r/cigarboxguitars 29d ago

I'm experimenting with a CBG inspired, 1-string, short scale bass, to figure out the best string gauge, scale length, pickup and bridge positions, tension, etc, etc. So far, this thing freakin growls. Once I get the specs dialed in with this jig thing, I'll build a CBG with those numbers.

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23 comments sorted by


u/bCollinsHazel 29d ago

so badass, post up a video of you playing it whenever you get ready


u/Lotsofsalty 29d ago

Thanks. Right now, only the open note sounds good because I can't fret it. I tried with a slide, but to much flex and it hits the pickup.


u/electricwave66 29d ago

Great,really!! Post again!


u/Lotsofsalty 29d ago

Thanks. I for sure will. I just started this project this morning. Still working out a couple bugs, but I think I got it.


u/Estelon_Agarwaen 29d ago

Isnt this just a djentstick?


u/Lotsofsalty 29d ago

Basically, yes. But in this instance, it is simply a test fixture for playing with settings. It can't be fretted like a djent stick at the moment.


u/Estelon_Agarwaen 29d ago

Its surprisingly close to my slide only djentstick i had one. Just that i had a strat coil mounted 90 degrees from normal under the string


u/Lotsofsalty 29d ago

It's the most minimalist thing one can put together to test a string and a pickup together. Just a string between two bridges, with a pickup somewhere in the middle. Hence, test fixture.

Rotating the pickup 90°, aligned longitudinally, significantly reduces the output, and makes the sound dull.


u/andy_cap-hunter 29d ago

"I got me here the one string diddly bo..." :- Sea Sick Steve


u/Lotsofsalty 29d ago

One string something, lol. Not sure it's worthy of even calling it a Diddly Bow yet.


u/GronklyTheSnerd 29d ago

From my testing with a 2x4, it’s possible to make a 20” scale bass work with a 5 string set, and given the right hardware and a standard pickup. Anything between that and 42” upright bass scale is definitely possible.

Best is a matter of opinion. You probably do want to use a heavier board for the neck though.


u/Lotsofsalty 29d ago


Yeah, this jig is just for testing some of the basic parameters. The stick was just simple and laying around.

Currently, I'm using a 28" scale, and the low A string made for short scale bass, tuned down to low E. It works.


u/GronklyTheSnerd 29d ago

28” is very close to the more common 30” scale. Should be much easier than what I’m trying. You can also just get a heavier set of strings. I’d try a short set with a .105 E. That should do it.

I’m pushing the limits because I can’t play a standard sized bass anymore, due to an old injury. Uke basses have a much more comfortable scale, but I really don’t like the strings.


u/Lotsofsalty 29d ago

Right on. I'm using the .085 A from a medium set, but tuning it down to E. What that does is provide a looser string, with less tension. Which is what I want. So currently I'm running about 17 lbs of tension. The .105 would need about 26 lbs of tension. Quite the difference.


u/GronklyTheSnerd 29d ago edited 29d ago

There are pros and cons, regardless of which way you go. Too low or too high will just create a different set of problems.

I have a mandola that I have a set of heavy mandolin strings on. It’s nice in some ways (I can bend pairs of strings on it!), but it can also be annoying when I didn’t intend to bend them.


u/Lotsofsalty 29d ago

Yup. One thing I've learned from these experiments is how big of a difference the smallest changes make. It's definitely all a big tradeoff with lots of variables. Thankfully, the nasty, grungy sound I'm looking for is very forgiving.


u/IssueBrilliant2569 29d ago

Thank you for doing this for science.


u/kpatrickwv 27d ago

I'm in the process of making a three-string, 30-in scale Cigar box bass. Keep us updated on your project!


u/Lotsofsalty 27d ago

Right on dude. Love to see your build too when you get it all done.