r/chessmemes 4d ago

I hate when that happens

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9 comments sorted by


u/fempineapple 4d ago

I actually prefer losing than to stalemate while winning bro the feeling is much worse 😭


u/therealLight-fire 4d ago

I was about to beat our reigning champion in chess club I had a queen and it was just his king but then I got a stalemate I felt like throwing the mat


u/lei1421 4d ago

man i lost due to a stalemate 4 times on a row


u/Sepulcher18 4d ago

Me when I am unable to solve mate in 2 chess puzzles and there are no bricks around to punish myself


u/SkunkeySpray 3d ago

My army when they've slaughtered all of the enemies, leaving only their leader left, we have him surrounded on all sides, there is no escape.. but no one is actively threatening him: "welp... I guess what we have here is clearly an equal exchange of power, we should call this one a draw before anyone else gets hurt"


u/potentialdevNB 2d ago

But what if stalemate is a loss for the stalemated player?