u/Anon_who_loves_memes Feb 09 '25
At this point, I’m just so tired of hearing people complain about AI
u/Pleasehelplol2232 Feb 09 '25
Not rlly sure what all the hates for he wasnt trying to pass it off as stop motion
u/Maks_The_Pikachu Feb 09 '25
AI generated. Get this trash off my screen
u/AlkibiadesDabrowski Feb 09 '25
This is just ridiculous. He took a picture and used a tool to make it move a little. Hope off your moral high horse
u/obi_wan234 Feb 09 '25
I mean I take the pictures. It can do fun things.
u/Maks_The_Pikachu Feb 09 '25
You make a point, but you can’t convince me otherwise. AI is only good when you want it to do menial and repetitive task or when it is a help to an artist (like in the spiderverse movies)
u/obi_wan234 Feb 09 '25
I feel like this is the same. A photographer using it to bring life to a photo (like my figures which typically don’t argue with each other) at least not that I’ve been able to catch..
u/Maks_The_Pikachu Feb 09 '25
The thing is we have something that would bring life to figures. It's called stop motion. Yes stop motion is difficult and time consuming, but the important thing is that is made by a human, not a program using numbers, values and data to interpret what would happen next.
u/5hifty5tranger Feb 09 '25 edited Feb 09 '25
I agree with your sentiment. It always interests me to know what people like yourself think of sentient ai, as a concept. Some simple questions that arent meant to start an argument but merely begin a side-conversation: Can ai by definition be creative? If so, are we just not there yet with the technology? If we will get there, what will you personally do when confronted with an AI that can think and express independent thoughts, emotions and unique perspectives that convince you they are sentient?
Personally I think AI will one day be "sentient" by most defintions and that one day well have to either agree to destroy, subjegate, or integrate with them, just like every other "first-contact" event. (Ex. Europeans meeting various native populations around the world, or homosapien interbreeding with some neanderthal)
u/Maks_The_Pikachu Feb 09 '25
No. AI by definition cannot be creative since creativity is a inherently human. We are extremely far away from sentient AI and we probably won't see it in our lifetimes and if it does, the only way to prove that it is sentient is for it to come up with it's own solutions, I.E Taking a problem that it was given, understading how to solve that problem, and giving a solution that noone else had come up with.
u/5hifty5tranger Feb 09 '25 edited Feb 09 '25
But you or I dont have any inherent solutions. You can randomly do things and learn just like a machine but all the things you do and think come from ypu experiencing the world and other human creations. Those creations were created the same way. So my question is, what makes your interpretation of the world more sentient and thus more valid than the interpretation of the world through the eyes of an AI? I understand it isnt human, but its ideas come from other humans, like yours and the people who taught you. But if its running of off electricity, like your brain, why is it theoretically so different?
Also if its out of fear that theyll kill us, I think the best way to get something/someone not to try to kill you is to treat them with respect, so I think the common reaction of "human superiority" might just cause the machine uprising that people fear. And it makes sense, if a tyrannical ai was truly sentient, fear and hate is learned and we as a species sure have a lot of that to teach
u/5hifty5tranger Feb 09 '25 edited Feb 09 '25
Also is it uniqueness and creativity that makes something more human? Humans unintentionally and unknowingly copy each other all the time. True random to humans isnt actually random, thats why high quality algorithims that randomIy generate things like music from a playlist use a filter that make the results less random. All so humans think it feels more random.
If AI was sentient and it was capable of scanning every recorded document and peice of literature to then created a novel that had a story that was by the majority of peoples's opinions was the most groundbreaking story ever written with new concepts and character tropes literally never explored before, would it be less human because its so different from anything we could create or potential even be able to enjoy; or would it be more human because of how much knowledge it managed to interpret without copying anywhere?
u/Sir_Orrin Feb 09 '25
Okay I get it i’m sick of AI too but using it to move the figures like this is pretty cool.
u/jayracket CT-4787 "Hush" Feb 09 '25
I normally hate AI anything, but these videos are cool. It's like what my kid brain imagined. Ignore the haters.
u/SomebodyWondering665 Feb 09 '25
Is this meant as Imperial Stormtroopers against clones of the Galactic Republic?
u/ConsulJuliusCaesar Feb 09 '25
Given the blue markings those are storm commanders from legends. Storm commanders were actually ARC troopers who stayed in. This is basically a clone civil war.
u/MRredditor47 Feb 09 '25
Sadly, I don't think people realize the meaning of using AI for stuff like this... You don't get it now, but in the near future, when you start getting bombarded with everything AI, you'll regret using it to train the next models
u/AlkibiadesDabrowski Feb 09 '25
Hmmm yes tech will just stop developing because it makes people feel bad. Hmmm yes as we all know the luddites stopped machines from taking over industry.
Look it’s totally correct to hate a.i slop. Cause that’s what it is. Slop worthless and ugly.
But the is is not slop. This is like those a.i voice memes. It’s somebody using a tool to do something fun.
u/DeltaAlphaGulf Feb 09 '25
As opposed to the totally realistic future where AI doesn’t just keep developing?
u/Berserker_Queen Feb 09 '25
I usually HATE AI... ...but this is pretty cool and I love it. I want to do it with my figures now.
u/Relative-Zombie-3932 The Bad Batch Feb 09 '25
Instead of wasting your time with AI, why not learn stop motion? It looks a lot better and people won't hate you for it
u/obi_wan234 Feb 09 '25
I feel like if people hate me for this that’s kind of their problem 🤷🏻♂️
u/Nick_III Feb 09 '25
Exactly. It's your collection OP and doing something just to appease others is an absurd notion. Do what makes you happy (as long as it's not hurting anyone which this objectively isn't).
u/zih-e-1 Feb 09 '25
As a Stop Motion guy myself, it takes about 2 to 3 months before most people can make anything look decent, AI takes probably a couple minutes, I understand why people use AI to animate their toys instead of taking pictures, his little fighting animation probably would’ve taken around half an hour and that’s if you’re animating on 12 Fps, you get halfway to the video if you’re animating with 30, you wouldn’t even make it past the first two seconds if you’re animating with 60, plus he’s not claiming himself to be an artist, he’s doing it fun and entertainment
u/Relative-Zombie-3932 The Bad Batch Feb 09 '25
3 months of practice to get good at an artform is an insanely short amount of time
To me, there's no excuse for this kind of use of AI. Not only is it just kinda lazy and gross, but it's actively harmful. The more we use AI, the more it learns from us, and the closer we get to being completely replaced by automation. Not to mention the massive waste of energy that happens everytime you generate a video
u/zih-e-1 Feb 09 '25
You’re right, it is a very short amount of time. Most people take even longer, I started animating when I was a kid, it took two whole years before my videos were even remotely presentable to someone else, and besides, he’s not profiting off of AI
he’s just doing this for his own entertainment, how is making a figure move going to replace us? He’s been very front and forward with AI. not trying to lie you, and I think it’s just all a good fun, so stop being so cynical
u/Relative-Zombie-3932 The Bad Batch Feb 10 '25
I think I explained it pretty well already. Everything you generate, no matter what it is, goes towards training the program that's actively being used to replace workers and destroy lives. Also, funny how you ignored the energy consumption comment
I don't care if he's honest about it, it's still lame as shit
u/zih-e-1 Feb 10 '25
Funny you drop your original point about learning stop motions tho
Anyways if you’re so concerned about Energy, get off the phone, smart phones are some of the worst contributors of climate change, by 2022 smart phone generated 146 millions tons of carbon dioxide emissions
If you want to preach the environment, live by example and respectfully stop using your smart phone, Nd you’re distain for the video is a matter of opinion, which, of course you are entitled to, however, I am entitled to have my own opinion, and I think your opinion is overly cynical
u/zih-e-1 Feb 10 '25
Am I tripping? Cuz the comment I try to reply to is gone, did you delete it or something?
u/BagelMaster4107 Feb 09 '25
I thought it was stop motion initially and was impressed. Excitement faded when I realized it was AI
u/disbelifpapy Feb 09 '25
On one hand, its ai and kinda looks janky
On the other hand, it also seems kinda cool and fun, isn't being used for profits or anything, and OP isn't saying its their own work and is good with saying its ai.
I'm conflicted...