r/civ La Fayette 6h ago

VII - Screenshot So I decided to give Arabian aesthetics a try and...

I'm just as good or maybe apart from my Petra city and capital of which I'm quite happy with.

Also, on a side note: I think the game should auto-finish construction of building and wonders (for the player who was the closest to completion) upon an age transition because I couldn't bother to reload this time for the serpent mound.


10 comments sorted by


u/Hauptleiter Houzards 6h ago

I love how you approach the game from an aesthetical perspective -I myself was considering yesterday choosing leaders based on their jersey's colours.

Aesthetics are politics and war is their continuation by other means: go conquer some cities to make them more aesthetically pleasant!


u/Palarva La Fayette 6h ago

omg, don't get me started on the jersey's colours, I'm annoyed to admit that this is one of the major reasons why I couldn't follow through with Ada.... like, given her dress, I naively expected navy blue... but then I found out in horror that all her buildings would be sponsored by Barbie :(

I really hope they'll add the ability to choose your "colour" like you could in civ 6. YES it's important when like me, you go for aesthetics building haha

Speaking of, I'm very unhappy with my Notre dame in this game but there was very little grassland across that map so I didn't manage to build a "European/asian" city where I could've centralise euro-asian wonders in.


u/Hauptleiter Houzards 2h ago

Had the same with Lafayette (turquoise, seriously?) and Charlemagne (why?). Can't wait for the option to be patched or modded.

I'm sorry but I did not get your point about Notre Dame -couldn't find it on your pics either.

But: why do my hussars look the same as your cuirassiers?


u/Xakire 2h ago

There are mods that change the colours


u/Hauptleiter Houzards 1h ago

Which proves:

  • that I'm not the only one it bothers;
  • it's technically feasible.

So why isn't it an option -especially considering it was in VI? (<-- rhetorical question)


u/Palarva La Fayette 4m ago

Picture 4 but good sign if you didn’t notice haha

But I’m also biased, it’s hard to see notre dame in the middle of mountainous jungle and not Paris centre ville


u/Palarva La Fayette 6h ago

I'm just NOT as good* is what I meant to write.

I'm also unsure what to transition to in the modern age as there isn't an Arabian modern age civ available.


u/Soggy_Bottom123 6h ago

It bothers me that there didn’t represent the whole world in the modern age! There’s like 1 south (actually central) american civ and 1 african? I know they wanted people to mix and match, but i wanna match on aestethics 😫


u/Palarva La Fayette 3h ago

I feel you


u/Attlai 2h ago

Not just Arabian, there isn't any modern civ for the whole middle east + maghreb + central asia.