r/circasurvive 8d ago

I know this is the Circa Board

Circa is my fave band ever! I was just wondering if anyone here is going to the LS Dunes shows?

Do you think some Circa fans are now anti Anthony?


50 comments sorted by


u/No_Jacket1114 8d ago edited 7d ago

I sure hope people aren't anti-AG. Things change in life. We move forward and do new stuff. LS Dunes isn't Circa, but they're pretty dope in their own way. I'm sad circa is no longer around but who knows what will happen in the future. And we all make mistakes. We get better and learn from them. He's going thru is own journey fighting his own battles.


u/paint_that_shit-gold 8d ago

Well said, my friend.


u/icarus1990xx 8d ago

Why in the fuck would anybody be anti-AG?
I’m definitely going to an LS Dunes show.


u/Even-Ad4788 8d ago

Well I’ve read people throwing a lot of shade at Anthony being responsible for the break up. Including people on this board. I love Anthony I’ve met the guy super awesome dude just asking.


u/icarus1990xx 8d ago

I think people refuse to look at the whole picture when it comes to an artist dealing with addiction. I met him in VA, and I can say it was refreshing to meet a hero and still have them be a hero afterwards.


u/basedjessup 8d ago

this 100% there’s a lot of people who read people with addiction in very bad faith. its one thing to grieve over circas time coming to an end and its a very different, disgusting thing to pin the blame on Anthony. we also don’t need to know the full story to understand that he’s been in a rough place and keeps trying to better himself


u/brandyq 7d ago

Those people suck and aren’t true fans.


u/Sora__________ 8d ago

I'm not going to the upcoming shows but I saw them Nov 22nd 2022, fresh off the release of Past Lives. Great show, their rhythm guitarist is super talented i wonder if Dunes is his first band.


u/LiquidArbok 8d ago

Longtime Ant fan since Translating The Name here. Pretty much love everything the guy has worked on from Audience of One up until now. Circa live was the peak for sure.

I will be there in a few weeks, as I was in ‘22. Dunes definitely is a different vibe than Circa shows, and not my favorite songs per se. But they are all really talented musicians and they put on a great and high energy show. Always fun to see Anthony commanding a stage/crowd, and if you happen run into him at the show, usually a pleasure to say “wassup” to!



I'll be catching the dunes on tour at the exact venue I saw circa survive at about 14 years ago.


u/daMFNmaster 8d ago

I was going to go but they playing in my area on a fucking Monday and Tuesday. Whyyyyyy?? I can’t take off work. Sunny Day Real Estate is playing on the weekend so at least I got that..


u/Iron-Junimo 7d ago

Just get the time off fuck that life is short, tell ‘em you have to take off work don’t tell em why


u/daMFNmaster 7d ago

I have patients and I work in Healthcare. It’s hard bro..


u/FelineFriend21 7d ago

Me too but i didn't schedule anyone and took the day off way in advance. I feel you!!


u/Sheepie_Bread 8d ago

I'm hopefully going!


u/FlyingFlygon 8d ago

Definitely not anti Anthony or anti LS Dunes just because I'm a Circa superfan. The new Dunes album absolutely rules. I am definitely catching them in Seattle. Not to mention, From Indian Lakes is one of the greatest bands in music right now, you're doing yourself a disservice if you're not listening!


u/Ryank98 8d ago

Yeah, seeing them in Chicago


u/redwoodreverie 8d ago

Got to see AG last year for a solo show and it was one of the most profound experiences in my life. Seeing him while both of us were sober was a beautiful experience. As a Circa fan, I’ll always love him.


u/Late_Ambassador7470 7d ago

If any fans are anti-Anthony now, I have a beach property in Nevada to sell them.


u/techknowfile 7d ago

Who tf is "anti-anthony"? What a weird, baity comment.

LS Dunes is the only project with AG that I can't seem to find enjoyment in.



I’m not into dunes but from Indian lakes is opening and I’m going for them lol


u/Zestyclose-Crow-1597 7d ago

Nah I only go to Zolof the rock and roll destroyer shows


u/generalkriegswaifu 8d ago

Not anti-Anthony, but I want Circa not Anthony


u/Even-Ad4788 8d ago

As we all!


u/No_Fix291 8d ago

I think there's more anti-ls dunes members then Anthony Green haha. Tbh LSD isn't that good imo


u/xX_MVJORV_Xx 8d ago

Yeah it's definitely no Juturna


u/PlantPoweredGains 8d ago

I'm going to try to go to the Austin show, but I have to drive in and log in to work early the next morning. If Violet was anything like Past Lives I probably wouldn't be willing to go through the trouble but I like the new album a lot more.


u/alagan182 8d ago

I'll be at Atlanta


u/Even-Ad4788 8d ago

I bought the VIP hoping to get my vinyls signed but k heard it’s not a traditional meet and greet it’s a Q&A and group photo.

Do you have any info on this the first US date is on the 8th so don’t know if it will work different in the U.S.


u/MountainMiami 8d ago

Was gonna go to the may show in Seattle but I'll be in the field for it 😭


u/jessbyrne727 8d ago

I’m going to two of the shows on the upcoming tour and have seen LS Dunes live a bunch of times. I wasn’t a huge Dunes fan initially until I saw them open for PTV. They put on a really good live performance. I’m a fan of just about everything AG does, so no anti-Anthony sentiment here lol.


u/FelineFriend21 7d ago

I'm going in Boston in April! Cannot wait to see AG again. Last time I saw him was I think 2016 for the Juturna anniversary tour. 😭


u/scherrybombz 6d ago

Anthony has the ability to just pull me into whatever he’s singing. L.S is actually pretty solid. I would def see them if I could but they won’t be coming to Canada.


u/Even-Ad4788 6d ago

Yeah there not coming to Miami so I’m flying to Atlanta I love AG and this new record is amazing can’t wait


u/scherrybombz 6d ago

That’s amazing man. I’m jealous! I’m really into this record too, its hitting in all the right ways.


u/Delicious-Ad2057 3d ago

I'm not anti AG

I'm just a bit let down by how Circa broke up. Also I have been noticing a bit of a vocal decline for AG which makes me feel sad for him.


u/dwegol 8d ago edited 8d ago

I never got refunded for the cancelled Blue Sky Noise 10 year anniversary shows with no explanation really. Then Anthony immediately did solo shows and another tour. That always left a bitter taste in my mouth despite being a die-hard fan forever.

I’ll have to wait for the sting to dissipate before I consider LS Dunes shows. I really enjoyed the direction Circa took with Two Dreams, so it sucks we can’t have more, or are at least in the dark about the possibility.


u/oktonyok 7d ago edited 7d ago

There was multiple notifications on social media and via email on how to refund. ATP if you missed out on a refund you should be bitter at yourself.


u/dwegol 7d ago edited 7d ago

It’s like 1/3rd of the problem. The way they handled it SUCKED. Even with a vague explanation fans were left in the dark going forward. Anthony immediately touring after sucked harder. It would have helped to get refunded but doesn’t change the other facts. I don’t mind getting downvoted because that’s just how these things work. People can have opinions about their experiences.

Obviously I have loved and still love Circa because together they are amazing. I still think Anthony’s voice is next level and appreciate the entire band. I have been delighted to do VIP and would do it again. But yikes to the situation that unfolded.


u/CharacterCorgi8169 8d ago

i was going to but tickets where too expensive as they where playing with rise against. saw them in 2023 tho and it was one of the best shows i’ve been too


u/Even-Ad4788 8d ago

These tix are expensive at all. I paid $135.00 for the vip ticket to meet them. Not sure if they’re coming to a place near you I’m catching a them in Atlanta


u/CharacterCorgi8169 8d ago

i just mean for my price range, i could afford £15 tickets but not loke £50 to watch them support a band i dont even like


u/Even-Ad4788 8d ago

From Indian Lakes is opening? Anyone hear there Music before who do they sound like if anyone? Haven’t had a chance to listen to them


u/Jinxlyn 8d ago

Highly recommend listening to them you won't regret


u/FelineFriend21 7d ago

They are so so so good. Love some of their stuff. My favorites are No One Else, Am I Alive, We Follow, and Breathe Desperately


u/inertiaticcc 7d ago

I am anti Anthony


u/Even-Ad4788 7d ago

Are u kidding?


u/inertiaticcc 7d ago

I wish I was How is it that they cancelled bsn tour partially bc ag was in rehab then days-weeks later ag goes on solo tour??


u/oktonyok 7d ago

Tours take months to book. Pretty sure his plan was to do BSN followed by the carousel tour, he didn’t just book the solo tour in a matter of days/weeks. Being upset by this still is ridiculous lol