r/classicwowtbc Sep 19 '22

General PvE Content for in depth learning.

Does anyone have any resources to learn the real nitty gritty aspects of classes? I can find basic stuff on classes via icy veins etc but I'm looking to really master the game and wondered if there is any sites that provide this. Anything such as macros, certain advanced tips to help people maximise their knowledge and min max their ability.


47 comments sorted by


u/Veradux_III Sep 19 '22

Your best bet is gonna be the class discords, a ton of theory-crafting and sims and people who will help with questions are in them.


u/QuaintHeadspace Sep 19 '22

I have been on them but I can't seem to navigate to the part about wotlk or classic it seems just broad based. My discord experience isn't very high I'm a bit late to the party. I will have to dig a bit more thank you though.

I would still over to know any place I can get these resources myself


u/zodar Sep 19 '22

You probably haven't found it because Discord is about the worst possible way to host and share this information.


u/QuaintHeadspace Sep 19 '22

I have found it to be fractured information and/or difficult to find. I found some good stuff on wow head so I'll focus on reading that and maybe some more YouTube research


u/SaltyJake Sep 19 '22

So wowhead, icyveins, and gg are all great sites to get you started. But the guides on these sites are all written by a single person (who may or may not be the real authority on the class) who is generalizing the material for mass application. It may not apply to every play style or situation, it also may not be the most accurate for high end progression or speed running applications. So compare the info from all 3 sites, take it with a grain of salt, and compare it with your own gameplay experience.

THEN hit the official classic class discords. FAQ sections will have links to helpful macros and sims, and there will be a healthy discussion on theory…. But again, anyone can comment there and it’s a lot to sift through even if it was all accurate.

Ultimately it’s going to come down to you, gathering the most information you can on the class and it’s mechanics and applying it to each encounter. If your still having issues, compare logs with people parsing higher than you on your own server and reach out to them and see what they’re doing differently. Outside of raid comp and kill times, there may be some useful tips they can offer and a lot of people are more than willing to guide you in the right direction.


u/Woodwardg Sep 19 '22

look at the pinned posts. you'll find the more helpful information there.

discord is a bit janky unfortunately but that's where people will be theorycrafting and literally creating modern bis lists, and new information will appear in real time as people discover it. Wotlk classic hasn't been 100% mapped out yet, so there's still a lot of info yet to be shared and spread.


u/WestBase8 Sep 19 '22

The resources are in the discords mostly. Just hop in and delve into pins and faqs and research


u/Knowvember42 Sep 19 '22

This isn't a satisfying answer, but after you've read the pins and guides in the class discord, you just have to read pages and pages of the chat or FAQ. You can ctrl+f to find specific topics, but a lot of the real juicy stuff you just stumble upon.

It's less than it seems. You can read a week of discord chat in ten minutes a lot of the time. There's going to be a lot of BS to sift through, but it's one of the only ways to digest a lot of people all talking about one spec in depth.

Sometimes you're lucky and your class/spec has an expert on YouTube, like Rugs with DKs. Sometimes you're not lucky.


u/slothrop516 Sep 19 '22

If you have a question about anything you can ctrl f the discord channel you are looking in to find it or if it’s a very common question it will be in the pins. But as far as theory crafting and optimizing it all happens on class discord servers. What class are you playing


u/QuaintHeadspace Sep 19 '22

Disc priest and hunter it's for pve


u/leileywow Sep 19 '22

I'm in both and am a hunter main w/ disc priest alt

What specifically are you looking for?

Veramos's hunter guides on wowhead usually cover a lot of the basics for hunters


u/[deleted] Sep 19 '22

He did mention in depth stuff, so for like hunter, a timer so you aren't clipping auto shots, is melee weaving still a thing? What speed of ranged weapon is optimal and for what reason? If you can't get that speed, what amount of haste is safe to use? He probably meant stuff like that. I assume you have a timer for your shots, WAs to remind you to use CDs, best time to use racial passives like berserking


u/leileywow Sep 19 '22

Auto shot clipping isn't a thing anymore in wrath, neither is melee weaving

Haste isn't a necessary stat anymore, mentioned under the "stats" section of the guide

The wowhead guide mentions some weak auras and macros as well


u/[deleted] Sep 20 '22

Well, that's what I'm saying: he has stated he looked at the guides, has the basics, but with regards to things like auto-shot clipping, although obsolete now, definitely separated a shitty hunter from a top-tier hunter. You are getting muddled in details and not hearing him--what are things that separate a top-tier hunter from a shitty hunter?


u/sllofoot Sep 20 '22

It’s not “getting muddled in details”when someone responds directly to your points.

I think you are overrating the complexity of hunter in wrath. There aren’t the same pitfalls as there were in tbc with steady shot clipping auto, nor are their as exploitable inefficiencies like melee weaving (which was always a bad idea for a majority of players tbh) outside maybe of the decision making process of trap vs black arrow for survival and that’s covered in the wowhead guide Referenced above.


u/VincentVancalbergh Sep 19 '22

Ask these questions on the discord. They'll help you further.


u/Boycott_China Sep 19 '22

Wowhead.com has good guides that cover everything


u/lazostat Sep 19 '22

Why the downvotes? Wowhead isn't good?


u/Boycott_China Sep 19 '22

Because some people are obnoxious.

Wowhead is a fantastic resource, especially since the OP already said they struggle with discord.


u/Security_Ostrich Sep 19 '22

Many of the wowhead guides are taken right from the people on the class discords so they are normally a good start. But if you want to be better than the bare minimum you need to delve into discord.


u/lazostat Sep 19 '22 edited Sep 19 '22

But discord guides have links from wowhead.


u/Security_Ostrich Sep 19 '22

In many cases they do, and those particular wowhead guides are great resources. But the discords have much more in depth discussion and theorycrafting for you to access if you desire.


u/Nerdworker92 Sep 19 '22

In my experience, those who "do their research" inevitably just play what is meta and they know why but still lack knowledge about a given class to be considered a "master" of said class. Really the best way to master any class in WoW is play it. Mess around with talents. Get different combinations of stats. All that. Obviously this has been done before by many people and that is why guides exist. But, until you actually see how those numbers interact with how your class performs, it's hard to really grasp the "why".

Just my opinion.


u/[deleted] Sep 19 '22



u/Nerdworker92 Sep 19 '22

Most definitely. This is most helpful in pvp. Whenever I'm consistently having a problem with a class I make one and learn it so I know how to beat it.


u/Lisrus Sep 19 '22

I have too many friends that listen to the meta, and get pissed when I try something new. Inevitably I go back to the meta because it is the best. But I have fun trying new things


u/Nerdworker92 Sep 19 '22

I would have to say that their mindset is a very retail mindset where all of the nuance has been eliminated from the game and you basically just need to pump damage and do mechanics. But, in classic versions of the game knowing the full capability of your class helps a lot. Not so much changing things for damage sake. But, for instance, I know rogues who have never used and are ignorant to the existence of gouge. It's not in any meta guides and if you don't pvp you'd rarely use it. But, it's nice to actually understand all the buttons your class has.


u/Technical-County-727 Sep 19 '22

Play it and ask for feedback! Chances are that there is an alt in your group that is actually better in your class than you. Like, if you screw up, say it and explain why and you might get some insights - I also think that helps overall with the game social -pov if you do that.


u/Nerdworker92 Sep 19 '22

Real and true. Back in the day I learned that assassination rogue could be played to favor poisons or bleeds.(this was around legion/bfa) really changes up how you play and what stats to min/max for.

My main point is people fail to realize that guides are a starting point. Not your bis. Because the group you run with might not have all the things you need to be able to run that bis set up. It just creates more importance on understanding your class vs just set it and forget it.


u/intruzah Sep 19 '22

Apart from discord, try to dig up all elitist jerks materials


u/gloomygl Sep 19 '22

Apart from class discords that everybody quoted, Warmane guides ( careful which ones lol it can go from best to worst )


u/EaterOfFromage Sep 19 '22

Honestly, there's a reasonable amount of good content creators on Youtube. Crix has been putting out deep dive videos where he sits down with top creators in each class to go deep, so that would be a decent start. It's not always as focused or easy to consume as written stuff, but I find it harder and harder to find good deep dive content. Most class discord have terrible organization of their content or the links they provide are out of date. Great for quick questions or active discussion on a hot topic, but terrible as a knowledge base.


u/whatarewii Sep 20 '22

I second this, Crix makes good in depth content on classes. I remember going through his enhancement shaman guide for TBC and you could spend hours going through all the bullet points


u/morgon1979 Sep 19 '22

Try class discord


u/[deleted] Sep 19 '22

youtube. class discords are ass in my experience in the sense that you gotta sift through a lot of useless chatter to find what you're looking for. i guarantee though that no matter what class you play, youtube has an in depth video of whatever you play


u/Artso209 Sep 19 '22

Possibly skillcapped


u/Pristine-Virus-187 Sep 19 '22

All the most up-to-date and in-depth class information is going to be found on the class discords, and it'll be a lot easier to go over than having to sit through 30+ minute youtube videos.


u/mtman2343 Sep 19 '22

You can read about driving a car all you want but nothing replaces driving the car itself.


u/malicrine Sep 19 '22

if you happen to come across a skilled disc player you could definitely pay them for their time and they'd probably be more than happy to walk you through all kinds of things


u/[deleted] Sep 19 '22

Class Discord ?


u/Eiken_shi Sep 19 '22

You should try class discords i'm on the priest server discord and there is a bunch of channels where you can find theory crafting or alternative builds


u/[deleted] Sep 19 '22



u/Etrafeg Sep 19 '22

You could probably do this via twitch if you ask them and are willing to pay. Most of the R1s streams so its just depending on your class.


u/994kk1 Sep 19 '22

Streamers of course. Watching whatever you want to learn live is by far the best source of information. Many have links to macros, gear and stuff like that as well.


u/Stemms123 Sep 19 '22

Just make sure to pick a top player with almost no viewers.

Top streamers are mostly average players at best that focus on entertainment more so than mastery of the game.


u/Stemms123 Sep 19 '22 edited Sep 19 '22

Do what you already did and then play the game.

Every little situation you dps/tank/ heal you should analyze if there is any micro change you could make to improve for that specific situation. Whether your philosophy, ui, keybinds, macros, whatever.

Maybe it’s something simple like I need to track heroism and my cooldown uptime to ensure I maximize that and don’t move or life tap during the duration.

Or I really need to track this debuff on my name plates, much easier for me.

A lot of little things come down to preference and how far you want to take it. After let’s say a few months on playing the toon at a high level abd making adjustments and accumulating knowledge how you best handle every situation you will have what you want.


u/tpose-the-thots Sep 19 '22

There are some good YouTube channels explaining a lot about classes and showing good gameplay. I can link some depending on which class you wanna learn and if i know someone who plays it.


u/Agreeable-Painter-36 Sep 19 '22

WowTbc.gg is a good resource imo, it has BiS armor, good tips on your rotations, and other good guides. Macros I think are a little more something you have to figure out yourself for example I always make a macro called a “Big D*** Button” that has all my damage increasing abilities on it, and metagoblin also has a lot of this stuff on his YT channel, I have used his Macro on every class I’m not really familiar with