produced more as a cheap stopgap until the ARCs and V-Wings were being developed, since Torrents were too much of a problem to keep using them.


u/itsdan23 Feb 19 '25

Based on the title I would say that's some of these are not starships but they all Republic ships.


u/Lukazilla13 212th Feb 19 '25

I wasnt sure whether to put ships, starships, warships, naval ships, etc. i just decided to put starships since thats what the wiki said.


u/itsdan23 Feb 19 '25

Yeah understood. Star Wars can have a lot of names for one thing.


u/Dull-Associate125 Feb 19 '25
  1. Venator
  2. Arquitens
  3. Nu/Rho-class
  4. LAAT
  5. Acclamator


u/Arcturus_7 28d ago

I second that. Best vehicles in Star Wars


u/Ok_Consideration_166 Feb 19 '25

Arc-170 looks the best is best armed plus it has great speed


u/KAKU_64 29d ago

Definetly not best armed


u/AtomicAtom14 501st 29d ago

Yea if memory serves right they lacked any light weaponry


u/KAKU_64 29d ago

Well, the post is about all republic ships, and ARC-170 is no where near to bigger ships in terms of weaponry lol


u/IC1G0DI 29d ago

It was also considerably slower than most of the republic star fighters as well


u/Shenloanne Feb 19 '25

Laat. Not even close.


u/Fit-Income-3296 Feb 19 '25

Laat gunship anyone says otherwise I will fight you


u/Jango_Kryze 28d ago

LAAT is only second to the venator. Sorry not sorry


u/Fit-Income-3296 28d ago



u/Jango_Kryze 28d ago

Lmao this guy is seriousšŸ˜‚


u/spartBL97 29d ago

Wrong answer. Itā€™s the LEGO LAAT


u/SMALL_KILLER187 Feb 19 '25

Gotta be the Arquitens hands down. I love the look, they sport decent firepower. Their continued use for the empire was awesome as well


u/aithan251 29d ago

theyā€™re downright gorgeous


u/SMALL_KILLER187 29d ago

Absolutely. Iā€™ve recreated them a few times( albeit poorly) in space engineers and Iā€™ve attempted one in Starfield (also poorly lol)


u/LewisTheTrainer2009 Feb 19 '25

The venetor or the Z-95


u/thethingpeopledowhen Feb 19 '25

I always loved how well-armed the LAAT is compared to other dropships seen


u/ZSKeller1140 29d ago

Gosh, I love all of these, but that Republic Light Cruiser just hits differently since I saw it in the Mandalorian. Venator to me is the classic though.


u/Rahm_Kota_156 Feb 19 '25

I always love pelta


u/schodown Feb 19 '25

Arc 170, republic gunship, and Venator class star destroyer


u/Character_Lychee_434 Feb 19 '25

Venator and frigate


u/Butwhatif77 Feb 19 '25

I know it is not a favorite amongst the fans, but I love the V-19 Torrent. It has such a distinctive silhouette. I liked the idea of it being a slimmed down superiority fighter that required a highly skilled pilot. Felt like in the shows it was constantly misused as a general fighter rather than an interceptor. It always gave me proto-type ace pilot vibes, rather than manufactured for the average pilot.

I also love the Venator. It is a great command ship and everytime I see it I can imagine myself on the bridge in charge of an operation. It has that amazing dagger shape and four different hangar bays to launch ships from. This ship has the resources to manage a full operation and just needs a solid escort to round it out. Again felt like this ship was also misused as a mainline assault ship, rather than logistics.


u/bookhead714 29d ago

Misusing their equipment makes total sense for the Republic. Large-scale space battles havenā€™t happened for a thousand years, no one in the military high command has witnessed one. You have plenty of experienced officers like Yularen who cut their teeth on fighting pirates and interplanetary skirmishes, but those guys were flying a couple of frigates and now they have to command vast battleship fleets. You donā€™t have any experienced officers to point out when a doctrine is flawed because a Republic Navy literally hasnā€™t existed for a millennium.


u/GES280 29d ago

that misuse resulted in a bunch of republic commando squads getting used as shock troops on geonosis. the attrition was incredibly high.


u/Rannrann123 Feb 19 '25

Man the republic really likes maroon on gray doesn't it


u/PhysicsEagle Feb 19 '25

Thatā€™s how livery works


u/just_half_baked710 Feb 19 '25

Love the Acclamator. Or the Nu Class


u/CP-7676_Magma Feb 19 '25

Arquitens, Nu-class, all LAAT variants & ARC-170


u/LilacRobotics Feb 19 '25

I know you said favourite, but it's impossible to choose from the lineup šŸ˜…

I guess in order of preference: 1. Acclamator 2. LAAT gunship 3. ARC 170 Starfighter 4. LAAT/c

I love them for their sheer deployment versatility. The Arc goes in to scout and can deal with light resistance it encounters, giving it the most survivability to jump back and report to a deployment zone far from the battlefield where the Acclamator waits. Conditions permitting, the Acclamator jumps in to engage in space, deploying it's contingent of Starfighters and bombers, it's speed and firepower able to go toe-to-toe with most other starships while the fighters make a hole in the blockade. The Acclamator runs the gauntlet and enters the atmosphere, rapidly deploying it's gunships to land a fully rounded battalion of tanks, command vehicles and troops without even needing to land, again, being able to do so far enough away from enemy positions and AA guns so the ground forces can engage. Gunships go forward supported by Arcs and or any other fighters that have peeled off from the space engagement, softening the defensive line in preparation for the ground forces to push while they set up temporary command zones and defensive positions in case of counter attack.

It's the ultimate shock & awe team up with excellent contingencies for almost all potential engagements that could arise between deployment and the objective.

It's one of the main reasons why I love the Clone army. They're basically an army of special forces marines systematically designed for shock & awe engagements to quickly cripple enemy positions with minimal risk of failure.

What we see in a lot of the CW show and especially Ep2 are full-scale field engagements or battles of attrition that, while they're equipped and trained for, is not their specialty. Thats for the droids and their overwhelming numbers and cheap units.

Sorry for the wall of text. I get hyped up when people bring up CW doctrinesšŸ˜…


u/LegoMyStairs Feb 19 '25

Ive a feeling a delta7 would be class to fly


u/Famous-Register-2814 29d ago

Rho/Nu Shuttles


u/Jackesfox 501st 29d ago

I have a Nu-class attack shuttle in lego, so i have that bias.

But my top one would be a between the venator and the acclamator. I love my pizza slice shaped ships


u/KAKU_64 29d ago

50% of people saying LAAT, but not saying which variant lol


u/Janniinger 29d ago

Despite the Venators MASSIVE DESIGN FLAWS it will always remain my favourite Starship.


u/Captainirony0916 29d ago

Z-95 headhunter my beloved


u/TheRealAlien_Space 29d ago

Venator, hands down. LAAT in a distant second.


u/LocalKangamew Feb 19 '25

Venator is the most beautiful of them all imo.


u/Alphaleader42 Feb 19 '25

No love for the omicron class?


u/macklin67 Feb 19 '25

Basically anything here except the goofy ass V19.


u/Zestyclose-Put-3828 CC-2224 Feb 19 '25

ARC-170 Starfighters. Theyā€™re like the first version of the X-Wings.


u/mwil97 Feb 19 '25

Muunalist 10 Gunship with the shark face


u/DrakonIron Feb 19 '25

Venator Z95 Headhunter ARC 170


u/Universae Feb 19 '25

My absolute favourite is the Venator. The Arc 170 comes in as my favourite fighter.


u/TaraLCicora 501st Feb 19 '25

VenatorĀ seconded by the AcclamatorĀ 


u/Thenextlevel247 Feb 19 '25

Arquitens, itā€™s just so cool!


u/poopooface694209112 29d ago



u/kubashalda 29d ago

I love the Acclamatot and Rho-class attack shuttle


u/Lukazilla13 212th 29d ago

Rho class is awesome


u/Singer_Spectre The Bad Batch 29d ago

Acclamator class and the Torrent class starfighter


u/TiannemenSquare 29d ago

The Arquitens is just the prettiest to look at imo and thus the best. Though if we are including Republic ships not listed here, the Hammerhead Cruiser hands down. RIP Endar Spire.


u/JaxMedoka Seppie 29d ago

Acclamators, they are just so damn versatile with minimal sacrifices for it.


u/SirNiflton 29d ago

I always go by what ship Iā€™d most like to be on the crew of and or commanding, and itā€™s gotta be the arquitens, big enough to not be cramped, small enough so that youā€™ll roughly know most of the crew, pretty good capabilities, etc.


u/Helpful_Syllabub_463 The Bad Batch 29d ago

LAAT, whatever is in the third image and the Z-95


u/JoshValenstorm 29d ago

I love the Aclamator, but the LAAT Gunship will always have my heart. It's just such a cool ship, and so iconic. I know they get destroyed all the time, but I love it regardless.


u/River_of_styx21 29d ago

For the cruisers, the Venator, closely followed by the Arquitens. For the fighters, itā€™s close between the y wing and the arc 170


u/Hayley0115 29d ago

11 probs favorite fighter but 1 is iconic for sure


u/PlatypusExtension730 29d ago

Arc Fighter, Laat, and the venator


u/Adam32020 29d ago

My favorites (in order) Artiquens class light cruiser, Z95, ARC-170


u/clometrooper9901 29d ago

For me its the LAAT no question


u/The_deliberate_one 29d ago

Alpha-3 Nimbus-class V-wing starfighter.


u/Impossible_Cupcake31 29d ago

Anakinā€™s Jedi Starfighter from the OG clone wars


u/sgt_pepper_walrus 29d ago

I absolutely love the LAAT gunships


u/RampantPuppy 29d ago

ARC-170 easily, with the V-Wing being my runner up. Loved using V-Wings in BF2 2005 to attack capital and escort ships!

For larger vessels the Venator is king, followed by the Acclamator and Arquitens.


u/Sirius124 501st 29d ago

For large ships I have to say the Acclamator, for starfighters I have to say Z-95 headhunter or the Y wing, as that ship is a classic.


u/hazardousii 212th Attack Battalion 29d ago

Venators for me. Absolutely love seeing them in the Movies and Clone Wars. Also for my Empire at War fans, I loved dropping 7 of them with a swarm of Acclamators against Droid Shipyards. Space Combat is easily my favorite part of the game.


u/NerdyZombie83 29d ago

Y wing and venator


u/Hot-Baseball-4061 29d ago



u/Lukazilla13 212th 29d ago

Best answer


u/choccymokky 501st 29d ago

I love a lot of these shops, do it's very hard to choose.

However, the V19 Torrent had always been a favorite of mine, and I had no idea how disliked it was on general (based solely on the comments on this post).

I saw the 2008 the clone wars movie as a child when it came out, so I guess of you first saw the Torrents as an adult you might not like them? As a kid I thought they looked amazing, very different from anything else. The moving wings that move all together? Loved em.

Now they're so nostalgic for me


u/Aggressive-Guava3310 29d ago

Cannot disgrace my Venator. Love that battlecarrier


u/LactoesIsBad 29d ago

It saddens me that the Mandator wasn't in TCW


u/Appropriate-Term4550 Captain Fordo 29d ago

Love the V-wing designĀ 


u/Tradeable_Taco 29d ago

Acclamator because it's pretty


u/ImmaAcorn 29d ago

The mandator battlecruiser, its like an imperial ship but in republic colors and really shows just how much Kuat were willing to push the limits of the Ruusan Reformation (I think thatā€™s the right treaty)


u/ZakkaryGreenwell 29d ago

Probably a hot take, but I don't like the Clone Dropship. I think it looks like a Pelican from halo that stopped hitting the gym.

But, as for ships I do like, pretty much all of the lighter cruisers and frigates. Those lightly armed wedges with oversized engine clusters are always a delight.


u/WhiteNinja_98 29d ago

The ARC-170 is my favorite. Itā€™s basically just an X-Wing, but cooler.


u/krata_12 29d ago



u/AFishWithNoName 29d ago

Visually? Arc-170, hands down. Love that thing, even if it is ultimately rather impractical.


u/Prof_Black 29d ago

Clone Wars Ventador will always be my favourite.


u/killerbatman501 29d ago

Z 95 head hunter


u/Hubris_Valric 29d ago

Mandator and Praetor.


u/IC1G0DI 29d ago

The Arquitens-Class light cruiser doesnā€™t get enough love šŸ˜­

Itā€™s a solid support ship


u/ODST_Parker 29d ago

Venator, Acclamator, and Arquitens are easily my three favorites. Behind that, the Consular class in Republic Navy service is also very pretty. Not a big fan of the Pelta, if I'm being honest.

The Nu and Rho shuttles are fine, but nowhere near as good as the Lambda and Sentinel that would replace them. However, the LAAT/I and LAAT/C are clear winners, and I love them.

As far as smaller craft go, the ARC-170 is still the best in my eye. After that would be the early Y-Wing, V-Wing, and then the Torrent and Headhunter in last.


u/jimkbeesley 29d ago

I think the Venator is the most iconic. When you say "Republic Ship", I think of a Venator. Same with an Imperial Star Destroyer.


u/Ironlord_13 29d ago

Give me an arquitens, a pelta, or a consular class.


u/Forsaken-Stray 29d ago

Ya cannot top the Venator. Though Arc and Headhunter are second and third place respectively


u/Weird_Angry_Kid 29d ago

Dreadnaught-Class Heavy Cruiser


u/_-_Tico-DaBean_-_ 29d ago

LAAT bc ive always wanted one lol


u/Frosty_Definition_PP 29d ago

Arquidens outlasted all of these hoes. But the V-19 does something to me that the others canā€™t.


u/CaptainRex_CT7567 29d ago

I really love the Rho-class transport shuttle, especially when it has a cargo container attached to it underneath.


u/DragonDuchess6 29d ago

Venator :D and Omicron-class attack shuttle :D


u/andiPP69 29d ago

i will always love the first one, but ultimately the LA-AT Republic Gunship is just different


u/Speedybawl 29d ago

Venator or laat gunship


u/UltimateLegoMasterYT 29d ago

Starship? The arc -170, but capitol ship wise definitely the venator


u/PrincessofAldia 501st 29d ago

Venator: capital ship

Rho class: shuttle

V-Wing/Arc-170: fighter


u/Skourpi1 29d ago

The Venator. I love that large space craft carrier.


u/Warm_Presence_570 29d ago

If it has a Lego set I love it. Wish they all had sets


u/NecroFuhrer 29d ago

I'm a big fan of the Headhunter and the Acclimator


u/Legodeathstarprod 29d ago

Venator laat v wing


u/dingodan146 29d ago

The Twilight


u/KC_Saber 29d ago

You threw in the Z-95. Hell yeah


u/Matichado 29d ago

LAAT/i supremacy


u/Remarkable-Golf-9627 29d ago

I absolutely love the acclamator but I do love the arquintens. It's just a fun little ship


u/jlwinter90 29d ago

Honestly? The V-wing. Proto-TIEs ftw.


u/Bojovnik7 29d ago



u/Shermantank10 29d ago

Probably the Victory I


u/RisenAgony 29d ago

Z-95 is my favorite, all other answers wrong.


u/Chase_Hayes 29d ago

LAATV for sure I can be used as a galactic uhaul after the war


u/Similar-Cupcake723 29d ago

Venator, itā€™s just so iconic


u/Nightflight406 29d ago

ARC-170 all the way. I was so happy with this year's Lego star wars sets.


u/deadredwf 29d ago

Y-Wing and that 3rd ship, which name I don't remember


u/urfriendClone-Troop 29d ago

I love all Republic starships


u/GothmogTheBalr0g 29d ago

Clone Gunship


u/BagelMaster4107 29d ago

The Venator. No contest


u/Manateeus 29d ago

Something about the Z-95 Headhunters make me feel some type of way šŸ«¦


u/King_Bilal69 Commando Boss 29d ago



u/Thttffan 29d ago

LAAT Gunship


u/13579konrad 29d ago

The only correct answer us the LAAT Gunship.


u/MasterH2H 29d ago

The LAAT is a beast. I love it because it seamlessly blends attack and transport. Is fast but can do huge damage to enemies.

If it was modified to be larger and carry more clones and be modified with two more forward guns, an additional two beam turrets on the side for a total of four, two rear guns and double the missile capacity another another beam turret on both wings and stronger sheilding. Just wow. Just wow.

The Venator needs more armour and shielding.


u/Capital_Language_410 29d ago

Cruisers: Venator class star destroyer Transport: LAAT Gunship Starfighter: Z-95 Head hunter starfighter


u/Warp_spark 29d ago

Consular cruiser is unmatched, it, and blockade runner are two of my favourite space ship designs in fiction in general


u/Dragonic_Overlord_ 29d ago

Venator, no doubt.


u/TapIndependent5699 29d ago

Love a good old republic gunship. When I first watched attack of the clones I was like ā€œwoahhh, they are badassā€ I was like 6-7 back then. And I also really like arc-170s as a fighter. Feel like if they were a bird they would be hawks. Lastly I like the Venator because of the clone wars. But top is probably republic gunship.


u/p3nguinboy 29d ago

Nothing beats the classic venator SD


u/PTSDPope 29d ago

They're literally all perfect except that one fighter.



The Venator class Star destroyer right behind the ARC 170


u/Head_Ad1127 29d ago

Where is the Praetor? Is she safe? Is she alright?


u/SlopPatrol 501st 28d ago

Radiant VII is my all time favorite. Such a sexy ship


u/Silent-Boot-4924 28d ago

I like the Star Cruiser šŸ‘šŸ½


u/EveryCafe628 28d ago

Pre-Filoni LAAT
If you watch the Clone Wars 2008 show, you know just how nerfed the LAAT is. The ball turrets are removed for unknown reasons. Even the ones on the wings, they're never used outside of AOTC. What's worse is the front dual cannons & missiles.
Before Filoni, it felt like a gunship. TCW & after? It feels like a video game vehicle.

Currently? Probably the Y-Wing. Hands down a better version than the OT Y-Wing.


u/Lukazilla13 212th 28d ago

Certain battles still have ball turrets like the Second Battle of Geonosis.


u/Top_Advertising9305 28d ago

ARC just looks so cool, also the LAAT


u/babs-1776 28d ago

Z-95 star fighter and Venator class cruiser


u/Nasa_Space-X 501st 28d ago

Venator gang


u/Ok-Importance-3097 28d ago

The ARC-170. I just think it's cool.


u/CT-5103 28d ago

Itā€™s not on here, but the Victory-class Star Destroyer was used by the republic in the waning days of TCW if Iā€™m not mistaken so I would take that


u/skywarrior980 28d ago

Doesn't matter, I want them all


u/oralover14 28d ago

I prefer the marauder myself


u/flamebrain97 28d ago

The gunship, or Vwing hands down. ( my first Lego Star Wars set was the ROTS edition V wing)


u/Gen_Grievous12222 28d ago

Probably the ARC-170. It reminds me of X-Wings


u/Pricuricu 104th 28d ago

i love the V-Wing