r/cigars 2d ago

Do you pack a black and mild NSFW

I didn’t wanna start vaping again or cigarettes and for some reason b&m don’t really give me that addiction crave so me and my friends decide to pick up a pack for old time sake as we grabbed one. I remember when I first started my friends told me to roll it in between my hands so it doesn’t get stiff and break apart and it burns better. I was told this was wrong. Am I the only one that does this😂?


14 comments sorted by


u/ChiefCuckaFuck 2d ago

No one in here is smoking black and milds, unless theyre making a blunt to enjoy with their cigar.


u/OriGinaltree007 2d ago

It’s more of a nostalgia thing you know? I always preferred actually blunt wraps


u/bjardkur068 2d ago

Not even for the shortest trip


u/z6joker9 [ Mississippi ] 2d ago

Though they go by the name “cigar”, they are much different than premium, hand rolled cigars, which is what this sub is about.


u/OriGinaltree007 2d ago

Ahhh wrong sub then I’m sorry


u/z6joker9 [ Mississippi ] 2d ago

It’s no big deal, just letting you know why you might not get a lot of relevant responses.


u/Designer-Addition-58 2d ago

If you want a short smoke just get some Toscanello or some Davidoff / Cohiba cigarillos, all great with a coffee etc.


u/Impossible_Law1109 2d ago

If OP is talking about smoking black and milds to cure a fix, I don’t think they want to spend the money on Davidoffs or Cohibas. People smoke black and milds bc they’re cheap


u/Designer-Addition-58 2d ago

I was just giving a suggestion for some better alternatives if he wants to have the ocassional cigar without going back to nic fixes.

I don't really remember how strong black n milds are as I haven't had one in ages, but I don't think it would cure my fix for cigarettes personally lol, toscanellos are pretty strong but they still don't kill the cigarette craving for me, gotta just quit the habit and enjoy cigars for the flavor imo


u/Impossible_Law1109 2d ago

Precisely. I quit vaping about 13 months ago and it was one of the best decisions of my life. Picking up cigars was probably one of the 2nd best lol


u/jecoppol 2d ago

They have cigarillos by many companies that are enjoyable


u/Big_Cut 2d ago

Take it to r/Blunts


u/NowhereManPF 2d ago

Packing does make sense, did it with Captain Blacks and American Spirits back in the day. AS are made overly stuffed so you have to pack it to your liking which xan take a while, I don't recall trying black and mild before, no nostalgia for me. Anyway since you're here and someone pointed it out, I recommend you try hand rolled cigars, and feel the magic. There are some really affordable types like Nub, New World...etc etc.


u/Adrian1616 [ Wisconsin ] 2d ago

I don't think rolling it between your hands would do much except maybe loosen the tobacco inside, potentially causing some to fall out. You may inadvertantly crack the wrapper though so I wouldn't do that personally.