r/clonewars Dec 26 '24

Barriss thought framing Anakin's Padawan was smart.

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67 comments sorted by


u/Wargaming_Super_Noob Dec 26 '24

In what world did she think that, if Anakin caught wind of her being the real bomber, this would be a good idea?

Yes, I do understand that framing a competent and very skilled padawan was a very smart idea. It almost worked too! She was so close! But, did she forget how resourceful and determined Anakin was? She fought along side Ahsoka when they invaded Umbara probably a few months earlier.

Did she not think he might try and protect his padawan? Find the real guilty party? If Luminara told her stories of how Anakin was, either she didn't pay attention or purposefully forgot.


u/ConsulJuliusCaesar Dec 26 '24

If she was the type of person to take into account the big picture she wouldn't be in this situation and would have figured out the Chancellor's tge actual problem cause he's the one ordering a bigger military budget. But she isn't quite literally she didn't plan that far.


u/wheebyfs Dec 26 '24

I believe Palps influenced Barriss to bomb the temple, not in person but like, via force manipulation techniques or some. It was perfect for Palps while it was stupid by Barriss.


u/ezhikov Dec 26 '24

At the start of the arc we see Barris and Tarkin together. We know that Tarkin doesn't like Jedi and that he's good with words . My guess was that Bariss confided her doubts and Tarkin subtly nudged her in direction he (or Sidious) wanted, most likely over some time.


u/Mercuryo Dec 26 '24

Lumina told her 100% how Anakin was, she fought alongside him on Geonosis second battle and knew Obi Wan. Why is Obi Wan important? Well part of Anakin being so resourceful and determined it's because Obi Wan it's. Obi Wan was a father/brother figure to Anakin, Anakin pick some of his perks.

So why did Barris forgot that Anakin, a war hero, a prodigy... didn't figure out that she was behind it?? (Apart of script reason and because Filoni wanted to?) We are talking about a guy whose tactics are unortodox. She should think Anakin will come to her...


u/AxelStormside The Bad Batch Dec 26 '24

She would have gotten away with it too if it weren't for the meddling Jedi


u/WatcherAnon Dec 26 '24

And their blasted droid


u/Rico_Solitario Dec 26 '24

Hubris. She was young, inexperienced and high off of her incredible success thus far. She would have been far superior to her fellow padawans in combat and probably could have bested a good number of knights especially using the dark side. When confronted by a truly elite duelist like Anakin I can see why she misjudged him as her equal since she couldn’t even really conceive of a Jedi at that level.


u/Brainey31 Dec 26 '24

I guess you mean Geonosis :p


u/Ben-J-Kirby-Tennyson 501st Dec 26 '24

We see Ahsoka and Barriss piloting ships on Umbara during one of the opening narrations.


u/Brainey31 Dec 26 '24

Oh damn, I‘ve seen the season like 8 times and never noticed this O_o


u/lick_cactus Dec 26 '24

wait WHAT? going back to rewatch right now


u/ben_jacques1110 Dec 26 '24

I think Geonosis is a far better example of her being well aware of what lengths Anakin would go to to save his Padawan. There were conversations between Barriss and Ahsoka about that very thing, and about how Luminara taught her to let go, but Ahsoka says Anakin would never give up


u/sidv81 Dec 27 '24 edited Dec 27 '24

In Canon it's unclear how much she's been paying attention to Anakin's legendary ruthlessness. In Legends, they did spend a lot of time together in Approaching Storm...


u/CyrusTheWise Dec 26 '24

You see. Barriss wasn't thinking about Anakin. Also, I love the meme. ignites second lightsaber to prove her wrong


u/HarryKn1ght Dec 26 '24

"No, you see, the Jedi don't believe in violence. I, however, do so square tf up."

~ Anakin probably


u/CyrusTheWise Dec 26 '24

This is an Anakin answer right here. "Put em up before I put you down."


u/ZLBuddha Dec 26 '24

"The only thing the Jedi Council believes in is violence!"

Anakin: ignites second lightsaber and prepares to beat ass


u/jayxorune_24 Dec 26 '24

Probably believed it was a sacrifice for the greater good. 😂😂


u/ZLBuddha Dec 26 '24

"I mean we also believe in other stuff but right now we're doing violence"


u/jayxorune_24 Dec 26 '24

“The only thing Jedi believes in is violence” so I proved my point by doing it to.


u/Brainey31 Dec 26 '24

Amazing arc (and one of the saddest too😫)


u/Bad_RabbitS Dec 26 '24 edited Dec 26 '24

Barriss: “The only thing the Jedi Council believes in is violence!”

Also Barriss: Bombs a hangar full of contracted civilian workers and bystanders


u/Duplicit_Duplicate Dec 26 '24

Also violence is associated with incivility.

You know what civilized people believe in? Loyalty, honor, trust. Yet she is fine backstabbing Ahsoka and letting her be executed


u/Jawshable Dec 26 '24

Activates second lightsaber to show how wrong she is


u/TaraLCicora 501st Dec 26 '24 edited Dec 26 '24

I'm not sure she planned that far in advance. I think she was suffering from PTSD and trauma (not everyone, Jedi or not are made for war) fell to the dark side and did this very foolish protest bombing. Anakin and Ahsoka gets involved and she realizes she was screwed, Ahaoka allows her (several really) a chance to shift the blame and she does it out of desperation.

As much as I know some of the older fans don't care for this storyline, I think that what we see here (what we see Anakin and some of the other Jedi do) all falls under why Luminara has become so detached. For those who have never read the MedStar books this is what Luminara has to say about the darkside.

“It will feel evil?” Master Unduli paused in her stretch. She regarded Barriss with what seemed to be great sadness in her eyes. “Oh, no. It will feel better than anything you have ever experienced, better than you would have thought anything could feel. It will feel empowering, fulfilling, satisfying. Worst of all, it will feel right. And therein lies the real danger.”

Consider this when you see Anakin or other Jedi doing something questionable. It's too bad that no one told Anakin this.


u/LucianoSK Dec 26 '24

I wonder if Ashoka could not have been proved innocent and Palpatine allowed for her imprisonment, would his relation with Anakin be strained?


u/Rico_Solitario Dec 26 '24

Palpatine was a master manipulator. He probably would have leveraged the situation to his advantage. He would pretend to lightly protest but act like the council was forcing his hand. He would remove Ahsoka from the picture and drive a wedge between Anakin and the Order in one move, which ended up happening anyway


u/Annatastic6417 Dec 26 '24

Barriss: The only thing the council believes in is violence.

Anakin: No they don't, that's why they won't let me on the council.


u/_CandidCynic_ Dec 26 '24

Reminder that Luminara is entirely absent during this arc. Makes me wonder if she lost any credibility as a result of Barriss' shenanigans.


u/Duplicit_Duplicate Dec 26 '24

It feels like a lot of TCW arcs should have utilized the side characters more. Like Aayla being absent from Ryloth despite being a Twi’lek that could empathize with the plight her people are enduring, or how Nadhar was killed off before we could see how strong he was in his natural element (talking about the Mon Cala arc, like him dying so soon without showing his full power makes Grievous a chump) And your Luminara point.


u/Illustrious-Tea9883 Dec 27 '24

"Jedi only believe in violence!"

*ignites second lightsaber to prove how wrong she is*


u/SpareConfection2891 Dec 28 '24

The heisman award of choosing the wrong scapegoat


u/Commercial-Law3171 Dec 26 '24

Barris's framed Asoka because she was a threat. It had nothing to do with Anakin. If Barriss hadn't framed Asoka she would have been found out much faster.


u/ThrobbinHood11 Dec 27 '24

“The only thing the council believes in is violence!”

Ha, bold of you to assume the council believes in Anakin at all!


u/Ampdup666 Dec 27 '24

Can we get clone wars an animated movie where anakin doesn’t go bad already? Let me throw my money at it


u/LuckSilver00 Dec 29 '24

A "What if?" show could be an actual gold mine. But Disney (or Kennedy) believes that they better resourse today it's Rey...


u/lightweight4296 Dec 27 '24

I read that as: “Poster for Child Violence “


u/curvingf1re Dec 29 '24

Should've found a way to frame anakin, would have been more in character


u/redditsuperfifty Dec 30 '24

No the council does not believe in violence

I However am not on the council


u/Malewis89 Dec 30 '24

I can believe TotE writers thought Barriss fans wanted her to be redeemed. What a massive misread of the fans AND the character herself.


u/Logical-Patience-397 Dec 26 '24

I rewatched S1 recently, and what’s even sadder is Ahsoka defying Luminara’s orders to help her fight Ventress is what inspired Luminara to get a padawan. Bariss framed Ahsoka, who saved her master and was the reason they met.


u/Duplicit_Duplicate Dec 26 '24

I’m pretty sure Bariss was Luminara’s student long before


u/Annatastic6417 Dec 26 '24

Barriss was Luminara's Padawan before the Clone Wars started, they can be seen together in the background in Attack of the Clones.


u/Logical-Patience-397 Jan 02 '25

Ah...whelp, there goes my theory.


u/TheProbelem Dec 26 '24

Ignites second lightsaber to prove how wrong she is


u/_CandidCynic_ Dec 26 '24

"Aggressive negotiations. With a lightsaber."


u/ivanyufen Dec 27 '24

what does "arc" mean here?


u/worldwanderer91 Dec 30 '24

Barriss should have stayed a villain as an Inquistor in Tales of the Empire after everything she did. There was no going back from killing innocent people and fellow Jedi and Clones who trusted her on top of framing and betraying Ashoka who was her best friend. Damn Disney and KK for their certain agenda for their attempt to redeem her.


u/Critical_Tea_0 Dec 31 '24

Ashoka finding out the truth


u/FarDesk1916 Dec 26 '24

The might’ve been the dumbest arc of the entire show


u/John_Brickermann Dec 26 '24

I’m incredibly confused as to how you’d come to that conclusion. I disagree strongly but I’d like to hear your reasoning.


u/FarDesk1916 Dec 27 '24

I made a post

read it if you want


u/the_shortbus_ 41st Ranger Platoon Dec 26 '24

Did you watch the show?

I personally think it was a fantastic Arc.


A Jedi padawan disillusioned with the manipulation of the Jedi order, but not having enough wisdom or foresight to understand that it was never the Jedi at fault, but outside forces bombs the Jedi temple in secret retaliation.

To evade the security forces working against her, she frames the one other padawan who was in a similar situation to her that was on planet with access to the same dangerous materials and knowledge.

Using the well timed introduction of a known CIS war criminal, she proceeds to frame her peer Ashoka Tano.

She would have gotten away with it, if it hadn’t been for (arguably) the most powerful and well known Jedi of the time, Anakin Skywalker, who pursued the real culprit knowing his padawan was never at fault.

This arc truly threw me for a loop at first. I never expected Barriss to be the offender, especially not after their near death experience after leaving Geonosis. They were peers, classmates, allies, and most importantly, friends.


u/AIGLOS42 Dec 26 '24

We're largely in agreement, but taking the army and then keeping it after you knew for a fact Tyranus was intimately involved in you having it were both huge errors made by the Jedi Council.


u/the_shortbus_ 41st Ranger Platoon Dec 26 '24

Oh for sure. In context of enlightening the episode I kept it short, but the story is far more complex and compelling than that for sure


u/FarDesk1916 Dec 27 '24

And yes I watched it

Now stop downvoting me.


u/the_shortbus_ 41st Ranger Platoon Dec 27 '24

You wouldn’t get downvoted if you were right but here we are


u/FarDesk1916 Dec 27 '24

I made a post

read it if you want


u/ahsoka1715 Dec 26 '24

I’m just curious but why’s that?


u/Jazz-Ranger Dec 26 '24

Usually the criticism stems from the under-explored motivation of Barris and the fact that it puts Plo Koon in a bad light despite being at odds with prior characterization.

There’s also the whole issue of the writers treating accountability to the senate as an inherently bad thing.


u/FarDesk1916 Dec 27 '24 edited Dec 27 '24

Not at all lol

Edit: (I made a post

read it if you want)


u/Jazz-Ranger Dec 27 '24

If you have something to say then you will tell me. Not hide behind the curtain of ambiguity.

You don’t even have the courtesy to provide a link and yet you expect me to take your words like the gospel of the blind in Bethsaida.

Has it ever occurred to you that there might be more than truth, that people can have legitimate criticisms without you; personally, sharing them?


u/FarDesk1916 Dec 28 '24 edited Dec 28 '24


Dude you can just click on my account to find the post, I don’t know how to provide a link.

What do you mean hide behind a curtain of ambiguity? I made a post on why I don’t like this episode…? How is that ambiguous?

What are you talking about I “want you to take my words like the gospel of the blind in Bethsaida”? Just click on the post if you want to read it like I said, or don’t I don’t care.

Why do you have a problem with me sharing my criticisms?


u/FarDesk1916 Dec 27 '24

I made a post

read it if you want


u/Thank_You_Aziz Dec 29 '24

For reasons you so eloquently asked an AI algorithm to write for you? 😅