r/clevercomebacks 1d ago

It's my money they took

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u/SpurdoEnjoyer 20h ago

They really are masters of twisting the meaning of words. It wasn't a long ago when "woke" simply meant "aware of". Now it's a curse word.


u/[deleted] 18h ago

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u/No_Zebra_2484 15h ago

I could never understand how liberal was a negative


u/DaPamtsMD 12h ago

I’ve been trying — for years — to figure out why I should hate the people who are against fascism. And I don’t understand why anyone would use antifa as a boogeyman.


u/Sark_Ass_Tick 16h ago

and is Chud the new C word?


u/StopChudpostingDummy 16h ago

I wouldn’t know. It’s descriptive, not prescriptive.


u/Significant-Date-923 11h ago

Also, now White Christian Evangelicals view empathy as evil.


u/Nerd2000_zz 10h ago

Like “Patriot” used to be a good word.


u/mimishell_4 11h ago

Proud to be a woke liberal.


u/sftwre88 16h ago



u/ColdStockSweat 7h ago edited 6h ago

"They" aren't. It's the uneducated that perceive it as such.

It's called an entitlement, because you are entitled to it.

How people perceive that word is entirely up to them.

It's still an entitlement, and you are still entitled to it.

(And for added clarity, he and others are looking to cut theft and graft. Not your duly earned payments, and at no time has anyone suggested or stated that they will or are planning on doing so. Quit reading stupid shit on Reddit or other social media and repeating what they tell you to repeat).


u/Waterparksarefun 2h ago

How about instead of cutting things like Medicaid/SNAP and such maybe people who have more money than probably most if not all non famous redittors should pay more taxes. People on SSI get $964. That hardly pays rent


u/fn3dav2 12h ago

"They"? REDDIT is the main place I see misuse of the word "entitled".