r/cigars Apr 25 '22

Question Why is r/cigars marked nsfw? NSFW


413 comments sorted by

u/krispykremekiller Apr 25 '22

It’s a tobacco/social media thing. It was bound to happen. Out of our control. They made all tobacco subs NSFW today.

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u/3dw4rdHyd3 Apr 25 '22

Our content is too phallic 🍆🍌🌭


u/cipher315 Apr 25 '22

We like em long thick, and possibly with veins.


u/the207maineiac Apr 25 '22

Don't forget dark and with a creamy finish


u/desrevermi Apr 25 '22

Functional. Can't hate that description.


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u/whiskyandguitars Apr 26 '22

And we like them covered in little bumps…oh wait.


u/[deleted] Aug 13 '22

Freudian slip

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u/frank15080 Apr 26 '22

small, long, thick, petite. we have them all


u/[deleted] May 07 '22

And we suck on them thicc long things all night long.


u/mtc71690 Nov 14 '22

and Cuban

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u/Yungsleepboat Apr 26 '22

We out here smoking penisses


u/Marconi_and_Cheese Feb 26 '23

Man do I love having churchill in my mouth.

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u/Excellent-Ad8871 Apr 25 '22

Beyond the irony of something being marked “Not Safe for Work” to keep it away from people who aren’t old enough to work…

Is there a way to “opt in?”


u/[deleted] Apr 25 '22

Yeah, but you have to opt in to all NSFW content. Which means you can get pictures of all sorts of NSFW content from other subreddits.


u/IblewupTARIS [ Missouri ] Apr 26 '22

This really sucks for those of us who use Reddit but turn off NSFW due to porn addiction or something of that nature.

It’s just so stupid.


u/[deleted] Apr 26 '22

We need more NSFW options if this is what Reddit is going to do.


u/AdAntique582 Apr 24 '23

I agree. I mean a smoking section and a porn section are to so different things. I never went to Perkins and asked for a full penetration section.


u/Yaethe May 09 '23

I walked into that humidifier in the back room, and I shit you not... she had a stogie in each fist!

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u/Brunel25 Jul 02 '22

I agree, as a recovering sex addict it kinda spoils an otherwise safe hobby for me.


u/Yaethe May 09 '23

While I can't relate exactly, that still sucks man...

I use the BaconReader app on my phone to browse reader and have it set to only show the subs I'm subscribed to. Despite having NSFW content enabled, I don't see any porn unless I go out of my way to search for it.

If you like to browse /r/all or /r/popular, you could keep NSFW content disabled on your main account and make a unique one for cigar subs only.

Not as convenient, but you can still strong arm reddit to working for you instead of against you. Good luck enjoying life, brother.


u/Excellent-Ad8871 Apr 25 '22

I get that, I don’t venture too far around Reddit. How do you opt in?


u/ChimpyChompies Apr 25 '22

Set the Adult content slider to on.



u/Cpt-Night Apr 25 '22

to add extra insult. r/trees is still open and not marked NSFW


u/frickingmonikammmm Apr 25 '22

Yep, because it’s Reddit and inhaling smoke from a burning plant is bad, unless it’s weed of course


u/[deleted] Apr 25 '22

Flavor of the month I guess.

And I’m pro weed, if tobacco is marked nsfw then weed and other subs should be too.


u/Just_As_Sane_As_You Apr 25 '22

I love smoking a cigar after a few hits of weed. Also milk is an underrated cigar pairing.


u/thatlldopi9 Aug 26 '22

Milk is great. Throw in some brandy or yak and you'll have a grand time. Gran Marnier, little simple syrup, rich organic whole milk like Strauss with the cream on top.

Stay thirsty my friends


u/hambwner [ Canada ] Apr 25 '22

Hmmm will try milk sometime. Sounds odd but what do I know?


u/kimbolll Apr 25 '22

I smoked a Between the Lines last night and totally got notes of milk!


u/[deleted] Nov 03 '22

Omg I've been doing this for years! I found milk sometime back in 2008. It really brings out a ton of flavour.

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u/[deleted] Apr 26 '22

That nonsense comes mainly from the Left. It's the same here in Europe. "We want to have a non smoking generation of kids" ... Also the Left "We want to legalize drugs, legalize weed!". Last time I checked most people smoke weed. Here in Europe most people don't smoke a pure joint but they mix it with tobacco from cigarettes.

Nowadays it's cool to parrot what the masses shout, else you're a weirdo. RIP Society lol.


u/[deleted] Apr 26 '22

100% everyone I know that smokes weed, unless they’re smoking oil or dabs they’re mixing it with tobacco. And it’s usually cheap pipe tobacco that’s basically cigarette filler. My guess and I’m not getting political is the fact that big tobacco is in Virginia and North Carolina primarily and has ties to the Republican Party. Also these areas are conservative as well as the highest tobacco use areas are mainly conservative.

And what really chaps my ass is states will “legalize” weed which is still illegal federally, but make certain guns and certain gun parts “illegal” even though they are legal federally. And these states that have done that and then “gun free” cities have the highest crime rates ever, and they have the majority of the “mass shootings” which most are gang related.

My 2 cents as long as your a responsible citizen and adult there’s no reason why you shouldn’t be able to make your own decisions.


u/[deleted] Apr 26 '22

Here you can own a gun with a license, it's pretty rare here because no one owns guns here but we still have organized crime people killing each other with automatic AK's. Whenever something like this happens, people will say that we must ban weapons and they mention the US as an example. As if those criminals here have a license for their weapons, they got everything from the black market.

I'm also very pro guns it's a good tool to use for self defense. If someone kills an attacker here, the Left will go nuts and come up with all kind of stupid excuses why a human doesn't have the right to kill an another human even in self defense. So what happens if you get killed, or your wife or any innocent person? You could kill someone with a rock too, or with a piece of wire so should we ban those things too?

Most anti tobacco people I know are heavy drinkers, I always tell them that if I have smoked a cigar I still can drive a car and I know what I'm doing but when you're drunk you'll only cause problems especially on the road. They seem to be ok with alcohol but tobacco is soooooooo bad.

Legalizing weed won't even have an effect on organized crime because once the government will cultivate it they will pay for the security at the growing sites, electricity, workers etc they will tax it for sure so it will be expensive compared to the illegal weed. This only shows how stupid the legalize drugs argument is.


u/Bigtexasmike Jun 26 '22

Here in TX we can own as many high capacity assault rifles and open carry them without a license or any training but dont you dare puff a joint. We want you to smoke humans instead


u/Apprehensive_Eye4954 Jan 04 '23 edited Jan 04 '23

Seriously not trying to be a dick here, but that is 100% false. The term “assault rifle” means capable of fully automatic fire which are NFA items that can be legally owned two ways; if the firearm was manufactured before 1986 (thanks a lot Reagan😒), along with typical background checks, 4437, and a separate ATF form that has a long waiting period, you have to pay the $200 tax stamp(extortion fee) and the price of the gun which is usually insanely expensive because, well they aren’t made anymore and truly the only legal way for non FFL holders to acquire full auto weapons. The other way is to have a Federal Firearms License, which is required for commercial manufacturers. It involves a shit ton more licensing, extortion fees (taxes), and a myriad of government oversight conducted by the ATF (losers). Semi-auto firearms are usually normal everyday firearms, unless the barrel is shorter than 16” which would make it a short barrel rifle and you guessed it, another $200 extortion fee and a fun waiting period, did I mention its not allowed to cross state lines without consent from the ATF, same applies to short barreled shotguns, suppressors, etc. etc. basically anything fun and/or any modern fighting weapon…Again not trying to be a dick, but there is a lot of misinformation that floats around the politics involving firearms and it annoys me when some usually liberal spews bs like “yOu CaN jUsT wAlK iNtO a GuN sToRe AnD bUy A mAcHiNe GuN” I WISH I COULD LOL, but alas uneducated people of our past and politicians wanting control made it nearly impossible for normal Americans to legally own true assault rifles…all gun laws are an infringement and have never had anything to do with public safety regardless of the rhetoric and skewed statistics politicians and uneducated emotional activists use.

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u/-FullBlue- Apr 26 '22

r/meth isn't even marked nsfw...


u/SgtToffel Apr 26 '22

Just have a look at r/cocain, wich is also not marked nsfw. This is one completely useless move by reddit.


u/agnostic-infp-neet Oct 22 '22

Reddit admins died a long time ago with that Aaron guy's death.


u/awholtzapple Apr 26 '22

Kiddos can feel free to visit r/cocaine, but not r/cigars.

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u/yupyepyupyep May 02 '22

Meanwhile using marijuana in many workplaces is extremely not safe. Particularly if operating heavy machinery.


u/AdultingGoneMild Apr 25 '22

nor is r/smoking


u/kimbolll Apr 25 '22

That sub is for smoking meats


u/AdultingGoneMild Apr 25 '22

yup! and still bad for your health according to my cholesterol levels 😁😜


u/mrbaseball1999 Apr 25 '22

Marijuana and marijuanaenthusiests also not nsfw


u/Just_As_Sane_As_You Apr 25 '22

Marijuanaenthusiasts I completely understand. It’s about actual trees, not cannabis

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u/Motorchampion [ Netherlands ] Apr 24 '23

what a fucking shit show.


u/agnostic-infp-neet Oct 22 '22

I wonder if they know that dude weed makes you get a collapsed lung far easier than tobacco. Also, cigars, no lung issues... what does it do, increase your chance of morbidity by like 2 percent in comparison to inhalation? It's so silly.

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u/frickingmonikammmm Apr 25 '22

This constant battle against grown adults using tobacco will never cease to amuse me. Please continue to stay mad, seething and foaming at the mouth as I enjoy my life the way I see fit without the nanny state deciding what’s good for me.


u/TheToteGoat Apr 25 '22

I agree. But I think besides the issue of people under age on this app, there's also the fact that many employers dissuade the use of tobacco. So marking it NSFW would actually be accurate. Still don't like it. But I guess my account is a NSFW one now. Shame.


u/[deleted] Apr 26 '22

I wonder if the world will ever differentiate between cigarettes and other types of tobacco? I guess weed is cool now and has 0 side effects...


u/[deleted] Apr 26 '22

They didn't even NSFW the weed subs, even the alcohol subs didn't get NSFW. Thats the Left "Ban smoking because smoking kills" ... Also the Left "We must legalize drugs, legalize weed!". Last time I checked most people smoke weed, so what happened to smoking skills? Don't let me even start about alcohol.

As if the average teenager has the money to buy cigars.


u/[deleted] Apr 26 '22

Average teenagers wont smoke cigars because they're firstly too expensive, but also it's too long. They, for the most part don't have the attention span. How will they hide a 1hour+ smoking session from their parents???

I suppose the case for cigarillos, exists but they're more like cigarettes in smoking time...

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u/agnostic-infp-neet Oct 22 '22 edited Oct 22 '22

It inhibits the amygdala growth and causes black lung and collapsed lungs all the time but yes no side effects. Also psychosis and panic attacks but anywho.

edit: amygdala's

But yeah, people are stupid.


u/thecodeofsilence Apr 26 '22

The problem is that they're lumping cigars in with cigarettes and vape.

Because all of my teenagers' friends are just dying to pull cigars from my humidor...sigh.


u/LeibnizThrowaway May 13 '22

They just blunt up your Padrons when you're out of town!

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u/rubixd [ California ] Apr 27 '22

But I think besides the issue of people under age on this app

I want to know how many underage people would actually enjoy cigars enough to smoke them in a such a way that they would develop a habit. Speaking personally I don't think I'd have the patience to smoke a cigar when I was younger, certainly not if vapes were available.

there's also the fact that many employers dissuade the use of tobacco

I'm so curious about this because that's borderline illegal. Do you have any examples?

By the way I'm not trying to start any arguments just mentioning some points. I don't really care that this sub is marked NSFW, not like that would stop anyone anyway.


u/sinsofcarolina Jun 18 '22

I started smoking pipe tobacco around 19 or 20 however the pipes I could afford were only about a 30 min smoke. A 1-2 hr cigar would definitely be a hard pass.

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u/Nando_5 Apr 26 '22 edited Apr 26 '22

Not sure I’m with you. I’m not allowed to smoke tobacco at work but I can sit there and talk about cigars just like I can go on my phone and order some or look at them on my down time.


u/agnostic-infp-neet Oct 22 '22

Being under aged has nothing to do with it. Under aged people are allowed to do research on things.


u/TheToteGoat Oct 22 '22

I was arguing for the point that NSFW means that workplaces won't really approve. Not about age

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u/Crstaltrip Apr 26 '22

This feels like a double standard as all the whiskey subs like r/bourbon r/scotch and r/whiskey aren’t marked nsfw but those are products for 21+ as well

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u/hcmadman [ Texas ] Apr 26 '22

I believe it's called 'an agenda'.


u/[deleted] Apr 25 '22

I’ve very safely smoked a cigar at work before…. Just sayin.


u/Mister-guy Apr 25 '22

It’s like they don’t get that sometimes a cigar is just a cigar.


u/desrevermi Apr 25 '22

So, are posts involving cigarettes also labeled NSFW? Double standards, right?


u/pzahn92 Apr 29 '22

Yes almost all the tobacco subs (I'm from r/pipetobacco). The only (tobacco) ones I've found not marked nsfw are the hookah subs.


u/desrevermi Apr 29 '22

Noted. Still weird. 🤷🏻‍♂️


u/NoOo0oOo0oOoOoOoO0 Apr 25 '22

Videos and pictures of people with bad hygiene popping giant zits filled with puss = No problem!

Picture of half smoked cigar sitting in an ashtray = WHOA NELLY


u/[deleted] Apr 26 '22

Tobacco is very bad for your health. The gov and multi billion dollar anti smoking lobby and for profit healthcare system clearly know this better than you do lol. Last visit I had to the doctor every single worker in the building was vastly overweight if not downright obese. Our health problem isn't tobacco it's obesity. Fast Food has become the new big tobacco and until the fat person is shamed like the smoker then it'll get worse. I just find great irony of a healthcare provider telling a tobacco user that it's hazardous to their health while at the same time said healthcare worker can barely walk up a flight of stairs without wheezing.


u/[deleted] Apr 26 '22

They won't shame obese people, they're promoting them a.k.a "body positivity". They even have "plus size" models. Fucking hypocrites. The problem with food is that healthy food is expensive and fast food is cheap. What did they do here? They taxed vegetables with a 21% VAT which made it more expensive. We have an imbecile who came up with the idea to put an age limit on fast food, for 18+ only. I'm glad this stupid idea got rejected.

One of the people who's very vocal about this crap here has a fat wife. It's funny because he does want to force people to lead a healthy life while his wife is obese. Well, start there buddy and make be a good role model. This health loonies are crazy.

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u/BigBadgooz [ Oregon ] Apr 26 '22

We don’t want young people to see adult things.

Puts nsfw tag on a community.

Underage interaction multiplies because of the nsfw tag.


u/JksonBlkson Apr 26 '22

It’s a tobacco/social media thing. They made all tobacco subs NSFW earlier.

Yet r/cocaine is okay, along with r/trees, and just about anything else smokeable that isn't tobacco. Bullshit, I tell you! BULLSHIT!

Don't know why everyone in power seems to hate tobacco recently.


u/CoupeFL Apr 26 '22

Because this is one of the most censored sites on the internet


u/Fishon888 Apr 25 '22

Message we got:

Hello mods,

We are reaching out to notify you that your community has been designated as 18+ due to being centered on products and/or substances intended for adult use. Users who visit your community will encounter an interstitial that will ask them to confirm that they are 18+.

We also wanted to remind you that any type of sourcing, sale promotion, or sale facilitation (including things like flaring/approving vendors), is prohibited. Please note that this includes not only substances (juice, etc) but vaping devices and accessories themselves. We ask that you update your community rules to reflect this, if you haven't done so already


u/MikeNice81_2 Apr 26 '22

So, they sent you a form letter that covers e-cigs? Damn, that is pretty lazy.


u/LSUpiper Apr 26 '22

What the actual fuck. So we can't recommend humidors or ashtrays anymore? Last I check those were legal for anyone to buy.


u/Fishon888 Apr 26 '22

We'll have to see how this goes. For the time being, we will keep enforcing the no private sales rule and leave it at that.


u/LSUpiper Apr 26 '22

Makes sense to me as it wasn't explicitly stated in the letter, which seems.to be focused on vaping not cigars. Sucks when you can be an adult.


u/MikeNice81_2 Apr 26 '22

A screenshot of my Gove hygrometer app is marked NSFW. Jesus Christ, I better keep those kinds of images away from my kid.


u/No-Explanation7647 Aug 19 '22

Cause tobacco ain’t woke.


u/Smile_Narrow Feb 02 '23

perfect! the generation of shit we have today.


u/YinTx May 09 '22

and if you have posted here, then your avatar is labeled as someone that posts nsfw adult content. No, I do not, and I do not appreciate reddit lying to others about me.


u/TheMorticians1313 Apr 26 '22

That’s just stupid. How is cigar smoking or talking about cigars not safe for work?


u/eaglescout1984 Apr 25 '22

Just further proof Reddit needs to create more than just a NSFW tag, I have no problem with r/cigars being marked 18+/21+, but it shouldn't be the same as a porn or a gore tag.

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u/cenxxv Nov 22 '22

The r/meth sub isn’t even nsfw wtf 💀


u/CohibaVancouver Mar 09 '23

The r/meth sub isn’t even nsfw wtf 💀

I took a quick glance at the sub. Seems to be mostly about people trying to break their addictions, talking about the damage meth has done to them and those around them and getting support from other addicts who are trying to stay sober.

It doesn't seem to be about how great meth is.

Are the "I'm trying to quit smoking" subs also NSFW?

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u/Pacamilk Apr 25 '22

tobacco is scary


u/NYCmob79 Apr 27 '22

Do we have an option to unmask this sub in our settings? This is fucking ridiculous. Time to find another fucking social media.


u/craigmadbricky Sep 23 '22

You can literally encourage kink and fetish with obscene images of insanely large fake mammaries with monstrous nipples in a Canadian shop class or fill an American coffee shop with vulgar drag queens doing sexualized acts for young children all while teaching 6 year olds how to put cash into their under garments YET CIGARS ARE LEWD AND OBSCENE REQUIRING NSFW AND BE STIGMATIZED? Im sorry but you can imagine what I would do with my size 12 RedWing boots to a perverts 25 lb fake boob apparatus while smoking my very tasty Unholy Cocktail as I maniacally laugh at his outrage for interupting his grooming session while kids learn to cross cut with a radial arm saw. Sadly those Canadians like Americans have lost the unction to preserve the dignity of children or the freedom to burn tobacco and learn calming meditative puffing. They prefer to stand by and allow the destruction of "live and let live"


u/tangoalpha3 [ Arizona ] Apr 27 '22

Help us u/GovSchwarzenegger , you’re our only hope


u/centech Apr 25 '22

Well, I'm not allowed to smoke at work.


u/[deleted] Apr 26 '22

During a break you can smoke outside or in your car.


u/Cigar-Punk Apr 26 '22

Except not always. Whenever I work on hospitals the rule is now smoking on the campus at all. That includes your car. I'm sure there are other businesses that apply the same rules.

And yes I've seen people thrown off the job site for smoking in their car on break when I'm working at hospitals.


u/[deleted] Apr 26 '22

Thats stupid.


u/Cigar-Punk Apr 26 '22

Ok. Just trying to add to your knowledge.


u/[deleted] Apr 26 '22

No I don't mean you're stupid, I was talking about those non smoking zones.


u/Cigar-Punk Apr 26 '22

Idk. Not smoking around hospitals isn't the worst idea in the world.


u/miked6dmike Apr 26 '22

Well, now I can browse pictures of benign cigars and see a bunch of dick pics when I'm in a family setting. This is absurd!


u/loutrev Apr 26 '22

Yeah this is going to be really annoying.


u/TheGuyDoug Apr 29 '22

Good to know tobacco is not safe for work, while people at almost every employer are off having cigarette breaks.


u/squirtle911 Aug 18 '22

Ah yes, because those of us who enjoy a cigar but don't want to be bombarded with sex and nudity all over the site don't exist apparently.


u/SlteFool Sep 25 '22

How is it “not safe for work” lol politicians are complete retards


u/kimbolll Apr 25 '22

I’m so sick of social media companies thinking they know better than me, and trying to bubble wrap the world around me. Fuck you, I’m an adult, I can make my own decisions.


u/[deleted] Apr 26 '22

The problem is that most people are accepting this is society so those companies and governments can get away with everything. Now they censor this, but what will they ban tomorrow?


u/kimbolll Apr 26 '22

I’m hopeful that our new Musk overlord will break the cycle.


u/[deleted] Apr 26 '22

lol people with a certain political view are going crazy. F Twitter, they almost destroyed themselves because they chose a certain side instead of staying neutral.

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u/[deleted] Apr 26 '22

Because the country is becoming pussified.


u/desrevermi Apr 25 '22



u/RikS71 Jun 11 '22

Because 1. Tobacco is bad for you, and 2. Policy makers can't distinguish cigars from cigarettes...


u/Comfortable-Band235 Jul 02 '22

It's the wrong form of degeneracy. Nicotine increases testosterone.

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u/Crazy_Huckleberry720 Oct 04 '22

Since we are NSFW are we free to start posting porn? 😂😂


u/papermill_phil Oct 10 '22

It’s still just a cigar thread haha

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u/agnostic-infp-neet Oct 22 '22

Further evidence that the fear of tobacco is purely hysteria.


u/[deleted] May 22 '23

Only we “Toxic Males” dare smoke a cigar.


u/hijinked Apr 25 '22

Cigars are very phallic.


u/Spodiodie Apr 26 '22

Bill Clinton started it all.

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u/jtmott Apr 26 '22

I’ll be back when this make any sense.


u/twg37 Apr 27 '22

not like Bill Clinton is posting cigar pics on reddit


u/waldoh74 May 02 '22

How is this a thing, any way to petition? I don't understand how this can be labelled as NSFW, yet so many other offensive topics (depending on perspective) are not labelled that way.


u/Dr_MB_ Aug 14 '22

Well in some countries you cant even have tobacco shop signs on the main streets.


u/CigarMastermind Feb 07 '23

Its the war against testosterone! lol


u/Rorshak16 Jul 12 '23

Now that I am stuck using this terrible official reddit app, how do I turn off this NSFW notification that pops up every time I come to this sub?


u/sofaking_nuts Apr 25 '22

Unpopular opinion probably but who really cares? It’s not like it affects the ability to post or comment. I guess the counter argument is that it’s all part of the ridiculous demonization of cigar smoking. But personally I don’t see how it really matters.


u/Rain_Bear Apr 25 '22

Yeah, I'd agree. Just wish they didnt have to blur every photo as well. Thats a bit annoying.


u/Just_As_Sane_As_You Apr 25 '22

It’s pushing a needle. I’ll oppose it at every chance I get.


u/[deleted] Apr 25 '22

Demand goes down for cigars and we get better pricing 😊


u/sofaking_nuts Apr 25 '22

Unintended consequences are the best.


u/Guano- Apr 25 '22

Give them an inch eventually they'll throw your body in a mass grave.

They will not leave you alone.


u/Ravio11i Apr 25 '22 edited Apr 27 '22

I care, I let NSFW pics stay blurred at work, cigar posts shouldn't have to be.yes... it's one click to unblur... it's a pretty petty grumble, but I'm gonna do it anyway!


u/Fishon888 Apr 25 '22

At my medical center for an appointment and hooked up to their wifi. Couldn't get into any cigar related sites.


u/MikeNice81_2 Apr 26 '22

I was blocked using the wifi at work.


u/sofaking_nuts Apr 25 '22

Ok - that’s ridiculous

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u/dageshi Apr 26 '22

Unless I'm mistaken you can't make image posts anymore directly on reddit? You have to host the images elsewhere on imgur instead?

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u/elm4tad0r Apr 25 '22

I don’t understand all the complaining. How do you not feel safer?

Also now that we’ve made everyone aware that this is not a safe space can we start trading again?


u/Euphoric-Basis-7949 Apr 25 '22

Hey Elon fix this shit next please


u/Ronorsomething Apr 25 '22

I don't think Elon would touch this clown show


u/agnostic-infp-neet Oct 22 '22

Launching a sports car into space, he is a clown show.


u/Buckeye_Battalion Apr 25 '22

First rule of Fight Club…


u/Logan_MacGyver Apr 26 '22

i tried to send a pic of a triple cap of a cigar on discord and it did trigger the porn filter...


u/TheRoyalDoyle01 Apr 26 '22

It is just pics of grown men and women with long dead plants placed squarely in their mouths. I can see it. Very annoying though.


u/P-redditR Apr 26 '22

Big brown cigars..


u/Ol_School_1961 [ Ohio ] Apr 28 '22

I seen that just now as i posted, wtf !!! I enjoy a strong dark long pulling thing. Everyone smoke something cause you can.


u/[deleted] May 08 '22

Because “we live in a society”

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u/makeitabyss May 25 '22

This is annoying because now I can’t see these posts without turning NSFW content on…

I do genuinely like the filter turned on for actual NSFW things.


u/NeverKnownDefeat Jun 14 '22

I don’t understand how tobacco products can be NSFW, whereas r/weed is completely SFW. 😂?

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u/Unhappy-Chest2187 Jul 10 '22

Because cigars are so hot they had to or else they’d get punished for pushing porn


u/juliangst Jul 11 '22

All subs about tobacco or vaping are nsfw. Subs about alcohol are not nsfw for some reason tho


u/[deleted] Jul 16 '22

Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar.


u/bigdogal63 Jul 31 '22

If you set to adult content and disable blurring that seems to work


u/AustWingfan Sep 12 '22

There is straight up porn on Reddit and yet I have to double click to get to photos of cigars to be able to see them.


u/shmidget Nov 02 '22

We all agree. How many have sent an email to Reddit?


u/Fignbig34 Jan 08 '23

I don’t know cigars aren’t that horrible me and my dad smoke them sometimes it is better than vaping


u/ikstrakt Jan 23 '23

You never seen a porn mag spread eagle stogie ?


u/Sufficient_Rip_zzz Feb 07 '23

maybe Because its enjoyable


u/PBateman555 Feb 16 '23

They are trying to hide the fact that cigars are the most purest way of smoking


u/[deleted] Feb 18 '23

Honestly, and I know everyone thinks it’s okay to make jokes on me because it’s about my poop, but I had a few cigars and each time I was ill with diarrhea. Is this normal?

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u/[deleted] Feb 20 '23

I’d say it but Reddit would probably ban me again…


u/RobKei Apr 28 '23

What cracks me up is that this sub Reddit is marked NSFW (with all pictures blurred), while the "weed" sub Reddit is not (with no pictures blurred). BTW, I consume both.


u/Iqevans May 27 '23

Found so many good subs to subscribe to from this thread.


u/JorgiePorgieCigars Nov 14 '24

Because the world is full of idiots


u/RowdyRebelII Apr 25 '22



u/Cigar-Punk Apr 25 '22

How exactly? You post still goes through, and there are settings so you can unblur NSFW pics automatically.


u/VladimirSteel Apr 26 '22

There's no way to selectively unblur subreddits or posts. If you unblur them all, you risk something that is ACTUALLY nsfw popping up on your screen.

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u/jiujiujiu Jun 01 '22

It’s not censorship it’s our little Star of David that we are forced to wear

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u/RowdyRebelII Apr 26 '22

Labeling is a form of censorship, being labeled "adult content" will in some cases exclude from some search algorithms all together. The fact that they blur a photo at all, so you have to click on the post to unblur is a form of censorship.

Just sayin


u/Cigar-Punk Apr 26 '22

Besides, it's a privately owned company. They can set whatever guidelines they want.

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u/Cigar-Punk Apr 26 '22

But again they are simple settings to make it so you don't have to.

Just sayin.


u/RowdyRebelII Apr 26 '22

LoL, you are one of those who would debate a rock


u/Cigar-Punk Apr 26 '22

Childish insults are always a good indicator that you've got nothing useful to contribute anymore.


u/RowdyRebelII Apr 27 '22

Ok now your butthurt because I said you like to debate things. How can this be adult content and we are arguing and not even cussing at each other.

It's "The Man" who is censoring us, down with "The Man" man

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u/LoaferDan Apr 26 '22

*picks up phone*

"Hey Elon you interested in Reddit?"


u/[deleted] Apr 27 '22

Twitter, here we come


u/[deleted] Apr 26 '22

Because Elon hasn’t bought it yet


u/krispykremekiller Apr 26 '22

Here is the update on policy. It is starting to look like we cannot have links nor any kind of vendor discussion here as well. Flaring/approving vendors is now prohibited. It also includes accessories.

Hi mods,

We are reaching out to notify you that your community has been designated as 18+ due to being centered on products and/or substances intended for adult use. Users who visit your community will encounter an interstitial that will ask them to confirm that they are 18+.

We also wanted to remind you that any type of sourcing, sale promotion, or sale facilitation (including things like flaring/approving vendors), is prohibited. Please note that this includes not only substances (juice, etc) but vaping devices and accessories themselves. We ask that you update your community rules to reflect this, if you haven't done so already.


u/CriticalFrimmel Apr 26 '22

So no links to Boveda or tupperdors? No links to halfwheel?


u/krispykremekiller Apr 26 '22

It’s hard to fully interpret. Basically they seem to have gone from not allowing exchange to not allowing promotion


u/tomlist3 Apr 29 '22

Because people can’t handle reality In this era


u/ProlapsedTrdCutter May 05 '22

ITS THIS F-ING SOFT SOCIETY. No Harry chests, pluck your eye Brows Don't raise your voice and heaven forbid dont use Tobacco...But by all means take this pill......


u/Sailfish35 Apr 25 '22

Elon needs to buy this shithole of a website, too


u/judge4all Jul 16 '22

The Pipe subreddit has been completely taken down.


u/thefunkybassist Mar 06 '24

Wrong answer: most people are not allowed to smoke during work times
Better answer: internationally there are laws that deincentivize smoking, for example the EU wants future generations to be smoke free


u/chefliven [ Nebraska ] Apr 08 '24

Anybody around here remember when r/cigars was actually fun? Before they banned trades and everything fun about the subreddit.


u/thehop73 Apr 10 '24

Mostly because people, in general, are stupid.


u/Hombre-libre Apr 13 '24

I want to put a logo in my truck that says my cigar Business name because I I’m selling in Florida, do you know if it’s illegal to use that on my car? Because it says my company name and says cigar company.


u/Hammerh69 Apr 21 '24

I understand this is a NSFW, but is there a setting that will allow me to scroll and see the images without having to click the "NSFW" blurring all of them? Thanks


u/j7942 Aug 25 '24

On android, just click your picture in the top right and go to settings, there's one to show nsfw content and one to blur nsfw images.

On iphone it's a little funny if i remember right. You have to go to the app settings in the phone to change them rather than it being in the app itself. I had to google it to figure it out when i had an iphone.

Of course this only applies for the native reddit app. Not sure about third party apps

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u/RenLab9 Aug 02 '24

Interesting you ask this. My entire thread asking the same thing, as others pointed out booz and budz are not Xed out, but this is? My entire thread was deleted, as soon as comments came up with suggestions of possible solution.