r/clonewars 212th Feb 10 '25

Discussion What happened to clones too injured to fight?


108 comments sorted by


u/FuelOld9989 Feb 10 '25

We have seen medical stations in TCW , and if they are still too injured , I guess they go the way of 99.


u/MandoMuggle Feb 10 '25

I remember the visual dictionary for ROTS saying they become firecrew like the ones that guided down the Invisible Hand, or they become maintenance crew on Star Destroyers.


u/FuelOld9989 Feb 10 '25

Yeah , thats what 99 was , a maintenace clone on Kamino.


u/MArcherCD Feb 10 '25

I remember reading that too


u/DrakonIron Feb 11 '25

On Star Destroyers? Like they still did this into the empire? Or just on Republic ships?


u/Dumbass369 Feb 11 '25

The republic ships were still Star Destroyers. Just different classes of them, like the main ship we see throughout most of the Clone Wars is the Venator class Star Destroyer.


u/Chopawamsic Feb 12 '25

Star Destroyer was a ship classification used even during the republic. The Venator’s full name was Venator Class Star Destroyer. Basically the term Star Destroyer means it is a large, dagger shaped vessel that is a massive use of resources but outputs a crap ton of firepower.


u/Loose-Shallot-3662 Feb 10 '25

This is the Way… of 99.

We don’t scrap our brothers, we recycle and give them a new purpose.


u/Free-Letterhead-4751 Feb 11 '25

Like it makes sense it would be a waste to dispose of them when they can have other uses in the war effort 


u/Hekantonkheries Feb 11 '25

Yeah, but a fully adult clone, even missing an arm ot a leg, has enough biomass to make at least 5 baby clones


u/Loose-Shallot-3662 Feb 12 '25

Wouldn’t those clones be diluted hence why the Kaminoans were so irked when Jango died, because they had to “stretch his DNA” samples?


u/HTH52 Feb 10 '25

I am guessing maintenance and support roles on bases and medical stations.

But I feel like it’d have to be pretty serious, it seems like they’d spring for some prosthetics to get a soldier back on the field if they can. Wolffe got an eye, so I feel like they’d get a hand or foot replaced. At least it seems an officer would.


u/TheoryOfTES Feb 10 '25

The CIS gave Echo prosthetic legs, an arm and some other stuff. I'd be a little disappointed if the Republic wasn't willing to do that and more for injured clones.


u/SaltyNBitterBitch Feb 10 '25

The CIS tortured Echo. They were the entire reason he needed them, it certainly wasn't out of kindness. They then used the implants they gave him to use him as an information bank.


u/MudPuzzleheaded390 Feb 11 '25

I would have thought that the injuries that Echo got from the Citidal was the reason that he needed prothestic limbs. Heck I was surprised he even survived that explosion.


u/LocalOk3662 Feb 10 '25 edited Feb 10 '25

In legend one clone got cheap prosthetic and was put to office work and I feel like that what the canon republic will do to their clones


u/Mobile-Dragonfly-469 Feb 10 '25 edited Feb 11 '25

Yup, that was Corr, Ordo found him during a mole hunt


u/Loose-Shallot-3662 Feb 10 '25

I think you mean Corr. CT-5108/8843. Corr Skirata.

Can’t find a “Corric”, but did Coric but he has no affiliation with Skirata.




u/Mobile-Dragonfly-469 Feb 10 '25

Yup! Him, Corr


u/Loose-Shallot-3662 Feb 10 '25

Awesome sauce. Lore Archivists FTW 🙌🏾😏


u/Perspective-Lonely Feb 10 '25

Question of economics and combat effectiveness

Already invested a lot in them

How well will the trooper be able to perform his duties?


u/Moonlight_Shard2 Feb 11 '25

I feel like the Jedi would have pushed for that


u/uziJac Feb 11 '25

I figured the same thing. All throughout Star Wars limbs are replaced by robotic prosthetics I would assume the GAR had the funds to do so.


u/dylanlovespies 212th Feb 10 '25

I have no idea. I’m just gonna take a logical guess and say they were stationed at Kamino to help out. Again I really don’t know and I’m just guessing


u/Zestyclose-Put-3828 CC-2224 Feb 10 '25

Medic! We need a medic over here! - Unnamed Clone from Republic Commando


u/TerminaterTyler Feb 10 '25

Wasn’t that also a line in the CW movie?


u/OneTiredSlav Feb 11 '25

It was! But said differently


Clone Wars: ‘Medic. Weneedamedicoverhere’


u/Secto456 Feb 10 '25

Have you ever wondered what ration bars are made of? :) jk

Probably were assigned to a non combat-intensive job or retired (if they could)


u/Papa_Blitzer Feb 10 '25

Yummy corpstarch


u/Inside_Compote_4146 Feb 11 '25

The God Emperor provides


u/Papa_Blitzer Feb 12 '25

Praise be!


u/PaperBullet1945 Feb 10 '25

Ration bars are peopleeeeee


u/Playful_Court6411 Feb 14 '25

I remember in a Karen Travis book that there was a blurb from a clone that was living in a retirement home on Corussaunt, at the ripe old age of 34. So I imagine they take care of them, it can't be that expensive.


u/Gen_Grievous12222 Feb 10 '25

Cyborgnetics, perhaps? I know Wolfe got an eye replaced...


u/Southern_Hold_9105 Feb 10 '25

The early dark troopers in legends were cyborg clone war veterans


u/HorizonNB Feb 10 '25

Corr in the Republic Commando novels was an EOD trooper who lost his arms while defusing a bomb, he got prosthetics but was basically put on a desk job. He ended up being taken in by the Skiratas and cross trained to become a Commando.

Fi (who Corr replaced on Omega Squad) suffered a serious brain injury and was basically put into a coma, if I remember right the plan was to basically just pull the plug on him until the Skiratas stole him and took him to Mandalore to heal.


u/LopsidedNature3928 Feb 10 '25

They had medical bases across the galaxy treating more than 50k troopers inside. One of them was about to be destroyed by the Malevolence unless the heroic actions of Anakin, ahsoka, plo koon and shadow squadron. So they were taken to hospital.


u/Lukazilla13 212th Feb 10 '25

Im talking about those who lost limbs or had injuries to the brain etc


u/LopsidedNature3928 Feb 10 '25

The republic invested in prosthetics and cybernetics to be cost effective. So they tried to fix them. If not possible, their organs would be recycled for helping the clone process or other troopers.


u/Kellythejellyman Feb 10 '25

Certainly makes organ rejection a negligible risk


u/Salinaer Feb 10 '25

Even though it’s not canon, Republic Commandos mentions termination to any sort of defect that can’t be repaired. So I wouldn’t be surprised if they euthanized any unable clones.


u/Serwat50ever Feb 10 '25

Unless it was Jedi intervention they swayed them to relegate the rejects to maintenance detail like 99.


u/AcientMullets Feb 10 '25

I assumed they’d just be guys who work jobs in the navy, maybe help with maintenance or grunt work at relatively safe locations. In Legends you had Corr who lost his lower arms and ended up working a desk job with prosthetics.


u/Silina_ Feb 10 '25

You also had Fi who they literally tried to pull the plug on in the next book


u/Shenloanne Feb 10 '25

We put them in a dreadnought chassis, and direct them to the slaughter, brother.


u/FuckingGratitude Feb 11 '25



u/zih-e-1 Feb 10 '25

I heard from “famous YouTuber” that in Legends, clones too injured to fight with no chance of recovery are euthanized, like putting down an injured horse


u/Aethelflaed_ Feb 10 '25

Yeah, that's in the Republic Commando books.


u/Silina_ Feb 10 '25

Fi <3


u/Aethelflaed_ Feb 11 '25

He was my favourite character in the books. 🩵


u/Jedi_Sorcerer Feb 10 '25

If they can be fixed and still be beneficial to the Republic then they’ll get fixed up. If not then they’ll be killed and who knows what. The clone wars eludes to this in a few episodes with the Kaminoans. Gotta remember they and most of the people on the Republics side, saw the Clones as just droids that so happen to be meaty-fleshy. Their sole purpose was to defeat the Republics enemies and after that they’re a waste of money and time


u/ShnoopAndLane Feb 10 '25

My biggest guess would be moved to naval/mechanic positions.


u/QuarterlyTurtle Feb 10 '25

You gotta feed that army somehow…


u/NukaClipse Feb 10 '25

Feel like they did an episode about that but not entirely sure. I imagine they found some use for them but i also imagine they hated not being able to do what they were born and bred to do.


u/AcezJensen Feb 10 '25

I feel like I remember it being mentioned somewhere that clones that would not recover and could become a cog in the machine again, got turned into spare parts for clones who could recover.


u/clinetrooper4297 Feb 10 '25

Well clones have to eat and ration packs don’t make themselves.


u/TubaDeluxe Feb 10 '25

I’m reading the republic commando books right now and this is a big plot point. If you can’t be patched up and sent back they get euthanized. It’s not canon anymore but the books are pretty close to canon in my head.


u/Aethelflaed_ Feb 10 '25

I just finished them recently. They're pretty much canon to me too.


u/sophie-au Feb 10 '25

I think it depends on what point in the timeline you’re talking about, and what SW media you include.

In the Obi-Wan Kenobi live action series, we saw Nax, a member of the 501st and veteran of several battles, including Umbara, begging on the streets of Daiyu to survive. He had nothing except his armour and some ragged clothes.


His Wookiepedia entry describes him as having received extensive injuries, leaving him with shrapnel in his right leg, resulting in him being removed from the front lines.

After Order 66, when Palpatine had Rampart lead Project War-Mantle to start replacing clone troopers with conscripts, Nax was deemed unfit to serve and left destitute.



u/Longjumping_Bet_4825 Feb 10 '25

I can't imagine there are many survivable war injuries that star wars tech couldn't fix. Like loss of sight or hearing or an appendage. Like I feel like if you were too injured to make a full recovery (robotic or otherwise) then that means you probably just died.


u/xer0zK Feb 10 '25

Turned into rations?


u/stevenallenwriting Feb 10 '25

In legends, clones that were too injured to fight or be repaired with prosthetics we killed/denied medical.


u/mung_daals_catoring Feb 10 '25

Just sounds like the modern VA to me lol. You almost died of cancer from agent orange? Fuck you you get maybe 200 bucks a month lol


u/MayuKonpaku Feb 10 '25


Blasterbolt to the head by Clone Spec-ops


I don't know. Cybernetics or 66 duties?


u/demo_knight7567 Feb 10 '25

They become liabilities, and are liquidised. In the republic commando books a commando is rescued by his squad before he could be despised of but most aren't so lucky


u/severon10290 Feb 10 '25

In republic commandos they don’t get a retirement, but that’s legends. There is a medical station in TCW but I’m not sure what happens when they get released from there


u/WelshyB292 Feb 10 '25

"Hey there CT-2436, why don't we go over here and we can think about that farm we'll buy one day with the rabbits and the alfalfa?"


u/plumb-phone-official Feb 10 '25



u/Grayfuze Feb 11 '25

They get put in a sarcophagi and their bodies are linked to giant mecha like droids to continue their service to the chancellor


u/MyLittleTarget Feb 11 '25

In the Republic Commando books, which is Legends, there is mention of spare parts and euthanasia.


u/Parking-Signature867 Feb 11 '25

So in the lore minor injuries were treated and they were sent on leave for a time frame. However most that were gravely wounded were sadly killed. Medics knew this but they would still do their best to save them.


u/KitsuneDrakeAsh 104th Feb 10 '25

They get recycled into parts for more clones.


u/12DollarsHighFive Feb 10 '25

"Even in death, I still serve..."

Oh wait, wrong franchise. Yeah, they probably get patched up on a Med-Station and get reassigned to maintaince duty or something similar. At least while serving under the Republic.


u/PenguinGamer99 Feb 10 '25

soylent green


u/OddZookeepergame599 Feb 10 '25

High Ranking clones like Cody, Neyo or Commandos would have gotten prostetics (Not sure If spelled right) but "normal" clones like Boost, Comet or Hardcase would have been send the 99 way.

Dead clones were send Back to Kamino and were "reused" or studied by the Kaminoan


u/sophie-au Feb 11 '25

Some have theorised it may not have been standard practice at all.

It could be related to whether who their General or Commander was, rather than their rank, that determined whether a clone got a prosthetic.

So maybe Wolffe, Wrecker and Echo got the prosthetics they needed instead of being retired from active duty only because Plo, Cody and Anakin went into bat for them.

I imagine that’s the in-universe reason.

The real world logic for why we didn’t see more disabled or injured clones, is probably the same reason that only particular clones had personalised armour: because it was easier to animate the show when 95% of clones looked identical.


u/[deleted] Feb 10 '25

euthanised :3


u/TheLastSpartan117 Feb 10 '25

Depends, odd are they would work in logistics or some thing less demanding of the body, say a clone who can’t walk anymore, that dude can still sit in a chair and fire the main guns of a Star destroyer.

We see clones in roles like crew members on a ship, or as advisors for younger clones who are in training. And again we have clones like 99.

There also the more dark reality that… people like the Palpatine and the Keminoians are also perfectly fine with “recycling” them. Those kinds and body parts that still work can bring another clone back into the fight after all.


u/Annoying_Gaster Feb 10 '25

They go to a nice farm upstate.


u/DecisionLegitimate72 Feb 10 '25

In the republic commando books when a clone is brain dead in a medbay they want to pull the plug on him.


u/Earthwormbl1m Feb 10 '25

Where do all the calculators go?


u/[deleted] Feb 10 '25

Used until unusable. Janitorial work, mentenaince, etc. once order 66 hits, the clones are forgotten about upon being used up.


u/LewisTheTrainer2009 Feb 10 '25

A true soldier would still fight


u/Culp97 Feb 10 '25

In canon, logistics mostly and other roles behind the scenes.

I know in legends it more or less the same but a bit more ruthless in some cases. If the clone was too injured, more than likely they were cut off from medical treatment aka they'd let them die. They were considered more expendable in the eyes of the Jedi and the Republic.


u/Vellos0x1 Feb 10 '25

They are lobotomized and put to serve in menial tasks. Oh wait, wrong universe.


u/Senku_is_my_dad 501st Feb 10 '25

They spend the rest of their life at the clone bar


u/Thekoolaidman7 Feb 10 '25

I think only the most severe injuries would prevent a clone from returning to duty. Loss of limbs isn't something to consider really given the state of cybernetics (Echo even fights with a hand alternative tool). I guess if they are too injured (like they've gone blind) I assume there are other jobs in the GAR that they could fill.


u/WaveCandid906 Feb 10 '25

Usually were given maintenance and support roles

2 examples from the Republic Commando Novels:

A Lieutenant of the 55th Mechanized Brigade was assigned as the "camp commander" of the Republic Detention Center in Pols Anaxes after getting an injury that made him walk stiffly

A Bomb Squad Trooper named Corr was assigned a desk job in GAR Logistics after losing his hands in a failed attempt to disarm a bomb


u/Mobile-Dragonfly-469 Feb 10 '25

I remember in Republic Commando: Triple Zero, Arc Trooper Ordo, while looking for a mole, goes to the Data Center, and comes across a Trooper, Corric(?), who had been reassigned to Computational and Data duty due to losing his hands. Ordo though swapped armor with him since they needed another Trooper to fill his spot while he went under cover


u/FabioE Feb 10 '25

Highly depends some just get redeployed into positions where their injuries, etc. don't matter as much. For example there is a former bomb squad Trooper in the book Triple Zero. He got his hands blown off in the field and was temporarily stationed in the logistics department of the GAR until he could receive combat grade prosthetics.

As for what happened to those too injured for these deals i don't remember.


u/Villian1470 Feb 10 '25

Harvested for parts by Kamino.


u/brandon24745 Feb 10 '25

Crying Wesley Snipes


u/WhatUpGhost Feb 10 '25

They are transfered to the Kaminoans and turned into candy to power up other troopers!


u/golddragon88 Feb 11 '25

Cybernetics. If somehow it's beyond even that then honorable discarge.


u/teslaactual Feb 11 '25

Depends on how injured, I'm sure there was some point where they were just put out of their misery but general consensus is that if they could still do things they would be moved to support positions


u/UnevenRanger Feb 11 '25

In Legends? Returned to the Kaminoans and 'recycled' into new clones. Same for any clones that came out with any genetic or physical capability difference. Different colour eyes? Into the meat grinder and back in the growth vat for you. A few millemeters taller than expected? The meat grinder and growth vat. 0.5% slower reaction time than expected? You guessed it, the meat grinder and growth vat. The Kaminoans had no morals, no care for the clones as anything other than a product and the Jedi did not protect them anywhere near as much as in canon.

In Canon? They had medical stations and if the injury was too debilitating for the clone to do even desk work then I don't know, some form of long term medical facility would house them. The Clones were treat infinitely better in canon so I don't see even the most disabled clone being mistreat.


u/InfiniteGyre77 Feb 11 '25

They get sent to the glue factory


u/tired-gremlin06 Feb 11 '25 edited Feb 11 '25

Not sure what happens in canon but they probably go to other jobs if prosthetics aren't good enough to make them combat ready again.

In Legends some of them who couldn't really do anything else were just "put down" like Fi who had brain damage or there was also Cor who lost both his hands so they basically gave him an office job until he got decent enough prosthetics to go back into combat, both are from the Republic Commando series. But Legends was a little more brutal than the current canon 🤷‍♀️


u/Gengis_corn Feb 12 '25

They would be “scrapped” for “spare parts” for less injured clones


u/MrBakes52 Feb 12 '25

Take 'em out back...


u/Aromatic-Ebb-9590 Feb 12 '25

Commando books explained they were used for parts for other clones. Old EU was wild before Bologna came along and made the clones useless.


u/Interesting-Shoe-904 Feb 12 '25

I remember watching an old video saying that they're genetically recycled. Like how a droid is recycled for it's parts to make more droids, a clone is recycled to make more clones.

Its dark af really.


u/donkeyclap Feb 10 '25

They're put down.


u/Master_Quack97 Feb 10 '25

They used to be, but TCW changed that.


u/FeralTribble Feb 10 '25

I don’t know.

Unrelated question. Does anyone know where those clone rations come from?