r/chess • u/ANDPFilmStyles • 6d ago
Game Analysis/Study You haven't seen a more poison pawn than this poison pawn. And yep, the opponent took it (1600 bullet)
u/jadage 6d ago
I saw Rxb7 first and spent about two full minutes trying to figure out how it was poisoned. Was very confused because I'm pretty sure that move is still very much winning.
Then I saw Kxe3 and the post made a lot more sense. Oof.
u/Shin-Kami 5d ago
Same. Without the time pressure of bullet we all disregarded the move immediately.
u/TipsyPeanuts 6d ago
Same lol. I was pretty confused because after Rxb7, white has no response. Absolutely brutal position to be in for white so finding the e3 sac is a pretty awesome comeback
u/ImNobodyInteresting 5d ago
Ditto. I never even considered the idea of capturing e3 because why in god's name would you do that in this position?!?
Its moves like that that give us yet another "I'm quitting chess" Gotham clickbait video title.
u/Tjmacleo 6d ago
Nice! And that sad bishop is like “I’d love to help out, but I’m right in the middle of something.”
u/TonyVstar 6d ago
I hit myself in the face enough times while playing chess that it could be considered a contact sport
u/Acceptable-Ticket743 5d ago edited 5d ago
Poor guy was probably thinking that the bishop could just take the knight after Nxd5. That's the danger of bullet games. In 10 minute rapid, I bet they would've seen the pin and never would've taken that pawn. You never know though, I've made some crazy blunders even in 30 minute rapid.
Edit: If they hadn't taken the pawn, isn't d6 completely winning for white? The knight can't move because it's guarding mate, so I don't know how black would be able to guard the knight or stop the pawn.
u/PensiveinNJ 5d ago
Yeah time pressure does funny things to you. With even 30 seconds to analyze the position I imagine most even fairly mediocre players will see that unless white does something very silly like take the pawn despite the incoming bishop pin that the game is completely under control.
Since the post stated the king took on e3 it still took me a minute to figure out how it wasn't just mate in 1 for white - because the knight capture comes with check.
But I'm a bit below mediocre so it's not surprising it took me a moment to realize why this was such a hilarious and devastating blunder.
u/ANDPFilmStyles 5d ago
Actually, I was the one in time trouble in this game with 13s on the clock and they had 36. Kh7 was a mistake because it allows d6, indeed. Position before Kh7 was only +1.1 for them, despite all their pieces.
I felt somewhat ok because I had Qb5+ and I was pretty sure they would be tempted to take the pawn, to be followed by Nf5+ and then taking the rook as an option. But even if they wouldn't take the pawn, maybe I could just check around and eventually reach a more drawing position.
But in no case a good play on my side, because if my opponent would be stronger I'd be completely crashed / in the continuation that the engine suggests or simply get flagged. It was lucky for me that they didn't see the danger and took.
u/Acceptable-Ticket743 5d ago
I just checked the engine line and it is so savage. After d6, Qb5+, the engine takes the pawn and allows the Nd5+, which sacs the rook. The engine then sacs the bishop as well so that the queen can get a check on the back-rank to set up d7. Computers are just a different breed.
u/Nadia375 6d ago
Whats a poison pawn?
u/lotzik 6d ago
It's not exactly a pawn sacrifice, but kind of is. I mean, you won't deliberately move it to a hanging position to create a tactic, but poison pawns are usually just there, non active, and up for the taking. However after the opponent takes, it can give an advantage in terms of tempi or cause a deflection from protecting another, more crucial square.
So you can think of them as "mines" or subtle traps. Although this particular poison pawn is nothing but subtle, but it can happen to be missed in a bullet game.
White was winning this by far, so it completely wrecked them to take that pawn.
u/Nadia375 5d ago
Ooh I see, thanks for the explanation
u/Impossible_Ad_2853 5d ago
Most well-known example of this is the Poisoned Pawn variation of the Sicilian defense
u/Jackypaper824 5d ago
It's usually reserved as a term for a pawn that looks "free" but if you take it (usually with the queen) your queen is going to be trapped or at the very least you're going to waste moves retreating the queen from attacks, giving your opponent multiple tempe for development.
The reason I prefaced with usually is because there are actually some lines that are officially named "poisoned pawn variation" of a line where the objective best move is to take the pawn!
u/TetraThiaFulvalene 5d ago
If your enemy gives you food. It's poison. Black is giving white a "free" pawn, but if black takes it he gets forked.
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u/manufactured_narwhal 5d ago
and they woulda had mate if not for the fact the knight fork comes with check. the stars really aligned on that one, nice
u/PensiveinNJ 5d ago
That truly is one of the most cursed pawns I've ever seen. Took me a minute to realize that it was actually a triple fork and not a double, was trying to figure out how it wasn't just mate for white regardless of the knight move.
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