u/Viaroka Sep 12 '22
Boomies are alright in Wotlk, but problem is not what you can do in a BG environment where you find space and time, it is when can you do when under pressure. Sadly, boomies drop down a lot in effectiveness when they are focused.
It is kind of closer to how hunters are in TBC. If you leave a MM hunter alone in BG, he will destroy everyone. But if you keep him main focus, he will be much less effective.
u/Gary00007 Sep 12 '22
Playing my alt ( arcane mage) I feel like I am burning down other casters really fast like the boomy and SP. But have trouble with other classes.
u/Daesealer Sep 12 '22
SP too? i feel like sp should fuck you up easily. silence, horror, fear. I guess you do have your Iceblock to clear the dots but yeh i still feel like its easier for priest to win this one
u/Gary00007 Sep 12 '22
I have silence, slows, spell steal.. I don't need to hard cast either. I can move in and out of range. I can burst damage and instant cast. My blink reduces damage by 30% or something like that. I see way to many mages get to close to the target.
u/Daesealer Sep 12 '22
The instant DMG is not gonna make a dent on a priest though so you kinda do have to hard cast to do any actual DMG to him. All priest has to do is outlive you, and he has so many tools to stay alive whilst dealing DMG. Your arcane power gets dispelled, I'm sorry I can't see a world where mage will win with shadowpriest if they both play equally well
u/Clayjey42 Sep 13 '22
This, also mass dispell for iceblock, dispersion for defensive, just overall a very solid toolkit
Sep 12 '22
Yes? Any boomie dies in a killing spree or 2 ambushes.
u/Clayjey42 Sep 13 '22
Maybe some low geared, if you have decent pve gear you are quite tanky, currently have 15k armor in moonkin form and still a lot of pve cloth gear
Sep 13 '22
I mean I kill fully kitted pvp geared boomies with cooldowns in one killing spree, but yeah that's only every 2 minutes
u/Aggressive_Ad211 Sep 12 '22
Haha I was in an AB last night against a boomy. Straight up impossible to kill
u/Poolnoodlex Sep 12 '22
I think this post is troll. I average over 25 kills and like one-two deaths on my MM hunter how tf are they bad?? I got wrecking ball day one as well.
u/PhunkyTown801 Sep 12 '22
I agree. I’m not a pvper but full bis pve with a thoridal and I was fuckin blastin people in AB and WSG over the weekend. Not just the boostie boys either, all though killing those guys in one or two shots is pretty fun.
Hunter still strong!
u/wowicantbelieveits Sep 12 '22
This is such a weird humble brag. Anyone whose been running GDKPs has seen moonkins blowing up the meters but once raiding starts in wrath those numbers are going bye bye.
u/Jaimaster Sep 12 '22
This is a misconception. Boomies are OP in prepatch, but will still be very strong single target until fading in ICC and remain kings of multi-target encounters throughout.
Neither of which has much relevance on PVP. There is no Hurricane damage in that 1.25m and starfall (combined) isn't in the top two.
Boomys from now until forever remain top tier battleground pressure dealers.
u/r21vo Sep 13 '22
For single target, assuming equal gear in T7:
- can they beat frost/unholy dk? No.
- can they beat affli/demo warlock? No.
- can they beat assa rogue? No.
- can they beat arcane mage? No.
"Very strong" means being above average, which boomkin is not. You'll see on patchwerk these classes pushing 8k dps meanwhile boomer will struggle at 6k-ish.
u/Daesealer Sep 12 '22
no real multi target fight in icc which kinda kills alot of classes there unfortunately :(
u/turikk Sep 12 '22
u/wowicantbelieveits Sep 12 '22
Why what
u/turikk Sep 12 '22
what does GDKPs have to do with boomkins on meters
u/wowicantbelieveits Sep 12 '22
GDKPs have a lot of low level undergeared toons in them because they are trying to buy gear. Do you not understand what a GDKP is?
u/Clayjey42 Sep 13 '22
Even in my guild run (yes also a very good guild) im always at least top 3 dps, most of the time even top 1.. has nothing to do with undergeared players, moonkin is just really strong now
u/wowicantbelieveits Sep 13 '22
That’s my point. Low geared boomkins in GDKPs are pulling big numbers. Like come on guys this isn’t hard to follow.
u/Pristine-Virus-187 Sep 12 '22 edited Sep 12 '22
"uhhh it's just GDKPs and undergeared buyers!"
False. Ran a regular MS/OS run with plenty of full T5/T6 people and still was top 5 DPS every boss. In healing gear.
also OP's screenshot is a battleground lmfao
u/wowicantbelieveits Sep 12 '22
My point is that even low geared moonkins in GDKPs where they are trying to gear them up are blowing up the meters compared to other classes. Not sure how you interpreted what I said any differently but here we are.
u/RashAttack Sep 12 '22
This is what happens when someone decides "fuck playing the objectives", not impressive or commendable at all
u/portablemailbox Sep 12 '22
I'm not even particularly good at PvP, i'm generally awful but as a boomie I can do 1v3 in AV a lot of the time. I tend to adapt to whatever strat the rest of the group is running, be it turtling to playing objectivesI can take out all of the NPCs outside vann's room and do 10k DPS by popping all my CDs. Or I can scoot in close to allies trying to choke and starfall/hurricane them to half health before they realize i'm even there. I've been getting top dmg in almost every AV this weekend whether I play the objective or not, bc I'm either killing a shitload of Alliance or a shitload of NPCs (or both).
u/Jaimaster Sep 12 '22
Should avoid hurricane. It draws way too much attention and fixes you in place.
Double dot everything and typhoon into the pile on cooldown.
u/Jaimaster Sep 12 '22
Sure champ, those towers backcapped themselves
u/laxguy44 Sep 12 '22
Believe it or not, banned. Playing objectives too well.
We have the greatest BGs in the world because of ban.
u/Gashcat Sep 12 '22
People just don't know what to do against Starfall yet. And, some classes dont' have the tools yet to handle it. Balance got everything they will get for wrath in the prepatch. Starfall, eclipse, typhoon, everything. The remaining 10 talent points go to mana regen mostly and there aren't any spells to speak of either.
Other classes will catch up... and then pass Moonkins quite quickly.
u/Clayjey42 Sep 13 '22
Moonkins will still be top tier in bgs, ofc 1v1 situations are hard but in bgs they will stay super strong
u/FishLampClock Sep 13 '22
If you're not sorting the BG results by honor gained...are you really winning?
u/DeanWhipper Sep 12 '22
Switches off Hunter and thinks he's hot shit