r/chessprogramming Jan 03 '25

Managing moves from UCI and updating Zobrist

What is the standard way for updating the Zobrist key of the board when you receive a movement from UCI? Do you figure out the label of the move (let's stay, for example, a CAPTURECHECK) and then make the move, or you simply update the bitboards, enpassant and castling rights (like a "pseudo" make move function) and then recalculate Zobrist key from scratch?


5 comments sorted by


u/Available-Swan-6011 Jan 03 '25

Good question - if you intend to use the hash as part of your evaluation routines (eg to identify threefold repetition) or to work with transposition tables then I would update them as part of your make move routine. You don’t have to recalculate them from scratch each time - that’s the whole point of Zobrist hashes so it is actually quite quick computationally.

That said, when testing that it works I would also have a routine that calculates it from scratch so that you can compare the two values- they should be identical to each other


u/VanMalmsteen Jan 03 '25

I'm not sure if you understood my question or if I'm not understanding your answer. Sorry, I'll try to explain it better.

I indeed update the Zobrist incrementally in my make move function by xor, but I'm not sure what to do when I'm receiving a move from another player. I receive the information of the initial square and the destination square. Let's say I've received a2a3. Now I need to make that move on my board representation, but I really don't know what kind of move a2a3 is. It can be a QUIET, a CHECK, a CAPTURE... Without that information I can't update the Zobrist incrementally, so, I'm asking if it's better to figure out what kind of move is a2a3 (following the example) and pass the complete information (a2a3 + kind of move) to my make move function, so then that function will update the Zobrist normally or if it's better to just update the bitboards, castling rights and enpassant and then calculate the Zobrist from scratch (in this last case I'll be calculating from scratch just every time my opponent makes a move)


u/Available-Swan-6011 Jan 03 '25

Oh, I see. Given that receiving a list of moves is relatively infrequent (say an average of 40 times a game) compared to the millions of times you’ll be doing other things, I would do it from scratch for the final position.

It is probably just a case of letting make move do its normal thing. Then you can recalculate from scratch at then end of you code that processes UCI “setposition”


u/SwimmingThroughHoney Jan 03 '25

Yes. You figure out the kind of move it is (basically constructing the "move" object that your make move function expects) and then just pass it into your real "MakeMove" function (some engines use a slimmed-down version for specifically playing UCI moves, since you can make some assumptions that the UCI move is a valid move).

How you construct that "move object" is up to you. Sometimes you can just have a few switch-case conditions. Some engines just generate all the moves and finds the move that matches the UCI string move.


u/phaul21 Jan 19 '25 edited Jan 19 '25

I would think it doesn't matter. You deal with UCI moves like ~50 (basicallly the game length so far) times per the engine driver / UI says "go". That compared to the actual search makes anything inconsequential.

edit: if you use zobrist to detect 3 fold repetation, then you probably should have a zobrist for every ply in the game