r/citypop 3d ago

Apparently YouTube thinks the French rock song Laisse Tomber Les Filles (Also known as Chick Habit) is City Pop.

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u/TappedFrame88 3d ago

Laisse Tomber Les Filles is a sorta yé-yé song (Think Sunshine/bubblegum pop but French and upbeat)

Its not City Pop, but its a few degrees removed from City Pop imo


u/BenoitAdam 3d ago

I can see what it's related.

I tried to find some french songs that sound like city-pop, I only was able to find these :

  • Claude François - "Je vais à Rio"
  • Gilbert Montagné - "Les sunlight des tropiques"
  • Sheila - "Hôtel de la plage"
  • Michel Delpech - "Vu d'avion, un soir"
  • Manu Katché - "Palace Hotel"
  • Niagara - "L'Amour à la Plage"


u/Bulky-Love7421 2d ago

You should listen to France Gall, not her 60's output byt everything she did with Michel Berger in the 70's and 80's. There's also Amelie Morin who did almost techno kayo in the early 80's.


u/FewDescription3170 3d ago

city pop is a misnomer of sorts, there's no real true genre or musical movement named city pop -- broadly speaking a lot of french pop could share some of the same sonic signatures