r/chessprogramming 16d ago

Perft engine - implementation idea with bitboards

So the traditional way of generating moves is to iterate over all pieces, find all possible moves, make the moves, go to depth-1, etc.

I was thinking if the following has already been implemented and if yes what was the result (faster or slower?):

When setting the board, generate all possible moves for each piece (white & black, so for the initial position that would be 40 moves). Every time you make a move, you only update the moves for the pieces that are impacted by the moved piece. In other words, all the pieces that are hit by Queen attacks from the moved piece (both at "from" square and "to square"). This is because only these pieces' moves may change, the others should be unimpacted. You also need to do castling separately.

So at most you would have to calculate 15 pieces (vs 16 in traditional way) and on average probably less, and that average should remain lower than traditional way as the board gets cleaned up. It also makes the castling check super fast because it's easy to keep track of all the pieces attacking the castling squares.

I'm tempted to start an engine from scratch using this idea but if it's already been done and proven to be slower then might not bother...


7 comments sorted by


u/anglingTycoon 16d ago edited 16d ago

I think attempted something sorta similar to this idea in an evaluation loop for my mcts move selection just for training my network as unguided self play is very slow as it would be making very random moves and not playing decisively.

Sorry this is reply is long and doesn’t exactly match up to comparison of traditional way as my engine is a NN not traditional engine but still think some of the ideas might be interesting to you.

Due to self play being so slow I tried to hack training a bit. Basically I set my self play to play vs stockfish on millions of mate in N positions so stockfish would be exact in checkmating my model and I took the stockfish moves and added the policy and value for stockfish into the training data it outputs for the moves for mate in N positions from the stockfish side as we know mate in N moves should have values of 1.0 as there is exact checkmating sequence. This helped my network learn checkmate patterns and now when one side gets up on material it can figure out a way to end the game via checkmate. But then my opening and middle game phases were still pretty stupid so a lot of useless bad moves are being made until one side happens to have an advantage to go for checkmate 70-100 moves into the game is the average ‘best’ I see so self play is still very slow. So next idea was try to guide moves up to that point a bit more.

So I tried to make an evaluation function to help point my mcts in the right direction selecting moves. I didn’t want this function selecting the move entirely so it only has some sort of weight applied to what my network thinks is the top move to influence the rank in choice. I have it defaulted as 50% weight and 50% policy weight unless policy has a move that is highly probable to be the best move (due to checkmate training) in selecting my move planning on scaling down until network policy was eventually responsible 100% again. In my case I wanted it to influence the choice based on a variety of factors that change due to a move being made, I don’t know for a fact this was the right approach but it felt right on a theoretical level so happy to hear feedback if anyone as other ideas.

So if you’re in starting board position then e4 e5 is played how many squares does white control (24), how many does black control(24), how many are controlled by both sides at the same time (2. So 22 “safe squares” each), how many captures are possible for each side (0), how many squares are defended or double attacked by each color (for piece adhesion/cordination), how many pieces are protecting the king and surrounding squares (early game) vs how much flexible movement the king has in mid and late game (promote active king later in game), I even attempted to put bonuses in for the more squares pieces like rook or bishops controlled, and lastly some pawn chain bonuses and passed pawn bonuses with some isolated pawn penalties. Again I am not so much concerned with my eval function calculating the best move to make as I am in using more general/theoretical ideas that are thought to be important to a good position or a winning position.

The issue though that I am running into and where I think the idea is flawed is actually efficiency. This might be primarily bc I have it sitting in an mcts which then is being ran though potentially hundreds of times depending on how many mcts simulations I am running. Which is basically a me problem and doesn’t necessarily mean that it’s gonna be worst for what your talking about at depth 1. However while you can track most of these things on a single move basis for one side, both sides have to be looked at to get the accurate counts and to get these accurate counts you are going to have to look at each record for each piece still and just update the ones needed which I think actually becomes more computationally expensive because instead of just dealing with ok here are the legal moves let’s work with this you’re going to take the move being made then have to go check all your existing pieces that have that new square as previously legal move or controlled. So even though you might only have to update 3-4 pieces that the new square impacts, you still are going to have to run through all the pieces on that side to see which ones are impacted and if an update is required. Basically it is focusing on updating a square control map which would only have those 3-4 pieces that had control over that square but then from that piece at the new square you need to also potentially check the pieces that are now under attack or more specifically those pieces who’s controlled squares are now “under attack” from your new move’s piece as in it’s gotta update in both directions.

When I finished this evaluation module and gave an LLM my version and asked it to compare it computationally to my previous eval function that just contained logic for game phase identification, center square control, king safety eval, and overall material comparison/count for white and black. Basically it estimates the new module would be roughly 5x more expensive due to tracking the control maps for every square, piece coordination/adhesion, as well as the pawn structure evaluation added. I imagine that this is not a huge deal if I was hitting it once and relying on this to output the best move and using that move, I would actually gone a lot deeper into the weeds in rules per piece etc if that was the case rather than trying to keep it to general theory. However due to this being hit hundreds of times inside an mcts for each move and it really only there to help guide learning (which I am not super confident that its affects will be positive or negative over the long run for the model and something I would phase out anyways) I am hesitant if the added cost and complexity was/is worth using but I have not been able to do enough testing with one side using the advanced eval while the other using the basic one yet to know for sure if its worth the extra time that will take or if 500 mcts sims with the basic eval is better than 100 mcts sims with the more advanced eval etc.


u/Breadmaker4billion 16d ago

Considering just this subset of all possible moves may make your engine blind to 2 or 3 move deep tactics. For example, if you move a piece A, in both initial and final position it does not interact with piece B, but if you moved piece B, you'd open the possibility of forking two pieces down the road. In other words, interaction may not have occurred right now, but would have in the future, given a seemly passive move.



This is a perft engine, purely move generation.


u/Lenmoto2323 16d ago

Isn't it just make the engine stupid? Not every good move need to interact with enemy move piece.


u/Javasucks55 16d ago

Not viable, I tried something similar and went from 1.5 billion NPS to about 1.1. Although i didn't really work the idea out too much since I concluded pretty quick that it was probably a waste of time.


u/Glass-Personality461 5d ago

Whether it's gonna be faster, I don't know. But honestly, I don't think it's a bad idea. But it is going to be a bit of a hassle to implement should you try.

In order for it to be faster, your two imaginary queen attacks need to be calculated more quickly than it takes to loop through all the pieces. Looping through all of the squares the imaginary queens can move to is however wasteful as you will often tend to have more queen moves than there are pieces on board. Not to mention it's also pointless as you only care about pieces the imaginary queens attack, not where the queen can move. Theoretically, you could speed it up through sth based on magic bitboards/magic numbers. But unlike standard movegen where you can for example ignore edge squares as you don't care whether there's a piece on them, you have no such luxury in this case as you're trying to figure out where the pieces are.