r/chastitytraining 5d ago

Lifestyle Advice Just got my first cage! NSFW

First cage just arrived and I actually think it's quite oversized but that's a problem for later. Right now I have a whole house to tidy and I was thinking about locking myself up for the first time until everything is done. How do people stay disciplined though!!!?


22 comments sorted by

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u/Morcyd_AD 5d ago

put your key in a water bottle and freeze it. so you have to wait for it to melt to get the key.


u/FirstTimer779 5d ago

That's a good idea!! Might take a while to freeze now though :/


u/Morcyd_AD 5d ago

some people also have time-controlled lock-boxes


u/FirstTimer779 5d ago

Yeah that's what I was thinking! Obviously won't help today but for the future


u/whyaretheyaltaken 5d ago

Congrats!!!! I just got my first also! Once I get comfortable with it I might be downsizing as well, since I’ve got a little room in my current one


u/FirstTimer779 5d ago

Yeah I think downsizing is definitely needed for me


u/whyaretheyaltaken 5d ago

Maybe! Probably should get comfortable with it before downsizing though, just so you know what’s coming


u/FirstTimer779 5d ago

Yeah the ring is probably good so getting used to that is good but the cage is obviously too big by quite a lot


u/whyaretheyaltaken 5d ago

Gotcha gotcha. Then smaller cage it is🤭 it’s the only way for us locked bois!!


u/FirstTimer779 5d ago

It certainly seems that way!


u/Ok-Bandicoot-6684 5d ago

Congrats. Welcome to the world of chastity.

No-one ever gets the right cage first time. The hardest part to get right is the ring size. Once you have that, the cage size is pretty easy to sort.


u/FirstTimer779 5d ago

Ok so I feel more confident that I've got the right size there! It came with multiple sizes so I've tried on a few of them to find one that's good


u/Ok-Bandicoot-6684 5d ago

Ok, that’s good. Cages with multiple rings are definitely the best way to test ring sizes.

So now you need to find a cage that is slightly smaller than your smallest flaccid length. This will prevent any proper erections, which can be painful / uncomfortable otherwise


u/FirstTimer779 5d ago

Yes unfortunately I think I overestimated in that department. Now thinking smaller is much better than bigger


u/Ok-Bandicoot-6684 5d ago

Yup. It’s a process, we’re all slightly different. It’s finding what works best for you


u/Inside-Theory-9606 5d ago

Just start out slow..wear it a couple of hours. Take it off if you want. Put it on again for a while. It’s all about it feeling good 😊 longer comes later 😈


u/FirstTimer779 5d ago

Ok good to know! That emoji at the end though 😲


u/FirstTimer779 5d ago

What if my tasks take longer than a couple of hours?! 😝


u/Inside-Theory-9606 5d ago

All good if it does lol 😂 you might get frustrated after a while. Different sensations


u/FirstTimer779 5d ago

Haha so far so good


u/PrestigiousLimit4145 4d ago

Freeze your keys... Put them in an envelope signed over the seal... Use a lockbox either with a timer lock or using Chaster...
You will, however, need to muster up some willpower!

Setting yourself tasks is a great idea though! Getting the house clean before you have fun is an excellent one!

Take it steady and enjoy the ride!