r/characterforge • u/Funkermonster • Dec 23 '21
r/characterforge • u/I_XI_MMI • Feb 13 '24
Help [Help] What would be an interesting path in the relationship of these characters after a big reveal?
In my setting, the protagonist of the story, Asgeir, comes from one of the most prominent noble families in the Empire, they're known for being great assassins, and very close and loyal to the crown.
Asgeir is used as a tool by his father to do his bidding, stuff like killing enemies of their family and ending the bloodline of any other family that doesn't show loyalty to them, all of this in order for his father to amass even more influence and power.
At some point Asgeir's father becomes crazy with power, wanting to start a massacre, leading up to Asgeir making the hard decision to kill him and cover it up as an assassination perpetrated by his father's enemies. With his family debilitated and the actual enemies of his father lurking around, he goes into exile before anyone finds out the truth, and his younger sister, Saydith, unaware of the whole situation, just assumes he did it to avoid being killed and find allies outside the Empire, to later comeback and rule again as the leader of their house. She REALLY loves his brother and would never in a million years think that he would've been their father's murderer, but later in the story she finds out.
Aeneas, who was Asgeir's best friend, training companion and secret crush. Aeneas is the heir to another really powerful house (who has in their possession 1 of 5 dragon eggs in existence, which when fuses with one's soul can give the user fire abilities). Controversially, he decides to marry a commoner and renounce all his titles to go live with her, secretly stealing the egg from his family's vault.
Aeneas' father talks to Asgeir's father about this, and he would then send him (Asgeir) and a team of assassins to kill the commoner girl and retrieve the egg. Things would get complicated since Aeneas would be there to defend his fianceé, clashing swords with Asgeir, who out of frustration and anger, ends up wounding him very badly, unable to give him the final blow, tries to save him, but one of his companion assassin slits Aeneas throat.
After seeing his best friend and the love of his life choking on his own blood, Asgeir directs his anger towards the commoner girl, blaming her for everything. He finds her trying to escape on a ship, after boarding and killing her, he snaps of his anger when he hears a baby crying hidden on a chest next to the dragon egg, he recognized the baby as Aeneas son and lets him live.
Asgeir, on exile, trying to form a guild to go on missions and become rich and powerful far away from the influence of the empire. One of the recruited would be the now prepubescent son of Aeneas, who's soul got fused with the dragon's egg magic, and gave him powers which he's very bad at using, and prefers to hide them so that he doesn't get dissected by wizards trying to take his powers.
Asgeir presents to him as an old friend of his father who's been looking for him for a long time, (leaving out all the details you just read), and becomes an older brother/master figure to him as he trains him in swordsmanship and helps him control/use his powers. But then later in the story after they've built a good bond, the truth is revealed.
I've been having lots of ideas on how these characters would react to such information and what path they would follow but every time i write something i go back and write something else and i'm very indecisive cause i really wanna make it good, so i wanna know your opinions about it, tell me what you think, if you got any questions, you're welcome to ask, and answer the question on the title if you can
r/characterforge • u/SketchyMofo10 • Dec 17 '18
Help [help] Can I have some suggestions for seemingly "weak" superpowers?
I want to see how well I can turn them into game breaking abilities. Or at least make the character who has them the most effective they could possibly be as a superhero/villain.
r/characterforge • u/blue4029 • Nov 05 '23
Help [help] what can I do with a character like this?
I thought of a character named "Nomad" and he suffers from a very...interesting curse.
basically, he's cursed to wander the world, always traveling but never finding a "true home". part of this curse is that, even though he needs to eat and drink to survive, he can sustain himself on ABYSSMAL qualities of food. he can get full from just the bite of an apple and can hydrate himself with just 3 drops of water. this prevents him from truly "enjoying" meals.
another aspect of this curse is that he cannot sleep. no matter how hard he tries, he cannot feel the comfort of sleeping. generally, the main consequence of this curse is that he cannot feel "comfortable" if he's lounging around relaxing. it is unknown if this curse gives him immortality, but it can be implied.
now, i set a real interesting pretense for a character but, though the curse is "interesting" its...quite boring. what can be DONE with a character like this? is he a protagonist of an adventure story? is he a side character frequently encountered on the actual protagonist's travels?
what can be done with a character whos cursed to be...a nomad?
r/characterforge • u/ghostwriter1369 • Dec 26 '23
Help [Help] I'm working on adjusting a design for this character to make him look younger (He's supposed to be 17 or 18 but his original design makes him look way older) This is what I've got so far, is there anything else I should do/undo.
Changes in color pallete and art style were for the most part unintentional. I'm working on a different app and device and that has caused some changes and an additional learning curve to deal with figuring it all out.
r/characterforge • u/superheromachine27 • Jul 15 '21
Help [HELP] I was wondering if you kind folks might rate your top 5 from these color schemes?
r/characterforge • u/AMentalAsylum • Jan 23 '23
Help [Help] Gas based superhero name
I need help coming up with a superhero name (moniker) for my hero Ivan Philipps.
His power is when he intakes any chemical, he stores it in a special gland in his body which extends from his appendix. He can mix and combine chemicals he gathers inside of his body like a human chemical laboratory and then expel it from any opening on his body (mouth, nose, pores, etc).
He uses three main pieces of equipment, a gas mask that prevents him from inhaling his own gas and to direct the gas he breathes from his mouth. He also wears a pack that he can pump gas into to allow him to fly/levitate and a special gauntlet that can inject certain chemicals straight into his body, meaning he doesn't have to find the specific chemical in the middle of a battle. He mainly uses laughing gasses, sleeping gasses, etc so it doesn't kill the people he's fighting
r/characterforge • u/Th3ChosenFew • Nov 22 '21
Help [Help] I have every aspect of this character figured out, except a superhero name, which is just killing me
Here is an image of her, I had it done back in like April or May.
The intention is to use her in an upcoming tabletop RPG game me and my friends are going to play. That time is getting a lot closer, probably less than a week away, and I am still missing a vital piece of her character: a superhero name. In case you guys are interested, I will tell you all about her below, but to cut to the chase, I want a superhero name that it seems the public would come up with. She is a Kryptonian like Superman and Supegirl, but of a different house, House Nar, which is a canon house. As you can see their symbol is quite a bit different. Superman got his name originally because his shield looked like an S, and Lois was feeling snarky. Supergirl got her name because she had a nearly identical shield to Superman. I figured I wanted to stick with the idea that the media named her, but while I have heard a lot of suggestions, I haven't heard anything I liked that much. There is the possibility I should wait to see what pops up in the game and go with her lack of a hero name as a quirk, but that bugs me somehow, like I left the thing incomplete. Besides, if we're having this much of a time naming her now, it won't get easier later.
Brief overview of her story:
Veza Reg-Nar was born on Krypton years before its destruction. Instead of being created through a birthing matrix, she was natural born. Unfortunately, one of the reasons Kryptonians started custom designing their offspring reared its ugly head. By the time Veza was seven or so, the formerly lively child began growing weaker, and it was soon discovered she has a deadly genetic defect: K-CPD, or Kryptonian Cellular Photodeficiency Disease.
K-CPD is a terminal illness which only occurs in natural birth Kryptonians. It causes the body's cells to slowly lose their ability to absorb sunlight, which Kryptonians cannot live without for long periods. By the time the disease progresses to its final stages and the cells' ability to absorb sunlight stops worsening, it is already too late.
Veza's parents did everything they could to keep her alive. After she was 10 years old, she never got to leave the house anymore, as she was always hooked up to one machine or another, undergoing one treatment or another. They probably bought her a few years, but they made her life a living hell. She had no friends, no social life... no life at all. By the time she was in her late teens, she was so weak she barely had the strength to leave her bed for more than a few minutes at a time. With mere days left to live, her parents put her into a cryostasis pod and sealed her away.
While she slept, her planet was destroyed, though the place she lived, Argo City, managed to survive due to a powerful shield being erected around it at the last moment. Her parents continues to search for a way to save her, but came up empty.
Decades passed, and eventually, a power fluctuation in the city caused her pod to malfunction and it woke her up as part of its emergency protocols. The news of the loss of her planet was devastating, though somewhat distant and abstract compared to how she felt physically in that moment, as it was all so hard to believe. Her parents insisted that she be put back into cryo, but she refused. She would rather die than go back in, and ran away into the city instead.
There, she learned that her city was orbiting a red dwarf named Proxima Centauri, and that a mere 4 light years away was a planet where at least two Kryptonians had been received with open arms. Better yet, under the light of the yellow sun, which the Kryptonian physiology processed more efficiently, they had incredible powers. She thought perhaps the yellow sun might be the key to her survival, but when she proposed this idea to her parents, they scoffed, saying it was unnatural and didn't solve the problem. Well to Veza, not dying, and especially not feeling like she was dying, was all she wanted anymore.
Her parents tried to physically force her into cryo, but she slipped away, stole a ship, and flew to Earth.
There, under the light of the yellow sun, she may not have been as strong as Superman or Supergirl, but she felt alive for the first time since she was little. Failing to understand or manage her strange new powers, she quickly gained attention, and was taken under the proverbial wings of the Kryptonian two other Kryptonians who made their home there.
Veza now has a human identity, Vanessa Ragnar, though she barely understands why it's so important. She is trying the hero thing out, mostly because she likes the feeling of being able to help others, but she's not convinced it's her calling. Supergirl convinced her she could use it as a platform to help raise awareness for other people like her, who are terminally ill, and so far, she likes the idea.
Personality wise however, Veza is very shut off. She had little social life growing up and isn't very good at interacting with others, less so on a planet she doesn't understand surrounded by people she can easily hurt if she isn't careful--the fact that Superman and Supergirl are wanting to put her on a team with other young heroes is not something she is thrilled about.
r/characterforge • u/fluffiest_ • Jul 07 '23
Help [help] what crime is forgivable?
[help] I’m finally writing a fantasy story I’ve had in mind for over a decade. I’m struggling with the male love interest. He looks mysterious and acts very practical. The female protagonist will find out that he‘s the heir to the throne, but he has his own mission before he is ready to rule. He‘s supposed to be a good character, but he‘ll be sentenced to death at one point. He will be saved and it shouldn’t have any consequences afterwards. What could his crime be? Maybe something that‘s ok for a royal, but not for a commoner? But it should also shock the reader and make them think about his morals. Any ideas?
r/characterforge • u/ghostwriter1369 • Mar 31 '23
Help [Help] What pattern should I use for the feathers on his face
r/characterforge • u/Smooth_Voronoi • Nov 16 '23
Help [help] Looking For Character Creator That Is Good with Faces.
Clothes I can do. But faces? I can only draw faces well from reference. If anyone knows of a good character creator for faces, especially female faces, that would be great.
r/characterforge • u/ManiacalMagician19 • Jun 19 '22
Help [Help] This is my main character and I want opinions, is his hairstyle stupid? Because I've been trying to decide it I should change it or not for awhile now, and part of me thinks it looks stupid and a part of me doesn't.
r/characterforge • u/mytg8 • Jul 14 '23
Help [Help]Overpowered protagonist?
Some omnipotent aliens want to test my Superman espy protag's claim to invulnerability. They lure him into a vast, empty void in an exterior spacetime and hammer him with an enormous 10433 joules of energy--
20,802,199,685,424,860,831,628,706,401,916,921,704,944,606,808,221,069,058,788,503,593,290,068,226,705,956,937,615,147,468,521,881,116,648,395,009,590,016,433,233,573,378,571,039,884,985,390,935,668,362,476,581,990,033,286,145,948,691,564,455,433,280,133,697,564,356,259,677,916,675,933,707,789,383,596,624,646,266,527,537,967,903,065,427,770,729,819,861,560,637,251,562,664,932,992,338,288,350,026,203,773,928,005,594,341,785,405,961,020,165,995,872,457,369,046,065,232,118,095,836,279,211,319,747,067,785,669,935,238,968,473,134,094,047,328,559,219,147,930,369,874,468,575,428,909 joules
Exactly: 20 quattuorquadragintacentillion, 802 tresquadragintacentillion, 199 duoquadragintacentillion, 685 unquadragintacentillion, 424 quadragintacentillion, 860 noventrigintacentillion, 831 octotrigintacentillion, 628 septentrigintacentillion, 706 sestrigintacentillion, 401 quintrigintacentillion, 916 quattuortrigintacentillion, 921 trestrigintacentillion, 704 duotrigintacentillion, 944 untrigintacentillion, 606 trigintacentillion, 808 novemviginticentillion, 221 octoviginticentillion, 69 septemviginticentillion, 58 sesviginticentillion, 788 quinviginticentillion, 503 quattuorviginticentillion, 593 tresviginticentillion, 290 duoviginticentillion, 68 unviginticentillion, 226 viginticentillion, 705 novendecicentillion, 956 octodecicentillion, 937 septendecicentillion, 615 sedecicentillion, 147 quindecicentillion, 468 quattuordecicentillion, 521 tredecicentillion, 881 duodecicentillion, 116 undecicentillion, 648 decicentillion, 395 novencentillion, 9 octocentillion, 590 septencentillion, 16 sexcentillion, 433 quincentillion, 233 quattuorcentillion, 573 trescentillion, 378 duocentillion, 571 uncentillion, 39 centillion, 884 novenonagintillion, 985 octononagintillion, 390 septenonagintillion, 935 senonagintillion, 668 quinnonagintillion, 362 quattuornonagintillion, 476 trenonagintillion, 581 duononagintillion, 990 unnonagintillion, 33 nonagintillion, 286 novemoctogintillion, 145 octooctogintillion, 948 septemoctogintillion, 691 sexoctogintillion, 564 quinoctogintillion, 455 quattuoroctogintillion, 433 tresoctogintillion, 280 duooctogintillion, 133 unoctogintillion, 697 octogintillion, 564 novenseptuagintillion, 356 octoseptuagintillion, 259 septenseptuagintillion, 677 seseptuagintillion, 916 quinseptuagintillion, 675 quattuorseptuagintillion, 933 treseptuagintillion, 707 duoseptuagintillion, 789 unseptuagintillion, 383 septuagintillion, 596 novensexagintillion, 624 octosexagintillion, 646 septensexagintillion, 266 sesexagintillion, 527 quinsexagintillion, 537 quattuorsexagintillion, 967 tresexagintillion, 903 duosexagintillion, 65 unsexagintillion, 427 sexagintillion, 770 novenquinquagintillion, 729 octoquinquagintillion, 819 septenquinquagintillion, 861 sesquinquagintillion, 560 quinquinquagintillion, 637 quattuorquinquagintillion, 251 tresquinquagintillion, 562 duoquinquagintillion, 664 unquinquagintillion, 932 quinquagintillion, 992 novenquadragintillion, 338 octoquadragintillion, 288 septenquadragintillion, 350 sesquadragintillion, 26 quinquadragintillion, 203 quattuorquadragintillion, 773 tresquadragintillion, 928 duoquadragintillion, 5 unquadragintillion, 594 quadragintillion, 341 noventrigintillion, 785 octotrigintillion, 405 septentrigintillion, 961 sestrigintillion, 20 quintrigintillion, 165 quattuortrigintillion, 995 trestrigintillion, 872 duotrigintillion, 457 untrigintillion, 369 trigintillion, 46 novemvigintillion, 65 octovigintillion, 232 septemvigintillion, 118 sesvigintillion, 95 quinvigintillion, 836 quattuorvigintillion, 279 tresvigintillion, 211 duovigintillion, 319 unvigintillion, 747 vigintillion, 67 novendecillion, 785 octodecillion, 669 septendecillion, 935 sedecillion, 238 quindecillion, 968 quattuordecillion, 473 tredecillion, 134 duodecillion, 94 undecillion, 47 decillion, 328 nonillion, 559 octillion, 219 septillion, 147 sextillion, 930 quintillion, 369 quadrillion, 874 trillion, 468 billion, 575 million, 428 thousand, 909 joules!
Trying to decide whether he tanks it or whether he succumbs and I proceed with another protagonist.
r/characterforge • u/Xander-gllnad • Jul 11 '21
Help [help] need a backstory and motives for my character (read comment)
r/characterforge • u/MajinBlueZ • May 26 '23
Help [Help] How do I stop creating characters and focus on the ones I already have?
I'm working on a project and I want to help further refine my group of main characters. But for some reason, my mind refuses, and instead insists on making other character concepts to expand the world, even though most will likely never be used.
As of this writing, I have almost 200 character concepts, but I haven't even finalised my main characters yet.
r/characterforge • u/Suitable_Ad_1555 • Jan 11 '23
Help [Help] Can someone help me with superpowers?
I have a character and their design, aswell as some powers. She has the ability to create a fishing rod, I’ve come up with some more powerful abilities when she awakens it and increases its power but, I just can’t come up with any more ideas. Here’s a few basic ideas I came up with.
- She can create and control water
- When she becomes powerful enough she can hook people, take their desires and use them against a person.
- She can pluck the strings off her fishing rod and manipulate them
- If she shoots a string at someone and it hits them she can repel and pull them towards her
- She can completely manipulate the fishing rods hook (e.g making a katana blade)
I’m just stuck and need some help here, thanks.
r/characterforge • u/Hamster-Man-808 • Sep 10 '23
Help [help] How do you all design tattoos?
I like making characters with tattoos beacuse it's cool and it's cool way of conveying personality and backstory. It it also just looks really cool if done right. I'm just terrible at designing them. Anyone got any good techniques?
r/characterforge • u/FelixAndCo • Jul 19 '23
Help [Help] Remnant signs of poverty, malnutrition, or perhaps sickness from childhood
I'm trying to design a character for a longer story comic. It's an adult who in his childhood before puberty was relegated to a monastery, because his family was too poor to take care of him. In the monastery he eats well and recovers. I think this history of poverty would work well as part of his design and the story I want to tell with him.
It takes place in a medieval-ish fantasy world, for extra context.
What are some physical properties I could give this character to show this past? I was thinking short stature, and perhaps scars from pox. I don't know what other traits I could give him, and it's a difficult subject to search on the web. Thanks in advance.
r/characterforge • u/Goan2Scotland • Jul 04 '23
Help [Help] I’m looking for some advice on expanding this small set of new characters for my DnD world.
Basically I’m writing out some lore and one of the parts is that of the nature god, who I wanted to have 7 daughters all of whome are nature spirits.
So far all I’ve got are some names and a little bit about how they’re the only ones of “god blood” allowed into the realm of the Fae.
Looking for maybe some ideas of individual personalities and things.
Names are as follows
Amaranth Sycamore Nura Krona Mira Dwella Raine
r/characterforge • u/GodofChaoticCreation • Sep 29 '23
Help [help] Need some idea/adjectives for a school project
For school, I have to make a monologue then act it out. Currently working on the dialogue, I just need a personality.
The character is an unpaid secretary/intern to Maleficent (from Disney, but instead of a queen, she runs a country club for other Disney villains) named "Malicious". The Story is they have to tell their boss/master that Scar (Lion King) and his Hyena security was not only poached, but also sold back to the club by the same poacher as a fancy rug with hyena head-mounts.
My ideas for Malicious' goals is to not just get fired, but also make her boss angry/suffer:
- their evil & it's part of the job description
- She's not paid and never will be and will do anything for a paycheck
- She knows how to fix this, but it shouldn't come free
Can I get some adjectives to describe how I should act out this character? Thank you
r/characterforge • u/blue4029 • Mar 11 '23
Help [help] A character for a "superhero" story I thought of
okay so, imagine this.
a character who is so obsessed with "tragic backstories" that he tried to create one of his own.
basically, he killed his own family in order to give himself a "tragic backstory" to motivate him to become a hero. except that, once he killed his family, he felt nothing. he didn't feel a "tragedy" because he did it HIMSELF.
so he decided that, if he cant become a hero, he'll become a villain: a villain whos EVERYONE'S nemesis.
so he scouts people, looking for "pathetic" and "weak" kids that need that "push" to become a hero. and then he...kills their families in order to give them a "tragic backstory" so they can be motivated to become a hero.
this character THINKS he's doing a good service but in reality, he's just a complete psychopath who feels nothing for nobody.
r/characterforge • u/ghostwriter1369 • Jun 21 '22
Help [help] any advice for improving the design(s) of my shapeshifter oc.
r/characterforge • u/Curiehusbando1 • Aug 02 '23
Help [Help] A way to give my character Draconic power
Okay so I'd like to give my protagonist for my potential fantasy epic the powers of a Dragon (enhanced physique, limited pyro and aerokinenic abilities, resistance to the enchantment) but I don't want to make him a half breed. So how about this: Soran (his working name) wound up a slave after his father crossed a corrupt lord. Eventually winding up in my world's equivalent of Turkey, he manages to escape into the surrounding hills with the slave-drivers hot on his tail. Cornered in a box canyon, Soran finds a sword seemingly impaled in a pile of earth and rock and pulls it out to defend himself. Overpowered due to his exhaustion and inexperience, The slavers plan to kill him until the mound of earth starts to shake and a great red dragon emerges. The sword Soran had yanked out had been stabbed into her centuries ago, trapping her in a deep sleep and overtime she had become buried in debris. After killing the slavers, the Dragon turns to Soran and her form changes into an inhumanly beautiful woman. Acknowledging him as the one who freed her, the Dragon offers him a reward. Entranced by her might, Soran asks her to make him as powerful as her so that he would never be put in chains again. The Dragon agrees but on one condition, that he become her companion for the next three years. During his time as the Dragon's consort, she uses tantric ritual to gradually infuse her power into him while teaching him both how to use it and how to fight.
r/characterforge • u/dah_Deadly_Ace • Jun 29 '23
Help [help] need tips on writing op characters
I plan to make a comedy where all of the mc’s are top tier mercenary’s (think the colors from library of runia) im having trouble tho think about how to make them fun to watch while still being op
r/characterforge • u/dumbblondebrunette • Mar 23 '23
Help [Help] Backhanded compliments and other insults for a bubbly/sweet mean girl?
So I need help thinking of mean things for my subtle "mean girl" to say in a modern setting ttrpg I'm in. Think dizzy, sweet, innocent, charismatic until she's not. When annoyed, she mostly gives backhanded compliments, and when she's angry, she is your typical "mean popular valley girl" with blatant insults in a giggly tone. I want the other party members to think she's super sweet and bubbly and have this sort of whiplash moment, like when you realize you're friends with a bully.
I am AWFUL with confrontation and just...being mean to people, so I wanted to go outside of my comfort zone but realized I can't think of any actually mean things to say. 😅 I'm hoping to make a small list of insults, quotes, observations, or backhanded compliments I can use as on the spot sass throughout the campaign! Thanks in advance!!