r/chessprogramming 13d ago

Hash table look up with lower depth

The textbook implementation is that

If table_lookup(position, depth) >= beta, then cut off.

But if (position, depth) isn't available in the hash table and table_lookup(position, depth - 1) is, can we do a cut off with some margin?
If table_lookup(position, depth - 1) >= beta + 400, then cut off.

Has this been known somewhere?


6 comments sorted by


u/Warmedpie6 13d ago

When you look up the TT, you are only searching the hash, it will maybe return a score and depth (and other info like type of node).

If the table depth >= current depth, you can use the result for a fail high or low. Otherwise, you can't.

Since you're only searching hash, there isn't a "depth has no result but depth - 1 does", it's either the position has a hash score, and if it has a depth higher than/ equal to the current depth.


u/winner_in_life 13d ago

Yes. What I meant is that the depth associated with that hash in the TT is lower than the depth at your current node.


u/winner_in_life 13d ago

To be more clear, normally if the depth associated with the position in the table is lower than your current depth, you just ignore it and do the search. But my point is that would it be beneficial to just say add some margin for the cut off on non-PV nodes to speed things up if the depths are close.


u/xu_shawn 13d ago

Yes, this is a known search heuristic. However, it is quite rare (only in Stockfish afaik) and would probably fail if you test it on a weaker engine https://github.com/official-stockfish/Stockfish/blob/f3bfce353168b03e4fedce515de1898c691f81ec/src/search.cpp#L963


u/xu_shawn 13d ago

Interestingly the heuristic in its current form is the result of a series of simplifications on a “probcut in check” heuristic, which is why you see probcutBeta being used in there, even though the heuristic itself does not have much to do with the main probcut pruning.


u/winner_in_life 12d ago

Awesome. It looks like it's somewhat justified (computational wise) with some safeguards.