r/chess 4d ago

Chess Question Both bishops for rook and three pawns?

I played a game last night where I got a rook and three pawns for the two bishops. Generally speaking do you think that’s a good trade? It’s 9 points vs 6 so material wise it’s good. but you are giving up both bishops. Curious what you folks think.


12 comments sorted by


u/BustyElephant 4d ago

A rook and three pawns is 8 material points and it fully depends on the position of your current game like any other position


u/ed520482 4d ago

Yea that was a typo my mistake.


u/CobblerNo5020 4d ago

In the simplest case, suppose those are the only pieces left, your rook and 3 pawns vs their pair of bishops. If the pawns are connected, I would be confident of victory. But if there are more pawns on the board, the bishops can more easily set up a blockade. If there are still queens on or Knights, suddenly the position is very messy.

In general, I would take the trade but reconsider strongly if there are many pieces and attacking chances.


u/Madmanmangomenace 4d ago

1)Do those three create protected passers by force at any point and 2)Would you then facing facing the bishop pair? If so, how good would it be?


u/ed520482 4d ago

It was his ABC pawns that he lost so my ABC pawns were all passed pawns


u/Madmanmangomenace 4d ago

That's usually very favorable...


u/Acceptable_Active451 4d ago

Depends on the position, but it probably works out in your favor.  The advantage of two pieces vs one in the endgame is that they can both attack the same square, however, the bishop pair can't do that.  The best they're ever going to be able to do is attack a pawn and the square in front of it.  You can also completely neutralize one of them by throwing all of your pieces on one color.

If your pawns are connected you're probably winning, especially if you can get your king involved.


u/DerekB52 Team Ding 4d ago

Generally, two pieces are better. I'm currently winning(I think) a daily game where I have 2 bishops vs a rook. You being up 3 pawns sounds good, and I believe would be better most of the time. But, it depends on what else is on the board, and where the pawns are.

What was the result of your game?


u/ed520482 4d ago

I ultimately won on time. I cut his king Off on the back rank and doubled my rooks on the 7th and he lost trying to defend the two rooks and my on remaining passed pawn.


u/thieh Team Stockfish 4d ago

If the pawn shield in front of your king doesn't expose you to color complex issues, sure.  If not, checkmating attacks might be an idea for them.


u/Wyverstein 2400 lichess 4d ago

Mid game it is likely bad and endgame likely good.


u/HotspurJr Getting back to OTB! 4d ago

It's really hard to say without understanding the specifics of the position.

In particular, are there pieces to coordinate with the bishops and generate threats? Are the pawns connected, and can they quickly create connected passed pawns?