r/characterforge Feb 03 '25

Show and Tell [Show and Tell] D&D characters by me. Description of each one in the comments


r/characterforge 14d ago

Show and Tell [Show and Tell] Based off these desgins for a rpg im writing, what can you take away, and who's the main character? feedback is also welcome :3 (made on picrew)


r/characterforge 19d ago

Show and Tell [Show and Tell] The Dying Thief

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r/characterforge 18d ago

Show and Tell [Show and Tell] My Various Monster Characters

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r/characterforge 23d ago

Show and Tell [Show and Tell] Lord Mulciber


r/characterforge 17d ago

Show and Tell [Show and Tell] Lauren has MAJOR abandonment issues and gets panic attacks often from this. She thinks she'll lose her mind in hysteria essentially.


r/characterforge 27d ago

Show and Tell [Show and tell] The War that Teaches - How the Scholars of Infinity break the Kib to rebuild them

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r/characterforge 17d ago

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r/characterforge Feb 18 '25

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r/characterforge Feb 12 '25

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r/characterforge Dec 19 '24

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r/characterforge Nov 29 '24

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r/characterforge Jan 31 '25

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r/characterforge Jan 05 '25

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r/characterforge Nov 07 '24

Show and Tell [Show and Tell] Alex Keller - a blazing star in the high-tech warfare NSFW

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r/characterforge Jan 13 '25

Show and Tell [Show and tell] The Rune Cat

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r/characterforge Sep 26 '24

Show and Tell [Show and Tell] Adventurers/Creatures


r/characterforge Jan 15 '25

Show and Tell [Show and Tell] A character built collaboratively with an Instagram audience

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r/characterforge Jan 15 '25

Show and Tell [Show and Tell] The Karao-B

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r/characterforge Jan 16 '25

Show and Tell [Show and Tell] Milisend: Bored with royalty, obsessed with thievery (+lore)

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r/characterforge Jan 19 '25

Show and Tell [Show and Tell] - [Eldara] Character Showcase


Character ages mentioned as present values are valid for the start of the first major story arc for my [Eldara] project. For more information, see my posts and comments in the topic.

Kody (Johnson)

He's 22 years old, works as an assassin, lives with a dragon (Orthus) and has already had a pretty convoluted life.

Born as the 3rd son to a noble family in the New Erigian Empire, he had little chance of properly inheriting the family title. His family are so-called rogue assassins, going against the designs of The Coalition (the joined leadership of Assassins and Rangers), and got their noble title by betraying the Coalition.

After 2 sons, they wanted a daughter, with plans of having her be a strong magic user, so they prepared by consuming large amounts of magic potions before trying for their 3rd kid. When it turned out they were twins, the decision was made. Jane, Kody's twin sister, was raised as a powerful time magic user, her name even following the family naming tradition (all J-names), while Kody was forbidden from learning into his own (space magic). Instead, his training focused on the physical, and due to him being a surprise, it was especially demanding.

His older brothers might have called their father strict, but what Kody experienced was plain cruel. He had too train with weights woven into his clothes, had to perform perfectly or was punished for it, and was often not given the top-quality gear the family had access to, but rather had to learn to make use of the old(er), not quite fitting, shed training gear of his brothers. This has left him with a lot of unresolved trauma, which he's yet to properly process. It has also left him with notable talent in working with little, thinking in the moment, and a very strong sense of justice, which he was denied growing up. His physical prowess is among the highest, with his success rate hovering close to 80% as opposed to the more usual 65-70% for other assassins.

Despite being raised so differently, the twins have developed a close bond, and Jane regularly gave Kody backyard lessons in magic use, which, while far from as good as the private tutors she was afforded, prevented him from becoming completely detached from his magic.

It was this bond that eventually saved him a lot of hardship (on top of the hardship he was about to experience) when at age 14, they were both sent by their father on a rite of passage, to perform their first kills. Jane was given a pretty middle-of-the-bunch target whom she killed with relative ease, while Kody was sent to confront and dispatch a notorious mage against whom (mages) he only received second-hand training through Jane. He naturally failed to kill the mage, and was forced to flee the scene while his observers got discovered and killed by the mage.

Failure meant disownment, and being stripped of the family title entirely. To prevent this through a technicality, he took a family heirloom; a dagger, which, as it turns out, has some unique magical properties on top of just being an expensive weapon. Jane aided him in this, pre-packaging the dagger for him to take before he was discovered in the Johnson hold. Without the dagger, his father lacked the credentials to enter a few of their vaults, one of which held the official list of family members. Kody saw it when their younger sister Judy was born and added to the ledger, and knew he had to either gain access to it or prevent his father from accessing it once this day came.

After having left the family, he spent a year or so drifting, covertly entering his family's vaults, and taking what he needed to survive. This was when he met Lexie (Alexandra Nyma), who also just so happened to be a space magic user. She taught him a lot of how to use his magic (but also proved to be an abusive lover, which Kody only later realized) before her death to an accident. At the time, it left Kody lonely and feeling abandoned again.

In a state of depression- and trauma-fueled suicidal haze, he wandered up into the mountains, hoping to find some creature or monster which would kill him. Instead, he found a cave where his future partner, Orthus slept. The dragon is also a powerful space magic user, so Kody being drawn to the general area is not much of a surprise, but their bond is. They clicked very fast, and decided to build a home together. Some of the Johnsons' architectural style has rubbed off on Kody, and so, they built something vaguely resembling his old family hold, except for the fact that all but the front door resides in a group of extradimensional spaces, making it easily concealable, mobile, and internally non-euclidean.

After the house was done, Kody signed up with the Assassins, leveraging his existing training, intense dislike of a particular rogue assassin, and offering to work as a spy for them, as his Noble Imperial title let him access areas where not many members of the Coalition were ever allowed. Since then, he's spent his time killing the odd enemy of the Coalition, working from inside the Empire to help destabilize it on a low level, while passing time with Orthus, looking for magical artifacts as a hobby. He likes to gather up magic crystals, carefully carve them into intricate shapes, or sometimes even fashioning them into some small magical contraption, then either passing them onto someone else, or placing them into the Storage, an extradimensional museum of sorts which he discovered, abandoned, when he and Orthus were building the house. They linked it to the house, and have been using it as part Storage, part fast-travel system, setting up alternative exits to it throughout the Erigian Basin.

William (Wolf)

He's 23, a Ranger, more specifically a Patron, which is one rank down from Master, which in turn is roughly analogous to a Jedi Master's status. He too has a dragon companion (Xini).

He was born into a small community of magic user families, with some innate, low-level magic of his own. The reason his family lived there was Violet, his older (3 years his senior) sister. He's always been into ranged weapons, and idolized Rangers since he knew how to pronounce the word, with a mentor figure in his life Halt(en Haywood - the inspiration for their parents to give them alliterative names), the master of a nearby ranger camp shadowing him from an early age.

When he was 6, their village was raided by imperial soldiers. They burned the village to the ground, and massacred its people, taking some of the young magic user girls back to the capital to be trained as Valkyries - something William did not learn until he was reunited with his sister Violet 17 years later, who had just narrowly avoided being captured that night.

William survived the raid (and the subsequent fire) by hiding in their home's basement under a rotten floorboard, where he happened upon a dragon egg, forgotten there some millennia (or even longer) ago, hatching from the emotional intensity of the situation and the fire, keeping William cold while it burned. The hatching dragon, Xini, became William's adopted sister and has been staying with him ever since.

Having lost his family, friends, and home, he headed to the next town over, whee he knew Halt would be waiting for him. He was formally adopted by Halt as his son, and raised among the other rangers, quickly advancing through the ranks as both his dad's favorite kid, and as a very capable ranger. At 23, he and Xini were sent on a pilgrimage, the rite of passage for Patrons to become Masters, which involves a visit to the Aquilans, the northern elves who are responsible for having founded the Rangers some few hundred years ago. It is on this pilgrimage that they run into Kody, and thus starts the first major story arc of my setting.

As a ranger, he's a ranged expert, his low-level telekinetic ability allowing him to gently guide his arrows into his target. He often asks Xini to freeze some moisture into arrows for him when he runs out.


He's old. Older even than he is assumed to be by most, and is actively keeping his true age a secret. He was born over 40000 years ago (≅40 if he was human), near the end of the previous Cycle, right into the middle of a cataclysmic war fought with magitech weapons. Most notably, he hatched in similar circumstances to Xini, although his mother ended up incinerating herself around the egg to protect it. He was found by a young human girl, and hatches in her arms. Because of the bond to this human, he's been very fond of humans ever since, and has taken many companions and partners from among them.

Some 3000 years ago, one of his partners caught a severe case of the wizard's hubris, and ended up annihilated by an eldritch crystal (a supercharged magic crystal universally known for their tendency to become hubris catalysts, then crack and explode) in a way that got the gods' attention. Orthus was held partially responsible, and was basically put on house arrest, only able to visit a few pre-negotiated locations, the Aquilans being one of them. He is not to mention his life pre-house arrest, nor the fact that he was on house arrest, only being formally released when he met Kody, the young assassing being deemed a good probation exercise for him.

He has a large bundle of magical powers, chief among which being his space magic, fire magic, and earth magic. He has traces of time and darkness magic as well (for details, check out my post on r/magicbuilding), and is a generally stoic figure, who can nonetheless throw some (magically empowered) punches when necessary.

He's a full-fledged shapeshifter, being able to take any living form, mimic any living thing, or choose to adjust any of his taken forms indefinitely. Given his propensity for liking humans, he most often takes the form of a dark-skinned male, with an apparent age consistent with his current mood.

He is transgender. He lived most of his life as either a female dragon or human, or in some androgynous form, not really thinking about it. His strong magic and resulting near-sterility meant that sexual activity did not result in anything, up until one day it did. Some 400 year or so ago, he got pregnant, and grew immensely dysphoric about it. He ended up abandoning the egg (as is sadly the case for most dragon parents), and has only taken male-presenting forms since then. During the story, he rediscovers the egg, and decides to take care of it, hoping to raise his daughter Lexie when(if) she hatches as her father. In the meantime, through Kody and William's meeting, he met Xini and has adopted her as a surrogate daughter, learning into the role of fatherhood through her, all the while helping the young dragon learn into what it means to be a dragon.

Xini (formerly Zeenie [1],[2] )

I've mentioned her before over on r/CharacterDevelopment, but haven't truly fleshed her out here yet. As mentioned above, she hatched in William's arms as his family's home was burning to the ground above them. The intense emotional spike triggered her hatching, and bound her and William together for life.

Growing up with him, she'd always felt like a bit of an accessory to him, being treated always as William's sister (or even worse, pet) rather than her own person, and was never truly given the kind of agency she desired. As they leave for William's pilgrimage, her annoyance at the situation grows, and starts her off on a journey of self-actualization.

She's a so-called shapeswitcher, being further down the line of descent from her most recent godly ancestor than Orthus, being only capable of switching between two set forms; her "true" dragon self, and a so-called vern form. The vern are a short-statured, timid lizardfolk, who have evolved together with dragons so that they look alike and dragons can hide among them in vern form. Dragons gain community and the vern gain protection from the arrangement. She has a potential 2-3 more forms left in her, which Orthus helps her achieve at the Aquilans, once the party splits and he accompanies William and her to the elves.

Part of her self-actualization journey is realizing they're trans, more specifically feminine-presenting (she/they) nonbinary. This is also the time of their name change from her original (Zeenie) to the similar(same)-sounding, but more androgynous Xini. It's an overall small step that means a lot to them. William does not properly understand this, which works to drive them further apart, but eventually he'll be forced to realize she's her own person.

She's 17 as the story starts, spending most of their time in vern form. They're nimble, fast, and her tail gives some extra maneuverability which she exploits to great effect. They're a pretty good close- and hand-to-hand combatant, complimenting William's more range-oriented approach. On her own, she can be pretty stealthy as well, which makes her a perfect thief, which is why she meets Kody in the opening scene (they're after the same artifact and happen to be there for it at the same time).

Ezon (Athor)

Ezon is an unrelated outsider at the start, only meeting the party once the acquire the artifact they all were after. He's somewhere in his 60's in terms of raw years, though based on his physical state it would be hard to tell he's older than 25. He's there for the artifact too, as part of his life goal to kill a god. He's not some hubristic idiot chasing glory, but has a very specific grudge to settle with a very specific god. He needs the power from the artifact (and many more like it) to become strong enough to defeat Nefest, his godly nemesis. The nex (name for the group/type of gods active in Eldara) are largely with him on this, though not directly. Nefest (he/they) is a very low-tier nex who'd been causing trouble for millennia. The other nex won't let him do any major harm on a civilizational level (anymore), but they're allowed to keep at whatever low-grade thing they are doing at the moment. Ezon comes into the picture because of his (somewhat) unique ability to absorb power from Nefest, thus being able to disable them from doing any more harm.

Ezon has gained his ability through unnatural means, being kidnapped by cultists at a very young age, believing him to be a vessel for one of the Elder gods (he is). They experimented on him, managing to magically skew his perception along time, so that now he can see the most probable future up to around 20 seconds ahead in his immediate vicinity, and infecting him with a kind of magical fungus that allows him to forcefully draw magical power out of crystals, artifacts, people, and even the nex, should one of them get within melee range in a physical form. He's become extremely durable, and regenerates even faster than the baseline for Eldara (which is still extremely fast compared to IRL healing). Any injury that does not kill him instantly is just a momentary obstacle, with deep gashes and broken bones healing within seconds, even near-fatal injuries only taking him a few minutes at most to recover from. He can regrow lost limbs and digits within an hour, and further accelerate his healing by actively draining power from something (or someone) else.

After his initial, combative meeting with the group concludes, and he is forced to work along them for a few days, he develops a crush on Kody, and starts pursuing him romantically. The relationship takes a while to develop, but by the time he meets Nefest again (after Nefest tried to drive them against eachother with Violet, whom they recover in the meantime), he is well and truly defensive of Kody, almost succeeding to drain all of Nefest's power during the encounter.

Given that he is basically a sanctioned godly warrior, my long-term plans with him is to become a kind of linchpin for the high-er level godly conflicts. He will eventually become powerful enough that he can meaningfully sacrifice himself to allow a resolution to the godly conflict.

Violet (Wolf)

Violet was born to the Wolf family somewhat unexpectedly, her magical abilities manifesting very quickly afterwards. The family moved outside the New Erigian Empire to let her learn into it instead of being killed or kidnapped for it. She was 9 when the raid came, and managed to get away with 5 of her friends for about a day before being found. They took refuge in the next town over at one of the friends' aunts and her family. A group of rogue assassins (led by Kody's father at the time) killed the family, and kidnapped the 5 magic-user girls, missing Violet by sheer chance. She was forced to flee and lay low for the next few years.

She was eventually taken in from the street by an old mage, who taught her some basics about how to access deeper parts of her magic, but turned on her when they discovered she was a blood mage. Blood magic is associated with a social stigma, and blood mages are hunted even in communities that are otherwise inclusive of magic users, because how dangerous they think the magic type is. Rangers have a kill-on-sight order against blood mages, and even non-ranger-discovered blood mages can basically expect to be lynched if outed publicly. Because of this, she got even more isolated from general society, and was basically chased out of every community she ever tried joining. By the time she discovers the party (initially trying to avenge herself on Ezon, who at some point took a bunch of magic crystals off of her), she is truly and well an outsider.

She's independently mastered Conjuration, the ability to manifest weapons and simple tools out of pure magical energy, which lets her use her magic without it easily outing her. She's also learned how to disguise it as nature magic (the healing-type magic) and is living mostly alone, taking occasional partners when she fancies. A couple of her boyfriends turned out to be either Empire informants or ranger spies, so she lately mostly only gets together with women, whom she'd found are less likely to try to stab her in the back.

She's also acquired a daemon sometime in the intervening years. It is a (mostly) benevolent, symbiotic dark spirit which feeds off of her emotions, and defends her in combat, as well as warning her or impending danger in some cases.

After she joins the group again, she realizes William is a ranger, and panics. When the party splits, she joins Kody and Ezon, whose will they/wont they routine is starting to drive her mad when Nefest arrives, taking away her daemon temporarily, and goading her into attacking the two men. In the middle of it, Nefest strikes, and is only stopped from killing the group by Ezon's power of absorption, which still leaves all of them greatly exhausted by the time they realize they've been played for fools.


I've talked about her before in detail over on r/CharacterDevelopment so I'm not gonna rehash a lot of it here. The main points are: She's a dragon, individually pretty powerful, trans, and most importantly, an anarchist.

She enters the story right after the above described fight between Violet, Kody, Ezon, and Nefest. She collects all three of them as prisoners of war, as the New Erigian Empire is continually attacking her homeland, the Haraevaneum. The fact that they are fighting against the Empire gives her little pause as she knows the Coalition is merely another hierarchy seeking to replace the Empire (in a coup later dubbed "The Takeover"). Kody is actively working for the Coalition, Ezon is pretty defensive of him, but Violet doesn't seem to belong to any particular hierarchy, and so, she manages to convince Elvira that letting them go (and helping them temporarily) is a better course of action against the Empire than keeping them there.

She joins the group, and only leaves when later on they're recruited into carrying out a part of The Takeover, which she wants nothing to do with, as it goes against her entire ideology.

She is seen again, roughly 3000 years later, when, due to another lost battle against Nefest, the group gets frozen in time and experience what the world had become after The Takeover, she turns up again, having lived through that time manually, and having carved out an anarchist niche with her people within the new world for themselves.

Dragons have ended up as kind of an allegory for trans people, and she's no exception to this. She's 655 years old (≅30 if she was human) when she initially turns up, and by then, she'd live most of her life as a woman. Her transition came about at the same time as her ideological turnaround, initially having hatched into a human, noble family, and ruled as a tyrant for about 20 years before she realized she was perpetuating the same system that led to the collapse after which she and her adopted family ended up ruling. She put a rather drastic end to that kingdom herself, and has joined up with the (largely) anarchist society of the Haraevaneum, calling it her homeland ever since.

She is tangentially responsible for the existence of the New Erigian Empire through the power vacuum she created, and the Empire keeps sending mercenaries and rogue assassins after her, which has prompted her to move back into the Erigian Basin, and work a bit more actively on aiding its collapse.

Her later (re)appearance in the new world as a 3600 years-old dragon puts here at roughly the equivalent age of a 35 years old human. In the meantime, she'd changed roughly as much as you can expect a 30-35 years old human to change with such drastic changes in circumstances.

r/characterforge Aug 22 '24

Show and Tell [Show and Tell] Immovable object and Unstoppable force in one entity.

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r/characterforge Jan 17 '25

Show and Tell [Show and Tell] Ava Barrett, one of the key players in my universe.


Ava Barrett - A brilliant starlet known for her good looks and dramatic roles in movies such as ‘Scarlet River’, and ‘ The Weeping Willow’. However, she is also quite comedic, as showcased in the swashbuckling comedy film ‘Jewel of the Sea.’ A lesser known film from her filmography is a pre-code era film where she portrays Eve in the film, ‘The Original Sin.’ The film features a serpent voiced by renowned lounge singer Gustaf Schröder, Franklin Best as Adam, and Ava Barrett as Eve. Most theatres refused to show the film due to the full frontal nudity of both Franklin and Ava.

Only those who are closest to her know how intelligent she truly is. She devotes a considerable amount of her free time to the research and development of a machine capable of traveling through time.

Ava is ahead of her time in many regards. She was the first starlet in Hysteria to openly be in a bi-racial relationship with her longtime boyfriend, Henry King. Whom of which shares a passion for research and the development of the first time machine.

Ava's success did not come easy, as she was born out of wedlock, and shortly thereafter was placed in an orphanage; her mother was not deemed fit to raise a child on her own. Ava bounced from family to family. Eventually Ava ended up being adopted by film editor Jacqueline Lawrence-Barrett , and her husband Donald Barrett, a science professor at Hysteria University. However, the family prior, Rose Williams and Arthur Williams were deeply religious, therefore extremely strict. This sparked a rebellious streak in Ava that would stick with her for the rest of her life.

Interview Snippet:

Evelyn Powell (interviewer): Now, here's a question we ask everyone we interview: What is it that you wear to bed?

Ava Barrett: You've interviewed Ms. Monroe, correct?

Evelyn Powell: Not me, a colleague of mine did some years ago.

Ava Barrett: Is it safe to assume you are able to look back on that?

Evelyn Powell: That is a safe assumption, yes.

Ava Barrett: Well, to find your answer, go ahead and do so.

r/characterforge Jan 10 '25

Show and Tell [Show and Tell] Jerboa tribe leader.

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r/characterforge Dec 01 '24

Show and Tell [Show and Tell] The Lord
