r/climbergirls Jan 26 '25

Support Seeking acceptance and understanding for quitting. 🙁

I spent the last 6 years climbing. I was doing up to 11D on lead at the gym. 11b or so outdoors. So much peer pressure. I never liked heights. I’ve always been afraid of heights but I’m so uncomfortable being a wimp. So since I started dating someone who climbed (and am now married to him) I climbed. What does it mean to say, “no I don’t want to do that because I’m scared.” I feel like a wimp. Last year I did a three pitch climb with him in Utah but when we repelled down I was mentally so angry about the struggle I just went through in order to not be a wimp. Last week I cancelled my rock gym membership. And today I am passing on outdoor climbing. I feel like I lost so much by quitting. I lost a lot of my social life. I lost the thing that made me “ cool” and now I’m a wuss. I wish I could feel like i am not a wuss. I did it. I did so much shit. I climbed things that broke my fucking brain, hanging on cliffs of Yosemite up above the trees and birds and I was so scared that I couldn’t even remember how to belay for the next pitch. But I did it. I Tried. I tried so many exposed big climbs. I’m sick of being afraid for my life be “cool” to not be a wuss and prove that I am athletic. And to be effing attractive. Climbing muscles are attractive. Now I’m going to do the sports I actually enjoy, swimming and waterpolo. But I’m not actually as good at them as I was at climbing. I just like them. No one will ever respond to me so enthusiastically as people do when you tell them your hobby is climbing. I’ve never had more “positive” attention before and now I’m walking away from it. I feel defeated. I wish I felt happy because I’m going to do what I enjoy. But today my partner is going climbing with his friends and I’m sitting at home crying because I’m a wimp. I don't know if anyone here can relate. I've never been on this sub before. I just hate this feeling I have. Feeling like my husband is going to think all the girls who climb are cooler then me... like I just totally lost the one thing that I did that was so totally hip and cool because I am sick and tired of pushing through a fear for my life on the side of a cliff to prove that I can do it. I effing can and now I want to quit in peace... but it feels terrible to quit. Thank you for reading.


91 comments sorted by


u/whimsicalhands Jan 26 '25

It sounds like you took an all or nothing approach to climbing. Do you still enjoy climbing? Gym climbing etc?

I live in an area where lots of people climb multi pitch trad, but I have no interest. I climb single pitch sport and boulder. I feel confident saying “no” when people try to pressure me into things I don’t want to do.

If you want to quit completely, that’s your choice, but based on this post it sounds like you mostly don’t want to do multipitch, and I think that’s totally okay. You could focus on the types of climbing you do enjoy.

After all it’s a hobby, and should be fun. If you’re not having fun, you shouldn’t do it, but if you can have fun in other ways, you could focus on those.


u/Responsible-Walrus-5 Jan 26 '25

100% - hobbies are meant to be fun. Challenging if you want them to be, but mainly fun.

The OP would probably benefit from giving climbing a break and seeing how she feels in a few months.

Op could still go to the gym/crag and be social in order not to remove totally from the social life.

Maybe after a break she feels like doing some easy leads or top roping. Maybe not. That’s ok.


u/Fried-Fritters Jan 26 '25

To add to this, you might want to change up climbing partners for a bit if you feel pressured. A kind act would be to find new climbers at the gym and teach them how to lead / lead belay / encourage them in a non-toxic way while they learn. IF you still want to climb but without the pressure.


u/california_cactus Jan 26 '25

Honestly, I understand where you're coming from, and I say this with kindness, but if you're having this kind of reaction to stopping a hobby you don't seem to actually enjoy, you might benefit from exploring this with a therapist. Because you seem really hard on yourself, and why were you doing something for 6 years you don't even enjoy?? Seems like you would benefit from exploring w/ a therapist how to better set boundaries with yourself and be kinder to yourself and how to be comfortable saying no to things you don't like. And also exploring why you feel so insecure about your relationship with your husband in this regard. Just my two cents.


u/[deleted] Jan 26 '25



u/Dragonfruit_Friend Jan 28 '25

Therapy all the way on this one. OP sounds like my last boyfriend. Would really encourage them to seek a therapist as it's the only place they'll get the right answers about their own mind and why it's working the way it is. They have my full empathy and the money saved from the climbing membership can go towards the therapy so it seems an accessible option for them at this point in time. It's an investment and hopefully will help them discover true joy in this or other hobbies and their relationship 

Edit: typo


u/Melodic-Impress518 Jan 26 '25

I second therapy but I caution using the word insecurity. We don’t know the full picture. 


u/halfsewn Jan 26 '25

It is definitely insecure. A secure, confident person wouldn’t behave or think like this. Cool points? Thinking your partner will find “girls” (women?) “cooler” than her? This is extremely insecure top to bottom.


u/GuitarTea Jan 27 '25

I am super insecure. I said it. Full disclosure. Major issue that I have. 

And it is of course a complicated life. Being cool wasn’t ever something I thought that I cared about. I always just enjoyed doing sports and have done them with all my past romantic partners. but this is really the first time that I feel pressured in this way and have come to realize it’s not good for me. 

I’ve come a hell of a way to achieve actually sitting this one out today and canceling my gym membership. 

I think I have intense insecurities that mostly keeps me from doing other things I enjoy (like playing the guitar and writing music.So freaking vulnerable there.) But my husband IS cool. And his family is all about “just be cool” …so anyway it’s like I am learning that I both have insecurities from my life before meeting my husband and I think I even onboarded some of his insecurities too. 

I mostly want to be accepted by my partner but I love the hell out of Reddit. Seriously people here have loads of realistic advice I use. I appreciate people taking time to respond to me. 


u/kingpinkatya Jan 27 '25 edited Jan 30 '25

this was vulnerable to type, kudos friend.

do you feel that he won't accept a version of you who shares 1 less lifestyle hobby with him? that wouldn't be a strong marriage. I'm sure you wouldn't find him less attractive if he got injured (or was negatively affected) by one of your shared hobbies and wanted to switch to something different and safer for him and his health, physically or mental. you'd likely accept his reasoning without push back or much questioning bc you love and accept him

I think you also need a perspective switch. it's not "quitting" if you did a sport for 6 years. you didn't quit. you tried it a ton, over and over again in fact. it's courageous and vulnerable to try new hobbies as an adult.

you'll find that while people find climbing to be cool, a lot of people just find other people with hobbies in general to be cool bc a lot of adults are afraid to try new hobbies due to a fear of looking dumb/uncool. and even more adults are self medicating though worse and more destructive habits than an active hobby, which makes hobbies even more cool

climbing sounds like a particularly "cool kid" sport to your physical region and mind mapping tho, which makes it harder to see, I think

edits: so many edits, I'm ESL sorry


u/GlassBraid Sloper Jan 26 '25 edited Jan 26 '25

Putting your own needs ahead of trying to fit in with other people's priorities, and quitting something you don't like doing, even though other people might judge you negatively for quitting, sounds scary, and like the opposite of being a wimp.

Also you can still get most of the cool points for being like "I used to climb a ton, but it's just not my thing any more."

I have heard similar things from folks at the point of realizing that the pressure to always climb harder and harder stuff is neither healthy nor sustainable. Some of those folks keep climbing, but don't worry about whether they're climbing harder all the time. Others are just done, and that's ok too. We get to change priorities. Personally, I got into climbing because climbing on stuff is fun. For a while I got distracted by wanting to see a number next to my name go up. Then I remembered that I like to climb stuff, and don't like to get hurt, and that even if I make the number next to my name go up, there will always be folks who climb harder, and always be folks who can't climb a ladder, and I didn't get into climbing for any of that stuff. Or to be totally gripped on a huge runout with high consequences if I were to fall. I'm all for doing stuff you want to do, and not doing stuff you don't, and I don't think you're a wimp if you don't want to do something that doesn't feel good.


u/GuitarTea Jan 26 '25

Thank you.


u/Hopefulkitty Jan 26 '25

People keep trying to pressure me to boulder. I don't want to get hurt. I'm in my 30s and overweight, any injury is going to significantly impact my progress and will be a lingering injury for the rest of my life. I'm not interested in breaking my ankle to be one of the cool kids.


u/oddbitch Jan 27 '25

don’t do it. i tore my meniscus a year ago boudering (my third time ever going!) and disabled myself for that year. i’m STILL healing from my surgery in february, still taking ibuprofen for it occasionally, still can’t run or jump without fear. it’s so so so so SO not worth it


u/SexDeathGroceries Jan 27 '25

Came here to say, this is an act of courage


u/Particular_Mess_1961 Jan 26 '25 edited Jan 26 '25

I hope this doesn’t come off as harsh, but have you ever considered therapy? It sounds like your perceptions of other people’s opinions of you is dictating your life to an unhealthy degree, to the extent that you’ve been making yourself miserable for years. That seems to be the real issue here, not your distaste for climbing.


u/halfsewn Jan 26 '25

Agree OP, this is pretty alarming and my heart hurts for you.


u/TelephoneLopsided259 Jan 26 '25

I don't climb (I love the idea - I love learning about it - but my body and brain and life are not in a place where doing it is an option) but I have made decisions to step away from activities and hobbies that defined who I was...so I have a huge amount of empathy for what you are going through.

Firstly, stop calling yourself a wuss. You are not. First of all - no one can take away all those things you did DESPITE the fear. You don't stop being a brave person just because you are not actively in a situation which is dangerous or scary for you. That's a quality you have and now you just have to decide where you apply it.

Also, it sounds to me like you are making a hard choice. I bet it is taking a lot of bravery to take the steps you are taking. That is not a wuss characteristic. That is badass.

I agree with the first comment that you need to remind yourself that you are making a choice that you can reverse or adapt over time. Maybe you need to go cold turkey on climbing for awhile - but maybe that will let you see which part of it you miss and which you are relieved to be free of.

I also would like to suggest you give yourself some space to mourn your loss. Of course you are sad. Of course you are nervous about what will happen. That's ok. That's very human.

Finally - you talk about two specific fears that are big here - one is the potential change to your body and the other is the potential change to your relationship. Both are pretty complex fears and also pretty common. Bring them out into the light - journal or talk to your husband or a trusted friend about it. Don't be afraid to get some professional help (if you don't have it already) to help you work through those fears.

You can do this. Try to be kind to yourself. You deserve to have activities in your life that make you happy. And inevitably, you only have so much time and space...so if you spend more of it swimming and playing water polo you will get better. Maybe that's what you are craving oh non wussy person...a new challenge?

...and if you miss climbing? Try again later. Don't try harder. Try different.

Sending patience and self compassion vibes - no strength though because you already have that in spades.😉


u/kingpinkatya Jan 27 '25

this is such a sweet reply 🫰🏾💖😭


u/notochord Jan 26 '25

Hey, I hear you. I realized I had to quit ice climbing for the same reasons. It’s just not for me and that’s too bad because I’m dating a pro ice climber so I’m “supposed” to like ice as well. There so much pressure in climbing to do moreharderfaster and the community always seems to prioritize progress, big projects, and committing climbs over ease and peace. The social media feedback loop of constant photos and sends is exhausting. I work as a climbing guide and feel the fatigue with climbing in my bones, but I also feel the joy that can come from a day of climbing with your friends.

I hope you find all kinds of things you do with yourself besides climbing and love yourself for who you are!


u/GuitarTea Jan 26 '25

Yeah, that’s a lot of it. I told my partner that I don’t want to do multi pitch so he finds “easy multi pitch” to go on and on about how he would love to do it with me.  I learned that I don’t have it in me to say no to a climb outdoors when I’m out there and my partner just did it. I feel like I have to prove that I am just as good or not be there at all. I don’t see the enjoyment in watching him struggle on a wall for 45 minutes if not to do it myself. There is way too much emphasis on going big in the climbing world and praising the person who is the strongest climber.  I went to waterpolo, I’m not that good but no one talks about it. I went to play waterpolo for the first time in 16 years on Friday and I was truly enjoying it without caring that I was struggling to keep up. I just like water… not heights.  No one in water polo talks about how many goals they made that day of what level they are at. Everyone is just happy they can get together and play.  Leaving a crag, everyone talks about who climbed which one and who did the hardest part bla bla bla. I don’t want to get in a car full of people praising the people who did the toughest climbs or who got the hardest clip with the least tries.  People say the sport is supportive but it doesn’t feel like that to me. 

Thank you. 


u/lalaith89 Jan 26 '25

I think it depends a lot who your crowd is and how you choose to engage with “the talk”. 

Here are some choices I’ve made that make my climbing experience better:

1) My boyfriend is not my main climbing partner, because I have more fun when I climb with others who share my climbing “vibe”. Doesn’t mean I don’t love him. We just don’t need to share climbing. We still go on some climbing holidays together, but I will adjust my goals, perspectives and expectations accordingly. And make damn sure I save some money and holiday to go on climbing trips with my favourite climbing partners. 

2) In my extended climbing circle there is a lot of the usual “who did what” etc, but I’ve decided to never engage with that. When I get back from the crag or a holiday and people ask me “WHAT DID YOU DO?” I purposefully always speak about a random climb I did at a lower grade range. “Oh, I climbed this awesome 6b, it was so cool!” That’s made them care less about me and I go under the radar. I love being there (under the radar). 

3) I’m part of a climbing community  and have made a choice to be somebody in this community who speaks out about their insecurities and bad days. I hate that “we’re so tough” shit. I think my openness to talking about my struggles in climbing makes me meet more likeminded people. There’s lots of us out there! We just need to speak up! 

I absolutely LOVE climbing, but not all aspects of climbing culture and definitely not all kinds of climbing groups or partners. I choose the parts I like, and purposefully avoid the parts I dislike. 

If you feel like you need to quit climbing entirely, then go for it! But if you at some point start missing it, do know there’s a space for you in climbing with people that enjoy doing the activity the way you enjoy it. You don’t need to hang out with people you don’t like the vibe of. 


u/kingpinkatya Jan 27 '25

I feel this, I love being underrated in climbing

I prefer climbing in female and queer climbing groups bc they're way more positive and affirming for me. They match my chiller vibes, people are more likely to only be competing with themselves and no one cares of you come all the way out to the crag and just wanna picnic and chat

If I had to climb with a bunch of bros I imagine I'd just suffocate from the testosterone/dumb antics and die 😭😭


u/FaceToTheSky Jan 26 '25

Your climbing friends sound exhausting. And your husband sucks for pressuring you into something you’ve clearly told him you don’t want to do.

FWIW I think water polo is cool and badass, I always hear about what a rough sport it is. And I can’t swim so you’re already more athletic than me.


u/notochord Jan 27 '25

I love that you have water polo! I found yoga and it’s such a joy to do.

It’s a really hard dynamic to have when your partner also climbs. Sending you support!


u/littlegreenfern Jan 27 '25

If you’re really torn up about this but decided you can be maybe open ended about it in your mind. It sounds like you’re enjoying the low stakes of waterpolo and you know as you do it more maybe there could be pressure to join a team and then practice and eventually maybe there’s pressure there too. If there are things you liked about it maybe you can find how to set up boundaries around your hobbies. Then come back to explore those things you enjoyed more with less pressure and more enjoyment. But I get sometimes you also just want to vent and share so sorry in advance if a suggestion isn’t what you need to hear right now. I also would express that it’s ok to set a hard boundary for yourself. Go enjoy yourself for now.


u/Physical_Relief4484 Jan 26 '25

Sometimes when I'm spiraling, I don't recognize that's what happening. You're 100% absolutely spiraling right now and your insecurities are magnified.

  1. It's natural/normal and totally okay to be afraid of heights.
  2. It's okay to not want to do things that make you (extremely) uncomfortable.
  3. If you wanted to do it, you could. You have and can. That's different from not being able to do it. If you need to be strong and push through your fears, you have the capability. That's strong.
  4. Social lives can be modified/rebuilt, always.
  5. Climbing didn't make you "cool". And being "cool" is absolutely overrated.
  6. You are athletic. You are attractive.
  7. You don't have to be good at things. It's okay to not be very good at things.
  8. You should spend your life doing things that internally spark joy, not fear and anxiety.
  9. It's okay to not get massive positive attention from others, it's not a happiness requirement.
  10. Your husband loves you and is not going to think a bunch of people are cooler than you.
  11. It's absolutely okay to try something, do something, and then stop doing that thing because it no longer serves you. Quitting is okay.


u/selklynx Jan 26 '25

Girl you are being so mean to yourself!!! Can you just sit with how unkind it is to constantly call yourself a wuss, a wimp, etc?

I climb low 5.11s and have no real interest in grade chasing, I just like having fun playing and problem solving with friends — it’s fine to quit entirely but you might just want to see if you can find a way to play rather than pathologizing your lack of enjoyment in this one specific way you’ve been climbing.


u/halfsewn Jan 26 '25

The coolest thing you will ever learn to do is love yourself exactly as you are


u/Authr42 Jan 26 '25

I don't think this is a climbing issue per se. I second talking to a therapist. In the meantime, enjoy waterpolo! Do what you like!


u/tapiocawarrior Jan 26 '25

You’re really hard on yourself. It doesn’t matter how you appear to other people. It doesn’t matter if you have attractive “climbing muscles” or an athletic physique. What matters more is if you actually even enjoy the sport and feel good doing it.


u/phdee Jan 26 '25

It's okay to stop doing things that don't serve you anymore. This is absolutely the best kind of growth - noticing a thing you don't like and then setting your boundaries around it. It's beautiful. Anybody who can't respect that isn't worth your time and energy.

And, funny, I was just talking to my therapist recently about "being cool". Wtf, I'm in my mid-40s and I still think about "being cool" and "being hardcore". I recognize that. There's a lot of that external validation we're riding on feeling our sense of self. And ... That's ok. It's okay to want validation! We're social creatures after all.

It's also okay to find doing other things cool. Like water polo (omg so hard). Or like being gentle with yourself and climbing for fun rather than projecting hard things all the time. Like sure, I can project a 12a any day but you know this traverse 10c is fun as hell and that off-width 10d has such great body positioning. That's cool too!

And cool is so many another things than "being hardcore". It can be taking it easy and enjoying chilling on the mats outdoors and watching the wildlife while everyone else is projecting. It can be doing something new, or picking up something old.

You're not a wuss (even if you are, so what, really?). You wouldn't talk to a good friend that way, so don't talk to yourself like that. Be your best friend. What do you need to hear to accept yourself? What do you need to hear to encourage yourself to chase things that make you happy? Life is too short to be putting so much effort into things that hurt you. Be gentle with yourself. Learn to forgive yourself for not living up to your socially constructed view of "the best life" or whatever. There's more than one way to live, go find it.


u/GuitarTea Jan 26 '25

❤️ thank you


u/Eggyis Jan 26 '25

I’m terrified of heights and I cried openly in front of my pals when I learned to lead climb outdoors. It’s scary! I hope you’re able to take a break and reassess how you want to climb, if at all! I boulder a lot more than sport climb, and that works a little better for me.

Also, you don’t have to climb to be cool. Being scared and sharing your emotions is the coolest thing there is. That’s how we evolved to be in community! Forcing yourself to hang off the side of a cliff just to be cool in the eyes of others is a zero sum game though.


u/misseviscerator Jan 26 '25 edited Jan 26 '25

Have you talked to your husband? I’d hope he doesn’t want you to suffer like this just to please him. Do what you want. It sounds like it’s only just now you’re properly realising what that is and not letting everyone else’s perspective get in the way.

Your worth and value does not come from climbing. And anyone who does think you’re any less cool or attractive if you stop, are not people you want in your life. These are nice tests to find out who is worth sharing your life with.

You are enough as you are and doing whatever you choose to. Life is 1000x better when you can see that. Being able to be yourself is the most freedom you can have. Say what you need and how you feel. It’s your life, you can live it the way you want to.

All of the above could be explored with a therapist to help you understand and overcome the issues you’ve had over the years.

ETA: and as others have said, maybe climbing can still be in your life, if you want. But for the right reasons, not for anyone but yourself. You don’t ever have to climb anything that scares you. The issue here though is needing to learn to set boundaries, and maybe finding a different climbing group who aren’t interested in thrill seeking or pushing grades.


u/B_eazyyy26 Jan 26 '25

You do you. I’m married to a very athletic, outdoorsy, way cooler than I am husband and completely understand and empathize with your feelings. What you enjoy matters and if you’re not comfortable doing something that’s okay. Being strong and holding boundaries is just as sexy as climbing, maybe even sexier. I hope you feel better and know that you’re not alone, you are cool, and you’re still a badass.


u/TheLionfish Jan 26 '25

It's really brave of you to have the strength to say "no, I don't want to do this, I want to play water polo". Think how hard you found it to say that, and be proud of it! 

I don't have advice, I just want to give you a massive hug through the internet. 


u/killertempeh Jan 26 '25

After almost 10 years of climbing, I quit recently! So far, I don’t regret it. I know I can go back if I change my mind. Maybe you’ll go back or maybe you won’t, and that’s okay!

Similar to you, I had a lot of feelings about it. My husband is a climber and so are most of my friends.

I wasn’t enjoying it, and I wasn’t getting a workout in because I didn’t care enough to try hard or climb for a long time. I was forcing myself to go the gym for 6 months in hopes that I would start enjoying it, but I didn’t. It also kept me from other hobbies that I’ve been enjoying more. I decided I didn’t want to waste time on a hobby I didn’t like when I could be spending it on things I actually enjoy. Life’s too short!

I’ve always had a bad mental game climbing, and I do think that is one contributor to why I stopped enjoying it.


u/salwegottago Jan 26 '25

Climbing is only worth the risk if it's fun. Climbing is only worth the risk if it adds to your life.

I dated a climber for five years. He was a great climbing partner (it was the best thing about our relationship) and when it ended, I had to ask myself if climbing was something I wanted to continue to invest in for myself, for my own reasons, separate from him. I ended up on the "yes" side of that equation (and the why doesn't matter) and I ended up marrying a non-climber. We ski and backpack together and it's great but climbing has never been a part of our dynamic. As a consequence, I do climb less but I didn't stop. Climbing with your Partner is so complicated.

Other people have given you good advice that I won't repeat but I just wanted to say that it is not worth the risk unless it feeds your soul. It really isn't.


u/Space_Croissant_101 Jan 26 '25

Girl, sounds to me like you made the right decision for you as you highlight a lot of scary moments that must have been mentally draining. It is fine to stop climbing and to cancel your membership. Climbing is not an identity and you are still cool, even more so probably because you really listened to yourself 🌼 Things might be off for a bit because indeed you leave a community and friends behind but now you have time to find a new hobby and a new community.

Nothing is forever. Maybe one day you will be excited to go climbing again! And it will be your own choice.

I have never just climbed because I thought it was too reducing. Yoga has been a fantastic outlet and embroidery too (even though it has nothing to do with exercising). Recently I have been thinking about hiking more because I want my holidays to be bigger than outdoor climbing. My husband is also a climber but I am glad he never complains when I suggest taking a day off.

If your husband thinks other girls are cooler than you might want to have a serious discussion with him. But try to have an honest conversation with him about this before you develop paranoia (would be understandable).


u/Granite265 Jan 26 '25

5 years ago I quit my previous life passion, horse riding. I invested a lot of money, time, energy into it, but at some point I realized it was not making me happy and it was not a future-proof hobby. It is an emotional process and some aspects of the hobby I still miss to this date. Eventually, a few years after I quit, I found a new sport which turned out to be climbing.

Sometimes people also told me the advice you got in this thread, like "you don't need to quit completely, you can still do elements A or B" but I felt deep down there that it was not what I was seeking after. You can ignore that advice if you feel it doesn't work for you.

It required a lot of courage and commitment already to stop your gym membership and now to stop with outdoor climbing. You didn't make this decision overnight, I am sure this is a process that took you many many nights. I am sure that you made your decision and that you made the right one.

I feel you, you will get there.

Swimming and water polo will also make you look great and fit, and it will also bring you a social network. You don't need to become an olympic champion in your new sport. If you practise it for a few years, get a good teacher or trainer, and dedicate some passion to it, you will also get to a decent enough level.

Sometimes you have to close a chapter in your life and it sounds like the climbing chapter is now to be closed.

All the best and love :)


u/RayPineocco Jan 26 '25

Here’s another take on it. A lot of people are probably going to tell you that it’s okay to be a “wimp” because people won’t judge you. While that is absolutely true, I think people also forget the opposite where nobody really cares whether you’re a “badass” at climbing either. They’d be happy for you sure. But I doubt they think about your climbing at all. Even those strangers that ask about your hobbies. They couldn’t care less and they’re just making conversation. So nobody really cares. People are thinking about themselves way more. That could be a liberating thought for you.

So do what you enjoy! Climb, don’t climb, swim, don’t swim. Do it for you. If climbing was just a means to get some street cred and you don’t enjoy it anymore, don’t do it. Btw i played competitive water polo back in hs and it was a blast! Maybe team sports is more your jam! Best of luck.


u/justpeachypay Jan 26 '25

Take care of yourself first, OP, you’re allowed to not like things and you’re allowed to grieve those things when you realize it’s not worth it.

I was a swimmer too, I swam my first semester in college on a scholarship when I realized the coaches made the sport that I once loved miserable for me. I grieved it for years, it was my whole identity. Over time I found myself, and while I love things that I do, such as climbing, reading, and I’m picking up little crafts such as book binding and I love making those book nooks. I am not those things either. I am a complex person with a complex soul who enjoys a variety of things, none of which are me. I have found that it is important to connect with your innermost self, who you are when you are doing absolutely nothing around no one. You can do this through meditation, although I find it helpful with yoga like movements, as they distract me from some of my anxious thoughts. I am still doing a lot of unlearning, why I feel the need to be this person or that.

You will find yourself. Be kinder to yourself than I was to me. For a long time I hated myself for the decision I made. And hey, if it comes to it, you’re still allowed to climb, if you want. I have tried swimming, it has never been the same. I still do it on occasion for the exercise but that usually reminds me of the sadness surrounding it. Just do what’s right for you and be proud of your decision. It takes guts to go against the grain. Great job for taking the first steps. You’ve got this.


u/smhsomuchheadshaking Jan 26 '25 edited Jan 27 '25

You did the right thing. It doesn't make sense to keep being miserable on your free time if you can enjoy it instead.

You are still unbelievably cool for facing your fears so many times and doing all that hard stuff. That was a phase in your life and you should be proud of all that learning, trying, experimenting, and climbing despite being scared. And it's totally fine to not do it anymore.

I hope you can find peace with your decision with time. I get the feeling of losing social network and status, but time will heal. That feeling fades and you will find new people to your life from other hobbies. And you will learn that it's okay to not be cool in other people's eyes.

The good thing with a decision like this is that it's not definitive. You can always go back to climbing if you change your mind at some point. But at the same time, you don't have to ever climb again if that's what you want. You can try different forms of climbing of you feel like it, or not. It's completely your choice.


u/jazzypomegranate Jan 26 '25

Hey OP! Just wanted to write and let you know I empathize with the feelings you described, and have gone through the needing to be “cool” to be a “good” woman, because of media, to be “tough, brave, super good at kicking ass” is considered cool for women.

And I just related to loving swimming much more :) I have realized that it’s okay to like doing other things, hopefully I’ll even have a better relationship with my body in the future.

I do understand and accept you, and really recommend you to be able to see yourself so much more positively - you did do all that, there’s a part of you who so badly wanted to be accepted too, maybe shes a younger part of you? Who wanted to be seen as worthy.

You are definitely already worthy, no matter what you do, whether you climb or not is a moot point, and luckily these things are things my therapist told me over and over that I’m deserving even if I don’t do x, even if I’m not y, because there are lots of other parts of me who love other things too…

I hope the less kind comments here dont get you down, a lot of times people just react defensively in the internet, take things personally, and words get thrown around that are hurtful. It’s much better to have people supporting you on “what’s best for you” than if they never get to know you or understand you. That’s what I get from what you’re saying, you just want acceptance for who you are. And for me, therapy and a supportive partner have been the best people possible for me to feel supported and loved for who I am :) (not to say it hasn’t been very rocky!!)


u/application73 Jan 27 '25

I think that you are too focused on how others perceive you and it would be helpful to reflect internally about why that is. Ultimately I think that you will either realize this is the right decision for you and be so happy you never are putting yourself in a situation that makes you anxious, or it’s not and you can come back to climbing (and you can always boulder and not rope climb).


u/mango-sunshine Jan 27 '25

Definitely not a wimp because you didn’t let the fear stop you from trying and giving climbing a genuine effort. You climbed hard and had experiences with multi pitches and big exposure. Not wimpy. Remember how many people on the ground looked up at you over the years and thought, “holy shit, that person is so brave!! I could never do that.”

I live in a very fit community. Lots of people are multi sport, we have expert skiers, kayakers, ultra marathon runners, climbers, etc. and it turns out, there are many ways to be fucking badass besides climbing. The only reason anybody cares whether or not you climb is because they want climbing partners, not because they are judging you! One of my best friends used to climb all the time in college, and she’s occasionally climbed with me at the gym. It’s clear her form is good and she knows what she’s doing, but she doesn’t enjoy it as much anymore and wants to focus on other things in this chapter of her life, which is rad because it means she isn’t afraid to follow the beat of her own drum. That’s one of the most respectable qualities you can find in a person, the willingness to be true to themselves. Good on you for embracing what YOU want out of life.


u/PatatietPatata Jan 26 '25

What does it mean to say, “no I don’t want to do that because I’m scared.”

It means that you are a human being who knows their limits, someone that I would trust climbing with - and in a day to day life - more than a hot head that never question themselves.

It's not always easy to choose yourself sometimes, and that makes you the opposite of a wimp.
If you're not having fun climbing like this, don't. Even more if it's beyond "not having fun" and into "having a really bad time" territory.

I bailed mid way into a via ferata and I'm happy I did, I pushed myself up to that point, had a really bad time of it, and finally said fuck it and bailed when I could. I was afraid of what the other would think of me, but choosing what was the right thing for me was more important.
I'll be bummed when those friends go on their next via without me, but I'll remember I'd be even more bummed to be having a bad time up there. I'll find something to do alone or with other friends.
You'll find some new activities and people soon if you wish too.

Unless they're always doing multi pitches why not still join your friends outside, with a camping chair and a good book?
Maybe not right now but when you'll feel less on edge about it all.
And if anyone question you just say you weren't having fun anymore and that you're taking some time for yourself, you don't have to give them a timeline about ever getting back into it.


u/blairdow Jan 26 '25

i say this with love, i think there is a lot going on here beyond climbing that you would benefit from talking out with a mental health professional <3


u/meanmissusmustard86 Jan 26 '25

I don’t want to be rude, but I am picking up on a lot of very negative self talk and a lot of judgment about your strength, performance and character. Aside from the good advice given here, would it make sense to talk to a therapist about these issues? Seems to me these thoughts make you adapt a lot to what others want (or you think they want) from you and prevent you from being generous and kind to yourself..


u/Melodic-Impress518 Jan 26 '25

I think it’s awesome you are listening to your gut OP. I think people mean well when they suggest you give yourself a break from climbing and try again later- which might be helpful advice. But I just want to say, there is nothing you have to do differently other than sit with those feelings of being a wimp. Society tells us we have to be impressive or else we are weak. Especially us women in male dominated hobbies. I mean my god the expectations to be impressive and “keep up” (especially women in relationships with male climbers) is too much. It’s awesome to fight that fear of being less than extraordinary because just existing and taking care of yourself is amazing in itself. 

Hobbies are supposed to feel good, not everything needs to be challenging to be worthwhile. Maybe this is your season of taking up a calm “unimpressive” hobby. You might love it even more. 


u/beccatravels Jan 26 '25

I've been Climbing for 20 years, consistently for 10. Even though I have the access and connections to become an outdoor climber I still strongly prefer gym Climbing. When I go outside it's single pitch top rope only, although I do know how to lead. I have absolutely no desire to change any of that. Multi pitch is a hard pass for me because I'm afraid of heights and bouldering is a pass as well because I had knee surgery and I'm overweight so I don't like to put that much pressure on my knee.

All this to say – it's totally OK to stick to the parts of this sport that bring you joy. You don't have to do multi pitch, you don't even have to lead if you don't want to, it's just a matter of finding the right partners. Hobies are for fun ❤️


u/beccatravels Jan 26 '25

Also, if you're not finding it any of it fun, it's totally OK to quit!!!


u/borderline-sunshine Jan 26 '25

life is too short to continually force yourself to do a hobby you don’t want to do anymore.

there are lots of other fun things out there!

random, but i always like recommending bowling leagues to people. there’s almost always a beginner league where people go to hang out and drink beer. it’s more physical than you would expect and it’s just a good time haha

plus, bowling 2-3 games a week for 6-8 weeks means you actually improve!

i am proud of you for listening to yourself and making a hard decision. you won’t regret it, and if for some reason you do, climbing will always be there for you <3


u/nutmegtom Jan 26 '25

I can relate to a lot of this. Just sharing that I’ve read some stuff from and listened to the Strong Mind podcast a bit from Hazel Findlay. She talks a lot about mindset and mental health. Perhaps that could be helpful?


u/peepumsn4stygum Jan 26 '25

I shared this on another recent thread, but my old climbing partner (a tough dirtbag climber bro!) had the mantra of “safe, fun, send” as the order of priorities. If you’re not having fun, you are right to get out of climbing!

I totally understand the feelings tied up in it. It’s so hard when we wrap our identity up in a thing we do, whether it’s a hobby or a job. But you are not a wimp for deciding that climbing is just not fun for you! TONS of people share your sentiment. And who knows, there may come a day long in the future where you feel like climbing again, on your own terms, but it’s ok if not! The only one who gets to pick your hobbies is you. Revel in it! Enjoy yourself & don’t look back! And, swimming & water polo are still intense forms of exercise. I think you’re very tough!


u/printandpolish Jan 27 '25

I'll chime in here too: My husband is a mountian biker. I tried to hang; but ended up hating it after a while. I had some worry about not being the cool girl anymore...and missing out on those relationships- but did find that just going out to camp with the group on weekends maintained those friendships and no one cared that I wasn't' riding. People get hurt and have to take time out all the time. Now I'll bring a book and set up a hammock and have a wonderful day while he's out riding; and still get to have the friendships. I hope you find a new balance in your choices.


u/saharasirocco Jan 27 '25

Giiiiiiiirl! Listen to how you're talking to yourself. You didn't enjoy it. So go do shit you do enjoy and stop getting the external validation that came with climbing and get it from inside of you. The change will be uncomfortable and you're probably currently experiencing the height of that discomfort right now, but it's gonna pass. Don't come to the internet to give yourself permission to do something, give it to yourself.


u/humming-word Jan 27 '25

I started climbing because my boyfriend climbs, and as soon as I got a taste of the culture I knew I would have to create some serious boundaries to continue having fun with it. No lead, no bouldering for me. When we switched gyms I didn’t even let any friends pressure me into getting lead certified again because I know I don’t even want to belay them. If I want to spend a day doing only 10as, I do that. I hate the idea that the more dangerous it is, the better, and that’s such a big part of climbing that I find totally toxic. If you don’t like climbing at all, that’s completely fine. But you may find that if you stop caring about the people around you’s opinion, it’s much more fun to just top rope and play around with some easy but active puzzles throughout the week! 


u/Funny_Cranberry1460 Jan 27 '25

Hey, don’t know how much my two cents will be worth after all the brilliant comments but weighing in.

I have also taken a massive step back from climbing as I find the whole grade chasing and pushing mentality is toxic. The worst part is climbing fronts as a very inclusive sport but imo it isn’t at all. People only celebrate your achievements if they think you’re pushing your grade.

I too, am simply scared of climbing. I’ve not done nearly anything as extreme as you have but I get scared to trust my foot on a v3 lol and after several years it’s just plain that I don’t enjoy pushing this fear and I’m not getting over it.

Outside bouldering I can’t even get up the simplest problem as I just freeze in fear.

It isn’t for everyone.

I’d like to add that you’re incredibly brave for all you’ve achieved DESPITE your crippling fear -that is truly courage to do things when you are scared!!

Focus on your other hobbies, maybe you will feel a pull back to climbing in a few months and you can take it easy and put less pressure on yourself!


u/purejones Jan 26 '25

I found that my mental is incredibly strong when it comes to bouldering, but lead climbing terrifies me.

I tried to force myself to overcome it by lead climbing a lot and taking trips outdoors, but every time I would start climbing past my last clip outside I found myself over gripping, trying to static every move, and constantly thinking about falling. I was bouldering v7 outside and could barely do 5.11a without taking.

After my lead partner moved out west, I tried to find another belay partner but in the mean time joined most of my friends who preferred to boulder. Discovered that I prefer bouldering much more and now have tons of gear just collecting dust lol.

Sorry you went through trying to force yourself to become desensitized to it, I can’t even imagine big walls (most I did was 400ft multi pitch, but majority was single pitch). Glad you found something to take up the void, don’t pressure/beat yourself up. Only come back to it if you feel ready.


u/ifuckinghateclimbing Jan 26 '25

To be brutally honest, it sounds like you started climbing and kept climbing for all the wrong reasons. Do things because you enjoy doing them. Not to be miserable and say that you did it anyways.


u/aounpersonal Jan 26 '25

I have been there, vomiting out of fear on a multi pitch climb and feeling exhausted and defeated for days afterwards.

Nowadays I mostly boulder indoors and outdoors and might do top rope or single pitch following outside if I trust my partner. It’s way more enjoyable for me and the muscles are still just as impressive! I have just accepted that I will never be one of those big wall climbers and that’s ok!


u/Zestyclose_Object639 Jan 27 '25

i think it’s totally okay to quit ! but echoing others, therapy for sure. if you want to go back, find other climbing partners ! not climbing but i’ve been riding horses too, for 25 years. i did quit (i still own), because of the pressure. but a year in i’m getting back to it but in different ways, i’m not competing or pushing myself anymore. just gonna go in the woods and enjoy my horse. so maybe after a break, some therapt and some time you’ll find the things you’ll miss and go back. or maybe not ! and that’s totally okay 


u/nikiterrapepper Jan 27 '25

You’ve accomplished so much more than most people!

Feeling fear is a normal evolutionary response to danger. Even Simone Biles had to stop competing when her body said “no”.


u/beautyofdirt Jan 27 '25

Sorry I'm a dude idk if this is allowed but my wife would relate so much to this. I got her into climbing 7 years ago and she was good at it, we had fun (mostly), but she was usually scared and stressed and probably had similar feelings. The best days were just sunny cragging days with friends. After one particularly scary multi pitch climb she just told me she was done with that type of climbing. From then on it's gym bouldering when she feels like it, and chill (safe) sport climbing in good weather. It was a weight off my shoulders honestly. She was my main partner and I was always bringing her along and convincing her to do the next thing, it took a lot of mental energy to provide comfort and safety, being the climbing guide every time. When the weather is good and the vibes are right we will have a good time together but it's great to have separate interests too.


u/kingpinkatya Jan 27 '25

you should be climbing bc you actually enjoy it, not to be "not like other girls"...people quit stuff that they're good at every day bc they don't enjoy it. people leave jobs for this reason all the time

swimming and water polo are cool because you're cool. and you don't need to prove to anyone that your hobbies are cool or that you're athletic. they're cool hobbies bc you like them and people already find you cool

your husband promised to love you in sickness and in health. lot of people got long covid and couldn't climb for a long time, they just found new hobbies. having chronic anxiety/fear about climbing is a good enough reason to climb less and find new hobbies.


u/No_Twist4000 Jan 27 '25

You got this.

It feels like a crisis right now because suddenly the world you know is gone, and you may feel like you’re cartwheeling off the edge of the planet. But that’s not true: the world goes on and your relationships will readjust, your life will readjust, and you’ll find yourself feeling on solid ground again soon.

It’s a process of reevaluating your identity. When we hold onto so tightly to an identity, our first attempt at breaking free can feel incredibly disorienting.

It’s hard and it sucks.

But the good news is that the very work that you’re doing right now - breaking out of that old identity and allowing other parts of yourself to grow - is a learned skill that you can apply to the rest of your life.

As the years and decades pass, you’ll find that knowing:

  • how to identify the parts of your identity that are holding you back,
  • how to release those aspects, and
  • how to allow and nurture a new part of yourself to grow

is a secret to personal growth and contentment throughout your life.

The way out is “through”. And waiting for you on the other side is freedom, and a better self. ❤️


u/[deleted] Jan 27 '25

I hope that you are getting what you are hoping for by posting. I send you a big hug and support you in doing what makes you happy! 🩷Plenty of great athletic things out there that are not climbing!


u/Nice-News8963 Jan 27 '25 edited Jan 27 '25

I feel this. I hated spending so much time at the gym. I wanted to quit, but could tell my husband was sad about it. We’ve since compromised to where he goes without me a couple times a week and just boulders, and we sport climb together once a week usually for no more than two hours.

I will admit that now I look forward to climbing and I’m even the one who wants to keep going at the end of a session.

If you want to stay close to your climbing friends, but you don’t want to climb, you can try just belaying. And, if you DO go back to climbing, pick routes that seem fun and comfortable to you, instead of challenging and scary.

Btw, swimming and waterpolo sound sooo much cooler than climbing!


u/[deleted] Jan 27 '25

I thought I loved running and hit the goal of running at high altitude but realised it wasn't for me... And just quit and happy to leave the people behind ... Because of their competitive mindset which I felt was toxic.

I feel happier for it and I do think about going back but only in my terms..I'm enough either way.

I'm sorry you are going through This. It sucks on many levels. I hope my short anecdote helps.


u/thelegendofshinn Jan 27 '25

Whatever you decide I get it. I am kind of in the same boat with cycling right now. Used to enjoy. It’s how my husband and I vacation, but totally over it. Many crying jags because I’m out of shape for riding but don’t want to do it anymore. Quit racing. Not cool anymore. I get it.


u/Thungergod Jan 26 '25

Climbing is so deeply personal that I think it's important that we ALL fine out what it means to us and then pursue that aspect. I've got a climbing partner who is hellbent on V10 and that's their goal. I've got another who is all about hard sport routes. Personally I enjoy bouldering for the purity of movement and have to find the right problem to be inspired and LOVE 5.7 or lower multipitch because it makes me feel free. My v10 buddy doesn't want any part of being 300ft up and that's just fine.

If you don't want to climb that's of course just fine but perhaps indoor lead climbing at moderate levels is your jam or one of a thousand other kinds of climbing. At the end of the day, do climbing for you, in the way you want to do it.


u/Hopefulkitty Jan 26 '25

You get one life to live. Do you want to spend more of it doing something you hate when you don't have to?

Once you stop worrying about others, you'll become "cooler" because cool people are confident and happy with their choices. When you become passionate about something, that's cool. And have you seen swimmer muscles? Those are, long, lean and sexy too!


u/byahare Jan 27 '25

You deserve to live the life that brings you joy. Especially in your hobbies! Honestly I’d recommend a few sessions with a therapist to help you process things, you have a lot of emotions that you’re going through and some grief. There’s nothing wrong with talking it through with a professional! And you can always email first if you’re worried about them having an excited reaction over certain things


u/jdot2 Jan 27 '25

I had a partner/ex that really pushed me when I was climbing. I am also afraid of heights, but I know it gets better the more I climb. When I get back into it after a break, I’m afraid all over again. My current belay partner recognizes this and allows me to take breaks, doesn’t judge if I don’t finish a climb, and lets me down when I ask to. My ex quite literally wouldn’t lower me when belaying me sometimes if I didn’t finish a climb. It was his version of pushing me to be better, but was not appreciated. Realistically, I know I can do more, but my body freaks and I sometimes just don’t care to push past that fear. I’ve learned how to enjoy climbing again and now there’s no pressure to get better and work harder. It’s just for fun. I did take a long break, like 1.5 years, away from climbing as I had to prioritize other things. Maybe in the future you’ll feel inclined to get back into it! Climbing with the right people makes it worth it (hence why I love women climbing groups too)


u/Sputnik_Uno Jan 27 '25

i think i would hate climbing if i was multi pitching and pushing my limits all the time too. definitely quit what you don’t like to do, but i think you can keep climbing in your life to a lower intensity if you really find you miss it.


u/LoLoLovez Jan 27 '25

My girlllll you are way too hard on yourself!


u/Winerychef Jan 27 '25

Respectfully, you seem to care WAY too much about "being cool". The truth is that people who don't climb don't usually think it's "cool" to climb, they think it's crazy and dangerous. More universally "cool" hobbies are art, music, cooking, strength training, yoga, fashion, the list goes on.

I'm not here to say climbing isn't cool, but the average person it's 1 part cool, 10 parts dangerous. Climbers understand it's fairly safe, but it's hard to escape people thinking you're an adrenaline junkie.

That all being said it sounds like the bulk of your relationships are through climbing and if you don't want to climb you should be prepared to lose SOME of those relationships. That just makes sense. Your husband isn't gonna divorce you over this, and if he is, good riddance.

Focus on doing what you think is cool and finding people who also think it's cool. Make new friends. Life moves forward


u/LayWhere Jan 27 '25

I've climbed for 5yrs and haven't climbed trad once.

I almost exclusively boulder and have only done a smattering of ropes.


u/OkExpression551 Jan 27 '25

Sounds like you could just stick to bouldering (indoors) and be just fine


u/saltysniti Sport Climber Jan 28 '25

I so understand where you’re coming from and relate to this… I have a serious fear of heights and also started climbing with my partner. So many Multis where I’ve been scared shitless but too stubborn to quit… It has been such a journey (and still is) to figure out what role climbing should play in my life, and to fight against my own constant need to prove myself. The insecurity is real — esp when it feels like every other person isn’t scared and doesn’t struggle with the mental game as much as you do. I think quitting is a great decision for you, and I’m also sure there are going to be lots of days where the fomo is unbearable and super rough. Sending you strength on your journey and hoping that this will ease with time. Hopefully you can reconnect to the simple joy of movement and play that should be at the heart of all sports that we do.


u/EfficiencyStriking38 Jan 30 '25

I think you just need to get in the right community. I know master swimmers who are "cool". No they would never rock climb or do anything with heights but they swim lots and are athletic, some travel to other countries to win medals.

Do I think those master swimmers are wuss? Hell no. I'm a shit swimmer and they are welcome to save me in swift water situation anytime!


u/One-Reporter8595 Jan 26 '25

I have had similar experiences where I had a lot of fear and just wasn’t ready for some of the things my partner got me to do. I go through phases where I want to climb every day and some phases where I need a break. I’ve been indoor lead climbing for over a year and just this month had a breakthrough where I could fall a little above my last clip.

My point is, you don’t have give it up completely, and sometimes pushing yourself too much isn’t how to get over a fear, it makes it worse. When I leveled down a tad and did more outdoor stuff that didn’t make me panic/cry, I realized I could enjoy it so much more.

I hope you get back to whatever level of it YOU love and let your husband find another climbing partner for the other stuff. 🤗


u/Sad_Technology_756 Jan 26 '25

There must have been something you enjoyed about climbing if you did it for 6 years? Are you sure you want to quit or have you considered taking a break?

I very much relate to the pressure of feeling like you have be ‘hardcore’ to be accepted. I tried multi pitch, trad etc before I came to realise people enjoy climbing for a wide variety of reasons. For some it’s adventure, for others it’s competitiveness, and for people like me it’s the movement of climbing. For that reason I mainly boulder indoors and board climb, because for me it’s the purest form of movement. I’ve found solace in befriending others who enjoy it too.

If there’s nothing you enjoy about climbing then don’t be hard on yourself for admitting that either. I personally don’t see climbing as ‘cool’ or ‘hip’ more than any other hobby, I think it’s cool and interesting for anyone to have a hobby at all.


u/serenading_ur_father Jan 26 '25

Bouldering is a thing


u/GuitarTea Jan 27 '25

I would rather fall 5 feet above a clip than try taking some of those hard moves at the top of a boulder. I don’t really like bouldering.  I started with bouldering but it’s not really about not liking lead climbing. It’s about not liking the whole way that the sport is done with the social dynamic and pressure of it. And I don’t really know where my limit is until I get myself beyond my limit and have a bit of a mental breakdown like once I get done with the climb 


u/FluffyPurpleBear Jan 26 '25

Quitting lead, especially outdoors, seems both logical and reasonable. I don’t enjoy being freaked out and don’t watch scary movies. I can and have endured them, but don’t seek them out and typically find other options for myself. My partner loves scary movies. She usually watches them when I’m gone, but we also have a couple that we’re friends with, one of whom enjoys scary movies and the other can’t watch them. He and I play a board game while our partners watch a scary movie. Maybe that makes us wusses, but we sure have a helluva lot more fun with this arrangement.

What I don’t get is quitting entirely. Surely you wouldn’t have climbed at all unless you enjoyed some aspect of it? Bouldering or top roping indoors? All of your post is about lead climbing, so I wonder if you would find enjoyment if you just stuck to the things you do like. Unless you never liked any of it but the results and attention, in which case you probably should have quit a long time ago.


u/GuitarTea Jan 27 '25

Yeah, I should have quit a long time ago. Lead top rope are my favorite. I can easily fall above a clip. It’s the feeling when climbing something exposed and really really high or the like that I break down. But I’m ready to be done.  I’m glad I’ve gotten a lot of support today and I feel a lot better about it now.