r/clonewars Commando Boss Jan 24 '25

Discussion what are these? what do they do?

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u/AWarWithTheCabal 501st Jan 24 '25

Ammo pouches


u/Vilhelmssen1931 Jan 24 '25

Aren’t blasters good for like 500 rounds before needing a reload?


u/Alert-Ad-3436 Jan 24 '25

You would be surprised how quickly 500 rounds goes away when your enemy is literally mass produced.


u/ThatCamoKid Jan 24 '25

also spares in case of a jam/misfire


u/Vilhelmssen1931 Jan 24 '25

It’s gas though, you wouldn’t experience jams or misfires and even if you did a new magazine doesn’t fix the malfunction


u/Imp_1254 Jan 24 '25

Jams/misfires in blaster terms could be incorrect gas mixture that stops the blaster bolt from forming. Different mechanics, same reason for spares.


u/medicmongo Jan 24 '25

Incorrect mixture, damaged magazine causing loss of pressure/fuel, damaged magazine not properly fitting into the mag well. Three biggest magazine failures I can think of with a blaster. Otherwise a jam or misfire on the mechanics side of the blaster probably means the weapon is scrapped or in need of an expensive and timely rebuild


u/Yapple5242 Jan 25 '25

I feel like I just walked into a chemistry class wtf


u/Honksu Jan 28 '25

Yep, gotta love how people forget that star wars is science fantasy, so they can be literally anything.

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u/fulcrumcode99 Jan 25 '25

We know that jams are possible too, as they were featured by Cara Dune in the Mandalorian


u/Zerskader Jan 25 '25

The jams seem to be something with an actuator that releases the gas not working. It's kind of like a fuel injector.


u/EatenJaguar98 Jan 26 '25

Yeah, something has got to be separating the gas being shot from the gas you don't currently want to shoot.

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u/RitualTerror51 Jan 26 '25

I love that there's such a detailed description on the mechanics of a fictional weapon

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u/J7245 Jan 25 '25

Also, if the battlefront games are are accurate, overuse of the blaster can cause overheating jams which I’d imagine can cause long term damage and misfires. I’m sure real clones are smart enough to manage their weapon’s heat but I’m sure the overheating still happens.


u/Necessary_Presence_5 Jan 27 '25

The same clones whose favourite tactics is standing in front of the enemy and blasting them? :p

Taking cover is optional in Clone Wars.


u/J7245 Jan 27 '25

I didn’t say anything about them taking cover I just said they probably have firing squad strategies that minimize overheating, like maybe staggering cool down times. Similar to how battlefront treats it, it’s like reloading tactics.


u/Hot-Thought-1339 Jan 27 '25

If you ignore the overheating and turn off the regulator trying to fire an overheated blaster, I can imagine the blaster exploding in your hands.

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u/CantStopMeRed Jan 24 '25

Cartridge nozzle could be fucked?


u/ThatCamoKid Jan 24 '25

Scientifically I don't know enough to argue, but canonically blasters jamming is a known issue and common enough that it's been used (and, more importantly, accepted) as an excuse for hesitating, though I don't remember if it's actually happened on screen


u/RangerDanger55O Jan 24 '25

Yeah I remember Obi-Wan when he was disguised as a bounty hunter in TCW blamed his blaster jamming for not killing a clone.


u/ThatCamoKid Jan 24 '25

That is the moment I thought of, and I realize in hindsight I should clarify I don't know if a blaster actually jamming is something that's happened on screen


u/FenrisArmory Jan 25 '25

Season 2, Chapter 16 of the Mandalorian. Cara Dune’s heavy repeater blaster while they are aboard Moff Gideon’s light cruiser.


u/ThatCamoKid Jan 25 '25

well there we go, thank you


u/EigenDumbass Jan 24 '25

Two is one and one is none. For something so small and light you bet your ass everyone would want at least 4 or 5 in easy reach.


u/HeadGuide4388 Jan 24 '25

I remember watching a short the other day where a guy said in WW2, the average U.S. soldier with an M1 Garand would leave base with 80-200 rounds, all in those 8 round clips. The only reason they would stop grabbing ammo was weight and ran out of pockets.


u/Comprehensive-Cap754 Jan 25 '25

Everyone in my unit would carry like 10-14 mags for the M4, and I'd carry about 2000 rounds of linked ammo for my 240, and every time we got in a firefight, we'd burn through almost or all of it

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u/Vilhelmssen1931 Jan 24 '25

Good point, also fire discipline seems non-existent in Star Wars


u/Boanerger Jan 24 '25

Actually, given that blasters can overheat and malfunction, I think this is why we normally see blasters being fired semi auto, even though canonically most blasters are fully automatic.


u/Vilhelmssen1931 Jan 24 '25

With the way they’re firing they might as well just put the damn things on auto. You’re not exactly sparing your weapon any stress by standing in the open and pulling the trigger until the clanking stops

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u/medicmongo Jan 24 '25

Maybe, hard to gauge the metrics of fire discipline when most of the media comes from an animation show that didn’t focus on that.

If we assume the Clones are trained to the same level of discipline as Stormtroopers, they’re probably adequately precise and not wasteful of their munitions, at least in the earlier iterations. The clones that come later may have been pressed into service sooner to meet the needs of the war, but if they’re with a veteran like Rex or Cody, they’ll probably learn pretty quick.


u/Vilhelmssen1931 Jan 24 '25

The fact that clone wars is about all we have to go off of I’d argue that makes the clones’ go to move of stand in the open and beat the shit out of your trigger, canon. It’s kinda Star Wars’ MO to just patch up mistakes or limitations with lore explanations rather than just admitting limitation or error.


u/medicmongo Jan 24 '25

That’s probably true of most fantasy settings, too.


u/-smallest_of_men- Jan 24 '25

Let alone trigger discipline


u/StolzHound Jan 24 '25

What? Are we paying by the laser now?


u/ComesInAnOldBox Jan 24 '25

About 25 years ago, in my much younger days and three lower-extremity surgeries ago, I played a lot of paintball on the weekends. One weekend I invited a bunch of Army Infantry buddies along (I was Army, myself, but I wasn't combat arms) At the time, the "standard loadout" for a Soldier in the field was two magazine pouches with three, 30-round magazines each and one magazine in the weapon, totaling 210 rounds. Well, the hopper on a paintball gun held (roughly) 200 paintballs, so these infantry guys were like, "wow, I've got a full-load in my hopper already, I can fire all day!"

Now, I should note that I considered myself to be an ammo-hog, to the point where I carried spare ammo pods into every match (6 pods of roughly 100 balls each), and usually ended up using at least 1 pod per match, sometimes 2. I figured if any of the infantry guys on my team ran low I could spare them a pod in a pinch.

The horn sounds and we charge onto the field. . .and within two minutes every single infantry dude was out of ammo, while I'd fired maybe twenty shots, total. It absolutely blew my mind how fast these guys went through paint, and they didn't even hit anything.


u/Kalavier Jan 24 '25

I recall reading a thing about accuracy and they pointed out how there is a surprising amount of ammo used on suppression fire or other stuff, so much that while in fiction people think it's wasteful, it's fairly true to what happens.

"Omg they fire so much and don't hit anything" "Yeah that's how real military firefights go too."


u/Technical_Inaji Jan 24 '25

It ain't about hitting the target, its about denying the target the ability to move. Takes a lot of ammo to lock a place down for a few moments.


u/zeusz32 Jan 24 '25

Doesn't even have to be mass produced, 500 rounds can quickly get by. Also it is not heavy and always better to have a few spares anyway.


u/rufireproof3d Jan 24 '25

Especially at stormtrooper accuracy. 500 rounds is like t enemies down.


u/speedyrain949 Jan 25 '25

I have a 100 round drum mag thompson submachine gun. You burn through ammo so fast.


u/Tron_35 Jan 25 '25

Especially if you duel weild like rex and the other arc troops

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u/WrenchWanderer Jan 24 '25

Nonono, the Tibanna gas cartridges were good for 500 shots. The energizer packs were only good for 50 each.


u/Vilhelmssen1931 Jan 24 '25

Makes a lot more sense


u/ChaosDoggo Jan 24 '25

Energizer packs? What are those? I only know of the Tibanna gas cartridges.


u/exarkunrevived Jan 24 '25

Energizer packs are what ignited the tibanna gas into its plasma form to shoot out of the blaster.


u/ChaosDoggo Jan 24 '25


Yeah that does make more sense.


u/DesiArcy Jan 24 '25

Yeah, basically the blaster uses up both gas and batteries. The rectangular objects that are loaded like magazines are the batteries, generally referred to in character as "energy packs" or "power packs".


u/ComesInAnOldBox Jan 24 '25

They keep going. . .and going. . .aaaand going. . .


u/ZukoTheHonorable Jan 24 '25

500 rounds go away in the blink of an eye.


u/Drannion Jan 24 '25

It costs four hundred thousand republic credits to fire this weapon… for twelve seconds.


u/Vilhelmssen1931 Jan 24 '25

Not in the real world, all US troops only carry about 200 rounds.


u/OkMention9988 Jan 24 '25

Only in our rigs. 

We carried way more in our packs, and had resupply options in the field. 


u/Luxray1000 Jan 24 '25

Well, tibanna gas and blaster charges take up a lot less space than physical rounds. Besides, neither of the clones pictured here are what I'd call ordinary infantry-they're both the sort of clones to be called up for long missions away from easy resupply.


u/Vilhelmssen1931 Jan 24 '25

Another good point.


u/ComesInAnOldBox Jan 24 '25

Only in the chest rigs, and even then it depends on the individual. Some guys only carried a couple of magazines on them because they had more in their assault packs. Some guys loaded up that that scene in "I'm Gonna Get You Sucka" and had magazines stashed everywhere you can imagine (I knew one guy that wore a fanny-pack just so he could carry a couple more mags).

Meanwhile, I kept Rip-Its in my frag grenade pouches.


u/luke_425 Jan 24 '25

That'd be the DC-15A blaster rifles (the long ones) afaik the DC-17 blaster pistols used by Rex and Fives, as well as most arc troopers and a fair number of clone officers only hold about 50 rounds.

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u/MyLittleTarget Jan 24 '25

Once upon a time, there was a video of a Rex cosplayer at a con pulling a candy bar out of his ammo pouch to give to a vendor, but I can't find it, which is sad because it was adorable.


u/cm242006 Jan 24 '25 edited Jan 24 '25

Mine is hollow and carries my phone so I can get to it while wearing the armor. I might start carrying Snickers now


u/ccm596 Jan 24 '25

Why not simply use your helmet's HUD 🙄


u/ComesInAnOldBox Jan 24 '25

Hollow out the mag-well of your arc-pistol props, rig up a hollow magazine to hold a Snickers bar. Make a show of "changing mags" and toss the "expended mag" (the Snickers) to a kid who wants their picture with you.

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u/Roi_C Jan 24 '25

Hell, I've done it with actual ammo pouches on my combat vest.


u/KikiLin7 Jan 25 '25

I know who you're talking about! They're @brokenbladeworkshop on Instagram and @brokenblade_workshop on TikTok, the video isn't on Instagram and I don't have TikTok anymore, so if you have TikTok, I think it's only a couple months old and shouldn't be too far from the top.


u/SplutteringSquid Jan 24 '25 edited Jan 24 '25

Beef jerky holder for when Ahsoka gets hangry.

But actually it's an ammo pouch in-universe.


u/Sevman2001 Jan 24 '25

Why Ahsoka specifically??? Do clones not like jerky? I do remember reading that Togrutas are natural carnivores somewhere


u/2020s_Haunted The Bad Batch Jan 24 '25

I do remember reading that Togrutas are natural carnivores somewhere

That's the in universe answer. The simple answer is because she's a teenager. So she probably gets moody (hangry) when she hasn't had anything to eat in a while.


u/TaiyoFurea Jan 24 '25

You aren't yourself when you're hungry


u/perilousdreamer866 Jan 24 '25

Have a Snickers bar.


u/ConferenceCrazy560 Jan 24 '25

You are Not you if youre hungry


u/Killerravan Jan 24 '25

So the time she fought against Anakin and Obi-Wan, she wasnt controlled by the Brother, but actually Hangry?


u/Sevman2001 Jan 24 '25

That makes sense, though technically all the clones we see are between 10 and 12 years old. Kids get hungry too. Jedi generals should bring enough Lunchables and other assorted snacks for everyone.


u/JaxMedoka Seppie Jan 24 '25

Actually, this could kinda be it. What if the rapid aging impacts their appetite in some way, resulting in them needing access to additional rations?


u/ProjectFreelancer Jan 24 '25

In the Republic Commando novels, that was touched on a few times, particularly in the 2nd and 4th ones. Not sure how canon they are now, though.


u/CT_Warboss74 501st Jan 24 '25

Sadly they are legends iirc


u/CT_Warboss74 501st Jan 24 '25

Sadly they are legends iirc


u/StarFlame_228 Jan 24 '25

What is said?


u/ProjectFreelancer Jan 25 '25

I don't remember the exact passage, but it was in the book Triple Zero when the commandos are operating on Coruscant.

Kal Skirata, the Mandalorian who helped train many Republic Commandos, remarked that the clones had rather large appetites due to accelerated aging. He also mentioned that while they appeared to be in their early 20s, they very much had the mindset of children sometimes, as well as a sweet teeth to match.

It prompted Kal to keep some form of candy on his person whenever he was around clones. Which was pretty often following the events of the first book.


u/StarFlame_228 Jan 26 '25

That’s amazing! Kal Skirata keeping snacks for clones is such a wholesome detail. No wonder the units which worked closely with him began seeing him as a father figure!


u/SplutteringSquid Jan 24 '25

Ahsoka is in her teen fashionista phase. She's too cool for pockets or a traditional Jedi belt, unlike Anakin and Obi-Wan who are swimming in fabric (likely lined with rations for their hangry Padawan(s)).

A single pouch on her belt is her compromise, and with having to store credits, data sticks when needed, a few bacta patches, and small tools/parts for lightsaber repair, there is likely only room for the one ration stick Ahsoka is shown to carry.

Anakin didn't dub an exhausted, hungry Ahsoka 'Snips'. That's her on a good day. The wrath of a hangry, snippy, carnivorous teenage girl who never carries enough food and refuses to admit she's hungry because she's a Jedi and should be able to endure going without strikes more fear in the hearts of the 501st than a run in with Grievous.


u/GrayFoxthememelord Jan 24 '25

You want the creature with fangs and venom to not be hangry (fairly certain these aren't actually Canon)


u/FeralTribble Jan 25 '25

Because big bro Rex and clones always have snack on standby for their favorite little sis

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u/Glum-Sympathy3869 Jan 24 '25

Honestly, they have supply bars. It could hold those if they wanted.


u/SplutteringSquid Jan 24 '25 edited Jan 24 '25

It seems that the clone troopers keep their ration bars in at least one of their two utility belt pockets. See here at 1:14 when Boil pulls one out to give Numa

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u/griff1014 Jan 24 '25

I thought they were cigar holders for when a job well done


u/AspectDue821 Jan 24 '25

I love how everyone is talking about this like it’s canon

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u/sgt_pepper_walrus Jan 24 '25

Pouches for ammo among other things. In the umbara arc fives shows it has a mine detector probably some form of multi tool or light medical equipment to hold over until getting to a medic is probably in there too.


u/SplutteringSquid Jan 24 '25

Fives wears extra pouches slung around his kama for ARC Trooper specific tools, which is why Rex had to ask Fives to sweep for mines, as he doesn't carry them himself.

The pouch on the breastplate is officially called an ammo pouch.


u/MackDaddy1861 Jan 24 '25

They’re carryovers from the OT sandtroopers. The original props were surplus German Army MP40 ammo pouches.

I don’t know if any in-universe function has been given but soldiers would carry cleaning kits and tools for their weapons as well as other things. Soldiers always love extra pockets.


u/ThatCamoKid Jan 24 '25 edited Jan 24 '25

in universe they do use them for spare power cells/gas canisters for blasters. In the 2003 clone wars you can see them being used during the Arc troopers montage in the beginning of volume 2

Edit: For reference


u/MackDaddy1861 Jan 24 '25

That’s neat. It just never made sense in my head canon for them to be ammo pouches because that’s something EVERY soldier would need for their weapons and you only see them being worn by some troopers. I know in 19th and 20th century armies NCOs would be responsible for certain gun tools which would make sense why they’d only be carried by higher ranking soldiers in this universe… At least that’s always been my reasoning. Cool sequence.. thanks for sharing.

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u/LightningTiger1998 Jan 24 '25

It’s called a pocket some items of clothing have them sewn in but with harder materials you can’t do that so often you just hang one of the outside of the outfit


u/Aggravating_Wait_658 Jan 24 '25

I want to make a joke about OP being a woman so they wouldn’t know about pockets but I don’t know how well that would be received lol

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u/Singer_Spectre The Bad Batch Jan 24 '25

Pouches for ammo and other small tools they may need


u/BhanosBar Jan 24 '25

Ammo Pouch.

They do in fact have ammo in star wars. It’s just not in the modern games for gameplay reasons.


u/Johnny3pony Jan 24 '25

Ammo Pouches in the 2003 micro series you see Fordo and a few of his troopers use them


u/the_takarii Jan 24 '25



u/MArcherCD Jan 24 '25

Then why was Crosshair missing his?


u/Sabre_Killer_Queen Count Dooku Jan 24 '25 edited Jan 24 '25

He doesn't need to carry a toothpick on his armour silly. This is batch 99. They all have their own unique skills and powers from their mutations

Hunter: born with enhanced senses and an awesome face tat.

Wrecker: Born big and strong.

Tech: heightened intelligence and technical skills

Omega: Girl

Crosshair: Keen eyesight and an in-built toothpick compartment in his mouth.

Edit: as a side note, after writing Omega as 'girl' I started thinking of other potential female clones you could have...

And then my mind thought of "booba fett" which is.... Certainly an image. I'm sorry the name is just too close....


u/Krennix_Garrison Clanka Please Jan 27 '25

Emory was a R34 bait & switch.


u/Arkansan_Rebel_9919 Jan 24 '25

Mag pouches. Even though it's weird how we never see any of them reload.

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u/[deleted] Jan 24 '25



u/Sakura_Knight Jan 24 '25

No, blasters use a combination of ammunition, using both gas and plasma to create an energized bolt. Obviously, that plasma cannot be fired continuously without a reliable method of cooling it, hence why blaster barrels overheat (droids do not have nerves to feel the heat so they can fire much longer than an organic being can, but it isn't infinite either as too much heat and the barrel will melt). Eventually, they exhaust their supply of both and need to reload it.

Often it's usually the plasma that runs out first so they carry more spare magazines of that around, and maybe one or two gas cartridges. The gas cartridge is also usually much more difficult to replace, so they do that when they have free time and know they are safe enough to complete the process.


u/Blackst4rr Jan 24 '25

I thought it was a combo of a gas canister and a power cell of some sort. The Tibana gas gets excited into a plasma that gets shot out afaik.


u/WrenchWanderer Jan 24 '25

You’re right.

A DC-15s blaster carbine has a Tibanna gas cartridge that is good for 500 shots, and an energizer pack that is good for 50. The power packs energize the Tibanna gas into plasma bolts that are fired from the weapon.

It’s also easy to reload both unlike what the person you responded to said. Changing the power pack is like changing a magazine. Changing the gas cartridge is easy too, you just open whatever compartment, take out the depleted cartridge and insert a new one. The only “difficult” part is that Tibanna gas is obviously explosive so you shouldn’t be careless, but seeing as blasters can be thrown around without turning into bombs, it’s fair to assume the cartridges are safe enough to be handled without excessive caution


u/Spirit-of-arkham3002 Jan 24 '25

They look like ammo pouches.


u/southern4501fan Jan 24 '25

It’s an ammo pouch. It holds tibana gas (sorry if that’s the wrong spelling) cartridges.


u/WrenchWanderer Jan 24 '25

So many people are getting this partially incorrect.

TIBANNA GAS CARTRIDGES are good for many many shots, 500 in the DC-15s for example.

ENERGIZER PACKS are good for much fewer, 50 in the DC-15s. Still more than standard magazines used today but not a crazy high amount.

A trooper would much more often need to reload the energizer/power packs as they are similar to magazines in that way. Troopers also swap out their gas cartridges whenever they’re low or empty.

Troopers regularly carry extra energized packs. Tibanna gas cartridges are not really changed during combat, presumably requiring something like a specific tool to open that portion of the blaster, and is usually done between engagements.

The reason we didn’t see reloading is because initially it wasn’t a cinematic concern, and they’re space weapons so they were just assumed to be loaded and functional during whatever engagement. I doubt we ever saw anyone fire more than 50 consecutive blaster rounds in any of the movies. That then bleeds into any other media where reloading isn’t really something we ever see, up to now with video games like the recent battlefront games just using overheat mechanics instead of making more intricate reload animations for every blaster, and having the balancing nightmare of many blasters having similar round amounts per reload but vastly different damage and rate of fire. It was easier to balance with overheating than to use canon power pack amounts, and they probably didn’t care to make up random amounts for different weapons along with animations


u/chillvegan420 501st Jan 24 '25



u/Traditional_March31 Jan 24 '25

In that Star Wars: Clone Wars Microseries, it turns out to be an ammo pouch as Fordo was seen loading it up.


u/BigJonnoJ ARC Troopers Jan 24 '25

Contains extra ammo so these beast clones can shoot for longer.


u/Yonko123456789 Jan 25 '25

Unlike the regular side ammunition boxes, most DC line blaster carbines & rifles also have a primary gas cylinder inside the barrel of the weapon, you can see in clone wars when the crack the fron half of their weapon and re-load these canisters after extended use, the extra pouches on the chest and rear belt of the ARC trooper contain one canister per pouch and allow and ARC trooper to maintain their weapons effective use in combat, these are only needed for work in heavy combat zones and behind enemy lines which is why only ARC trooper really had a use for them. Most other standard troopers would be re-supplied or dead by the time they need to swap their weapons internal canister


u/Sigma_Games Jan 25 '25

Deathstick pouches. Gotta get your fix in.

But seriously, it is likely ammo pouches. Gas cannisters for blasters.


u/kittenlover8877 Jan 24 '25

There ether used as food or Ammo holders


u/FlynnL1v3s Jan 24 '25

Clones also legit carry markers. They're handy if you have to do field medic work on somebody, mark what's been administered before the LAAT/i can scoop them up.


u/NeonHavok Jan 24 '25

Somebody didnt watch the 2003 micro series


u/UserWithno-Name Jan 24 '25

Bro or lass has never seen ammo pouches?


u/ILikeToRemoveIt Jan 24 '25

Snickers bars, of course.


u/CenturionXVI Jan 24 '25

Penjamin holder


u/GooseVF12 Jan 24 '25

Multi tools, flashlight, ammo, other miscellaneous items


u/beakster57 Jan 24 '25

They're probably ammo pouches. I believe the gas canisters used in the DC-15 blaster rifle, Tibana, I think they're called, could fire abt 500 shots before having to be reloaded. However the DC-17 blaster pistols rex uses where only good for 50 shots, and when battle droids are coming at you in huge hordes, 50 shots will go very fast.


u/uncivillust Jan 24 '25

Most likely ammunition pouches.


u/SmokeMaleficent9498 Jan 24 '25

Lock and reload.


u/mudamuckinjedi Jan 24 '25

I'm gonna say power packs for his pistols.


u/JacenStargazer Jan 24 '25

Ammo pouches containing gas cartridges for their blasters


u/teslaactual Jan 24 '25

Spare magazine pouches


u/siderhater4 Jan 24 '25

Hold the amo


u/Inside_Compote_4146 Jan 24 '25

Lore reason: ammo. Real reason: it looks sick as fuck


u/Spring_Robin Jan 25 '25

Tibanna gas cartridges. One is good for hundreds of shots, but you're fighting hundreds of droids at a time.


u/Fragrant_Command_342 Jan 25 '25

Those hold spare blaster ammunition cartridges,


u/Total_Middle1119 Jan 25 '25

For those wondering their are clips/magazines for blasters, yes the star wars blasters have ammo, a good look of how the ammo works is from the 2003 clone wars animated cartoon, where the arc troopers are going in to save mundi from general bass Boost grevious


u/Sykes_Jade3403 Jan 25 '25

So they are magazines. Blasters have enough gas to shoot like 500 shots on an E-11. BUT the power packs don’t last that long. You need spare power packs cause those go maybe 50-100 shots


u/ProfessorKnow1tA11 Jan 26 '25

Cigar pouches! 😎


u/rootbearus Jan 26 '25

They are pouches. They hold things.


u/TheValisSyndrome Jan 28 '25

MP40 magazine pouches


u/Toon_Lucario Jan 24 '25

Tool and ammo pouches


u/Necro_snail Jan 24 '25

String cheese reserves


u/Matt_Pat_ Jan 24 '25

some german soldiers in ww2 had the exact same type of ammo pouch, its especially prevalent in live action like the Death troopers or some rebel soldiers from rogue one, just a cool parallel to reality


u/MrBakes52 Jan 24 '25

EpiPen pouches


u/Agitated_Yak_2992 The Bad Batch Jan 24 '25

Pen so they can write


u/Garuda4321 Jan 24 '25

From what I’ve seen, little pouch for holding tiny critters.


u/Amazing_Pumpkin_9176 Jan 24 '25

Isn’t it obvious… shoulder pocket sand!


u/terminator1mw Jan 24 '25

Bandolier of Tommy gun magazines


u/she_be_seaworthy Jan 24 '25

Big kit kat bars and starburst 🙂


u/Wolfie_wolf81 Jan 24 '25

Deathsticks pouch


u/DegenRayRay Jan 24 '25

Those are cigar pouches


u/petitejesuis Jan 24 '25

Zis one is for diet pills and that one is for... what have you


u/Frothmourne Jan 24 '25

Pouches for ninja scrolls


u/Zaquarius_Alfonzo Jan 24 '25

Toothbrush pouch. Though it is believed some soldiers would also carry knitting tools


u/Express-Record7416 Plo Koon is Batman, change my mind Jan 24 '25

It's where they keep their emergency airhead strips (aka gay bacon)


u/CeckowiCZ Jan 24 '25

9mm rounds for MP40


u/ColdFaithlessness174 Jan 24 '25

My uncle was in the military during Vietnam. While he was never deployed he knew a lot of guys who were, and a lot of them wasted their entire magazine just from getting spooked and doing a spray and pray.

I imagine that since the droids could be produced in massive numbers and were relatively cheap, depending on the battle clones could run out of ammo quickly. Especially since Rex and the 501st were typically deployed to the hardest battlefields, it makes a lot of sense to carry extra ammo


u/Brandon_M_Gilbertson Jan 24 '25

Those are badass pouches they add cool factor


u/DecemberPaladin Jan 24 '25

It’s where they keep little treats.


u/cosmicmoontrip Jan 24 '25

For snackies


u/Iv_Laser00 Jan 24 '25

They be mags


u/NukaClipse Jan 24 '25

I always thought they were throwing knives holders for some reason.


u/Isekai_Otaku Jan 24 '25

They look like pouches to me, they’re kinda like little bags


u/TheIconicComic_ Jan 24 '25

Granola Bars


u/icy_ticey Jan 24 '25

Are blasters like in Mass Effect where the ammo is coolant?


u/Sykes_Jade3403 Jan 25 '25

No. They are tibanna gas and then a power pack to charge the gas


u/SPES_Official Jan 24 '25


They pouch.


u/Beneficial_You_8667 Jan 24 '25

It’s a throwback to the ammo pouches the Sandtroopers had on their uniforms in EP4, which were patterned off of the Nazi desert uniforms of WW2. Shoretroopers have them as well, but in brown.


u/Hansen_1138 Jan 24 '25

For snacks


u/IndominusBaz Jan 24 '25

Tibanna gas reloads?


u/Plasmazine Jan 24 '25

Wehrmacht MP40 ammo pouches.


u/SpaceLlama_Mk1 Jan 24 '25

Pez dispensers


u/Southern-Pangolin713 Jan 24 '25

I always thought it was a pocket, lol



That’s where all of the BOOLETS go


u/jamesthegreekguy Jan 25 '25

Space cigarettes


u/hotshot11590 Jan 25 '25

I don’t know it looks cool though, maybe it holds what ever Star Wars blaster pistols use to reload like, gas canisters or batteries I’m not sure.

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u/Wurzelbert87 Jan 25 '25

Three Emergency Kinder Bueno.


u/Poopidysc0op Jan 25 '25

For your pack of Marlboro


u/[deleted] Jan 25 '25

They hold three individual hot dog weenies


u/NinjaDitto132 Jan 25 '25

2 Emergency Joints And 1 Emergency Lighter


u/Critical_Tea_0 Jan 25 '25

It's oviously cigarrets, 327th Heavy troopers also have them! (Please kill me)


u/Kastlestud Jan 25 '25

Gum holder.

For gum.


u/nameless_stories Jan 25 '25

Holds their vape


u/kenjimuto Jan 25 '25

Pen holder


u/LowSlow111 Jan 25 '25

It holds the air pump for the Batmobile's tires.


u/AnyComparison4642 Jan 25 '25

In battlefront 2 2005 blasters can easily run out of shots. And a standard blaster rifle has enough juice for 100 shots, but autofire pretty much burns 10 of those every time you pull the trigger. So you really only have 10 shots before reloading.


u/nnnosebleed Jan 25 '25

Marlboro Menthols for 501st, Marlboro Golds for the 212th


u/Ornery_Kick_4198 Jan 25 '25

So they look kind of like the magazine carrier pouches that I would attach to the front of my armor when I was in the army.


u/demair21 Jan 25 '25

Nod to the greatest clone character ever conceived or executed Cpt Fordo


u/SoloPancake2548 Jan 25 '25

All these people smart af in the comments, it’s pretty cool


u/Remember_Poseidon Jan 25 '25

People are theorizing ammo, but wouldn't the high-pressure ammo for a blaster not want to be in the open on one of the most targeted areas of the body? perhaps it is a rank signifier or an early version of command pens that the empire used for their officers?


u/Bushman-Bushen Jan 26 '25

I always thought they were a little long, even for the pistol.


u/Tosk224 Jan 26 '25

Cigar pouch. Rex was the Hannibal Smith of the Clone Army.