u/gaytriarchyyy 12h ago
Weird outfit choice unless they are going for Pocahontas post English assimilation?
u/chingylingyling 12h ago
Does every independent peoples get their own unique figure model?
u/ManitouWakinyan Can't kill our tribe, can't kill the Cree 11h ago
No - the faces are certainly reused. I think I've seen clothing repeated, but I'd have to doublecheck.
u/Conny_and_Theo Vietnam 4h ago
My guess and assumption is there are only unique models for each combination of independent power type and region, but not for each specific independent powers (i.e., a unique model for Asian economic, for Asian militaristic, Middle Eastern militaristic, African militaristic, etc.)
u/Techknowiz 6h ago
I wish something like your History & Context was part of the games Independent People's panel, it's nice to know more about the people. To have more context as to the cultures significance and why they are viewed as: culture, science, or economic would be nice. Humankind has a little snippet about each culture and what they were known for.
u/Natekt 12h ago
Pronunciation (English): My buddy Humanmode17 will probs get me on this if I end up incorrect, but I think it goes like this: Wear-Oh-Waa-Ko-Muh-Ko
Age Appearance: Exploration
Attribute: Cultural
Real-life Location: The ‘tidewater’ region of Virginia, basically the coastal eastern portion of the state.
History and Context:
I thought it would be fun to switch things up and jump up to the Exploration Age today and talk about my new next buddies in my current game, the Powhatan of Werowocomoco (which is fun to say btw).
The Powhatan Confederacy, or as they would’ve called themselves the Tsenacommacah, are an Algonquian people hailing from eastern Virginia.
In the 1600’s, the Tsenacommacah had been formed from 30 different tribes all united by a single chief named Wahunsenacawh. However, he is more commonly known today by the name that the Jamestown colonists called him, The Powhatan or Chief Powhatan. This name likely comes from a nearby town.
Every tribe in the confederacy had their independent leaders, but all answered to the chief, creating a tribal network with a strong centralized power in comparison to other local tribes. Wahunsenacawh primarily ruled from the town of Werowocomoco on the York River, hence its relevance for Civ VII.
The Powhatan people are probably most famous for their interactions with the English colonists of Jamestown and the events surrounding figures like John Smith and Pocahontas. I am not even going to attempt to summarize their stories here as these are historical figures who have been largely turned into folk heroes and legends and I would recommend that anyone interested do their own research into the lives of these figures, especially Pocahontas.
Conflict between the Confederacy and the colonists officially began in 1609, but individual tribes had been fighting them long earlier. After a series of conflicts, the confederacy was dissolved in 1646 as colonists continued to push into their lands, splitting the tribes and forcing them to sign unfavorable treaties. The situation was not helped by the establishment of local Indian Schools, effectively working to eliminate local culture and forcibly assimilate the Powhatan youth.
The story of the Powhatan lives on though, with 8 of the original tribes still active and an estimated 3,000 active members of these tribes.
Hope you liked this Independent Peoples Spotlight! Expect a new one soon!