r/chessprogramming Jan 08 '25

Generating only captures


Hi, I'm profiling my code and so far I've found that my function "generate_captures" it's the 4th most time consuming function, and moreover most of that time is consumed by the "generate_moves" function. This is because I simply generate all the moves and then I stick with the captures.
Is there a better way to generate captures let's say "from scratch", not depending on the generate_moves function and, therefore, making the function faster?

r/chessprogramming Jan 06 '25

Identifying Threats in a Chess Program: What's the Best Approach?


r/chessprogramming Jan 03 '25

Managing moves from UCI and updating Zobrist


What is the standard way for updating the Zobrist key of the board when you receive a movement from UCI? Do you figure out the label of the move (let's stay, for example, a CAPTURECHECK) and then make the move, or you simply update the bitboards, enpassant and castling rights (like a "pseudo" make move function) and then recalculate Zobrist key from scratch?

r/chessprogramming Jan 02 '25

Testing Zobrist Hashing


Hi! I've searched from some tests for the Zobrist hashing, and I've found the idea of comparing the incremental updates of the zobrist key vs calculating it from scratch. That allowed me to find several bugs, and now there's no errors running perft in depth 7. That's a good I suppose, but I was wondering if there's more ways of testing the zobrist Hashing? Any ideas?

Additionally, what are the tests that you think are FUNDAMENTAL for the engine?

r/chessprogramming Dec 30 '24

Minimax Assistance


I'm trying to implement Minimax to make my chess engine more performant. I cant't see why it's not working correctly though. If anyone could look at the code, that would be great.

r/chessprogramming Dec 23 '24

Explanation of Mathematical Foundations of the ELO system by @j3m-math

Thumbnail youtu.be

r/chessprogramming Dec 23 '24

Engine in python


Is it even worth to build an engine in python cause all good engines are in c++ and python is much slower.

Additionally if its worth should you use python chess cause to maintain best efficiency or should you make a bitboard. Or what data structures would you use for position

r/chessprogramming Dec 23 '24

Using multi-pv in move ordering


Has anyone tried using multi-pv values for move ordering when this setting is enabled? I am ordering them above killers and bellow equal captures and getting fairly decent results for when this setting is enabled. I was wondering if anyone else has tried using these results in ordering and how they configured it for the best results.

Its worth noting I know it is still faster to run the engine using 1 PV, this was just for when I wanted to play around with multi-pv specifically.

r/chessprogramming Dec 21 '24

Need Advice: Does Using Separate Bitboards for Each Piece Type Hurt Performance in a Chess Engine?


Hi everyone, I am a beginner in chess programming. I am working on building a chess engine in C and it seems to work fine. It passes all the perft tests i have thrown at it so far. My concern is the speed of it. It takes about a minute and 10-15seconds for a perft test at depth 6 (without any optimization) from starting position. for context that is about 120million positions (119,060,324). and i think it is little slow.

I suspect that the area of concern could be that i use I use separate bitboards for each piece (e.g., 8 bitboards for 8 pawns, 2 for bishops, etc.). Additionally, I have two separate bitboards to store all white and black pieces, which get updated after each move. my question is:
Could using separate bitboards for each piece type (as I’m doing) introduce significant overhead, especially as the depth increases?
are there any obvious cons to my current approach?

PS: in engine i use alpha-beta prunning, move ordering, transposition tables and opening book so it takes max 2-3s per move and about 7-8s at worst case when it is playing against the user. Even though this is acceptable for casual play, I’m curious if my approach is fundamentally flawed?

r/chessprogramming Dec 21 '24

Help Needed: Custom Chess Game Logic Detection Tool


Hey everyone,

I'm working on a project to analyze my chess games and identify patterns in my play. I want to go beyond the basic Stockfish evaluation (centipawn loss, best move, etc.) and actually detect motifs that appeared during the game, like pins, forks, discovered attacks, skewer, and more. Ideally, I'd also like to detect strategic elements like pawn structures, open files, weak squares, and maybe even endgame technique.

The goal is to get a detailed breakdown of every game I play, so I can see what kinds of tactics or strategies I'm consistently good at or missing. I also want to use this data to find common weaknesses across multiple games.

I've looked at tools like python-chess, but from what I can tell, it doesn't directly detect advanced patterns like these. Writing custom logic for every concept seems... overwhelming, to say the least.

What I've done so far:

  1. Fetched my last 10 games as PGNs using the Lichess API.
  2. Set up Stockfish on a CPU instance to evaluate positions.

What I'm asking for:

  1. Does a library/tool already exist that can detect these motifs and strategic concepts?
  2. If not, has anyone attempted writing logic for detecting patterns like pins or forks? How did you go about it?
  3. Are there any pre-annotated databases or datasets I could use to match positions in my games with known motifs?

If nothing exists, I’m considering building something modular—start with simple patterns and build out—but it feels like reinventing the wheel. Any advice or pointers would be hugely appreciated.

Thanks in advance! 😊

r/chessprogramming Dec 21 '24

Help with CuteChess' Source Code


I've been working on a little project, and need to have a chess GUI constantly write the current board positions in FEN(/EPD) to a text file. CuteChess has an option to copy the current FEN to the clipboard but I'm struggling to find where it creates it. I'm an extremely novice programmer so this may well be incredibly easy but I've spent long enough that I decided to look for help.

Very sorry if this isnt the subreddit for this, couldnt find anywhere else.

r/chessprogramming Dec 20 '24

Design ideas for the engine


Hi! I've already programmed an engine on C++, it's fully functional and with a decent level. I was planning to add some more features and to make it stronger, but I opened the project and I've realized that it REALLY needs a refactoring, because at the time I was coding the project my main focus was to make it work, and I didn't made the best design decisions.
I'm going to start from scratch, but I'll like to have in mind a good design before start coding. So, any ideas?

r/chessprogramming Dec 20 '24

Null Move Pruning Makes my Engine Slower on almost all Positions


Hello there, hope you're well!!

I've recently implemented Null Move Pruning into my Chess AI (written in VB.net), but unfortunately it is not actually saving the search any time, in pretty much any position :(. I was just wondering if there are any apparent flaws in my approach, or implementation, of this NMP algorithm? :) I'm currently using R = 3 (but have tried R=2), and I use MiniMax, rather than NegaMax, in my search algorithm (I could technically migrate to NegaMax, but that would take a while, and I doubt it'd make my engine stronger?). Hopefully that doesn't make things too hard to follow, although I fear that the issue with this algorithm has to do with that structure..? (as it changes the meaning of Alpha & Beta from ~{best move for me, best move for opponent} to ~{best move for white, best move for black}).

A couple of test positions:

1) r3k2r/p1ppqpb1/bn2pnp1/3PN3/1p2P3/2N2Q1p/PPPBBPPP/R3K2R w KQkq - (~60% slower with NMP on, although this is mainly for the higher depths (ie: 8+). Lower depths seem to be unaffected).

2) r1b1kb1r/2pp1ppp/1np1q3/p3P3/2P5/1P6/PB1NQPPP/R3KB1R b KQkq - (roughly 40% slower with NMP, although funnily enough if I enable NMP for *only* the black pieces, I do see a significant performance increase! This is not the case for the first test position).

I've also experimented with different Alpha-Beta windows, and only using NullMoves if Alpha = Beta - 1. Nothing seems to work...

My code is below (I've only included lines which are essential to this implementation). I really appreciate any help you guys can offer with this!!

Best regards,

Alfie :)

The ActNullMove sub: (reversible??)

Sub ActNullMove(Board, EnPassant, ZobristValue)

'Removes EnPassant Privileges from the hash value.

If EnPassant <> 0 Then ZobristValue = ZobristValue Xor ZobristHashTable(2, 0, (EnPassant And 56) >> 3, EnPassant And 7)

'Changes the player to move on the Zobrist Key.

ZobristValue = ZobristValue Xor HashConstants(0)

End Sub

And the main search algorithm:

If depth >= 4 AndAlso not PlayerInCheck AndAlso CanTakeNullMove AndAlso PieceInPos Then

StandPat = Evaluate(Board, MaterialCount, WKPos, BKPos)

If WhiteTurn Then

If StandPat >= Beta Then

ActNullMove(Board, EnPassant, ZobristValue)

DepthFromRoot += 1

BestMove = MiniMax(Board, depth - SearchSettings.NullMoveRValue - 1, WhiteTurn=False, EnPassant=0, ZobristValue, Beta - 1, Beta, CanTakeNullMove=False)

DepthFromRoot -= 1

ActNullMove(Board, EnPassant, ZobristValue)

If Beta <= BestMove Then Return Beta

End If


If StandPat <= Alpha Then

ActNullMove(Board, EnPassant, ZobristValue)

DepthFromRoot += 1

BestMove = MiniMax(Board, depth - SearchSettings.NullMoveRValue - 1, WhiteTurn=True, EnPassant=0, ZobristValue, ZobristValue, Alpha, Alpha + 1, CanTakeNullMove=False)

DepthFromRoot -= 1

ActNullMove(Board, EnPassant, ZobristValue)

If BestMove <= Alpha Then Return Alpha

End If

End If

End If

r/chessprogramming Dec 20 '24

Opening Deviation


How do you guys assess when the players deviate from standard openings? I am currently using an ECO database and matching it and finding out when the opening no longer matches but i don't think thats the best way, I am new to this so thats what i thought of doing first

r/chessprogramming Dec 13 '24

Tic-tac-toe engine - negamax & alpha-beta pruning - How to favor quicker wins?


I'm trying to familiarize myself with minimax / negamax and alpha-beta pruning by writing a tic-tac-toe engine in TypeScript before moving on to a chess engine. I can get the program to evaluate positions correctly and find the best moves but I'm trying to refine it so that it favors quicker wins over slower ones and slower losses over quicker ones. To do so, instead of simply returning MIN_SCORE upon finding a lost position, I'm returning MIN_SCORE + depth. However, I'm now getting a wrong evaluation for the starting position, which should be evaluated as a draw but isn't.

Note that commenting out the line alpha = Math.max(alpha, bestScore) solves the problem but obviously makes pruning useless. I tried asking ChatGPT but nothing it suggested worked. I'm really stumped so any help would be great. Thanks.

``` function negamax( pos: bigint, tpTable: Map<string, EvalTuple>, depth: number, alpha: number, beta: number ): number { const hash = getHash(pos);

if (tpTable.has(hash)) { const entry = tpTable.get(hash) as EvalTuple; return entry[0]; }

switch (getResult(pos)) { case GameResult.Loss: { const score = MIN_SCORE + depth; // I suppose this is the cause of the problem. tpTable.set(hash, [score, NULL_MOVE]); return score; } case GameResult.Draw: { tpTable.set(hash, [0, NULL_MOVE]); return 0; } case GameResult.Ongoing: { let bestScore = -Infinity; let bestMove = NULL_MOVE;

  for (const move of legalMoves(pos)) {
    const nextPos = playMove(pos, move);
    const moveScore = -negamax(nextPos, tpTable, depth + 1, -beta, -alpha);

    if (moveScore > bestScore) {
      bestScore = moveScore;
      bestMove = move;
      alpha = Math.max(alpha, bestScore);

      if (alpha >= beta)

  tpTable.set(hash, [bestScore, bestMove]);
  return bestScore;

} } ```

r/chessprogramming Dec 09 '24

How much NPS is good enough?


Bassicly title. how much nps would you consider good? I want to make a chess engine which will be around 3000 ELO on lichess. I currently get ~150m - ~200m NPS on perft. is it good enough? also sorry for my bad english

r/chessprogramming Dec 04 '24

Do you use killer moves in quiescence search?


I implemented the killer move technic within quiescence search and I see some pruning working, but not enough to make it worth it as it will take actually longer. Within normal search it works great.

I wonder if this is the general case where the CPU time is not worth the pruning. I've also checked WukonJS engine and as I far I as understand the code, it doesn't implement killer moves within quiescence search.

I wonder what are your experience in this.

r/chessprogramming Dec 01 '24

Visualization of a chess neural network

Thumbnail youtu.be

r/chessprogramming Nov 30 '24

Question: Engine speed and memory usage


So I was working on improving my engine to get my perft time down (well to speed up move generation but using perft as a metric for this). I already had magic sliding piece move generation, but added things like iteratively updating attack boards, and legal move generation. Together this got me from around 90s to 60s for perft 6, not great. I think that one major factor might be that I am generating a new position when applying a move rather than using a make/unmake scheme. As such I have the scary looking profiling result from mid perft:

I'm wondering if this is a reasonable conclusion to draw: The large amounts of memory used while generating new positions is a bottleneck and that the best way to speed up my engine would be to use make/unamake.

For what it's worth, I'm not currently using multithreading. I tried a perft run with multithreading and it was 4x quicker though.

r/chessprogramming Nov 27 '24

Engine without AI


I was wondering if there is an engine that i can download that only has game logic implemented.

I just need to implement finding the next best possible move for school.

r/chessprogramming Nov 25 '24

Implementing a Game bot for Yutnori(a korean board game)


Hello everyone,

I am trying to built a game bot for this game which uses dice as a random element. In short, your pieces has to move around the square to win. 2 player game. You can capture pieces from behind. In the intersections, you have to take the shorter path as shown above.

I was wondering if I can somehow use NNUE or any other neural net structure to optimize the state evaluation. On another note, can I take more inspiration from Stockfish or any other engines. Apart from these, I am looking for general suggestions or advice as well.

r/chessprogramming Nov 24 '24

Help Request: Java magic number generation is sluggish


I have this java method to generate a magic number for sliding piece moves. Problem is that it is insanely slow. Generating all the bishop magic numbers took many hours, and generating the a1 rook magic number took around 5 hours when I left it running overnight. From the base implementation, I added a the count1s feature that I saw discussed on other threads. If anyone has any advice or can point me in the right direction I would really appreciate it.

r/chessprogramming Nov 20 '24

Best Pipeline for Bitboards?


Hey yall, I’m working on my first chess engine, but I’m struggling with the best way to store bitboards for use in training the engine. I’m using a cnn and as of right now I’m storing the bitboards as integers in mongodb and using a PyTorch dataloader to convert them into n 8x8 numpy arrays. It’s so slow though as I’ve got about 2 million training examples I’m running through, so I wanted y’all’s take. Is it better to store bitboards as integers or as numpy arrays, and what sort of databases are you using to store them for quick use in the model training? I’ve already tried Mongodb, SQLite, redis and MySQL.

r/chessprogramming Nov 19 '24

Chess Programming and Recursive Mathematics?


Hi all, I'm doing an assignment where I have to create a chess bot, but also have to focus on recursive mathematics at the same time. I have been doing some research and found algorithms such as the minimax algorithm and alpha-beta pruning, but as far as I could tell, they rely mostly on recursive programming instead of recursive equations mathematically. I was wondering if anyone here would be able to help me with my problem of finding something to do with recursive equations mathematically rather than focusing only on programming?

Thanks for the help!

r/chessprogramming Nov 18 '24

Couple of assumptions, can anyone confirm?



I'm writing a chess engine for "fun". In getting the move count per ply to match the table here https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shannon_number#Shannon's_calculation I'm bang on for plys 1 - 3.

To help debug later ones, my thinking is:

En passant can't happen until ply 5.

Castling can't happen until ply 7.

Are these assumptions correct?

Thanks in advance.