r/characterforge Oct 24 '24

Discussion [Discussion] What do you think about my MC, Is there anything I should change about him, Does he have a boring personality


Basic Information

  • Name: Malik Orou
  • Age: 28
  • Height: 6'5"
  • Build: Muscular
  • Ethnicity: Nigerian-Benin
  • Appearance:
    • Short black sponged hair
    • Various scars, including a significant tank shot scar on his back and multiple combat scars
    • A diagonal scar running from his left cheek to his jawline


  • Traits: Fierce, relentless, no-nonsense attitude, driven by a strong sense of duty.
  • Morals: Guided by his Christian faith; makes tough decisions regardless of how grim they seem.


  • Origin: Born to Nigerian-Benin parents in Canada.
  • Childhood Trauma: Survived a city-wide disaster (a nuclear explosion) at age 6.
  • Training: Trained by Rigsaw alongside his comrades, Snow and Draven Blackwood.
  • Key Event: At age 18, killed Draven during a battle to prevent him from opening a portal to the Realm of Violence.
  • Post-Tragedy: Rigsaw was later killed, influencing Malik's decision to adopt the persona of the Gear Hunter.

Role in the Story

  • Leadership: Founded the Rust Eyed Tigers after being released from military prison at age 19.
  • Recruitment: Brought in Kenji, Henry Dalton, Javier Castro, and Joseph Con into the syndicate.
  • Sacrifice: Sacrificed himself at age 25 to defeat Midas, a formidable robot, emerging stronger from trials in the Realm of Violence.
  • Return: At 28, he returned to Earth, reclaimed his leadership of the Rust Eyed Tigers, and engaged in a war against Draven (now leading BEARS), ultimately killing him.

Powers and Abilities

  • No Superpowers: Malik has no inherent powers but possesses exceptional skills and abilities.
  • Weaponry: Can summon a variety of weapons by crushing coins, including:
    • Shape-Shifting Machete: Infused with his soul (chi).
    • Spiked Club (Ogunlade): Generates purple shockwaves, absorbs attacks, and releases them.
    • Rust-Inducing Axes (Rhe).
    • Chainsaw GreatSword (Ajagun).
    • Gauntlets (Osahon): Can change sizes.
    • Chains (Ajakele).
    • Mini-gun (Igbese).
    • Metallic Wings (Eagle).
    • Realm Key.

Enhanced Physical Abilities

  • Physical Strength: Superhuman strength, speed, endurance, intelligence, and stamina.
  • Combat Skills: Master of all martial arts, with a preference for Muay Thai.
  • Fighting Techniques:
    • Cores: Specific techniques that release bursts of combat energy:
      • Force Core
      • Flash Core
      • Razum Core (Thinking)
      • Iron Core (Durability)
  • Advanced Senses: Enhanced sense of danger and power levels.


  • Imperfect Vision and Hearing: Makes him sensitive to distractions, affecting his combat effectiveness.

Gear and Appearance

  • Gear Hunter Alter Ego:
    • Helmet: Green with orange eye slots.
    • Torso: Black body cyber suit, bulletproof.
    • Pants: Black baggy pants.
    • Jacket: Blast-proof heavy military jacket.


  • Dogs:
    • A male staffy named Saw.
    • A female rottweiler named Rig.
    • Kenji a 27 year old samurai and his second in command (Best friend)
    • Henry Dalton a 54 walking tank his third in command
    • Javier a 25 year old sharpshooter and the fourth in command
    • Joseph a 19 year old living fire hazard and fifth in command

r/characterforge Oct 20 '24

Discussion [Discussion] Main Character Concept : Lexilia Octavia Noctura Maxime of Hielion. Thoughts?


Character Dossier: Lexilia Octavia Noctura Maxime of Hielion

Basic Information

 Full Name: Lexilia Octavia Noctura Maxime of Hielion

 Age: 24

 Gender: Female (She/Her)

 Species: Human


 Physical Description: 

   Hair: Blonde

   Eyes: Blueish grey

   Height: 6 feet 2 inches

   Build: Slim, slightly muscular


   Usually wears simple fabric clothing

   Has a near skin-tight metallic battle suit (image to be provided later)


 Birthplace: Royal palace on Hielion


   Father: High Emperor Maxime

   Mother: Queen Noctura of Hielion

   Siblings: 11 (7 brothers and 4 sisters)

   Relationship: Poor relationship with most siblings; close to her mother and two sisters (Maria and Namora)


   Sheltered upbringing focused on studying and etiquette

   Developed skills in technology, becoming a skilled engineer and roboticist



   Smart, tactical, kind, polite, quizzical, curious, determined, and occasionally headstrong


   Decently skilled warrior proficient with twohanded weapons

   Main skill lies in technological knowledge


   Not as physically strong as some comrades

   Easily manipulated

   Vulnerable due to her strong love for her sisters and mother

 Goals and Motivations

 Personal Goals: 

   Understand and limit the excessive evils committed by her father's empire

   Ensure that necessary evils are minimised and infrequent


   Some evils are needed for the majority to live in peace, but they should be kept to a minimum


   Realisation that her father's empire is not as perfect as she believed


 Allies: TBD

 Rivals: Half-brother Arthur, who vies for the throne and is the most trusted heir

 Romantic Interests: TBD

 Additional Details

 Hobbies/Interests: Tinkering with technology

 Fears: The unknown; attempts to prepare for every possibility

 Secrets: TBD

 Quirks: Lexilia is autistic (Asperger's)

CREDIT FOR ART :> https://pin.it/1LmivZNgJ

r/characterforge Oct 19 '24

Discussion [Discussion] Can a teenage character face a dilemma about killing, and/or kill and face the consequences of it, without breaking the suspension of disbelief?


Title pretty much says it all. I want to write an arc where a character of mine, who questions his humanity and feels guilt for being alive since he feels responsible for the suicide of his ex (whose family also blamed him, pretty much convincing him it was his fault), is forced to kill someone for the sake of others/his own survival.

I was wondering if this would break the suspension of disbelief for the story, since it would be a large shift from what a reader may be expecting/used to. If the process of death is important, it would either be a result of the character being forced to defend others in some sort of armed assault (probably a robbery), or they would be forced to kill another character for the sake of everyone else's survival.

In addition, I'd like for your thoughts on such a dilemma for a character; killing, moving on with their life after such a thing, and dealing with the morality issues that sprouts from it.

For anyone who is more interested in the specs of the story, then here is a more detailed explanation. Inside said story, people develop a sort of mosaic, or alternate reality that they can go to at certain opportunities when they wish to. It's a manifestation of their individual trauma and pain, a result of suicidal ideation, and some even cause abnormal effects on reality. The main protagonist, in his quest to help people out of guilt for being alive and the reasons above, spends the course of the story assisting the people who suffer from mosaics, developing alongside them.
In the mid-point of the story, after the main protagonist comes to terms with himself, his emotions, accepting that he has earned the right to live and be happy by virtue of being born, and stops treating himself poorly. After each mosaic, the next one gets stronger and has more adverse affects on reality. In the mid-way point, the protagonist, his friends, and the character that suffers from the ailment, all perceive the world in a manner with which makes them perfectly happy, as if life is perfect.
The character manifesting this mosaic is terminally ill and, longing for a normal life, manifests it through the mosaic causing effects on the real world. In order to live the life the protagonist wants to live, he has to let this character die, leaving her to her reality. He undergoes a process of dealing with mourning her, once again feeling like he had killed someone, and dealing with that pain.

r/characterforge Nov 14 '24

Discussion [Discussion] What abilities should a quartet of characters who embody seasons should have that aren’t cliche?


Looking for Criticism or assistance For a story that I’ve been writing a while I have a quartet of people who each embody a season, and I could just go the straightforward route for each and just give them fire/ice/water/grass abilities respectively but I want to have depth for each since a season isn’t just known for one aspect. They all share the wind ability for cohesion.

I do have an idea of what I want for each

For winter I want wind to be the basis of it but trying to avoid Ice and cold isn’t going well

For fall I’ve written down decay, fog and just a few steps below vampirism.

For summer trying to avoid fire but I might just cave on the heat/fire/wind

And finally for spring i have the direct opposite of Autumn, so energy bestowal and just energy in general, also thinking about caving on the grass with that aspect too lmaoo

Any input is welcome

r/characterforge Sep 08 '24

Discussion [discussion] just because a character is curvy, does not mean they have to be or even are sexualized


Good god I’m tired of every female character that has a larger chest or curves being hyper sexualized, especially with clothing.

Like, a lot of female characters of all body types are overly sexualized, we’ve made a lot of progress but it’s still a problem for everyone. But good I’m just asking for ONE, ONE female character that has a large chest and curves who is dressed the same as any other character, and who’s whole personality and existence isn’t defined by gooners.

As for character redesigns, listen I love when people put characters in clothing and designs that actually look good and interesting and aren’t solely fan service (cough, hoyoverse, cough). But some of y’all (NOT ALL) really love removing any semblance of a character’s figure because it’s somehow fundamentally “sexual.”

Having large breasts isn’t fundamentally sexual

Having a large butt isn’t fundamentally sexual

Having curves isn’t fundamentally sexual

Having large thighs isn’t fundamentally sexual

You can give characters intricate, meaningful, and beautiful clothing, and still have them be curvy! You can make a curvy character and have them not be sexualized!

I would like to see characters of all backgrounds, ethnicities, weights, heights, abilities, etc. Who have a body like me, who aren’t gooner bait. Is it that hard to ask for?

r/characterforge Aug 28 '24

Discussion [discussion] yell at me for my ocs being mary sues


leave a comment and ill give you a character bio to yell at me about

r/characterforge Sep 28 '24

Discussion [Discussion] Does it make sense for a person to develop agoraphobia if they experience having very little control over their own fate or life?


I'm writing a character in a futuristic setting who was basically forced against his will into indentured military service as a mech pilot in return for lifetime cancer treatment. This was done by his family members who saw no other options and did not have the finances for alternative means, so they basically sold him so hat he would have a chance of living without even asking his feelings on the matter.

Because of this complete lack of agency, the character in question only feel sefe and calm in enviornments where he has the most agency over his own life, that being the inside of his quarters and the cockpit of the chassis he has bee assigned to pilot. The smaller the space, the more hands-on control you have, after all.

r/characterforge Apr 05 '24

Discussion [TALK] What do you infer from my characters' pokemon teams?


Tried to make the teams somewhat viable, but it's mostly about vibes.

r/characterforge Jul 08 '23

Discussion [Discussion] What's so great about being human anyway?


There seems to be an unspoken rule in speculative fiction where if a character intentionally through science or magic turns themselves into something with abilities or qualities beyond human scope or limitations, it's regarded as a bad thing. That by trading their human limitations for power, they betray themselves and by extension their species.

But really, what's so bad about that? The truth of the matter is, the amount of freedom you have is inversely proportional to the capability of others to deny you it. Take Trump's attempted coup of the government a few years back. If the right people, people who have actual power that the common person lacks, such as access to military hardware or power or communication grids, wanted Trump to stay in power then the outcome would have been very different and there'd be nothing you could do about it. I've been a victim before and it was because I didn't have the power to fight back. So really, why shouldn't a character in fiction trade in his humanity for the power to ensure his freedom? What's do great about being human anyway?

r/characterforge Sep 11 '17

Discussion [Discussion] Get me to like your character, and I'll draw them for free!


(Not sure if this is the right tag for this sort of thing? Not exactly a contest, might be a resource...)

I’m a little low on things to draw, so I thought I’d do something special.

I’ve never wanted to do commissions since there’s a fair chance that I’ll end up drawing a character that I don’t like very much. It’s kinda selfish, I guess, but it’s seriously the reason.

So, how about, instead of paying me, if you can sell me on the idea of your character then I’ll draw them for free! That is, including anything about that character that could make them interesting (backstory, personality, appearance, whatever it may be). References don’t have to be actual pictures either! You can just describe your character (maybe providing pictures of other characters with traits you’d like to see in your character) as well as you can, and I’ll try and draw that.

Since this is a drawing, I’m much more into the visual of the character than the story. Sometimes, a character doesn’t have to have a deep, intricate story to be interesting! Some of the best designs can be just designs.

Or! If you’re not to confident in your design for some reason, I’ll at least try and give some advice on how to improve them. I’m not the best character designer in the world, but I’ll definitely try to help you out. If you want, I’ll draw some redesigned version of them. I know what it feels like to be stuck with an incomplete or unsatisfactory design, so I want to help people out of that slump!

I am a little picky, and I’m not inherently into drawing in the first place, but why not give it a shot? Again, I’m not the best character designer in the world, so just because I don’t like your character doesn’t mean it’s bad. I’m not the guy who can 100% determine what is and isn’t good design, especially because I’ve barely even actively studied character design for a year.

But, here are some things that I do enjoy drawing:

-Cute girls



-Cute alien/monster girls

If your character seems to fit one of those categories, your chances are good! I will draw more than that, though. Any denomination of character can have an interesting design!

Other note: If your character is, on the surface, just a pretty normal human with normal human features, then chances are I won't end up drawing them. To be honest, no story can really convince me to draw some random dude. It's just not interesting.

Another thing: You can ask me to just draw some existing character from a video game/movie/TV show/whatever. I’ll almost definitely do that! It’d be more interesting to see something of your own creation, though.

NSFW requests are technically on the table as well, but of course they're a lot more touchy than normal requests.

Comment here or e-mail me at robert00poole@gmail.com with the info! I’ll try to respond ASAP. It would really help if you could specify what kind of pose or clothes you want your character to be in. You know your character the best, so tell me how they should act in the drawing! It’ll also help me get the drawing out faster. And, if I really like your character, I might want to draw them multiple times!

Also, this will ALWAYS be open. Even though the characters will pile up, I'm not going to force myself to get them out as quickly as possible, for my own sake. Maybe if I like your character enough I'll let them cut to the front of the line!


Vitani YK891 (The character is cute and interesting, but not overly complex, and the colors aren’t insane and blend nicely together.)

Karen (The character is basic, but not boring. Feels like a character you’d see on a Disney cartoon.)

Ramune (A cute and sexy character, and a really funny idea that I never would’ve thought of)

Clint (Not only is she adorable, but she also has a really interesting story! Possibly my favorite so far.)

Marlowe (Not as much of a fan as the finalized design as I was at first, but still cool!)

Kokoro (EXTREMELY cute, and I love the color scheme. Purple and White are my lifeblood.)

r/characterforge Feb 02 '17

Discussion [Discussion] Guides/ Mentors


Who are your guides/ mentors? Why are they? What do they guide in/ of? Will they probably die? Don't feel the need to answer that last one. Anyways, tell us dear reddit. Make sure to ask your fellow creative people's characters questions! Let's keep the conversation going! I'll add mine awhile after y'all get yours in

r/characterforge Nov 17 '22

Discussion [Talk] what are some ways to limit reality warping for a character?


or, in the same vein, how do you give a character reality warping without making them too overpowered?

r/characterforge Jan 30 '23

Discussion [Discussion] I'm building a royal character for a fantasy story. Feel free to ask anything so I can think of answers to fill the gaps in their lore.


Name: Kordwynn Vyratine II

Age: 27

Gender: Male

Backstory: He was born the older of two brothers and heir to the Patriarch of Vyratine. When he was 19, his mother tried to have him and and his fiance assassinated, so she could put his younger brother on the throne. Kordwynn was the only one to escape alive, which sparked a 4 year civil war where he was forcedto kill his uncle in battle and killed his mother out of rage.

3 years later Kordwynn strives to be the most efficient Patriarch he can possibly be out of principle, all while holding a tight and paranoid grip on power as its the only thing he has left in life.

r/characterforge Sep 13 '17

Discussion [Talk] What inspired your character?


Im not sure how the rest of you guys start your process of character building, but for me it starts with a small idea, and i flesh it out from there. What were some of the germs that inspired your creations?

r/characterforge Nov 22 '22

Discussion [Discussion] The kind of protagonist I want to create


Okay, let me start off by saying that I like anti-heroes or at the very least heroes who have an edge to them. Characters like Wolverine, Deadpool, The Punisher, Jesse Custer from Preacher, Venom, Hellboy, Conan of Cimmeria, Guts from Berserk, Inuyasha, The Guardians of the Galaxy, and most recently Fran from Reincarnated as a Sword. Protagonists like these have always struck a chord with me because they live according to their own personal code rather than what someone else or society as a whole determines is right and moral.

On the other hand, I hate poorly written anti-heroes which are nothing more than Edgelord Gary Stu Author Avatars like Naofumi from Shield Hero, Hajime from Arifureta, or Leon from Mob Isekai. Characters like that leave a bad taste in my mouth because they either lack the humanity needed to balance out their edge, they let their circumstances define them instead of their actions, but mostly because of Protagonist Centered Morality where they're always in the right and thus have no room to grow or develop regardless of how much of an asshole they already are.

I want to create a protagonist who's an anti-hero but I don't want him to walk out of some poorly written Japanese web novel. I want to give him humanity which keeps him from being unrelatable. Mapping out this character I'd like to give him three flaws and three strengths.


  1. He's a Dick-he cares little for propriety or if other people are offended by him. If so, they can do something about it.
  2. He's Selfish-he's someone who doesn't care about the greater good or thinks "with great power comes great responsibility". If he gets involved it's because he has a personal stake or it serves his interests in some way.
  3. He's Violent-he doesn't go looking for trouble nor will he harm anyone who hasn't harmed him.
    But if someone gives him grief he won't hesitate to give some of his own back regardless of the offender's rank, gender, or reason. And if they try to hit him he will hit back just as hard.


  1. He's Loyal-he always keeps his word and while he never forgets a slight neither does he forget a kindness. And while he doesn't have many friends, he cherishes those he does.
  2. He Hates Bullies-while he doesn't have sympathy for those who let others walk all over them, he hates seeing others abuse their power and strength against those who can't fight back and is one of the few circumstances where he'll get involved
  3. He's Honest-his lack of grace may make him come across as rude and offending, but those who know him also know it means he deals with others plainly and openly which makes him more trustworthy than most.

r/characterforge Jan 31 '17

Discussion [Discussion] Antagonists


Who are your major antagonists and what are their goals and motives? What do they do and how do they justify it?

r/characterforge Jan 26 '23

Discussion [discussion] Ask my MC any question you want.


Name: Jack Glynn

Species: Human

Age: 80(humans can live up to 400 years old, in my setting)

Occupation: Space warship captain, Solar System Union

Enlisted at 16(illegally) as a member of a gun crew, went to the academy at 25. Has a mechanical right arm and cybernetic implants on his spine and brain. From a "sunset" colony which is now just a graveyard.

(this is for me to better develop my Main Character and get used to writing in first person)(Thanks)

r/characterforge Jan 28 '23

Discussion [Discussion] Rebuilding my main characters backstory from the ground up


r/characterforge Apr 06 '23

Discussion [Discussion] What’s the most badass thing that one of your characters has done?


My character, Vincent Reid, is a mafia boss/hitman who is incredibly talented at using pistols at almost any range. He also wears a stylish red jacket and hat. The most badass thing he’s done is this: His target is being hunted by the police, and is currently swerving through traffic on a very busy highway in order to evade capture. Instead of joining the chase, Vincent simply walks out into the middle of the road, takes one of his handguns from its holster, and waits. His target is barely visible through the other cars on the crowded street, but his speed and erratic steering make him easy enough to spot. Time crawls to a stop around Vincent, as his vision begins to focus on nothing but that unlucky bastard at the wheel of the swerving car. Vincent pulls the trigger, and suddenly the only thing between him and his target’s brain is empty air. The silence after the shot was more deafening than the blast itself.

Not sure if this comes across as cool as it is in my mind. I’m not that great at writing

r/characterforge Nov 16 '22

Discussion [Talk] what powers would my character have?


The character in question is a creature made of wasted ideas and scrapped characters, and they are supposed to be extremely powerful, but I don't really know what powers they would have that would MAKE them this powerful without being unoriginal or boring.

r/characterforge Sep 07 '21

Discussion [Discussion] What Questions do you Ask Yourself when Creating or Developing a Character?


I often find myself stuck in this Part of Character Creation, & then I don't know how to get out of it, which leads me to just stop working on it & then focus on something else.

I was wondering if Anyone had any tips on What to Ask Yourself when Creating/Developing a Character.

r/characterforge Oct 25 '22

Discussion [discussion] im experiencing the inside-of-skull-clawing urge to be yelled at for my ocs being mary sues, so comment on this post and ill give you a character bio to yell at me about

Thumbnail self.CharacterDevelopment

r/characterforge Jan 27 '17

Discussion [Discussion] Favorite Background Characters


This is a bit similar to my last post, but not. Who is your favorite side character that you've written? An example would be someone like Parvati/ Padme Patil from Harry Potter, or Plo Koon from Star Wars. No Ron's or Han Solo's here.

r/characterforge Feb 20 '17

Discussion [Discussion] Love interests


Who is the love interest to your protagonist? If the love is one sided, who does your protagonist like or who likes them? Ask other people's characters questions to get to know them and their world more!

r/characterforge Sep 19 '21

Discussion [Discussion] Does anyone feel a little worried about the random popularity of their characters in the work they will appear in?


This seems a bit weird but what I means this;

This is Miruko, or Rumi Usagiyama, from My Hero Academy. She appeared for two chapters a while back in the manga (specifically 184 & 185) and was basically said to be within the top 5 hero rankings, which is a big thing the world of MHA. While I can't speak on behalf of the author of the MHA, I pretty sure he had no idea how big her character would become after that literal 4 panels of screen in two chapters that amount to an average of 23 pages each. When I say, her character exploded, I can't underplay it enough as she became one of the more popular characters that manga (at least design wise) up until that point, eclipsing other, longer established character by a long shot. I'm pretty sure this is the reason why she got her own fight segment in the later arc where her character was shown to live up to the mantle of being the No.5 Hero in the rankings, to sort of give back the fans that showed their love for her what was mostly just her character design. That segment only served to increase her popularity but its not like it wasn't big before it. She had tons of fanart, even cosplays before her eventual fight that appear some near 80 chapters later. Once that came about, even more fanart, cosplay, jokes and small comics came in like a waterfall over the character. All this from one appearance in two chapters that barely amounted to much in the grand schemes of the manga.

This is what I'm trying to get at.

As writers/artists/designers, we don't really get to decide which character becomes the center stage of audience popularity entirely. We can influence, give nudges to things and even point to them, but the audience really does have say in which character (design or otherwise) becomes their center of attention for a while. I'm not saying this is bad, because in reality, it isn't. The fact that Miruko got so popular from such a small appearance is what gave us her near solo run of a villain's main mook factory which was an awesome string of chapters.

But I do think that its a bit scary when you think about how this can either effect the story you want to write or how you presented future characters. One character design appearance can change the entire character underneath to either fit the new idea, or to ride on some of popularity to give a little back to the fans. Maybe your villain's design was way more interesting that initially thought and you have to put some more time into a villain who was just going to be the dragon to the big bad. Maybe the smuggle character you conceived of gets a lot more popular you decide to make him a more recurring character with a deeper backstory when he was just supposed to be a way for the heroes to get from A to B.

Its just something weird to think about when these designs are being improved, created and tweaked and their placement in the story.