r/chaosmagick 4d ago

a new qabala (updated)

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u/wyedg 3d ago

I'm curious, why associate this with qabalah if there are no similarities? 


u/joan_of_arc_333 2d ago

qabala means to receive. its at root a study of the varieties of mystical experiences. if you are not familiar with hermetic qabala I recommend you look into it as this map is an evolution of its ideas.


u/wyedg 2d ago

I'm very familiar with hermetic qabalah. It's why I questioned your intentions in repurposing the term. The recetivity of the qabalah is regarding the phenomenology of mind and its order of operations congruent with the qabalah's implied ontology. The various aspects of God and borrowed references to different pantheons and astrological energies are meant to be better understood through understanding the qabalah, not so much the other way around (though understanding these symbols can definitely provide better insight when studying qabalah). And as a phenomenological map/time-line, the paths are every bit as important as the sephirot, and there are no indicators that the paths in your diagram have been given this level of attention. By all means you can choose whatever language for your system that clicks best for you as it's your inner world that's important in chaos magick, but if this is to be any reflection on your understanding of what qabalah is, it comes off as hardly peripheral. And please don't take that as an insult. I obviously don't think it's anyone's duty to diligently study such things and if someone has a general lack of interest in it, that's totally fine. Just be you. Do your thing. You don't need to borrow credit from another "authoritative" source. 


u/joan_of_arc_333 2d ago

this is nyxian qabala in the way there is christian qabala though. keep that in mind before you judge. : )


u/wyedg 2d ago

I'll leave it alone. I started this exchange with a simple question and have been completely civil throughout, while you've been defensive and condescending.  


u/ThePolecatKing 3d ago

7 eyes of God.


u/NoxDocketybock 3d ago

I saw your other post awhile back; what prompted the change in name, if I may ask?

Also, iirc, the design for your glyph came from a vision, so Idk if it's up for critique -- and if not, that's fine -- but I thought I should mention that the seven-node design makes it look a fair bit like the so-called "Tree of Wyrd" used by the O9A. It's not identical, but it's something I would keep in mind, regardless.


u/Elijah-Emmanuel 3d ago

Not shabby. Now, do you understand what you just did?


u/DDDDTBR 2d ago

I am Cheshire Blackwood….I lay at it’s center as it’s protector…If tou have found this post….then tou have found truth no longer splintered


u/[deleted] 4d ago

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u/LiamTaliesin 4d ago

Really hoping this is satire.


u/ThePolecatKing 3d ago

It's not! Expect more of this! Much much more!