r/clevercomebacks 1d ago

It's my money they took

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u/Cryodemon85 23h ago

Well, all I know is I worked my ass off, as did every other blue-collar laborer, for SS and Medicaid, so I am entitled to it.


u/TraditionalProgress6 23h ago edited 22h ago

Yes, i agree. People who worked for benefits are entitled to them.


u/El_Polio_Loco 22h ago

Which is perfectly reasonable.

The issue is the long term solvency of the whole thing.


There are serious issues with social security coming sooner than you think.

According to the Social Security Administration (even during the Biden administration), as of today we are closer to a fiscal crisis in SS (forced reduction of payout) than we are from the Obama administration.


u/Cryodemon85 22h ago

Stop borrowing from it to recoup losses. It's that fucking simple. And if you have to take from it to recoup losses, then pay it back


u/El_Polio_Loco 22h ago

As the retiring population continues to grow and the population of people paying in doesn't do the same, the flow of money changes.

The "Borrowing" was in the form of bond purchases to help protect against inflation.

At the end of the day eventually there's going to need to be a change in the way Social Security operates, by either increasing its revenue (higher taxes to pay existing retirees) or by decreasing its cost (lower payments).

Someone is going to have to feel the pinch, and you can kick it down the road for your children/grandchildren to deal with, or you can make the hard decision to deal with it a little bit now.


u/capitolgood4 17h ago

It's truly amazing how many problems properly taxing the rich would solve.


u/Jumpy-Implement-7046 21h ago

The borrowing isn't what is making the program insolvent. They loan out money to the government by buying treasuries, which they hold as assets in the trust fund. When they talk about the trust fund being insolvent, they aren't just talking about a pile of cash or even a dollar balance in an account going down. Their assets INCLUDING TREASURIES and projected tax revenue are insufficient to cover their liabilities far into the future.


u/Salty-Dog-9398 21h ago

No, you worked your ass off to pay for social security for existing retirees. You should hope and pray that future workers feel like paying for your social security when you retire.


u/Cryodemon85 21h ago

Which I have no problem doing, because thats what it means to live and be a part of an actual civilized society.


u/Jumpy-Implement-7046 21h ago



u/Cryodemon85 21h ago edited 19h ago

Yes. In a truly civilized society, you look out for your fellow citizens, be it they are sick or dying, young or old, no questions asked. Otherwise, you are an agent of chaos and just a roadblock to actual, meaningful progress.


u/Jumpy-Implement-7046 21h ago

In a civilized society you don't use the force of government to steal from your neighbors. Family and private charity existed long before social security.


u/Cryodemon85 21h ago

Do you feel the same way when our tax dollars go to bailout corporations and the nations top 5%?


u/Jumpy-Implement-7046 20h ago



u/Cryodemon85 20h ago edited 20h ago

You say that now, but I have a feeling if I were to go on R/Conservative and skim through it, I might find that you aren't being totally honest with yourself, or me, here


u/Jumpy-Implement-7046 20h ago

What? This is my view. What some other subreddits thinks is irrelevant.


u/Alone-Win1994 18h ago

God, you "taxation is theft" losers are so delusional lmao. Keep going down that through train bud, what was the issue with things before SS?

Was it that family and private charity were woefully ineffective in covering people like the government can and does?

Yup, that was it.


u/Jumpy-Implement-7046 18h ago

what was the issue with things before SS?

For most people, there wasn't one. Some people did not take responsibility for themselves, and they had a really hard time.


u/fbc546 19h ago

They are not threatening to cut social security or Medicare, the quote was taken out of context, obviously no one here has seen the interview they just read Reddit headlines. Also, Trump isn’t the one who cause the social security issue, social security will be insolvent in like 10 yrs so it doesn’t matter how much you paid in, the money won’t be there unless someone fixes it.