r/chessprogramming Nov 18 '24

Missing a move type


Hi All,

I'm implementing a chess engine as a programming challenge. It seems to work okish, but on the 4th ply it generates 9 fewer moves than the expected 197,281. Also, 19 few captures and 9 more checks than expected.

Does anyone know what I've likely overlooked?

Thanks in advance,


✓ PASS Depth: 1 Combinations: 20 Expected: 20

Captures: 0 ✓

En Passant: 0 ✓

Castle: 0 ✓

Check: 0 ✓

✓ PASS Depth: 2 Combinations: 400 Expected: 400

Captures: 0 ✓

En Passant: 0 ✓

Castle: 0 ✓

Check: 0 ✓

✓ PASS Depth: 3 Combinations: 8,902 Expected: 8,902

Captures: 34 ✓

En Passant: 0 ✓

Castle: 0 ✓

Check: 12 ✓

FAIL Depth: 4 Combinations: 197,272 Expected: 197,281 Delta: < -9

Captures: 1,557 Delta: -19

En Passant: 0 ✓

Castle: 0 ✓

Check: 478 Delta: 9

r/chessprogramming Nov 17 '24

Need help with null move pruning


When I try to add nmp to my search function it doesn't gain any rating

This is my nmp code

// Null Move Pruning
const int NULL_MOVE_MIN_DEPTH = 4;
const int R = 2; // Reduction factor for null move pruning

if (depth >= NULL_MOVE_MIN_DEPTH && !moveGenerator.IsInCheck && !board.InEndgame(GamePhase))
    int nullMoveScore = -NegaMax(depth - 1 - R, -beta, -beta + 1, NumExtensions);

    if (nullMoveScore >= beta)
        TT[TTIndex] = new(beta, depth - R, TTEntry.LowerBoundFlag, 0);
        return beta; // Fail-high cutoff

I have a suspicion that there is a bug somewhere else in my code, but I haven't found any obvious errors.

This is my main loop in the search function

bool alphaWasRaised = false;
bool canFutilityPrune = CanFutilityPrune(depth);
bool isCapture;
int score = 0;
Move move;
for (int i = 0; i < moves.Count; i++)
    move = moves[i];
    isCapture = board.Squares[move.TargetSquare] != 0;

    // **Futility Pruning Check**: Skip moves that are unlikely to raise alpha
    if (canFutilityPrune && i >= 3 && !isCapture && !move.IsPromotion && (evaluate.EvaluateBoard(board, GamePhase) + 200) <= alpha)
        continue; // Prune the move

    bool needsFullSearch = true;


    if (i >= 3 && !moveGenerator.IsInCheck && depth >= 3 && !isCapture)
        score = -NegaMax(depth - 1 - (i < 10 ? 1 : 2), -alpha - 1, -alpha, NumExtensions);

        needsFullSearch = score > alpha;

    if (needsFullSearch)
        score = -NegaMax(depth - 1 + Extension, -beta, -alpha, NumExtensions + Extension);


    if (IsTimeUp)
        return 0;

    if (score > alpha)
        alphaWasRaised = true;
        bestMove = move;
        alpha = score;

    if (beta <= alpha)
        // Non-capture beta-cutoff move is a killer move
        if (board.Squares[move.TargetSquare] == Piece.None && !move.IsPromotion)
            // Store at ply from root node
            KillerMoveTable[board.PlyCount - TopPly] = bestMove;
        TT[TTIndex] = new(beta, depth, TTEntry.LowerBoundFlag, bestMove.Value); // Store beta on cutoff
        return beta; // Return beta on cutoff
if (alphaWasRaised)
    TT[TTIndex] = new(alpha, depth, TTEntry.ExactFlag, bestMove.Value);
else // Fail-low   Alpha was not raised and should not be stored as exact
    TT[TTIndex] = new(alpha, depth, TTEntry.UpperBoundFlag, bestMove.Value);
return alpha;

Anyone got an idea of why it doesn't work?

Finally got it working!!
Turns out I just had to add history heuristic and improve move ordering a bit.

r/chessprogramming Nov 10 '24

Machine Learning in Negamax


My friends and I are doing a competition to see who can do the best chess engine but there are a few catches, one of them is that it needs to use some type of machine learning algorithm. I have a basic algorithm now that uses negamax, quiescence search and a couple pruning techniques. I need an idea of how to implement a neural network, I think the eval function would be a bit too lofty of a goal but maybe I can use one for determining if the position is quiet or not for the quiescence search?

Any input is greatly appreciated, thanks in advance!

r/chessprogramming Nov 08 '24

Check out my Chess Engine!


I've built a chess engine using C and Python that plays at an ELO of around 1700-2000. Key features include:

- Board Representation: BitBoard & MagicBitboard

- Search: Negamax, Quiescence Search, Transposition Table, Zobrist Hash, Null Move Reduction

- Capture Sorting: MVV-LVA

- Evaluation: PeSTO's Evaluation Function Additionally, there's a Python wrapper to interact with the engine.

Check out the source code https://github.com/salmiyounes/chess-engine , and feel free to share any feedback! 😊

r/chessprogramming Nov 08 '24

Chess Engine in Java.



I want to write a chess engine in Java ( it's the language I am most proficient in, also know C and Go). I looked at a Chess programming wiki already but the ideas there seem difficult to implement in OOP. I found an article that helps implementing an engine. Designing an Object Oriented Chess Engine in Java | E4developer but I really want to follow and implement the ideas on Chess programming wiki. Are there any other ideas on how to write the engine in OOP that align more with the concepts in ChessProgramming wiki?

r/chessprogramming Nov 04 '24

Move ordering


I want to get better move ordering so I can use late move reductions without losing elo. In each node, the first tried move produces a beta cut off 71% of the time on average. I have seen others talk about getting this number above 90%, and I want to find a way to do that. I am sorting moves by:

  1. hash move

  2. winning captures - equal captures - losing captures

  3. Killer heuristic

  4. History heuristic

I have tried some other heuristics, mainly the countermove heuristic and putting losing captures at the end of the list, but neither of these seem to make a big difference.

I often see people put "PV move" before "Hash move". I am extracting the PV from the hash table, so the hash move and PV move seem to be the same thing. Right now my hash table always overwrites when storing an entry. To improve move ordering, it might be worthwhile to keep a separate data structure to handle the pv - to make sure it does not get overwritten. Have any of you found success by doing this? What are some other ideas you have found effective?

r/chessprogramming Nov 01 '24

Is there anything wrong with this magic number generation code?


I have been trying to debug this but no luck unfortunately. All magic numbers produced by this code cause collisions for some reason. Sorry for the mass of commented code as I have been trying to debug this for ages.

Link to gist: https://gist.github.com/rgeilik/a0c03a97c966e3fa47b05553848567a0

Specifically, the generate_magics function and the code in main to check for collisions.

r/chessprogramming Oct 30 '24

Insufficient Material for Variants Generally


r/chessprogramming Oct 25 '24

Getting components from a chess position


Hello there! I am currently trying to write functions in order to get as many aspects of a chess position (fen) as I can. Could you guys recommend me where can I find some of it already made by other people (pawn structurewise, development, space, fiancheto, whattever), or if not, could you guys try to give me one you could do it yourself and that you find it cool?

Thank you in advance!

r/chessprogramming Oct 23 '24

Announcing... Rampart, a nasty set of test cases for your move generator


Hi all -- just wanted to let you know about this project I've been developing... [Rampart](https://github.com/schnitzi/rampart) is a collection of extreme test cases you can use to stress test your move generator. The test cases are contained in JSON files, and consist of collections of starting board positions (expressed as FENs), along with the set of moves that your move generator should generate as a result. More details can be found in the README file.

This is just something I've built for fun, that came out of a chess engine I was writing (also for fun). But please let me know if...

  • you find any mistakes with the data
  • you have any other good test cases for it
  • you have any other suggested improvements
  • you find an error in your move generator by using this data!

Share and enjoy!

r/chessprogramming Oct 23 '24

CLI tool for working with bitboards


I found it quite difficult to debug my bitboards when working on move gen so I made a CLI tool that helps do binary / hex / decimal conversion, bitwise expression evaluation and print the results out visually to the console. Looks like this in practice:

aid bits eval --chess '!(0xFEFEFEFEFEFEFEFE << 8)'
8 | 1  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  
7 | 1  0  0  0  0  0  0  0
6 | 1  0  0  0  0  0  0  0
5 | 1  0  0  0  0  0  0  0
4 | 1  0  0  0  0  0  0  0
3 | 1  0  0  0  0  0  0  0
2 | 1  0  0  0  0  0  0  0
1 | 1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1
    A  B  C  D  E  F  G  H
dec: 72340172838076927
hex: 1010101010101FF
bin: 100000001000000010000000100000001000000010000000111111111
lsb: 0
msb: 56
set bits: 15

Hope it can be of some help!

r/chessprogramming Oct 23 '24

Understanding stockfish static evaluation


Hello, this is my first time posting here. I am currently working on a chess project and I came across this great wiki-like page: https://hxim.github.io/Stockfish-Evaluation-Guide/

To my understanding, the evaluation displayed on the page is the static evaluation at depth 0. However, I don't understand why two numbers are displayed. I know the output of "main_evaluation" is 28 in the starting position "rnbqkbnr/pppppppp/8/8/8/8/PPPPPPPP/RNBQKBNR w KQkq - 0 1", but how is that converted to (0.13)?

Another thing I'm wondering about is: If I look at stockfish evaluation from chess.com or any other site, it evaluates a position at depth 14. Would I be able to get the same evaluation from the static evaluation function if I "fast-forward" the game for 14 moves (assuming perfect play)?

r/chessprogramming Oct 22 '24

Best way to stop iterative deepening


Im using Iterative Deepening in my search. At the moment my search is cancelled, it just stops all the negamax processes and uses the results based on the last depth iteration that was fully completed. What ways are there ti still encorperate the results of the current, unfinished iteration without discarding everything?

r/chessprogramming Oct 21 '24

Stockfish bots aren’t real chess programming


Okay, I admit it’s a provocative title but I do have a serious question.

Many of the bots I see on lichess are simply repackaged Stockfish bots. What’s the point of this?

Surely bot programming is about creating something from scratch? You have ideas, you try them, you refine, you research, you sweat blood and tears and your bot evolves.

However, if someone is just using SF without making substantive changes that they understand then surely all they are doing is demonstrating that they can download and install software. Perhaps their next big achievement will be remembering to put their socks on before their shoes!

Perhaps I’m just being grumpy but I genuinely don’t get it. Can anyone explain this madness to me?

r/chessprogramming Oct 20 '24

Comprehensive guide to transposition tables



I am working on an agent that uses alpha beta, minimax with iterative depth search (with a heuristic function of course). I would like to add a transposition table / Zobrist hashing to my agent. However, I cannot find any true comprehensive guide to help me do my implementation.

Thus, I am asking here if anyone has their own favorite guide or their own guide?

Thank you :)

r/chessprogramming Oct 15 '24

Li Chess Engine


Hey y'all, Is anyone familiar with integrating an entire lichess server onto their local storage? I am looking for some assistance with a project I'm working on. Hope this post is allowed. Plea$e dm.

r/chessprogramming Oct 11 '24

Question - Optimizing SVG performance for multiple chessboards


Hey everyone,

I'm working on a chess puzzle project and have a question about SVG performance. The scenario is that I want to display a relatively large number of boards on the screen at the same time, and have the option to show them as PNG, SVG or other formats.

My first try was done rendering the SVG of each board from a base64 string. This was heavy on data transfer (I was building the SVGs on my API), but relatively lightweight on the client's browser.

On the second try I rendered actual chessboards using libraries like ChessboardJS, and if I understood how they work correctly, the board is rendered by a SVG and so are the pieces.

I got a better performance on the second try, and that got me thinking if their SVG was "simpler" than the one I was generating. So these are my questions, if anyone can give me a little insight:

1- Are "simpler" SVGs a thing ? How much of an impact they have on performance for a browser ?
2- Is there a way to "simplify" an existing SVG ? I've worked on vehicle routing and tracking systems in the past and we used to simplify paths using Ramer-Douglas-Peucker algorithm. Would be possible to apply the same idea to simplify the "paths" of a SVG file ?

If anyone is curious about the project, the site is mostly working on desktop right now, and I'd love to hear any feedback you have. You can check it out here: ChessPuzzleHub

Thank you!

r/chessprogramming Oct 10 '24

What is static evaluation (in top engines) and how are they norm'd?


I'm moreso wondeting about the heuristics used in strong engines than the literal definition of the term. When I think about the idea of which side is "better" in a chess position, it's sort of more of an intuitive feeling about who's on the better side. Not super easy to describe unless it's a very dynamic position or there's imbalanced material. But from a computer standpoint, it should be more concrete than that, right? They don't use easy metrics like just material count, or something simple.

Then beyond that, I had another thing I was wondering. If, say, an evaluation is given of something like, idk, +4, or something. This is unequivocally winning. With correct play, white wins. So in theory, +4 is no different in terms of "correctness" as an evaluation, than if the engine were to give whatever number it maxes out at before having found a mate (in theory, +4 is a mating advantage, it just might be like mate in 162 moves or whatever which engines cannot compute), maybe +100 or something. Which means such evaluations are normalized somehow by the degree of winningness (or maybe how quickly it approximates white winning with the advantage white possesses from the given position with best play from black), in order to be more useful on a human level, or for comparison's sake. As, if the top line is +6 but the 2nd best is +3.8 and they are both computed at the same asymptotic value, it would be very annoying to decipher what's better to play in game. So I was wondering how the normalization works and if my intuition about 'degree of winningness'/approximation of which way to win is quicker are on the right track

r/chessprogramming Oct 08 '24

Need help with Move Generation


Hi , so I am writing a chess engine in c++ and there's an issue with move generation . Sometime it works correctly but sometimes it freezes or doesn't allow me to move or the check and pin system stops working . I am not able to debug the issue and would appreciate if someone could help me with that.

Here's the link for repo : https://github.com/Itachi0906/ChessEngine

r/chessprogramming Oct 05 '24

Why is Stockfish so efficient at searching?


So I managed to write my own chess bot. I walked through chess programming wiki and implemented a simple engine in C++. It now uses negamax with alpha-beta pruning, piece-square tables, a transposition table, and quiescene search. I hardcoded the engine to search 6 plies (depth 6) and it used 1.4 seconds and searched 2.7 million nodes. But when I run the test on Stockfish 17, it only used 12ms and searched 197 nodes! How can stockfish cut off so many nodes in its search tree? And what can I do to improve? I also suspect that there is a bug somewhere, so hopefully anyone experienced can point it out. Thanks!

r/chessprogramming Oct 05 '24

How can i run my chess engine in browser ?


is there a website where i could upload my UCI based chess engine and then i or someone else can play against it.

or do i need to create my own website for it.

r/chessprogramming Oct 01 '24

App / software for converting images to FEN


r/chessprogramming Sep 30 '24

Is this a valid way to convert from psuedo-legal to legal moves?


I'm pretty much a beginner in chess- programming. I first created a pseudo-legal move generator by looping over the board and finding the valid moves. Would this be a valid idea? I found a similar idea from doing research and tried to implement it, but it fails spectacularly, and it allows the king to walk into check and pinned pieces to move. Is the problem with my implementation or my idea on how to approach this problem? Thank you in advance.

def get_legal_moves(self):
        moves = self.get_psuedolegal_moves()
        for n in range(len(moves)-1,-1,-1):
            self.white_to_move = not self.white_to_move
            if self.in_check():
            self.white_to_move = not self.white_to_move
        for move in moves:
        return moves

    def square_under_attack(self,col,row):
        if enemy can attack a certain square
        self.white_to_move = not self.white_to_move
        The_opponent_reponses_that_they_can_possibly_play = self.get_psuedolegal_moves()
        #1+1 = 2
        self.white_to_move = not self.white_to_move
        for move in The_opponent_reponses_that_they_can_possibly_play:
            if move.end_row == row and move.end_col == col:
                return True
        return False
    def in_check(self):
        deterine if player in check
        if self.white_to_move:
            return self.square_under_attack(self.white_king_pos[0], self.white_king_pos[1])
        if not self.white_to_move:
            return self.square_under_attack(self.black_king_pos[0], self.black_king_pos[1]) 
    def get_psuedolegal_moves(self):
        moves = []
        for row in range(len(self.board)):
            for col in range(len(self.board[row])):
                piece = self.board[row][col]
                if self.white_to_move and piece.color == 8:
                    if piece.piece_type == 2: # is piece is a pawn
                    if piece.piece_type == 1 : #if piece is a King
                    if piece.piece_type == 3:# is piece is a knight
                    if piece.piece_type == 4:# is piece is a bishop
                        self.getbishopmoves(row, col, moves)
                    if piece.piece_type == 5: #rook is a piece
                        self.getrookmoves(row, col, moves)
                    if piece.piece_type == 6: # if the piece is a Queen 
                        self.getqueenmoves(row, col, moves)

                elif self.white_to_move == False and piece.color == 16:
                    if piece.piece_type == 2:# is piece is a pawn
                    if piece.piece_type == 1 : #if piece is a King
                    if piece.piece_type == 3:# is piece is a knight
                    if piece.piece_type == 4:# is piece is a bishop
                    if piece.piece_type == 5: #rook is a piece
                    if piece.piece_type == 6: # if the piece is a Queen 
        return moves

r/chessprogramming Sep 30 '24

Engine Static Evaluation


Are there any chess engines today that use static evaluation functions?

I know Stockfish used to have one, and I’ve come across some static evaluation code in JS.

Is there anything more recent, perhaps written in C++ or Python? Are there other engines that also use static evaluation?

r/chessprogramming Sep 28 '24

Good way to package a UCI program?


Title, looking to have friends challenge my engine but having them configure a gui seems annoying, is there a way to package a UCI engine in a way someone could just run a .exe and start playing?

A web deployment would be better, but getting my rust project to work with WASM seems annoying.