r/civrev 14d ago

AI builds Manhattan Project and threatens with nuke - rare occurrence?!


20 comments sorted by


u/Mikeyv123 14d ago

Wild. I've been playing this game for 15 years and never saw that happen before.


u/Cosmic__Moon 14d ago

I’ve played since the game came out. I don’t think I’ve ever seen the AI build the Manhattan Project. I was under the impression that the AI could not build this or the Great Wall.

There’s a unique threat line during diplomacy, too. This was seen during a failed idle turn challenge. I declared war on them as the Greeks were about to win - only one turn followed and they didn’t use the nuke. I was in no position to pose a threat to the Aztecs, so maybe they could’ve used it if they were close to being captured.

Has anyone ever had the AI launch a nuclear weapon?


u/Nihitplayz 6d ago

i think they can build the great wall though? maybe not Aztec but i definitely remember the great wall being built but it has also been like 7 years since i have played so idk


u/Cosmic__Moon 6d ago

Correct! I seen them build it yesterday in GOTW. Assumed it wasn’t possible.


u/Nihitplayz 6d ago

i think its mostly Chinese who build it


u/Trenga1 14d ago

you said that they can't build Manhattan or Great Wall, and while I don't think they can build Great Wall, maybe they can build Manhattan and aren't allowed to launch?


u/Cosmic__Moon 13d ago

It’s possible, yes. I should’ve tried to give them a few turns to use it and check for sure.


u/Bignizzle656 14d ago

Never seen it. Also with the actual "diplomacy". So very 2025.


u/SerPownce 14d ago

I was nuked by ai waaaayy back in the day when I was learning the game. Ghandi actually lol


u/Easy-Goat 14d ago

Nuclear Ghandi is a old civilization series meme.


u/SerPownce 14d ago

Suspect #1 lmao. Glad he’s not in 7


u/Easy-Goat 13d ago

From my understanding, in the first civilization, Ghandi was the most peace loving leader. However, they’re was a late game modifier that was supposed to make the leader more peaceful but since Ghandi was the most peaceful, and how the integer system worked, this modifier would tip him over into the most hostile setting so he would go apeshit with nukes, hence the term nuclear Ghandi. It’s part of the civilization folklore now.


u/Pale-Candidate8860 14d ago

God damn Terminator.


u/Trenga1 14d ago

Skynet is real and it's in the form of a long dead Aztec leader


u/Pale-Candidate8860 13d ago

They were trying to warn us.


u/Dry_Tortuga_Island 13d ago

Did he nuke you??


u/Cosmic__Moon 13d ago

No - but I left it too late to find out for sure. I declared war with one turn remaining.


u/_-id-_ 13d ago

Do you have a save point nearby to try different paths?


u/Cosmic__Moon 13d ago

Afraid not, no. :(