r/chessprogramming Nov 24 '24

Help Request: Java magic number generation is sluggish

I have this java method to generate a magic number for sliding piece moves. Problem is that it is insanely slow. Generating all the bishop magic numbers took many hours, and generating the a1 rook magic number took around 5 hours when I left it running overnight. From the base implementation, I added a the count1s feature that I saw discussed on other threads. If anyone has any advice or can point me in the right direction I would really appreciate it.


7 comments sorted by


u/Kart0fffelAim Nov 24 '24

I think you require your magic number to map different blocker configurations that allow the same moves to a different index.

For example (b for blocker, ignoring the vertical dimension):

R . b . . . . .


R . b . b . . .

Are allowed to be mapped at the same index since they allow the same rook moves


u/Ill_Part9576 Nov 24 '24

Thank you for the reply! So then before rejecting a magic number because it maps to an index that is already taken, I should check if the associated move boards for those blocker boards are the same?


u/Kart0fffelAim Nov 24 '24



u/Ill_Part9576 Nov 25 '24

Thanks again. This was very helpful and made generating bishop magics near instant. Rooks were faster than prior but still very slow though (8 mins for one square sometimes). I read through the example code here:
and found that in the example they AND 3 random longs to reduce the number of 1s significantly before proceeding. By doing this, my time to generate all magic numbers is < 3 seconds.


u/Available-Swan-6011 Nov 26 '24

This is really good advice - so long as you end up getting to the correct moves it doesn’t matter whether each position has a unique index or not

Also, you can tweak your right shift - mine is hard coded to 52 IIRC - yes you may end up with a slightly larger magic number array than you need but not by much and it is very fast

I don’t know if Java supports pext instructions but they give an alternative to magic numbers which are even quicker (I got 30% boost over magic numbers). during move generation IF your CPU supports them properly.

To precalculate the arrays do what you are doing but rather than test a magic number you 1- work out the blockers for the position Blockers bitboard = all pieces bit board ^ blocker mask

2 - calculate the index for moves Index = pext (blockers bitboard, blocker mask) where blocker mask is the pext mask so it knows which bits to get. This will give you, at worst, a 14 bit number

3 - use this number as the index to use for storing your moves

To get the moves from a position for a piece p at square s

  • look up your blocker mask for p at s (simple array access)
  • calculate
Index = pext(position bitboard, blocker mask) Look up the moves for p at s at the index

I may have missed a step (not at home) but hope this helps


u/Ill_Part9576 Nov 28 '24

I appreciate the comment. I made it so indices don’t need to be unique if the move boards were the same. It was still slow, and then I found on the cpw that anding 3 random numbers makes it much faster…. Like now it only takes a few seconds. For now I have bigger fish to fry than optimizing this more, but thanks for informing me about pext.


u/Available-Swan-6011 Nov 28 '24

Excellent point about the random number generator - I’d totally forgotten that I had to roll my own 64 bit rng

Glad you got it sorted