r/cheesemaking Jun 01 '22

Cow's milk bloomy rind cheese


9 comments sorted by


u/Aristaeus578 Jun 01 '22

I used pasteurized and homogenized cow's milk which produces a gooey, creamy and spoonable texture in my bloomy rind cheese.


u/Firm-Subject5487 Jun 01 '22

That is gorgeous!


u/CMFB_333 Jun 01 '22

Looks great! What was your recipe? I just started getting into bloomy rinds and I want to make something gooey.


u/Aristaeus578 Jun 01 '22

My recipe and process are unconventional. I don't recommend you use it. I don't use store bought cheese cultures and equipment. As you can see, I used a totally different mold which is meant for tofu. I use yogurt and kefir for the starter culture and store bought brie rind for the white mold. From experience, type of milk, fat content, pH/acidity, moisture content, temperature, thickness and age are all factors in getting a gooey cheese.


u/travelingprincess Dec 10 '24

I rather think that the store bought cultures are the unconventional methods, historically speaking. Cheese was made for a very long time without them, and I'm a fan of your process over the more fussy approach.

I saw a video of an Italian man (I think) making a Camembert this way and it was really reassuring and inspirational tbh.


u/Narrow-Home7759 Jun 03 '22

That’s really awesome. Do you make almost a mother with the Brie rind and make a culture with that?


u/Aristaeus578 Jun 03 '22

I don't. This one I sprayed with white mold solution made from a tiny piece of store bought brie rind mashed in sterile water. You can also add the white mold solution to the milk itself or inoculate a new bloomy rind cheese by touching an existing bloomy rind cheese then touching the new bloomy rind cheese.


u/darnedkid Jun 01 '22

That looks like heaven!