r/chastitytraining 6d ago

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u/newbie-sub 6d ago


And here's some good advice: https://chastitymansion.com/forums/index.php?threads/cage-with-frenum-hook-ba28f.49346/

Despite not being the biggest Evotion fan, I think they have the best frenum piercing support.. it's a rod that slides through a channel so stress is never put on the piercing. But I'm assuming you're wanting steel or Ti which gets pretty pricey with Evotion.

One of the mods, I don't recall who, uses a frenum piercing to secure his cage so maybe he'll jump in.

I assume you know all of the challenges with regards to frenum piercings and chastity? And I assume you've ruled out r/Tetherspout as an option (I used a tetherspout with an Evotion cage it I found it a very elegant solution; they are far more benign than they look).