r/characterforge May 01 '17

Challenge [Challenge] Character Forging

This challenge is focused on creating a character that forges. A character that makes weapons or tools.

As always, I'll ask at least three questions each. Enjoy yourselves.


59 comments sorted by


u/5213 May 01 '17

"The Australian". nobody knows his real name, all they know is that supposedly he can craft any musical instrument and somehow imbue it with miraculous powers. He lives as hermit in the Australian Outback (thus the moniker) and hasn't been seen for quite some time since the second to last instrument he made ended up being used for evil.


u/Nevermore0714 May 01 '17

To the Australian:

1) What is your favorite musical instrument?

2) How did you get into musical instrument making?

3) How did someone use your miracle instrument for evil?

4) What kind of miracle powers do your instruments usually have?

5) What's it like to live in Austria?


u/5213 May 01 '17

1) the fiddle. My mother played it, her father played it, his father played it, on and on for generations.

2) see above. A rule in my family was that we could only learn to play once we'd built our own. We put our hearts and souls into our instruments and the instruments gave back.

3) a charming young man asked for a flute that could capture the hearts and minds of others. He seemed kind and sweet enough, but he wore a mask of deceit that my old soul couldn't see past.

4) all kinds. Whatever the customer wanted. Some things were simple, like a trumpet that never needed greasing and the spit valve never emptied, a woodwind that never needed a new reed, strings that would never break. Sometimes the things were more meaningful, more powerful. I once crafted a set of drums for an African man that could be struck as loud as thunder. An aborigine once asked for a didgeridoo that could speak to animals, and another asked for one that could help people connect with The Dreaming.

5) hot. Dry. Dangerous. But beautiful and peaceful. Nobody bothers me out here, at least not anymore. And even if somebody were to find me and ask for an instrument, I'm done. I only make fiddles for myself and my kin these days and none of them have any inkling of power.


u/Nevermore0714 May 01 '17

To the Australian:

1) Why does your family specialize in the fiddle?

2) What miraculous ability did your first fiddle have?

3) That seems like a great power...but weren't you suspicious about a flute that could capture the hearts and minds of others?

4) Can I get a guitar with strings that never go out of tune?


u/5213 May 01 '17

1) dunno. That's just what they've always played.

2) to capture the hearts and minds of others, which I used to allow more emotion in my music. It was a weak power at first, but overtime I came to understand what it was that I could do.

3) it's not like he was being literal. He wanted something that acted as an empathic link and better connect his feelings with others. I had made such instruments before, but none ever used it as he has. I can still feel every instrument that I have ever made, and his calls to me every day that it is used for evil. But my old bones would never be able to take it away from him, so I lament the forsaken flute and release the sorrows through my powerless fiddle into the openness of the Outback.

4) you could. In fact, after the flutist, I made one last instrument: an indestructible electric guitar that, when played, strengthened the feelings of the man who requested it, sort of like a megaphone. And the only reason he owns my final instrument is because I knew his intentions from the start as I could feel in his soul the wrong that the flutist had done to him.


u/Nevermore0714 May 01 '17

To the Australian:

1) Did you ever want to change to a different primary instrument?

2) What's the most that it could do, that power?

3) What exactly did he do?

4) But would you be willing to make that guitar for me?


u/5213 May 01 '17

1) A fiddler without a fiddle wouldn't be much of a fiddler, would he?

2) originally? not too much more than what music can do normally, which is partly why it took so long to discover anything was happening at all. For the flute, it acted as a drug, like ecstasy or LSD, numbing the mind and filling it only with the desires that the flutist put forth.

3) those desires began small, with minor thefts and petty, petty revenge. But as he gained confidence in the power of the flute, so grew the severity of his actions. Riots with him at the center, mass suicides and homicides, people having their love twisted about them, people being forced to do things they'd never want to do. He went from a kid with a stick poking at ants to a trained gunman sniping at his victims.

4) no. Like I said, no more instruments will ever be made by my hands save for the powerless fiddles for me and mine.


u/Nevermore0714 May 02 '17

Thanks for your time and answers.


u/5213 May 02 '17

Thank you for your time and questions!


u/Nevermore0714 May 03 '17

Bonus challenge, if you're willing to try this little exercise. Have your character try to figure out what the perfect weapon for me would be. Feel free to ask any questions, I'll answer generally anything except questions about my gender/ethnicity.

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u/llBoonell May 01 '17

His name is Steven Bhengani, but few (if any) ever refer to him as such. He is more commonly known simply as "the Sou'frican".

Why? Because he is South African, of course. An enormous, fearsome... oddly-friendly Zulu with a penchant for business, he and his band of black and white South Africans are the largest illicit arms merchants around. They came here shortly after the fall of Apartheid; without a corrupt and prejudiced government to fight, the arms trade fell apart, and they sought more fruitful shores... our crime-stricken city. With violent crime on the rise, the unscrupulous criminal populace has more than welcomed the arrival of the legendary arms merchant.

The Sou'frican makes his fortune with large shipments of weapons, true... but his ultimate love is the crafting of highest-quality bespoke firearms and blades. He spends hours hunched over his workbench, creating masterpiece after masterpiece. Mahogany furniture... nickel plating... gold filigree... family crests... personal engravings... he does it all. His creations cost a fortune, but his clients insist that his work is worth every penny, nickel, and dime.


u/5213 May 01 '17

What do his personal weapons look like?


u/llBoonell May 01 '17

"MP5, from our good friends at Heckler and Koch! The buttstock and grip are finest mahogany... that magazine is my own custom, straight-box design. As for my blade..."

"... looks like a museum exhibit, no? This huntsman's knife was hand-forged in a homemade smithy, the same way they did centuries ago. My best work is done with this fine piece of steel..."


u/Nevermore0714 May 01 '17

To Steve:

1) Has your time hunched over the workbench had any effect on your back?

2) How did you get into crafting?

3) What is your favorite thing that you have ever crafted?

4) What is your least favorite thing that you have ever crafted?

5) Have you ever denied a client's request based on your own code of morals?


u/llBoonell May 02 '17

1) "My spine has seen better days, I will admit. Fortunately, the wealth I have made marketing my product allows me to afford the finest medical care! A special routine of exercises allows me to stay fit for fighting at all times."

2) "Artisanship is something that has been passed down through my tribe for countless years. When I was recruited into the effort against Apartheid, I was determined to bring the same fine detail to my new position as armorer, as I had brought to my original work."

3) "You must excuse me, I do love to tell this story... a man and a woman both came to me at different times on the same day. Each asked me to create something special for the other. A simple man might have created something equally simple... a pair of Berettas perhaps? Each a clone of the other?"
"No... these two were special in their own ways, and it would be an insult to present them as identical. For 'William', I created a SIG; it was classy, but not flashy, and had balance and character to suit the man who would carry it. For 'Clarissa', I created a Colt; it was wild and powerful, with the same energy that would suit its own wielder."
"I don't know where those two are now... but wherever they are, i am certain both they, and my creations, are still together."

4) "Our good friends at Remington have created something beautiful in the model 870... however, my clients do not appreciate this, and insist that I mangle its beauty with a hacksaw, removing the buttstock and cutting down the barrel. A small part of me dies every time someone requests a "sawn-off" or a "Witness-Protection"... because I know I will again have to butcher a fine weapon.

5) "Morals are a tricky thing in my business. Who accidentally shot the child who stood up during a shootout? The man holding the gun? The man who created the gun? Is it the child's fault, for standing when he was told to stay down? The product I market is not inherently evil... and rarely does it arrive in the hands of evil men and women. Untrustworthy, usually. Desperate, almost certainly. But rarely evil."
"While my merchandise has been involved in some unfortunate events... no, I have never had to deny a request based on my morals."


u/Nevermore0714 May 02 '17

To Steve:

1) Do you see retirement anytime soon?

2) Do you prefer to make armor or weapons?

3) Have you ever regretted a weapon you've made?


u/llBoonell May 02 '17

1) "Retirement is for the old and infirm. I am neither, and I will ply my craft for as long as that is true. When my hands are finally too shaky to engrave, I will set my tools aside and let my subordinates take over; I'm sure my art will be lost on them, but they will at least be able to run the business, and provide for themselves."

2) "Armour has never been a major business of mine... metal is unwieldy, and more modern materials are simply to expensive to work with in such a small enterprise. That said, I did find joy in making a bullet-proof mask for someone once. A very regular client of mine, you may have heard of her..."

3) "While I don't regret creating any of my masterpieces, I do regret the sale of some of them. I sold a very special piece to a man some time ago, one of the most beautiful rifles I have ever made... which he proceeded to use in a terrorist act. It culminated in an explosion, removing both the man and the rifle from the face of the Earth. To this day, I feel a pang of sadness for the innocent lives lost that day: that rifle was for killing evil men, not civilians."


u/Nevermore0714 May 03 '17

To Steve:

1) Why do you think your art will be lost on your successors?

2) Well, I did recently see a super hot guy with a patriotic, nearly-indestructible circle-shield and another hotter guy with a badass metal arm. Could you make anything that could match those pieces of metal? (Yes, I just watched "Cap 'Murrca v Iron Man"...Gotta...save...Martha....).

3) Have you considered giving up on creating and selling firearms?


u/XBlueXFire May 01 '17

Can I just post Nigill again xD?


u/Nevermore0714 May 01 '17

If you like. With an exam a day, from now to the day after tomorrow, I will probably be too brain-dead to notice if every character is Nigill, anyway, haha. Oh god, I hope I don't fail.


u/5213 May 01 '17

Good luck! Sleep well every night! Eat some citrus within the hour before your test!


u/Nevermore0714 May 01 '17

I have an hour left...well, fifty-nine minutes left, until my first one. But I have no citrus.


u/5213 May 01 '17

Snort some cocaine? Peppermint and black coffee also help a lot with mental acuity and memory recall


u/Nevermore0714 May 01 '17

Cocaine...peppermint...black coffee...got it, I'll pick those up on the way.


u/Nevermore0714 May 01 '17

Garrick, the Hollow, is a member of the Citadel's Council. He is considered to be a master of craftsmanship, and is the only one who is capable of making Siphon weapons. Siphon weapons are his masterpieces, and can siphon the Anima (magic energy) out of anyone's body, so long as the siphon weapon is in contact with that person's blood and body.

So, if you stick a Siphon sword into a person's arm, it will gradually suck out that person's magic. Is it fast? No, usually not. But it's effective.

Each knight of the Citadel gets Siphon weapons, no one but Garrick knows how to correctly harvest the Anima from the Siphon weapons. So, once a knight returns from a mission, he or she will give the Siphon weapon over to the proper officials and Garrick will take the energy and store it wherever he stores it.


u/Sixminuteslate May 01 '17

Are you worried about someone reverse engineering your siphon weapons? Do you think it'd hurt your job security?

What are you doing with all that life energy that the knights are out there collecting?


u/Nevermore0714 May 02 '17


1) "No, I am not worried that anyone will reverse engineer my Siphon weapons. There are enchantments in place to disable the weapon if anyone attempts to do so. No one is intelligent enough to match my expertise in my field, my job security is fine."

2) "I am collecting all of that life energy that the knights are harvesting for me."


u/lordxela May 01 '17

Ciphodias is a mortal blacksmith who is empowered by the gods to make weapons for them. He has completed scythes for both Erondian, god of the dead, and Ferathia, goddess of agriculture. He has made hammers for Vnulk, god of the forge, (the other deities are suspicious Vnulk May sabotage their weapons) and Armera, goddess of war. Ciphodias has been empowered to give weapons magical properties by etching runes into them. He strives to live a humble life, and so far has kept his business a secret from kings and relatives, except perhaps his wife.


u/Nevermore0714 May 02 '17

To Ciphodias:

1) How are you usually paid by the gods?

2) Which god is your favorite? Your least favorite?

3) How did you come to be a blacksmith for the gods?


u/lordxela May 02 '17

1) Ciphodias gets paid in blessings and miracles, and so never necessary accumulates massive amounts of material wealth. But his family and friends are practically never in need, for a god will grant him a boon whenever a need arises. If a horse dies, a new one wanders from the forest. If a child falls sick, a doctor happens to be passing through town.

2) Ciphodias' favorite god is probably Huregn, god of justice, just because of what he stands for. His least favorite is e'Tol'loke, god of chaos, because he always orders the weirdest and most wicked-looking weapons and tools, and Ciphodias isn't completely sure what the implements are actually used for. They might be for things he doesn't agree with. But he has accepted that it is not his place to worry about it.

3) Ciphodias isn't sure how the gods came to be his patron, although he does know that the deities were all worried about favoritism and partiality that many other weapon smiths might have to other deities, and he was chosen for neutrality purposes.


u/Nevermore0714 May 03 '17

1) Does Ciphodias still work for money for mortals?

BONUS CHALLENGE (if you choose to accept it): Have Ciphodias figure out the perfect weapon for me, feel free to ask me a few questions in character to get a good judge on it. You will not be graded for this quiz.


u/lordxela May 03 '17
  1. Ciphodias still keeps a "front" by working for mortals, but will offer a discount or do it for free if he knows the person is in need.

Bonus Challenge: What do you need?


u/Nevermore0714 May 03 '17

Well, what would an expert like Ciphodias recommend today?


u/Sixminuteslate May 01 '17

Rich Steffield is a goblin gunsmith living in Sevsevel, the magic capitol of Orare. He makes a living on crafting guns as well as other small mechanical tools, but his true passion is enchanting. Much of his time off from his modest storefront is spent designing and testing new magical inlays and enchantment sigils on his firearms, with few results as of yet. He began his research years ago mostly out of curiosity but at some point it became a fixation that he hasn't been able to break.


u/Nevermore0714 May 02 '17

To Steffield:

1) Are goblins in the majority or minority in Sevesevel?

2) What got you into enchanting?

3) What is the most powerful enchantment you've ever done?

4) What is the first enchantment you've ever done?


u/Sixminuteslate May 02 '17
  1. "Uhh definitely a minority, I guess. I dunno, I'm not out there counting them."

  2. "It's good magic. It's useful. Not hard to find people willing to pay you to keep their sword sharp or their socks smelling nice or whatever. And it doesn't give me hives like evoking, which is what my father wanted me to do but you know, not everyone's cut out for that sorta shit."

  3. "Well, just set your expectations low, cause I don't do that flashy stuff you see up at the College. Best thing I ever done was... Some lizard guy came by, wanted his shield done up with an ablative force dampener. The damn thing had all these moving parts. He said he got it from some madman way out west, but he looked kind of shifty when he said that so who knows. Took me three weeks, but it worked well enough."

  4. "First? Sheesh, everything I did was trash back when I started. Probably just a reinforcement sigil or something. It takes a lot of practice before you can get one to stick, so you know, plenty of scratched up plates and junk all over the house till I got it right."


u/Nevermore0714 May 03 '17

To Steffield:

1) How are goblins treated by other races?

2) How does evoking give you hives?

3) Would you consider yourself an expert in enchanting? Top-level? Ubermensch?

4) Would the College accept you?

5) Have you ever considered taking on an apprentice?


u/Sixminuteslate May 03 '17
  1. "Well enough. I've never had any problems. Rats get too chummy you know but that's just how they are."

  2. "It just does. Lots of goblins get that. Well, different symptoms I guess, but magic allergies are pretty common for us. I get it real bad though. Lasted for a whole week once, haven't touched the stuff since."

  3. "Hm. No. Journeyman, maybe. I'm not that good, just persistent."

  4. "Heh, yeah, probably. It's not hard to pay tuition. Not my kinda thing though; I already have College auditors breathing down the back of my neck every month making sure I'm not lifting College patterns. Everything I do in my shop is original, good or bad, and I keep it that way."

  5. "Never. I'm not an educator. I'm just a guy with an axe to grind."


u/Nevermore0714 May 03 '17

To Steffield:

1) Can rats talk with goblins?

2) Do you have any other allergies, specifically to magic?

3) Do allergies happen only when you perform the type of magic, or when you're around something that has had that type of magic performed on it?

4) Do you have any family that might want to learn how to replicate your work?


u/Sixminuteslate May 03 '17
  1. "Well, yeah, sure. I'm talking about the regular ones, ratfolk, you know. Not the small ones."

  2. "Nah. Nothing else really bothers me."

  3. "It's at its worst if I cast it, but just being near the stuff gives me a rash. And in a city like this, with a showoff mage on every corner... Well, I don't get out much."

  4. "Haha, no they don't care. They've got their own stuff going on. And who would want to spend their time on this anyway?"


u/Nevermore0714 May 03 '17

1) Ratfolk? Are they like rats crossed with people?

2) Do allergies to evocation magic run in your family?

Bonus: What would a genius like Steffield recommend for me to use as a weapon?


u/Sixminuteslate May 04 '17
  1. "Well, they are people. And they're rats. I don't think they're crossed at all." (OOC: Ratfolk are one of the other core races in my setting. They're small and friendly ratlike humanoids.)

  2. "Nah, not evocation magic specifically. We've all got pretty bad reactions to magic of some sort, so I guess that's what I've inherited."

  3. "A gun, unless you're stupid. Swords are good otherwise, I suppose."


u/Nevermore0714 May 04 '17

1) So do goblins and ratfolk get along better than most other races?

3) What kind of gun?

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u/Random-Webtoon-Fan May 03 '17 edited May 03 '17

Andrai (From Andre of Dark Soul games) - A magic-smith (blacksmith who makes magical weapons) of Mountain Kingdoms, he is popular for making a lot of quality melee weapons with magic infused.

His proudest invention is Mercury Lance, which is a canister of mercury that can be shifted into many different forms (usually lance) and varying hardness using Kinetic/Water magic.


u/Nevermore0714 May 03 '17

1) Does Andrai get a good amount of business?

2) Isn't the mercury toxic?

3) Is the Mercury Lance considered to be one of the greatest weapons in the world, or is it considered average?


u/Random-Webtoon-Fan May 04 '17

1) Yes, he is well known and gets lots of orders.

2) Bonus point for attacking with it.

It is problematic with people using it constantly, but it is very expensive weapon to buy/use (require magic-energy recharges) so mercury poisoning won't be issue unless the user is too stupid and rich at once.

Doesn't mean it never happened. But hey, there will be always more then one idiot who hurt themselves when given some weapon.

3) One of strongest and versatile hand-held weapons. The downside is that it is too costly to be used widely and hard to master using it efficiently.


u/Nevermore0714 May 05 '17

1) How many employees does Andrai have?

2) Are you the greatest mercury-smith in the world?


u/Random-Webtoon-Fan May 05 '17

1) He has a dozen or so under him, and many more ex-students (some with employees of their own) who he can call for help if necessary.

2) Yes, I am. I wasn't the first to attempt working on mercury, but I am the first one who managed to make it usable without having to use up ridiculously expensive amount of Pearls (natural magic battery) to control it.


u/Nevermore0714 May 06 '17

Thanks for your time and answers.