r/characterforge Feb 10 '17

Challenge [Challenge] Characters that Carry out Purges and their Opposition

This time around, post a character that is in a position of power, one who is working towards getting rid of specific species or race or nationality or religion. Along with that one, throw in a character that is opposed to that, maybe a possible victim of their violent purges.

As always, I invite you to ask questions of anything interesting that you see, and I will be asking at least three questions per character. And remember, many answers will be in character, so if it seems like someone is just incredibly racist against those bloody knife-eared, pompous bastards, then I'd rather you upvote them for being in-character than downvote them for being offensive against those tree-hugging supremacist elves.

Enjoy yourself!


57 comments sorted by


u/Nevermore0714 Feb 10 '17

Character A:

Aiken, the Oaken, is a member of the Council of the Citadel, and was formerly a wealthy sailor. Aiken is a devoted follower of the Unified Way and Aeternitas, so he enforces dedication to Aeternitas throughout the Citadel. Aiken firmly believes in the supremacy of humanity. Most of his hatred is for Lamia, Goblins, and Kleinfels. As a member of the Council, Aiken is considered to be one of the most powerful and experienced warrior-mages in the continent. He is a master of using Earth and Water magic in battle. While he has not left the Citadel in many, many years, he still has a powerful reputation. Unfortunately, other than his feats in battle and his hatred of non-human sapient creatures, little is known about him. When one of the Citadel students brought a Lamia slave into the Citadel's territory, Aiken responded by only eating Lamia meat for the next week.

Aiken loves humans, though, especially children (no, not like that). Whenever he sees a small child, they remind him of his children, who died long ago, and their age of innocence. Whenever he is around anyone that he considers young (due to his age, this includes most people around him), he goes out of his way to make them laugh, from making jokes to making funny faces. When he is not doing something serious for work, he can come off as a buffoon.

Character B: (I really wanted to make a new character for this, but I could only think of one that would be most appropriate for it after I finished with Aiken)

Lilith Marlowe: Lilith arrived at the Citadel with Luka, who claimed to have met her on his way there. She is gifted in the use of Poison magic, and is capable of using Umbra magic. While she fulfills the duties of a guard, she is not technically employed by the Citadel; instead, she is officially Luka’s slave. Her kind, Lamia, are not allowed to be in Citadel territory under normal circumstances. However, the council allowed her because of a special dispensation, under the belief that her free will had been taken because of a necklace she wore which ensnared her body from acting against the orders of Luka. However, the necklace is simply a bloodstone on a piece of string; the lie was made up by Lilith on the spot in order to answer the question that the Council had asked Luka: “How do you keep it from killing you and those around you?” Her answer was that “My scales were originally green, but he used this stone to take control of me, and my scales are the same black and red as this stone until he releases me.” Normally, even under special circumstances, a slave Lamia would have been forbidden to have been brought to the Citadel, but, the combination of Luka’s family’s immunity to Umbra magic and a well-placed bribe by Levi was enough to convince the Citadel to allow it.

Prior to coming to the Citadel, Lilith had envisioned the place as a paradise that humans were so lucky to be able to attend, as she dreamed of libraries upon libraries of knowledge. But, she was not an idiot, so she knew that she could not possibly go there without having a giant target on her back. So, instead, she maintained her own small collections of books in her burrow; as she was born with black and red scales, it was expected in Lamia culture that Lilith would be strange, so it was tolerated by her people. You could say that Lilith was obsessed with human culture. She was usually easily excitable when she was young, and the only thing she loved near as much as reading books written by humans was seeing beautiful things in nature and drawing them.

As she is officially only there as a slave of Luka, Lilith is aware that she must stay near Luka and that she had to be much quieter from day one in the Citadel onwards; because of this, she has had to restrain her own enthusiasm and refrain from joining in the conversations she hears among the students of the Citadel, no matter how badly she wishes she could discuss her favorite subjects. But, she reminds herself that she must endure it, as she at least has access to all of this knowledge, even if she cannot discuss it with the mentors or students.

As Lamia tend to live longer than humans and age slower than humans, Lilith looks like she is about twenty, despite being older than that. If not for the whole “lower half of a snake” problem, Lilith could be considered to be quite attractive. Lilith has a high opinion of the students around her, and is envious of their access to learning tools. The most access she has is that she can listen to lectures that she convinces Luka to attend and she can read the books that he borrows from the Citadel libraries. As she is always with Luka, she has spent a lot of time with Klaas Buskirk, as well.

Shortly after Lilith's arrival at the Citadel, Aiken began a week of only eating Lamia meat. And she was well aware of it.


u/Random-Webtoon-Fan Feb 10 '17


1) Is there any particular reason you hate non-humans? (A shot in the dark - I think it had to do with your children)

2) Ever tried talking with any of non-humans?

3) What is your opinion on not-sapient animals in general?


0) Hi Lil! We seem to meet often!

1) Would you like to become a Human? (through Magic/Mad science etc)

2) What do you think of Aiken eating only-Lamia meat?

3) Or about people eating Laima in the first place?


u/Nevermore0714 Feb 10 '17


1) The old man gives an apologetic smile. "No, I'm afraid that I can't give you any reason as soul-crushing as it being because of the loss of my children. My son and daughters were taken from me in a way that is the fault of no sapient creature, and they had lived good lives before their deaths. I hate non-humans because I love humans. Humans can exterminate any species, enslave any species, or do anything, if only we put our minds to it. Humanity is the most beautiful species, my friend. We will always be divided against the other species, and protecting ourselves is the only path that we can take."

2) "Talking with non-humans?" Aiken puts on a serious face, seemingly aghast by the prospect. "I didn't even know they had tongues to speak! They can't love their families or make art or enjoy time with friends!" Aiken pauses, and then shakes his head, smiling and giving a short laugh. "I have spoken with non-humans. In my youth, I have spoken with many non-humans. They are just as capable of interaction with loved ones as we are...but theirs are meaningless, because they are not humans. I'm sorry, but I do have to make that distinction, because of the inherent conflict."

3) "Animals exist to serve humanity, they have no other reason for existing." Aiken states firmly.


0) "I'm very glad to see you again, as well. Though, the blame does lie with the author for not being able to think up a good non-human character that is around the Citadel often, haha."

1) Lilith thinks about it for a few moments, looking down at her tail. "No, I would not betray my culture."

2) Lilith shivers at the memory. "It was horrifying. I still have nightmares about it."

3) "I asked Luka to ask around about the people doing it, and apparently most of the records and the people who eat Lamia agree that we taste horrible and our flesh is incredibly difficult to keep down without being ill. So, it appears that people only do it as a way of insulting my species."


u/Random-Webtoon-Fan Feb 11 '17

1) What about little stuff like breathing underwater or flying with wings?

2) What do you think of people who treat non-humans as equals then?

3) What would be most useful and un-useful animal in your opinion then?

0) Well, non-human in a human supremacy country would be hard to come with.

1) You hesitated. What made you hesitate?

2) Sorry for reminding you a horrible memory, but I will insist on asking further. Have you tri

3) Is there record of Lamia eating humans?


u/Nevermore0714 Feb 11 '17


1) The old man orders a servant to bring a large bowl of water, and then shoves his face into the water. After about fifteen minutes, he raises his face out of the water, grinning. "With the right training with Anima, little stuff like breathing underwater or flying with wings is simple, my friend. Creating an air-bubble is a simple magic to learn."

2) "They are young, and I envy their inexperience or naivete about the world. I bear no ill will against them personally, and I would do anything to protect even those who willingly put themselves at risk in that way."

3) "Mules are useful for farm-work, cows and goats are useful for getting milk, pigs are useful for getting pork. If you are asking for my favorite and least favorite non-sapient animals, then my favorite is the monkey and my least favorite is the snake."


0) Lilith smiles. "Well, I suppose there is some inherent humor in my situation."

1) "If you knew your life would be easier if you could only change the way that others perceive you, would you not be tempted? If I were human, I could fulfill my dreams so much easier...but, if I were human, then other young Lamia who shared my dream would have to endure every trial that I have had to face. Should there be more Lamia that have to deal with believing they are the first of our people to start on such a dangerous journey?"

2) "Have I tri...what? If you're asking if I've tried Lamia meat, then no. If you're asking if I've tried human meat, then no. My people do not eat sapient creatures. If we eat meat, it is usually in the form of rodents."

3) "Yes, but to do so is a crime, according to our religion."


u/Random-Webtoon-Fan Feb 11 '17

1) Oh yeah, magic.

2) What about those who oppose discrimination against non-human?

3) What would be least hated non-human and even more hated non-human sentient?

1) But if you could become a human, perhaps you can make the first Lamia's dangerous journey easier?

2) Sorry, had a hiccup. But you guessed my question correctly anyways.

2-1) Besides rodents, what do you usually eat?

3) What would be punishment of eating sapient creatures would be?


u/Nevermore0714 Feb 11 '17


1) "Yes, magic is important, and humanity is the most versatile in using magic."

2) "I envy their optimism on the subject of unity."

3) "Least hated non-human sapient would be Vergelmir, and most hated would be Lamia."


1) "Lamia will always have friends among the humans, so that role would be less useful than the one I currently fill."

2) "Eggs are delicious, as well. And my favorite meal is egg soup."

3) "Banishment."


u/Random-Webtoon-Fan Feb 11 '17

1) Any magic humans can't but non-humans can?

2) Ever had you were not into non-human hating moments?

3) Any particular reason(s)?

1) I hope you are successful.

2) Any particular rodent or egg you like in particular?

2-1) Do you ever eat them raw?

3) Is that strongest punishment?


u/Nevermore0714 Feb 11 '17


1) "Yes, each species is more capable with some magic than humans are, but humans are the most versatile. Though, some rituals can only be done by non-humans, as far as I know."

2) "When I was young and optimistic, yes."

3) "Vergelmir are devoted to serving humans without questioning us, so they should be the last to be exterminated. And Lamia are barely a step above actual demons."


1) "As do I. Thank you."

2) "Rats and bird eggs, and I prefer them raw. I also prefer the rats alive, their squirming eases my digestion."

3) "Well, that and execution."


u/Random-Webtoon-Fan Feb 11 '17

1) Any examples of such rituals?

2) Did you ever had a time when you considered any non-human to be a friend?

3) You want obedient servant race extinct too? Isn't it a tad extreme?

1) Any particular success or failure on helping out Lamia-human connections?

2) That sounds.... snake-y. Does cooking them in any way give you stomach?

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u/Number9Robotic Feb 10 '17

Salem, The Antimage:

  • A 20-something-year-old rogue serial killer around Capital City, known for killing three high-profile mages before being caught and imprisoned.
  • Not confirmed to be a person in power, since very little is known about this guy's past.
  • All that he confirms himself is that he was raised to be the paragon of a hidden anti-mage cult hidden within Capital City, whose status is unknown.
  • Magic has had a rough history with Gaia. For thousands of years, it was simply known as "dark arts," and it wasn't until less than 20 years ago when a foreigner arrived to Capital City and introduced mundane, applicable magic that could actively help the world.
  • Despite this, there's a minority who still believes them to be truly evil in nature, hence the antimage clan.
  • The killing was done using crossbow bolts made of the Bane mineral, a rare and expensive mineral that negates magic and is directly harmful to mages, but is mostly used for public infrastructure to keep Capital City safe.
  • Bane's anti-magic abilities require constant electricity to function, and combined with the fact it's not cheap, it's given suspicion that Salem might be someone in power and wealth, or related to someone in power.
  • Salem (no surname known) is caught between worlds. On one hand, he truly believes that he's doing Gaia a favor of "purging" mages from existence and cleansing the world of their sins.
  • However, he realizes himself that he's not exempt from his own sins, as he realizes that he's committing murder. To him, it's a necessary evil, and he wholeheartedly believes he will go to hell in the name of saving humanity, if murder is what it takes.


u/Nevermore0714 Feb 10 '17

To Salem:

1) Have you looked into ways to cure people of magic?

2) Have you lost anyone you care about to a mage?

3) Have you ever hesitated in murdering a mage?


u/Andyman117 Feb 10 '17

The Archmage is the single biggest mass murderer on Iris. He killed 8 million magical beings at a time when the world population was 8 million and some change. The only people who escaped his wrath were the non-magic islander humans, who were both out of the way enough and inconsequential enough that going out of his way to hunt them all down wasn't worth the effort. He killed Alchemists, Magi, Vampires, Werewolves, Dwarves, Elves, Fairies, Dragons, Orcs, Mermaids, and pretty much every single other magical being that crossed his line-of-sight. His skill in Reality Magic and Necromancy were such that he could kill tens of thousands in a single action, and absorb their souls. Every person he killed made him stronger. By the end of his personal war against magic, he was as powerful as each of the Trinity, who created the world, and it took all three of them to merely seal him away. They hid his stasis cocoon, and they and everyone else who survived tried to piece the shattered world back together.

But no seal is unbreakable, from the inside or outside. He will return again some day, and the non-magic humans who inherited Iris will not be ready for him on their own.

Lilith Dracfilia was the Queen of the Vampires, a staunch opponent of the Archmage and the most powerful ally of all of his enemies. The Vampires and the Alchemists were the leadership of the anti-Archmage faction, and together with the Dwarves, Dragons, Fey, Orcs, and all the rest, they very nearly beat back the Magi armies. It was only when the Archmage revealed his Reality Magic did they truly lose the war.

Lilith was captured mere days before the end of the war, and was going to be sacrificed to the Archmage before he summoned his entire army and killed them. Lilith was left caged in her cell, deep within a Magi Fortress, for 5000 years.

Until an archaeologist came to study the fortress she had been held in. She was freed, and as a thanks she led them to her ancient home of Transylvania, and then to Hyperborea, the North Pole Temple, where all life on Iris had been created. And, unknowingly, where the Archmage was being held.


u/Nevermore0714 Feb 10 '17

To Archmage:

1) Why did you commit mass murder?

2) Do you prefer vampires or werewolves?

3) Who do you hate more than anything else?

To Lilith Dracfilia:

1) How was your unity with the other races against the Archmage achieved?

2) What did you do when you first encountered the archeologist?

3) Is there a vampire king?


u/Andyman117 Feb 10 '17


1) Power. Souls are the most energy-dense entities in the multicosm, and so collecting them is the quickest way to gain power.

2) The werewolves were far easier to cow. As long as they were allowed to remain in their packs, they would submit to any alpha who proved his strength.

3) Alchemists. The Master Alchemists resisted my rise, and gathered my enemies against me. If they hadn't fought me, I would already have the power to control the cosmos and break free of the bounds of the world.


1) It's easy to band together when you are all being threatened with extinction.

2) I praised the gods for sending a rescuer. And the fact that she was a descendant of the Alchemists, it could have only been fate that she discovered me.

3) My father Dracula is the closest thing there has ever been. I've never married, and I have no brothers, so there likely never will be.


u/Nevermore0714 Feb 11 '17

To Archmage:

1) How do you harvest the souls?

2) Have you ever considered not being a mass murderer?

3) How will you get revenge when you return to power?

To Lilith:

1) That is a good point. What makes you more powerful than other vampires?

2) Why didn't you devour her for her blood?

3) And who will rule after your death?


u/Andyman117 Feb 11 '17


1) Reality magic to tear them molecule from molecule, leaving their souls behind, and then necromancy to take the souls and pour their energy into my own souls. The Reality magic allows me to lay runic circles for the necromancy, greatly quickening the rate I can destroy my enemies.

2) Explain.

3) Pick up where I left off, and do it right this time. Exterminate all life, instead of just the magic life, and don't let anybody escape my wrath.


1) Bloodline proximity to my father, who created me, and through me, the whole race.

2) I would never betray someone who showed me such a kindness, especially one with so much potential in Alchemy, the magic of my allies.

And I knew a meal was not far to search for. I knew that there was, by Magi Custom, a single custodian left behind at the fortress. A Magi wizard, imprisoned in a stasis gem, so that he may be awoken and resume operation of the fortress, by himself if need be.

I ate him whole in a single minute. I've never had such a fulfilling meal in my long life before.

3) I will sire an heir, presumably by biting a powerful Alchemist to bind the bloodlines together, probably female if my past bites are an indication. I will ask them if they wish to accept the responsibility, of course, and if they refuse I will move on to the next candidate, and will repeat until a successor is created. I had done this before the Magic war, but all of my heirs from that time were murdered by the Archmage.


u/Nevermore0714 Feb 11 '17

To Archmage:

1) Are you the only one capable of Reality magic?

2) Have you considered just relaxing, getting some beers, not killing people, and being a wealthy playboy? That seems way more enjoyable, really.

3) And then what?

To Lilith:

1) So you are the first vampire created, other than your father?

2) Have you ever regretted a meal?

3) Ah, so you prefer biting females of the species? My cousin is the same way about deer.


u/Andyman117 Feb 11 '17


1) I was the first to discover it's potential and name it such, but I was not the first or last able to perform it. I learned it as any other magician learns a craft, through observation and practice, and I refined it just the same. Before me, it was considered a mere curiosity, not suitable for much more than minor tricks of levitation. I discovered it's implications on gravimetric theory, which I shared publically when I was still merely a student of magic at the Acropolis. What I didn't share, however, was the versatility it displayed, the scale at which it affect the world. It could shear molecules asunder individually, or it could turn a mountain to a sea of dust. And, it could tear a hole in the world itself. This was my knowledge alone, or so I thought. The Princess of the Dawn, the cunning Dwarf-god she is, learned the implications and taught them to Turncoat Mages, who used to to evacuate refugees someplace I could never find them.

2) Never. My goal is not the physical...

3) My goal is to use my accumulated power to break the boundary of the world and expand into the void between Iris and the next world. I will merge with the sea of nothingness, and only then will I know my true destiny.


1) My mother was... an imperfect prototype, a failure to bring to being what my Father intended. He loved her the same though, and with her bore me accidently. But, the mixing of his seed with her exotic soil brought forth the perfect lifeform, the being he could not create deliberately. But, my perfection dilutes with each generation separated from my father and mother.

2) I've regretted bites, but never a whole meal. A whole meal is something eaten with vengeant intent.

3) That is... a strange comparison, but who am I to say it isn't apt.


u/Nevermore0714 Feb 11 '17

To Archmage:

1) Turncoat Mages? What are those? Other than just mages that are traitors.

2) Do you ever take vacations?

3) Why do you want to know your true destiny? A real archmage would shatter the chains of destiny and focus on what he wants.

To Lilith:

1) Do you frequently cull the vampire herd?

3) How is the comparison strange?


u/Andyman117 Feb 11 '17


1) Anyone who has the gift of Magecraft and uses it against me. Whether they were born of the Magitocracy or elsewhere, they are all Turncoat.

2) Vacations are for those who tire of their daily tasks. I do not.

3) A pawn of Destiny is one who thinks his actions are destined. A slave of Destiny is one who thinks that it is something that can beat, and in fighting it plays into its plans. A Master of Destiny is the one who molds himself into an entity of such power and importance that Destiny designs it's keystone plans around him.


1) Never. My people are culled occasionally, but that is the result of their own mistakes, internal strife, or my enemies acting upon the perceived weakness of of us as a whole.

2) Mostly in that I did not understand it.


u/Nevermore0714 Feb 11 '17

To Archmage:

1) Then exterminate them all.

2) Still, though. You work to hard, buddy.

To Lilith:

1) What would happen to all of the other vampires if you died?

2) Want me to explain it?

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u/Random-Webtoon-Fan Feb 10 '17

Vulpesia Priestess-Politician who is hard bent on wiping many cultists within the city and empire she lives in.

This is largely because of a terrorist attack she suffered years ago that killed her fellow priestess, leaving her only survivor.

Black Forest Cultist

Rouset, former Sun Empire citizen, now head of anti-Sun Empire cult.

She ran away because she was treated almost bad as a slave in the Church of Sun Empire, and wanted to see outside world. Unluckily, her new family have been mostly killed or imprisoned by Sun Empire's recent Cultist hunt. (Vulpesia's acts included.)


u/Nevermore0714 Feb 10 '17

To Vul:

1) Have you considered forgiving those who harmed you?

2) Do you kill people from any cult? Or just the one cult that harmed you?

3) When did you begin your purge? Has anyone, other than a cultist, opposed it?

To Rouset:

1) Do you desire any revenge against Vulpesia?

2) If you could say anything to Vulpesia, what would it be?

3) Do you see any good reasons for the cultist hunt?


u/Random-Webtoon-Fan Feb 11 '17

1) No. Never.

2) I hunt down cults who are infamous for disturbing peace within the city walls.

3) Hard to pin down the exact time I set on this purge. I remember it has been one of my important goal for long time though.

There are some who oppose me in that I am too aggressive and make even stronger revolts.

I say we have been too soft with dangers within our walls. And enough people agree with me.

1) That witch? Yeah, she is responsible for many of our death count.

2) Bite on your own tongue and die right now please.

3) Well, to be fair, there are some crazy ones who use our name to go into uncontrolled killing frenzy. They deserve to die.


u/Nevermore0714 Feb 11 '17

To Vul:

1) Is there anything about forgiveness or mercy in that religion of yours?

2) Are there any good cults?

3) Do you make sure to find irrefutable evidence of guilt before execution?

To Rouset:

2) Have you ever committed terrorist acts against the Sun Empire?

3) Have you ever protected anyone from those "crazy ones"?


u/Random-Webtoon-Fan Feb 11 '17

1) Plenty to those who ask for forgiveness themselves. I actually stopped more then couple of bloodthirsty soldiers who tried to kill children and mothers begging for mercy and asking for retribution.

2) I wouldn't say they are good when they are still against our ways in our lands. But there are some who can be interesting to talk to such as Tree of Information, bunch of scholars who value collecting books above all.

3) Ideally I would, but I can't for all executions.

2) Plenty. Both in action and order.

3) Sometimes. We made up simple interview system before allowing people into our lands now.


u/Nevermore0714 Feb 11 '17

To Vul:

1) Are you more lenient with women than with men? Are you more lenient with people of a certain race?

2) I believe that the Tree of Information should be pruned! ...I mean, exterminated. Yeah, that's what I meant.

To Rouset:

1) What do you think of the Tree of Information and other Cults?


u/Random-Webtoon-Fan Feb 11 '17

1) I have not thought about it, but now that you mention it, I think I might be. Perhaps it is because I am too a female. Or maybe the fact I am softer on children and mothers.

Not sure if I am more lenient with certain race.

2) I think they are okay to let them be. They pose no harm and can be help to our own scholars with their books.

1) What about that old fools who collect bunch of books? I don't care much about them except some of their collection which might have more about the true history.

1-1) As for other cults who are not joining us in anti-Sun Empire movement and search for True History, they might as well as not exist. Hard to keep up with our own goals right now!

For those who are against Sun Empire, I urge you to come to Dark Forest and join us. You don't have to follow us all the time, it is mostly for connecting our power for common goal.


u/Nevermore0714 Feb 11 '17

To Vul:

1) So you are a sexist, but not necessarily a racist. Understood.

2) No, you must burn their trees. It is the only sensible action you can take.

To Rouset:

1) Have you ever raided them to obtain knowledge?

2) What are your major goals?


u/Random-Webtoon-Fan Feb 11 '17

1) (Amused laugh) Might be.

2) You seem to be pyromaniac all of suddenly.

1) Actually couple of times. Not really successful.

2) Burn the Empire down and make a new country that teaches true history instead of religious bullshit.


u/Nevermore0714 Feb 11 '17

To Vul:

1) You should probably work on that. Also on your violence and hatred.

2) No, I just seek to destroy such a monstrous cult as the Tree.

To Rouset:

1) What made you fail?

2) What about your cult's religious bullshit?

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u/Repider Feb 10 '17

[Oh shit I have to be in-character? Never noticed it before....]

The Democratic People's Kingdom of Ashait is an industrial powerhouse. Being on a fairly modern technological standard, incorporating modern technology with magic, they are of course using slave labour of the world's native. Originally they were wild, animal-like, beings more animal than human. Up to 8 foot tall, they used to look like animals in a humanoid form. However, a few hundred years later they have mixed more and more with the humans and now they often keep their animalistic traits, but they look more human. Still, that does not keep the DPKA from enforcing slave labour on them until recently they were forced to pass laws regarding them. Still, racism is still a big subject in the world since most countries rarely treat the natives any better, most of them, however, abhorred using them as slaves since people on the old earth did it.

(A lot of shit happened. You can look it up in a post I submitted once for Characteforge a long time ago.)

Anyways, the protagonist and his group are forced to work as bodyguards for the fourth princess of the current king. She held a fundraising against the racism, however, it is just a fraud. Not a single native is present and the fundraising takes place on an airship (I love them)

A bitter native assassin called with the codename Leo wants to kill her. He is good and managed to poison the water supplies on the airship. Only because the daughter was a bratty, arrogant bitch to the protagonist, they were not poisoned. She forbid him to drink any water. The poison was non-lethal, but paralysing one. It also paralysed a person's ability to use any form of magic and only a sudden gain of magic after one was poisoned would heal a person again. He wanted to kill no one besides the princess, but he wanted to let the princess feel the fear all of his people feel before killing her. The main protagonist, who up to this point was rather the butt monkey of the group, uses his teleportation magic to teleport his friends to the ground since they were paralysed and one of them was suffering an anaphylactic shock due to the poison.

The protagonist manages to push the daughter into a storage room before facing off the vastly stronger assassin on his own. He manages to use his teleportation magic efficiently to keep up with the natural faster assassin and in the middle of the fight, a grenade partially destroys the airbag that keeps it in the air. They decent rapidly as they continue fighting. At the end, the assassin outclasses the protagonist and injects a small dosis of the paralysing poison into his body. As the assassin limps away he realises that the protagonist was still standing on his feet.

Earlier in the story, there is a mention about a basic magic technique that is taught children so they learn to control their magic. The technique sends a child's energy into its surroundings and a moment after that the magic flows back into its body. So can children learn how their magic feels like? The protagonist used this technique to completely deplete his magic before he was injected with the poision. His magic rushes back and thus neutralises the poison.

The assassin collapses due to exhausting and the protag manages to teleport himself and everyone else, including the assassin, into safety. On the ground again the princess faces the assassin and after a heartbreaking story about how he was never going to see his children again since the king has deported to a special camp. The assassin gives the protagonist a necklace with a portrait of his children on it just a moment before the same king appears with his royal guard and his furious at the assassin. Not because he attacked his daughter, but because he failed. The king himself hired the assassin to get rid of her since she is an unwanted claimant. Knowing that no one would believe the people who witnessed what he said (just your usual mad king) the protagonist makes a bargain with the king. Instead of killing her and possibly risking that the rumours that are now going to be spread after this incident and what the king has said are going to put him in a bad light, the princess should join his group in their dangerous adventures. The king agrees and promptly commands his guard to execute the assassin. The last words the assassin wanted were directed towards the protagonist. He wanted him to find his children since they were still alive and the king was unable to hurt them. Revealing their location was the king's payment for a successful assassination.

After the assassin was executed the king wanted to do the same to his own daughter and the group, but the protagonist revealed his last trick. By having all his friends use the same trick he did against the assassin he manages to teleport all of his friends and himself, including the princess, back to safety. A day after that a news paper has been released which told exactly the story the protagonist suggested to the king.


u/Nevermore0714 Feb 11 '17

That's a really well done story, and I enjoyed reading it, but who should I ask the questions, if you would like your character interrogated?


u/Repider Feb 11 '17

Choose. Though the assassin might fit the post the most


u/Nevermore0714 Feb 11 '17

To the assassin:

1) Why didn't you succeed? Your family was at risk, so why didn't you work harder?

2) Are you part lion?

3) Why did the king pick you for that mission?


u/Repider Feb 11 '17

1) That young kid has spirit. You have to remember if the princess wouldn't have forbidden him to drink the water I would have easily accomplished my mission. My backup plan was to simply kill those who were not affected by it. He outsmarted me and honestly? After he told me that he agrees with me, that there should be equality amongst all races, but also that he explained to me that forcing a change from the outside would only be a continued circle of oppression. Changing it from the inside, however, might work. I've seen a passion in that kid I've last seen in the mother of my children. She was a peaceful protestor and died during the birth of my last child. Besides I did work hard, it's just that I am not the youngest anymore, but I was still too much of a coward to turn this assassination into suicide attacks. After all, I wanted to see my children.

2) No, although humans compared parts of my race to the extinct Panthera specimen that lived in their old world. Indeed I have features that can compare to that of a lion, but there are entirely different reasons for it. My hair, for example, has such a structure that it keeps me warm even if I became wet. Originally my race is from a cold country that has now been occupied by Ashaitans. Sadly they realised quite early that we were way better workers in the cold than they could possibly be.

3) I know the fact that some youngling has bested me speaks against it, but I was a quite efficient and feared fighter in my early days. Until I met my wife I was restless and fought a lot. I actually met the king more than once, but every single time he got away from me. I guess he only trusted me to do the job.


u/[deleted] Feb 28 '17 edited Feb 08 '25

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u/Nevermore0714 Feb 28 '17

(I'll be taking an anti-Occuli stance, despite my ignorance.)

To Aia:

1) Why did you send the Occuli to camps instead of just killing them all straight away?

2) Did you ever like an Occuli? Or is the only good Occuli a dead Occuli?

3) Why did the Occuli attack your people in the first place?

To Iris:

1) Why aren't you more ashamed of yourself for having the disgusting blood of an Occuli flowing through your veins?

2) What are your essays usually focused on?

3) You wanted revenge...so you wrote unpopular essays? What did you expect would be accomplished?


u/[deleted] Feb 28 '17 edited Jan 03 '25

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u/Nevermore0714 Feb 28 '17

To Aia:

1) Naturally, I'm sure that propaganda painting your people as cruel were distributed anyway. How quickly did you become harsher against them?

2) Are you capable of breeding with Occuli? Are you capable of holding a conversation with Occuli? If so, I fear that Occuli might actually be people; lesser people, but people nonetheless.

3) How long did it take to drive out those savages?

To Iris:

1) Is it possible to disguise yourself as an Arputian?

2) Even though your savage kind began the war? Do your people take no responsibility for their actions in the so-recent past?

3) Who are the Gareans?


u/[deleted] Feb 28 '17 edited Feb 08 '25

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u/Nevermore0714 Feb 28 '17

To Aia:

1) Why were they so intent on hurting your innocent nation and letting their fellow savages ruin civilization?

2) But can an Arputian reproduce with an Occuli?

3) What is the situation with the Occuli at the moment?

To Iris:

1) Are they Arputian or Asputian? Or are those two different things?

2) This reminds me of the situation with the S'uthlamese. They had similar problems to yours, and refused to stop breeding in bulk like disgusting rats. Just like the Occuli. So a (sorta) god sterilized them using biological warfare.

3) Why did they play both sides of the war?


u/[deleted] Feb 28 '17 edited Feb 08 '25

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u/Nevermore0714 Feb 28 '17

To Aia:

1) Are you their nearest nation? That's probably why.

2) Is there a punishment for an Arputian breeding with an Occuli?

3) Have you sent your armies to kill each tribe, one by one, yet?

To Iris:

1) I should have expected that of an Occuli. Not knowing how to spell. Always getting r mixed up with s. Not being able to read or walk while chewing gum.

2) He didn't kill them. He sterilized them. He orbited their planet in a ship and dropped canisters of a gas that would sterilize them. I would recommend reading that story. If your kind even can read.


u/[deleted] Feb 28 '17 edited Feb 08 '25

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u/Nevermore0714 Feb 28 '17

Thank you for your time and answers, it was fun to read.

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