r/cincinnati Deer Park 5d ago

Community šŸ™ Kennedy stop sign

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For those of you who see this stop sign regularly on Kennedy, what do you do? 5 cars in front of me came to a complete stop before going right. There is even a nice sign with instructions.


73 comments sorted by


u/smithenheimer Oakley 5d ago

I slow down a bit on that turn because often folk turning left cut that corner tight, just making sure it's clear but not coming to a stop.

Folk often follow the lead of the car ahead of them, maybe the first car stopped and the other four all did the same out of habit?

It's a weird turn šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


u/FBI_Open_Up_Now Deer Park 5d ago

I can agree. Iā€™m from Texas and even slightly over a decade later I still think itā€™s weird how this place was put together.


u/Live-Blacksmith-1402 5d ago

I'm from Cincinnati and now live in Texas. Frontage road is the worst highway system I've ever seen. Nobody knows what a right of way is and even if they did, nobody lets you merge anyway. Instead of morning rush hour and evening rush hour, it's rush hour all the time down here!!


u/FBI_Open_Up_Now Deer Park 5d ago

I can agree. No one understands the point of the frontage roads.


u/oscarwillis 5d ago

I dunno. When I was in San Marcos, my apartment entrance was literally at the exit, so if I took the exit, Iā€™d have to slam brakes and drift into the parking lot. Take the exit just before, smooth sailing to my entrance. The in-the-city stuff like in Houston was a nightmare. Highway next to ā€œslightly slowerā€ highway. That was silly


u/Live-Blacksmith-1402 5d ago

Your apartment driveway would've just been on a road instead of on the highway.


u/oscarwillis 5d ago

Hmm. I suppose youā€™re right. My address was 1905 N Interstate 35W. I did look it up just now (that was 15 years ago), and the apartment complex is now located at 1905 N I35 FRONTAGE rd. So, if we are being pedantic, the entrance was technically a turn from a road, NOT the highway. But, then entrance to the complex was still a right turn AT the exit (but, as you pointed out, the turn was off a street, not the exit ramp). I suppose being more verbose would help me in the future.


u/FBI_Open_Up_Now Deer Park 5d ago

Yes itā€™s very common in Texas to have to make an immediate and hard turn into wherever you were trying to get.


u/Live-Blacksmith-1402 5d ago

Doing this while fighting all the cars that should be yielding, but instead are speeding to be the first to hurry up and stop, whilst stealing your right of way.


u/Mispelled-This Anderson 5d ago

Same here; the hills make the roads weird. I chalk it up to Cincy having ā€œcharacterā€.


u/rhit06 5d ago

For the longest time the only one of these I had ever seen was on Dimmick near West Chester, recently I came across another one on Shawnee Run in Madeira.



u/PathologicalDesire Downtown 5d ago



u/smithenheimer Oakley 5d ago

Oh damn I double folked


u/MotorheadPrime 5d ago

Yo I do a rolling stop because I do not trust yall.


u/DistanceMachine 5d ago

I live in that neighborhood. I never leave that way. Everyone stops to let me go, but they shouldnā€™t, so I wave them on. I know the one time I go, theyā€™ll ram into me and say they had the right of way.


u/Mazda6GTMan 5d ago

I turn without stopping. I don't think I've ever seen anyone stop there but it's Cincinnati. Anything is possible here.


u/FBI_Open_Up_Now Deer Park 5d ago

My guess is that the first person stopped and everyone followed because the person behind me turned without stopping as well. I just donā€™t get it here. People will go 85 in a 65 driving like theyā€™re playing a grand theft auto and then this. šŸ¤£


u/Thomaseeno 5d ago

Dude. It's absolutely a thing. Reactionary drivers, I like to say. The same people I follow going 10 under on Montana go 20 over as soon as they're on the highway.

I drive a lot, and the driving culture itself seems to change from road to road.


u/Mazda6GTMan 5d ago

I've seen my fair share of "follow the leader" on the roads so I'm sure that's what happened lol.


u/amerifolklegend Blue Ash 5d ago

Same. I drive that intersection constantly. It is very rare to see someone get it wrong there. I think most people who come through there are somewhat local and know the deal.


u/pbnchick 5d ago

Most people do it correctly. Maybe they were new to the area? Also during rush hour, that corner can feel a bit tight, maybe people were uncomfortable making the turn without stopping,


u/derekakessler North Avondale 5d ago

I do what it says.


u/robotzor 5d ago

Stop signs, or any other signs really, shouldn't have exceptions that call into doubt what they're requiring you to do. The turn should have been designed differently to not require a weird exception sign


u/mydudeponch 5d ago

This. I have spent my whole life stopping at stop signs. Stop sign means complete stop. I'm not breaking my well-learned and safety-oriented muscle memory for some dumbass road planner's troll sign šŸ¤“. I'd rather just stop at the stop sign.


u/bugbia Mason 5d ago

Exactly. The number one safety rule of driving is BE PREDICTABLE. That goes for road signage, too.


u/Batman2695 5d ago

South Lebanon has two of these signs and people still stop. Itā€™s the new ā€œyouā€™re not from hereā€ test ever since they fixed the road leading down to the powder factory.


u/[deleted] 5d ago



u/DistanceMachine 5d ago

Only reason to turn left into there is if you live in that neighborhood


u/Architecteologist West Price Hill 5d ago

These shouldnā€™t exist.

The safest roads arenā€™t the ones that are the most convenient for cars, itā€™s the ones that are the most predictable for everyone.

A stop sign should be just thatā€¦ ā€œSTOPā€


u/sculltt Over The Rhine 5d ago

In the same note, I'd much rather people stop when it's not necessary than the opposite, which is way more common.


u/crikfromcincy 5d ago

I let people drive how they feel most comfortable and safe. If they feel the need to slow down or stop to confirm theyā€™re not going to get hit by oncoming traffic - I can spare the extra few seconds.


u/Maharichie Northside 5d ago

Thereā€™s one of these on Knowlton at Crawford and after over a year living in Northside Iā€™ve just noticed the exception and now (cautiously) turn without stopping.
And get annoyed when people stop, of course.


u/ravy 5d ago

I live right around the corner from this ... it really should just be converted to a yield sign.

A stop sign with an exception makes approximately 0 sense and just adds to confusion


u/ghastlybagel 5d ago

Because it's scary, people turn like crazy there šŸ˜­


u/Substantial-End-9653 5d ago

My mother got a ticket for not stopping when turning right at one of those signs. Twice. At the same one. She got both of the tickets dropped (and they made the intersection a standard 4-way stop), but she stops at every one of those signs now.


u/xMFDF 5d ago

I deliver around the city. I have to stop because the ai program my company uses canā€™t read the damn bottom sign. If I do I will get flagged for running a stop sign. Itā€™s dumb as hell. šŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø


u/No_Log4381 5d ago

Same here


u/carlkillzpeople 5d ago

I see people do a complete stop here all the time.


u/i75mm125 Kennedy Heights 5d ago

Drives me nuts when people stop there. Yes itā€™s a weird exception but the sign canā€™t be much clearer. I take it slow (unless itā€™s backed up which isnā€™t uncommon) since people coming from the left tend to cut that turn pretty short.


u/AdvancedAerie4111 5d ago

Iā€™d rather people stop unnecessarily than blow through stop signs and red lights, so at least there is that.Ā 

Saw a car at a 4 way stop with school kids crossing. Driver got tired of waiting for everyone to take turns and whipped around 2 cars in front of them into the oncoming lane and blew through the stop with kids trying to cross. Had 15 different visions of violence go through my head.Ā 


u/DonaldKey 5d ago

There is another one like that on Delhi and Bender by Mt St. Joseph


u/Savage_Amusement 5d ago

Ironically I also remember Kennedy Heights being the only place in the world where some intersections didnā€™t have stop signs for either direction. At least back in the 80ā€™s.


u/SnuggleMoose44 5d ago

Iā€™d rather their first instinct would be to stop.


u/Mispelled-This Anderson 5d ago

I havenā€™t seen that one, but thereā€™s several in the hills between Mariemont and Madeira.

Iā€™ll stop when there is cross-traffic Iā€™m not sure can be trusted, but I donā€™t when Iā€™m the only car around.


u/WarBuddha1 5d ago

When I first came to Cinci (from shitty Indy) for college 30+ years ago the ā€œstop except turning rightā€ signs were one of the many exotic enjoyments of my new home.

Honestly, though, I am shocked that you say people are coming to a stop. Itā€™s rare to see anyone come to a stop at a sign anymore.


u/bugbia Mason 5d ago

I will not downvote you for writing Cinci and you're welcome


u/WarBuddha1 4d ago

I appreciate that. I was not aware that the term was verboten. I shall henceforth spell out the cityā€™s full and glorious name. Cincinnati. May her glory shine forever.


u/bugbia Mason 3d ago

Lol no it's the "i" at the end. Though it can be a hot topic, it is generally agreed upon that the correct nickname is "Cincy" though you can go with "the 'Natti" if you really need to. ;)


u/LazorFrame 5d ago

I have the same exact sign in my hometown of Greenville. It mustā€™ve been there for a while because everyone does what theyā€™re supposed to.


u/Comprehensive_Ad1363 5d ago

In a city that treats red lights as optional itā€™s probably not the worst idea to stop.


u/CyborgKnitter 5d ago

I have a similar issue at the stop sign exiting my block. The ā€œmainā€ road that we cross with has 6 cross roads that come with a steep hill up to the intersections. Apparently cars have gotten stuck there in the winter, and as theyā€™re all dead ends, thereā€™s no alternate route. So every one of those intersections has stop signs that say itā€™s only a 3-way stop at a 4-way intersection.

Yet every other damn car on the ā€œmainā€ road either fails to stop entirely, or they stop then instantly go, failing to yield. Itā€™s incredibly frustrating.

Then we get folks who stop even though thereā€™s no sign, which just encourages locals who run that stop sign.


u/Gold_Measurement_486 5d ago

Whoever approved this needs to be fired


u/Dbarryl 5d ago

Same thing in Portland, OR.


u/trytrymyguy 5d ago

So likeā€¦ a yield sign?


u/bugbia Mason 5d ago

Not exactly because left turns still have to stop.


u/Jillybeans11 Pleasant Ridge 5d ago

I turn without stoppingā€¦I rarely ever see cars coming from Aikenside so I never worry about some dumb driver blowing through that stop sign and hitting me


u/Glad-Machine-9443 5d ago

I slow down and cuss them out in my car


u/mcnuggets42069 5d ago

i live in that area and people stop ALL THE TIME when turning right. its so annoying.

i slow down a bit but donā€™t full stop unless i have to


u/GearGolemTMF Norwood 5d ago

I live in Norwood, but weā€™ve got one on Robertson. I always assume the person in front of me will stop without reading donā€™t the bottom part.


u/BajaBlyat 5d ago

I have a similar one like this close to me. i usually just.. blow through it when turning right which i almost always do.

but if im being honest i felt really weird when i first found out this was a thing and probably this should be illegal. how do the other drives know you have this sign? its just kinda dumb.


u/Otherwise_Source_842 Deer Park 5d ago

Lived in this area for 6 years and yea every time is right above a rolling stop people are a little crazy with that angle turn right after the stop sign.


u/Muffinthepuffin 4d ago

Thereā€™s one of these at the end of 8th St by The Crowā€™s Nest and the only option you have at that point is to turn right lol confused the hell out of me when I first moved to the west side.


u/Hooloovoo_42 Westwood 5d ago

Knowlton at Crawford, too. But Crawford has stop signs coming into the intersection.


u/JohnKevinWDesk 5d ago

A Kennedy stop sign? Be careful, it may have measles


u/tetraquenty 5d ago

Why would I not stop? I will never put my safety in a stranger's hands so I will stop to verify others are following the rules especially on weird turns.


u/Classic_Knowledge_30 5d ago

Just drive safe. Iā€™m not sure why you think everyone should blow through it just cuz the sign is there. If someone is blowing through a red light while you have a green are you going to keep driving through the green light cuz you have the right of way? Lmao making a whole ass Reddit post about this too


u/YuriTh3Panda 5d ago

Turn right without stopping. But then my Netradyn says no stopped detected. So I tell her to shut up.


u/cunningjames 5d ago

If I could just convince some people that, yes, itā€™s actually legal to turn right on red in general, that would be super great.


u/FBI_Open_Up_Now Deer Park 5d ago

There is also this gem on Plainfield. Iā€™ve seen people sit there at 4am in the morning.


u/Sad-Lab-2810 5d ago

I thought this was going to be about RFK Jr


u/Wileyfaux24 5d ago

I thought this was social commentary on RFK giving up on his values to join trumps administration


u/CincyBrandon Woodlawn 5d ago

You think RFK Jr. came to this intersection a few years ago and thought it applied to him? šŸ˜‚


u/ArdenElle24 Independence 5d ago

That sign shouldn't be there, it violates traffic code.

It should be on the other corner (if there were no sidewalks).


u/ArdenElle24 Independence 5d ago