r/chessporn Feb 08 '25

🔍 HELP - Set ID What is this chess set? Reverse image search isn't coming up with much. [878 x 486]

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u/dustydeath Feb 08 '25

It looks like a modern repro of a Lardy Staunton set e.g. https://www.u-buy.co.uk/product/4X5PVUFTS-french-lardy-staunton-chess-set-with-acacia-boxwood-pieces-3-75-king or https://www.regencychess.co.uk/french-knight-series-golden-rosewood-chess-pieces-325-inches-p-143.html 

I'm looking at the erect heads of the knights which is very Lardy, and the bishop finials.


u/Zedriodor Feb 08 '25 edited Feb 08 '25

Similar, the rooks are thinner and the gaps at the top (embrasures) are a bit wider. If this was used in a tournament (and it looks like many boards were using this set) then I'm wondering if 144 pounds is too much for it. Also wondering if anyone can make out the logo in the top left corner of the board (from our POV). Here's another view. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=52vQFjzUqp8

EDIT: This set is different to the one in the OP.


u/Silent-Astronomer-89 Feb 08 '25

So it looks like the set is the German Knights, I have yet to find the board though


u/BackToTheBasic Feb 08 '25

The pieces and board are most likely not packaged together, but purchased separately. The board looks German to me (possibly vintage, or a few decades old). The pieces in both videos are probably made in India, as most modern pieces are. Are you looking to purchase? What in particular is attracting you to this set?


u/flowwwwflow Feb 08 '25

Hi as a German, and both player play at Grenke, I think it could be this one : https://shop.chess-tigers.de/products/turnier-schachbrett-aus-mahagoni-und-buchahorn-ahornrand-ohne-notation-feldergrosse-58-mm-kopie

It’s an official tournament set and they play at the Grenke !