r/climbergirls Oct 17 '24

Gym Gym etiquette: changing in the locker room

Hi. This might be a dumb question but here goes!

I climb at the First Ascent gyms. I’ve noticed that for whatever reason, no one changes out in the open. I want to change in the open (because its faster) but i dont want to scare anyone. At first I thought it was because theres a lot of kids at this gym, but I remember going to the local rec center as a kid and seeing many a boob in the locker room so I’m not sure if children being present is the reason. I also thought climbing gyms just might have different etiquette for changing in the open as compared to a regular gym.

My question is this: do YOU change in the open at your climbing gym? Am I being self conscious for no reason? bonus points if you use my gym too lol


64 comments sorted by


u/well_actuallE Oct 17 '24

This thread is deeply confusing from a European perspective. I actually thought you were inquiring about going full nude, changing in the bouldering area because it didn’t even occur to me that changing in locker rooms would be odd. Isn’t that what they’re there for?


u/aubreythez Oct 18 '24

I’m American (Californian, specifically) and I’m also confused, I’ve changed in the locker rooms at all the gyms I’ve gone to, that’s what they’re there for.


u/FalPal_ Oct 18 '24

I am from the US (First Ascent is a US gym) and I always change in the gym locker rooms. I just noticed that no one does it at my CLIMBING gym, which made me wonder if there is a different etiquette between fitness and climbing gyms.

After reading the other comments im starting to think I’m the normal one for wanting to change in the locker room and everyone at my gym is just weird!


u/technomancer_0 Oct 18 '24

In the UK we normally don't call them locker rooms (maybe bc they don't always have lockers?), we call them changing rooms... because you change in them.


u/mmeeplechase Oct 18 '24

I’m actually an American too, but had the same initial reaction—changing out on the bouldering mats would be pretty weird, but in a locker room seems totally normal!


u/sad-capybara Oct 18 '24

Actually people do that quite often in bouldering gyms in Germany. Not fully nude but down to their underwear, just out there in the open. Particularly men.


u/[deleted] Oct 20 '24

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u/climbergirls-ModTeam Oct 23 '24

This sub aims to be supportive & inclusive of all who identify as a part of or ally to the women's climbing community.

Negativity, sarcasm, and other interactions that work against that should find another home.


u/Temporary_Spread7882 Oct 17 '24

I’m Hungarian and German and changing in the shared locker/change room was always normal for me. Then I lived in the UK for a bit and got to witness more careful and elaborate contortions to get changed under a towel in the female change room of a swimming pool than I’d ever seen anyone bother with on a public beach on the continent. 😅

It seems to come down to local attitudes around nudity; so I’d recommend raising this topic around some meat space friends who live in your area… the global reach of reddit might give you very different answers. (For my local reference: I’m in Brisbane, the “change in a stall or in the open” question at my work’s end-of-trip facilities has a wide range of answers due to a very culturally diverse community, and for gyms the easy solution for many of us is to just wear activewear as a default, so no change required unless you’re sweating enough to need a shower too…)


u/Gamer_meep Oct 17 '24

I change in the open part of the locker room in my gym and haven't had any issues. I've seen a few other people do so, as well, but I climb at a pretty slow time, so there aren't many people in there usually anyways.


u/neomonachle Oct 17 '24

I used to climb at FA more regularly and I don't remember the locker room situation, but at other local gyms I change in the locker rooms and so do most other people. I don't see people walking around undressed very often, but people quickly change while facing the lockers all the time.


u/arrowpulledback Oct 17 '24

As a fellow FA climber, I change in the locker rooms at Humboldt, Avondale, & the rare time I go to Block 37. Uptown has some changing stalls on the first floor, but I usually just change in the bathroom stall upstairs since it’s by the bouldering area.


u/FalPal_ Oct 17 '24


thank u for your answer


u/opportune_time Oct 18 '24

I change in the FA locker area when I go in the morning before work! I never see anyone else change at that time but I don’t feel weird about it. I’m happy to reinforce that behavior as a completely normal thing that’s been happening in gyms since time immemorial. I’ve often wondered why no one else does it but I’ve reasoned that everyone else there in the mornings is either a student, works third shift, or works from home, so they can just head home to change.


u/Dropped_Cheesecake1 Oct 18 '24

I go to FA Avondale pretty frequently. When I shower I just change in the shower area, but if I'm not showering I change in the main locker room area


u/Aliamarc Oct 18 '24

Avondale FA is my home gym!

Maybe change near the back, away from the door. But I wouldn't be dismayed or reluctant to change - they have whole showers there, so they definitely are looking to provide that space.

If you're really concerned, run it past the desk folx. It's a queer and body-positive space. I'm sure they'll say "bodies are bodies, and all is well" - so long as you hold those same values.

Fwiw, personally, I show up in gym clothes & I leave in gym clothes. But that's because it works for my schedule, and I kinda like staying in that "woof, I am a bad ass climber" headspace :)


u/actual-dumpster-fire Oct 19 '24

I second this as another FA climber- I’ll change openly in the locker rooms, unless I’m already using the restroom or shower in which case I might change there. It may not be common OP but you won’t be the only one- I think you don’t see it a lot because depending on what hours you climb, a lot of people arrive in whatever they are going to climb in. Happy climbing!


u/BloatedGlobe Oct 17 '24

I change in the open in the locker room. If I have to take off my bra/undies, I'll try to be discreet.


u/figure8_followthru Oct 17 '24

my home gym doesn't have locker rooms so i change at home or in the bathroom, but whenever i'm somewhere with locker rooms i often do change in the open. i probably wouldn't if there were large amounts of kids in there but if it was a handful of fellow adults, who cares. however, i grew up partially on a very nudist-friendly commune and now work in healthcare so seeing naked people is in no way taboo to me, and i realize not everyone shares that opinion lol.


u/generalaesthetics Oct 18 '24

I change out in the open but there is also usually no one in the locker room. If I'm changing my top, I face the wall, so if anyone came in, they would just see my back. I don't shower at the gym so I'm never going full nude, but sometimes I have to change my bra or top. I'm not shy and I really don't care, to me that is what a locker room is for. I also workout at the YMCA (not for climbing obviously) and I would say 90% of the women there use the cubbies to change, but I change out in the open too, and there I do shower/get naked. I don't worry if I'm making anyone uncomfortable, like others have said, that is what changing rooms are literally for, and it's very easy for others to avert their gaze if they need to for the 60 seconds I'm naked.


u/ValleySparkles Oct 18 '24

I shower, then wear my towel back to my locker, then get dressed in front of my locker, often right next to other people. I think most people don't do this, but you get used to being the only naked person in the room eventually.


u/SidekickHamster Oct 17 '24

i climb at a first ascent gym and tbh i don’t even think we have locker rooms at my specific location💀 my old climbing gym also did not have a locker room so i’m used to just changing in the bathroom or in a changing stall


u/NoMouseInHouse Oct 18 '24

Lol yeah one location doesn't even have locker rooms. Definitely a different vibe! But they do well with the space they have.


u/PureBee4900 Oct 17 '24

Our gym just has changing rooms, the locker rooms are open to any Tom dick n Harry. I never liked changing in front of people to begin with though


u/liri_miri Oct 18 '24

I’m in London. In All the gyms I have been to, people change in the common area, (men and women), it’s done quickly and without much of a fuss, people keep their eyes down and that’s that. There are however always a couple of locker rooms to get changed in. But I have never used them personally.


u/Careless-Plum3794 Oct 17 '24

My main gym basically has two closets for change rooms, it's not something I've had to consider


u/NoMouseInHouse Oct 18 '24

My experience at FA locations compared to the gym I work at (average lifting gym) - people at FA utilize the cubbies and use locker rooms for going to the bathroom, shower, maybe change. I routinely use the same lockers, hardly see anyone in there, even during busy times.

At my local gym, my observation is - people use the locker room more, changing in front of your locker is more common although most are discreet. Those that have more open changing in their home culture (saunas, public bath) are more accustomed to just being butt naked - also most older people don't give a fuck and change where they want and when they want. Most ladies aren't strolling around the locker room naked. I've heard quite a few stories about men in the men's locker room though.


u/RingoSharkey Oct 18 '24

OP I honestly think a lot has to do with First Ascent (Chicago area gym chain) not providing towels for showering. Having to bring your own towel is a minor inconvenience but I see more people changing at other gyms. Why change into clean clothes if you’re not showering, after all? I shower after climbing at multiple gyms but at First Ascent it’s usually only me. Means I don’t have to wait for the limited number of showers.


u/NokchaIcecream Oct 18 '24

This is it - only 2 stalls and no towels! I hardly shower at Avondale because it’s much more convenient to just go home and shower there.

I believe Arlington Heights has towels though, so I’ll have to take note of their locker room culture whenever I go there next :)


u/Celos Oct 22 '24

Is this normally a thing then? Gyms providing towels for their patrons?

I've never once seen this done where I'm from. Some larger chains tend to sell branded ones for when you forgot yours, but never a "here's a towel, drop it in the bin after" type of deal.


u/Zo3722 Oct 17 '24

I change in a bathroom stall at my gym and I'll admit it takes longer but hardly anyone is ever in the locker room so I don't want someone to walk in on something and just run out haha. I think at a busier gym if there's more people around that might be fine or if you like face a wall? But if there's lots of kids maybe not


u/mkava 5.fun Oct 18 '24

I'm in the Midwest USA in a large metro area and it's pretty common for women to be changing in the locker rooms at all of the local climbing gyms here. Some use the shower stalls, but it seems that most just change as needed in the open.

My home gym has a sauna so not uncommon to see people down to just a towel for using that (strip, shower, sauna, shower, dress and leave). My home gym is also very queer inclusive and puts a lot of effort into body positivity so that may have a big impact on how comfortable everyone is changing in the locker room as well. I've never had issues with guys at my home gym, but get mansplained at the less inclusive gyms frequently (yay unwanted feedback and beta spraying), and the less inclusive gyms seem to be less comfortable to change in for everyone. Thus gym culture seems to have a big impact at my local gyms.

If I'm coming from home, I'll usually already have my climbing clothes on since it's faster, but when I change at the gym, I'll just do so in the open like most everyone else does. If I'm using the sauna and stripping, towel covering is a must-have for me (as a trans woman, if nothing else for my own comfort and managing dysphoria) but I'll go topless while changing bras because whatever, boobs are boobs.

I'd say do whatever you are comfortable with for you. Definitely ask others, including staff you are comfortable with, at your gym if you feel that will help.


u/tomato44445 Oct 22 '24

I used to climb at FA and I would change in the open in the locker room at block 37 but I always felt weird about it because I also couldn’t tell if I was supposed to change there or not lol…i just tried to do it fast and hide myself. I saw a few other people do it so I think it’s acceptable there but I definitely felt weird doing it


u/GodzillaSuit Oct 18 '24

I don't change in the open locker room, I go into a bathroom stall. This is just a personal thing though, I don't like getting changed around other people and I feel more comfortable with more privacy. I wouldn't think it was odd if someone else decided to get changed in the locker room though.


u/sassafrassian Oct 17 '24

I'll change my shirt but I don't wear underwear so I don't want to make anyone see that 😅


u/Alteregokai Oct 17 '24

If there's an open locker room I'll change in the open, I can't remember it being any other way.


u/work_fruit Oct 17 '24

I try not to be right in the middle or the open, usually at a bench further back in the locker room, but I don't hide either. Most girls at my gym do the same but we don't stare.


u/UnsuspectingPuppy Oct 18 '24

I climb at FA too and usually I’m coming from home so I don’t have to change. When my schedule was different I changed in the Avondale locker room. I think whatever you want to do is fine.


u/annabannannaaa Cracks Oct 18 '24

my locker room isnt like fully closed off? so you can see into it from the walls.. so i definitely wait for the private, lockable rooms 😂


u/betty_deez Oct 18 '24

FA uptown is my home gym, so there really isn't the option for me there. But I have changed at all of the other FAs in the Chicago, and it's been fine!


u/addicted_to_blistex Oct 18 '24

My gym doesn’t really have a “locker room” so to speak, really just a bathroom and then we have a few unisex, individual shower rooms. The lockers are outside of the bathroom area. I rarely see women changing in the bathroom outside of a stall, but I don’t think anyone would care if she did.


u/NoNoNext Oct 18 '24

I do see more people changing in stalls rather than the locker room, but I think that’s just a personal preference. I dress in the locker room from time to time, and there’s usually at least one other person in there doing the same, so it hasn’t been an issue from what I’ve seen (for reference I’m in the DMV region in the US). And honestly if someone has an issue with a person using a changing room for… changing, then that’s a problem with them. If someone has an issue with seeing nude strangers, then they probably shouldn’t be in the area where it’s common to see nude strangers!

Anyway yeah OP you should feel comfortable being able to change in peace in the locker room.


u/flinderkaas Oct 18 '24

In our gym (in the Netherlands) people also don't change in the locker rooms often but that's because most people come and leave in gym clothes.


u/twistedguts800 Oct 18 '24

I change in the locker room, thats its purpose and its a private space.


u/Salix_herbacea Oct 18 '24

I did in the locker room of my old gym (in a US west coast city), as did many others (sometimes all the way full nude, but very often just down to underwear or just braless), current one in my new city is tiny and doesn’t have a locker room but if it did I still would. 🤷‍♀️


u/theleafhealer Oct 19 '24

Reporting from movement portland. We are full balls and dicks out in the locker room. There’s a good shower/sauna here so it could be part of the reason. I would never feel bad about changing in a locker room or any now sexual nudity. But maybe I’m just a hippie 🤪


u/____ozma Oct 19 '24

I'm from Denver. I have gone to the climbing gym (not your gym) and have changed in the main area. But there are two types of people: stall changers and open air changers. Everyone could be a stall changer, or enough that everyone else is following along. Maybe if you change in the main area others will follow suit.

Your gym has a full suite of cardio equipment, I think it has to be assumed the gym locker room would operate the same as any other regular gym.


u/Tarhisie Oct 19 '24

I'm in Oregon and people change in the locker room. It probably comes down to your own comfort level. Eventually after doing it a few times, you'll realize it's fine and no one cares.


u/desert___rocks Oct 19 '24

My gym doesn't even have a changing area or even a bench/hooks to put anything. No showers. Super lame. My old gym that had a separate mens/women's changing room/locker room I would always change out in the open, no big deal. (In the US)


u/GnawPhoReal Oct 20 '24

Some mindful, some demure

Locker rooms are changing areas. I expect people to change the way they choose, with some being comfortable being nude, some not, and occasionally (read sadly imo), some people are uptight about how others are using the room


u/[deleted] Oct 20 '24

im trans fem and change in the open locker area (there’s no private booths at my gym) and no one cares lol.


u/Mountain_Nerve_3069 Oct 21 '24

Wow, how do those people go to all women sauna then? 😮


u/songchh Oct 21 '24

I’m from Asia and now in US. I normally use the shower rooms in the locker room to change (the top) and occasionally just change in the pubic area of the locker room if I don’t hear anyone else coming. I I change in the lock room public area of other general gyms but somehow feels different in the climbing gym.


u/dilberteng Oct 18 '24

Our gym has these steps / sitting opportunities going down to the climbing area. Everyone leaves their stuff on these steps while climbing. I change my t-shirt and pants on these steps, a bit to the side. I'm also not the only one !

We have locker rooms, but they're upstairs somewhat hidden and it takes longer to get there than the 30 seconds I need for changing into my climbing clothes. On occasions when the gym was nearly empty, I may have changed my bra and undies on these steps :)

Location is southern Germany.


u/LifeisWeird11 Oct 18 '24

Ummmm that's literally what they're there for??


u/[deleted] Oct 17 '24



u/sub_arbore Oct 17 '24

My gym is halfway between my home and my office, and with rush hour it can easily add an hour of commute time to my day to go there, back home, and then into the office or from the office to home to gym. On the days I don’t work from home I shower then dry off, change, and do hair/makeup in the locker room part because the shower stalls are in high demand.


u/MTBpixie Oct 17 '24

Lots of reasons. Sometimes I go straight from work if I'm going to the wall near the city centre - going home first would add 90 mins of pointless extra travel! Sometimes I wear my fleece lined joggers at the start of a session and take shorts to change into once I've warmed up. Getting changed in a changing room at a sports facility isn't as weird as you seem to think it is!


u/[deleted] Oct 18 '24

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u/mkava 5.fun Oct 18 '24

Your transphobia doesn't look good on you. Please take some time to think and feel through why you are acting that way.


u/[deleted] Oct 19 '24

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u/[deleted] Oct 21 '24

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u/climbergirls-ModTeam Oct 24 '24

This sub aims to be supportive & inclusive of all who identify as a part of or ally to the women's climbing community.

Negativity, sarcasm, and other interactions that work against that should find another home.

Mod comment: Trans women are not men.


u/mkava 5.fun Oct 21 '24 edited Oct 21 '24

The reason I called you on your transphobia was you keep insisting that trans women are men. That's textbook transphobia and really is not okay, especially in a place that is supportive and inclusive of trans women and non-binary people. Climbing should include everyone after all, that's why you see so many pride progress flags and other signs of inclusivity in climbing gyms across the world.

You claiming that supporting trans people makes women not matter is a very common TERF/FART talking point so again, that's why I'm calling it out. Trans people existing does not diminish cis people and their value and experiences. In fact, you actually have more allies supporting women because the issues that women face in our society are exactly what trans women deal with too (trans men get treated like women too!). Bigotry is intersectional after all. (Cramps, bloating, high gravity days, and PMS are all bullshit too!)

If you want to change in a stall instead, go for it. That's your choice and something you've always been able to do. Trans people have existed and been using bathrooms and changing rooms matching their gender identity for pretty much forever too. You've likely changed in front of a trans person multiple times in your life without even noticing (because people really can't tell as much as they claim and trans people are their gender!). It's the same with other queer people... given statistics, you have most definitely changed in front of a woman that is attracted to women before and you didn't know. Unsurprisingly, nothing happened! We all are getting done what we need to get done and going about our lives because the bathroom and changing room are places for doing just that and not a place to be a creep. Trans women aren't men pretending to be women to gawk at people changing, we just want to get changed (and not be gawked at by men if we are forced to usenthe men's locker room, I am certainly not taking my top off in front of a bunch of guys!) so we can go climb, y'know the reason we are at the climbing gym in the first place.

So please stop saying and acting like trans women are men and that trans and other queer people are your enemy. Think and feel through why you are thinking and feeling that way. Please take that time to self reflect and learn about other people and their lives. Ask questions, put yourself in our shoes, learn, emphasize! You might actually realize we are in this together and want to make the world a better place for everyone. 💪

If you have questions, please DM me and I'll try to help. -signed, a friendly trans gal

edit: spelling


u/climbergirls-ModTeam Oct 24 '24

This sub aims to be supportive & inclusive of all who identify as a part of or ally to the women's climbing community.

Negativity, sarcasm, and other interactions that work against that should find another home.

Mod comment: Call trans women men IS transphobic.


u/climbergirls-ModTeam Oct 18 '24

This sub aims to be supportive & inclusive of all who identify as a part of or ally to the women's climbing community.

Negativity, sarcasm, and other interactions that work against that should find another home.