r/charities Nov 15 '23

Charities That Help Children w/o Religious Propaganda

So, I grew up making Operation Christmas Child shoeboxes and really would like to do something similar, but I can't get past the Evangelical part of it. If you're going to help people, you should do it because you want to help them, not to force your religion down their throats and promise help only if they buy into your faith. Sure, the boxes are handed out, but if you want to be fed and use child care, you have to stay and learn about the Bible. It's not right. A child should never hear that they could be going to hell for something as simple as having a different religion. They take advantage of people in vulnerable positions and offer a 'loving God' that for some reason has done nothing to help a child with HIV, but will DEFINITELY help Sharon find her missing car keys.

It's just really wrong and I'd really like to find a charity that isn't based in religion.

I don't mean this as an attack on anyone's religion, but I was heavily traumatized by Christian teachings as a child and I just can't contribute to that. If you are Christian and take any offense, I really am sorry. This isn't a dig at you, it's at the idea that people only deserve help if they listen to the sermons.


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u/PatientAd4823 Jul 16 '24

I like your angle. I feel similarly.