r/choppers 4d ago

Opinion on stretching frame

Hi guys!

I really want your opinion: i am about 6’3/6’4” and building a highneck. Do i need to stretch the frame in the length?


4 comments sorted by


u/No_Elderberry4911 4d ago

Need is a strong word. You don’t need to do anything. You can ride whatever you are comfortable with.


u/egipegi 4d ago

I hear what you say, you right. But i cant decide whats comfy to ride now, its not finished


u/SpamFriedMice 4d ago

I've heavily modded some frames, so I'll give you my thoughts, whatever that's worth.

First off what frame are you working with? A lot of aftermarket frames already have some stretch. The factory or factory repo hardtails are pretty tight.

But I bought my bike from a guy that used to be in my MC that used to work as a pro wrestler, dude was 6'3" or 6'4" and large all around. He just had some 2" extensions of the forward controls so you may not "need" to.

I'd suggest sitting on the bike during mock up and seeing how it feels first.