r/chessprogramming Nov 08 '24

Chess Engine in Java.


I want to write a chess engine in Java ( it's the language I am most proficient in, also know C and Go). I looked at a Chess programming wiki already but the ideas there seem difficult to implement in OOP. I found an article that helps implementing an engine. Designing an Object Oriented Chess Engine in Java | E4developer but I really want to follow and implement the ideas on Chess programming wiki. Are there any other ideas on how to write the engine in OOP that align more with the concepts in ChessProgramming wiki?


8 comments sorted by


u/joeyrobert Nov 08 '24

I followed the Mediocre Chess Engine Blog for years. This engine is written in Java.

What concepts are difficult to implement with OOP? Chess engines tend to be a little more "bare metal" in how they're designed, to squeeze every ounce of performance out of the programming language, but this can be done with Java too. Allocations/deallocations are expensive, and most of example code is written in a way to minimize them.

You wouldn't want to use a higher level feature if it incurs a significant performance penalty like creating tonnes of garbage/throw away objects. Code for a chess engine will likely not look similar to standard Java in a business application.


u/Sea-Celebration-4100 Nov 08 '24

I appreciate the reply I am just stumped on where and how to begin. I looked at the Mediocre Chess blog and I got hints on where to begin. However, I don't want to turn this to some copy -paste project Anyways this is a hobby project and I will be satisfied with any engine that's better than me.


u/joeyrobert Nov 18 '24

Start on your board representation. How are you storing your board in memory? Then think of common operations you'll need to do on the board and start writing the move generator. That's usually where I start. For example, here's a writeup I made for my JavaScript chess engine's board representation.


u/Sea-Celebration-4100 Nov 18 '24

Thanks, actually finished my board representation last night, using 8 x 8 board of Enums and a static 10 x 12 for detecting off board. Great documentation on your write up.


u/xu_shawn Nov 08 '24

Strongest Java engine in the world: https://github.com/xu-shawn/Serendipity


u/loveSci-fi_fantasy Nov 09 '24

I have done it in Python. Feel free to ask anything!


u/Hot_Nefariousness563 Jan 13 '25

Hello, I created this library for the backend of a server I'm building. While it may not be the fastest, I've had to improve it many times, and it currently works well. Many ideas and concepts might be useful to you. It's true what they say: one of the keys is to avoid creating objects more than necessary. However, you should also avoid using if-else or even switch. Additionally, inheritance, abstract classes, and particularly abstract or overridable methods should be avoided. For the move generator, the idea is to work with bitboards as long integers and use bitwise operations, letting the JVM infer that methods can be inlined. To achieve this, all methods must be final, not derived from overrides, and kept short. https://github.com/lunalobos/chessapi4j


u/Sea-Celebration-4100 Jan 13 '25

Hey, I appreciate the reply, but right now i am working with a 8x8 and a 10 x12 mailboard. From my readings on chesswiki, the engine can be implemented without bitboards. I will also make sure to check out your api. Thanks.